Levels by Mahetus, Leoc1195 and BlackWolfTR


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. Video walks have also been posted by Doggett TV, by Steven3517 and by Saki Croft.





Lara slides down into a shallow cavern pool. Note that the shotgun is already in your inventory, run forward and to your left to find a small medipack and flares near the skeleton. Continue further into the cavern where the water becomes deeper and swim into the opening on your right. Locate the underwater crawl space, enter and follow around to a more open area where you can surface for air. Swim back down about halfway and locate the small triangular opening in the wall. Enter, light a flare and turn right to find an opening protected by horizontal blades. Swim underneath them and turn left and right into the side alcoves to pull the underwater levers there. Gates are lifted somewhere, so return the way you came and swim up for air.


Pull out of the water, run forward and look right and left to see the opened gateways. Turn left, go to the end and take a running jump down toward the skeleton to find shotgun ammo and flares. Jump across the gap onto the jutting ledge to the left of the gateway to attract two vultures, deal with them and jump to the ledge under the gateway. Climb up and run across to the other opened gateway. Enter a cavern with a central pool containing flares and find two more closed gates. Go through the only available opening and follow until you hear scurrying sounds announcing the arrival of baby spiders.


Enter the dark passage and stay left to avoid the sharp round blades issuing from the wall ahead. When you reach a clearing with many openings, prepare yourself for two tigers attacking from your right. Continue past the wall torches into an even wider area and search the scattered skeletons for 2 x uzi ammo, 2 x automatic pistol ammo and flares. Hop up higher where you see a patch of green moss on the ground, and there you'll find more skeletons silently guarding 2 x shotgun ammo and a small medipack. Light a flare and locate an opening at the highest part of the wall. Jump up the slope to fall into a hole where you'll find the SILVER DRAGON for SECRET #1.


Jump out of the hole, slide down and run forward to a jutting ledge with a zip line. Ride the zip line over the chasm, but hit the look key to restore camera control and release as soon as you reach the other side so you won't slide down into a spike pit. Go through the opening ahead and stay right, going past a wall torch, until you reach a place where you have to pull up higher to alert a tiger in the closed area ahead. Note the gated openings with pulsating lights, take the small medipack from the skeleton and search the side alcove for uzi ammo.


Go through the opening opposite the alcove and time your way past two blade emitters while avoiding the breaktile just beyond that hides a spike pit. Just past the breaktile is an open spike pit. Find the nearby pushblock, pull it once and go around to pull it aside. Hop over the spike pit and enter the revealed passage. Follow to the chasm you crossed with the zip line and jump the column tops to reach the other side. Hop into the opening and walk forward to trigger three conjoined rolling blades. Time a run past them and hop up into the opening. Note the spike wall in the next room, which is dormant for now, turn left and pull up into the corner alcove.


The wall switch opens the door in the wall to your right and, as you might expect, also triggers the spike wall. Reverse roll, run out and to your left past the opened door just ahead of the moving wall. Pause for the automatic pistol ammo, find the opening that was hidden by the spike wall and follow to a spike pit. Hop over while avoiding the blade emitter and pull down the wall switch for a cut scene of a lifting gate. Return the way you came past the conjoined rolling blades to the chasm. From the edge take a long running jump to the near corner of the first column, stand jump to the next column and take a running jump to grab the edge of the chasm on the far side. Pull up and follow past the pushblock, the spike pit and the blade emitters to the room with the pulsating lights.


From a high point on the floor you can jump up to grab an overhead ledge. Pull up, loop around and find the place where you can jump with grab to pull up higher, walk forward to the corner, turn right and back flip onto the slope. Jump off to grab a still higher corner ledge, pull up and run off toward the wall to grab the crack. Shimmy right until you can pull up in front of an opening where the gate lifted. Follow the passage around to an opening, hop over the short wall and grab the flares and small medipack from the skeleton. Prepare to do battle with a giant spider and one of her baby spiders.


Follow the path where they came from and walk forward until you trigger a horizontal blade trap. Turn right against the wall and side flip left three times in quick succession to clear the blades and the breaktiles that cover spike pits. Climb the wall ladder to a temple area (or palace, if you prefer). Step forward and find a hint in the shallow floor depression: "Bright green tile can be crushed by something heavy." Climb the ladder to your left and enter the side room for an additional hint: "Faces lead the direction but be aware of their wrath." Continue through the opening in the opposite wall and follow the winding passage until you reach a room with a bridge going partway across a lava pool.


Safety drop from the end of the bridge onto a tile. When you land, the flames on the tiles ahead go out. Turn around, save your game for a timed sequence and jump to the left side of the middle tile, then take a quick running jump onto the tile to your right, turn right and hop into the wall opening and pull down the wall switch, all before the flames return. Reverse roll and jump out to your right onto the ledge below where a timed platform has been raised. Take a running jump along that platform up and to your right onto the next timed platform, continue with a running jump forward a bit to your left onto a launching pad and jump off with the up arrow key depressed to make it more likely that you'll be able to grab the ledge at the zenith of your jump.


Pull up, turn around and look down to see the flares on the block below. Pull back up two times and run past the inert guards in the next room. Go through the opening, hop down twice to find shotgun ammo and return to the room with the guards. The door between them opens as you approach it, so enter the next room with a central ladder column and spikes down below. Jump to grab the ladder and climb up until you can back flip onto an upper ledge. To your right and left are openings marked 1 and 2.  If you go through Opening 1 you'll find a hint: "Light will show the right direction."  Opening 2 leads you to another hint: "Pressure plates will reveal something from above." For no particular reason we'll navigate Opening 2 first.


From the edge of the bridge overlooking a lava pool, take a running jump to the central block. Turn right, take a running jump to the next block, turn right again and take a running jump to the block near a green wall strip. A cut scene shows a timed gate opening, so save again. Jump back along the same blocks you used to get here, run partway down the bridge, turn right at the opening and jump over the lava into the wall opening. Run forward past the timed gate and note the dormant (for now) roller blade to your left. 


Run down the corridor to trigger the roller blade and take refuge in the alcove to your right. A cut scene shows an awakening jade warrior. When the blade starts to roll away, run out after it and scoot left into the timed gateway. Jump over the lava and deal with the jade warrior floating in the air toward you. Jump the same blocks you did earlier, but this time continue to the block against the far wall. Turn left and jump to the corner block, which has another trigger tile that lifts a timed gate opposite the earlier timed gate. So save again, jump along the previous blocks (using curved jumps without stopping) and turn left partway down the bridge to jump over the lava toward the timed gate (which stays open if you get there in time).   


Run across the next room and enter the short passage for a cut scene of Opening 2. Pull down the wall switch to change the configuration of the floor and ceiling of the room behind you. Return and step on the tile bearing an X next to the green-rimmed tile to your right. A boulder drops from the ceiling onto the green-rimmed tile and stays put. Hop back and go down the center of the room toward the gateway. Run across a corner of the X-tile to your left so you won't be crushed by the boulder that drops directly from above and rolls onto the adjacent green-rimmed tile. There are two adjacent X-tiles to your left as you face the room from the entrance. Go into the room, face the entrance and run across a corner of the X-tile that's farther away from the entrance (the other one turns on a flame at the entrance to prevent you from leaving). Two more boulders are triggered, so run through the gateway and jump to safety to avoid the descending spike ceiling.


Another jade warrior has been awakened, so await his arrival before proceeding. Jump the first two blocks in the lava room. Turn left, jump the next two blocks (the second one requires a running jump and grab) and pull down the wall switch for a static cut scene of another wall switch. Turn around and jump the blocks in the opposite direction, all the way to the opening in the far wall. Go around the ledge to Opening 1 and pick up the clue if you didn't do so earlier. Jump into the water and swim down the central floor hole. Grab the small medipack, the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS and 2 x automatic pistol ammo, return for air if you wish (advisable) and continue along an underwater maze, staying always to your left until you reach an alcove with the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #2. Flip turn and return the way you came, turning right into the side passage when you see a dim light ahead of you.


Get some air, swim back down and follow the maze, this time keeping right, until you reach an air hole where you can pull out near a passage that leads to a pushblock. Push the block once, return to the water and swim up a short ramp into the opposite opening. Continue until you reach dual air holes, pull out and hop up into a room with two columns. Find the pushblock and move it around to the other side of the adjacent column so you can use it to access a ladder. Climb up to an opening, reverse roll and jump across with grab into the opposite opening. Save your game and take a few steps forward until a boulder is triggered. Reverse roll, run back and jump the gap ahead of the pursuing boulder.


Return to the passage and be aware of a roller blade just around the corner to your left. Follow after it, staying right so you can jump up left into a window opening. Wait for the blade to roll by again, hop down, run past another window opening and go into the alcove at the end of the passage. Save your game in front of the timed wall switch. Pull it down to raise a platform, reverse roll, run out and hop into the nearer window opening, line up quickly for a running jump onto the block and continue with a running jump over the timed platform to grab the column a bit to your right. This requires pixel-perfect precision, so you might need to make several attempts. Pull up onto a trigger tile to raise a platform in front of the wall switch you saw in the cut scene.


Jump into the water below, swim past the twin waterfalls and pull up onto the bridge, go through the Opening 1 passage and jump to grab the ladder on the central column. Climb down until you're just above the spikes, back flip to the ledge and enter the opening to your left where the gate was raised earlier. Go over the raised platforms and pull down the wall switch to lower trap doors at the top of the ladder column. Reverse roll, return through the passage and jump to grab the ladder from this side. Climb to the very top past the opened trap door and pull up into an upper room.


Take a few steps into the only available opening (the opposite opening is presently blocked by a force field of some kind) and hop back immediately at an angle to avoid the triggered boulder. Continue down the passage to an intersection patrolled by a roller blade. Wait until it goes by and step into the passage to find the OCONIC KEY. Hop back before the roller blade returns and return past the floor holes to the previously blocked opening. The force field has disappeared, so jump into the water, light a flare, swim forward with the current and pull out. Hop down the other side into a corridor, turn right or left and safety drop down the floor hole through some sort of water barrier and land on a tree limb.


Search the nearby skeleton for uzi ammo and automatic pistol ammo, go to the opposite limb to awaken two jade warriors in the distance and deal with them appropriately as they float toward you. Take a running jump from the center of the jutting ledge in the direction the jade warriors came from and land on a block. Run forward and hop down into a trench with presently dormant blade emitters. Insert the Oconic Key in the receptacle to activate the blade emitters, and you get a cut scene of a room you visited earlier. Back flip to the previous ledge, turn around and safety drop from the block onto a bridge in front of an opening. Enter and follow up the steps to a room where Lara stares at something on the ceiling.


Go through the opposite opening, down the steps and around right or left to find that two solid/liquid platforms have magically appeared. Use one of your choice to get across to the arched ledge and pull down the wall switch to drop a block behind you. Safety drop from one of the floating platforms and enter the opening between the two ladders. Go through the passage to the next room, take the large medipack from the skeleton and deal with the advancing jade warrior. Venture further into the room, pick up the shotgun ammo and continue to the far wall. Pull down the wall switch to open double doors somewhere and reverse roll.


Go through the opening on your right, slide down to a familiar cavern and run forward toward the flaming wall torches in the distance. Go straight forward past the torches, down a shallow ravine and hop up the slope into the opening ahead. Prepare to reverse roll and beat a hasty retreat as two boulders are triggered. Go back into the passage and follow past the opened double doors to a room where you see a green artifact on a raised tile. The double doors close ominously as you approach the tile, so save your game before picking up the DRAGON MASK.


Four jade warriors attack simultaneously, so retreat to a corner where you can best defend yourself. When all is quiet, pull down the wall switch in the alcove to open a gate somewhere. Reverse roll and follow the passage to your right until you reach a cavern. The gate closes behind you as you enter, so turn right past the opened gate and turn left at the opening. Jump into the water, swim down and locate the familiar triangular opening to your left. Swim straight through and up to surface at an air hole. Pull out, run into the passage and side flip over the horizontal blade. Climb the wall ladder and pull out into the open air.


Shoot two attacking vultures and search the nearby skeleton for a large medipack. Pull down the wall switch to release a boulder and climb back down the ladder. Jump over the horizontal blade, hop into the water, swim through the triangular opening and up to surface. Pull out and turn left toward the opened gate. Dive down into the water far below and find the KEY OF RUSTINESS near the boulder you saw in the cut scene. Surface and head toward the daylight where you slid down to begin the level. Turn left at the skeleton toward the closed door. Insert the Key of Rustiness to open the door and proceed along the passage until you reach a slope.


Save your game, light a flare, slide down the slope and when you see a green wall ahead jump to grab a higher opening. Pull up to find the GOLDEN DRAGON for SECRET #3. You're also rewarded with 2 x large medipack, the GRENADE GUN and 7 x grenades. Drop back down onto the slope and allow Lara to slide to a level change.




Lara slides down into another cavern. Step toward the skeleton and pick up a small medipack and 2 x automatic pistol ammo. Take the left branch first, go around to an opening and step inside to trigger a harmless boulder that comes to rest on a skeleton. Go around the boulder and stoop down to pick up 2 x uzi ammo, then pull down the wall switch to create a path through the opposite right branch. Go there, run into the waterfall and allow Lara to slide to a hole and drop down into a pool far below.


From where you landed, swim forward and around to your left to find a skeleton at the corner with flares, 2 x shotgun ammo and 2 x automatic pistol ammo. Surface for air. You can see the temple entrance ahead, guarded by two tigers, but first locate the underwater wall opening (to your right as you face the temple). Swim through, go past one of two triangular openings and turn left into another triangular opening. Proceed to the far wall and bear right toward a lone plant you can see in the corner. Swim up through the ceiling hole and surface to see two raging tigers (not the same ones you saw earlier).


Pull out, clear the area and search the skeletons for 2 x shotgun ammo, a large medipack and 2 x uzi ammo. Go up the nearby ramp to the right of and past the column and jump down right over the deviously hidden spikes to find another skeleton with flares. Climb the ladder on its left side and back flip near the top onto a ledge. Draw weapons to deal with two giant spiders and go where they came from through an opening in the fence. Go past a skeleton and a closed trap door around left into an open area with two more giant spiders.  


Note the closed doors and locate a sloped dirt mound opposite the doors. With the doors to your left, back flip onto the mound and jump off to grab a ledge. Shimmy left and pull up at a flat spot in the corner. Note the high suspended platform and go to the other end of the ledge. Turn left and jump onto a block jutting from the wall. Face the far wall and jump to grab the crack. Shimmy left to an opening and pull up. Reverse roll and jump onto a rock ledge. From here you can reach that suspended platform with a standing jump and grab. Pull up, hop onto the higher ledge ahead and turn right to loop past three dormant blades. The blades are activated when you step on a trigger tile at the end of the passage, and a timed gate is opened in the cavern wall.


Save your game and retrace your steps quickly back to the suspended platform, jumping carefully over the swinging blades, and take a running jump from the platform to grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and run past the timed gate before it closes. There's a suspended boulder in the passage ahead which is triggered when you pass underneath it, so waste no time running forward and into the opening on your right. Hop down three times and see a trap door opening (most likely the one you passed by earlier) as you land on a trigger tile. Pause to take the small medipack from the skeleton and jump to grab the overhead ledge. Pull up, return to the boulder passage and go to the ledge overlooking the deep pit you navigated earlier.


Hop down onto the suspended platform, run off right onto the ledge below, drop to the cavern floor and exit opposite the closed double doors. The opened trap door is near the far left corner, so safety drop down the hole and find the nearby wall switch that lifts a gate in a place you visited earlier. Turn left and slide down the slope, continue forward and find the opened gate. Go through to face a lava room with constantly changing tiles that you'll need to navigate to get safely across, so save your game here.


When the tile at the entrance appears, step onto it and take an immediate running jump ahead and to your right to land on a tile on the adjacent row. Take a standing jump onto the tile on the next adjacent row, wait a half second and run forward onto the tile against the back wall. Turn left, wait another half second and run onto the adjacent tile, turn left again and run into the alcove. Save again when you get there. Push the wall button, and after a second you'll see a cut scene of a gate opening. The tiles now thankfully become static, so turn around, step onto the entrance tile, turn left and take a running jump to the corner tile. From here it's a simple matter to make your way back to the cavern.


Jump into the water hole and swim down through the opening. Find the column with an opening on either side, swim past it and turn right past the opened gate to find an underwater lever. Pull it to open golden doors in the temple, flip turn, exit this passage and loop around right through two triangular openings to reach the open area with the temple that you saw at the beginning of the level. Swim to your right, wade out, shoot those two tigers and look up to see that the golden doors you opened are probably now closed again. That means they were timed, but now that you know the path, and now that the tiger distraction has been eliminated (the run is tight enough as it is), return to the underwater lever and go through the sequence a second time.


When you get past the timed doors, the next set of doors will open upon your approach. As you enter the temple a number of possible choices present themselves. You can hear the sound of approaching footsteps, so await the arrival of two ghostly guards who apparently mean you no harm. You'll encounter others as you explore the temple. Turn right and enter the side passage. About halfway down turn left and go up some stairs to a balcony. Follow around to your left past a small pavilion, turn the corner and go up more stairs to your left. Vault up in front of a ladder and climb up the middle so you'll have room to back flip onto a ledge. Turn around and follow to an arched open area.


Turn right past a lowered platform and find the skeleton that bears another clue: "Sometimes you have to shoot to reveal something..." There are two slopes facing each other against the far wall. The one to your left as you face the wall has a large medallion at the top. Stand facing the medallion one step away from the facing slope, back flip onto the facing slope as high as possible and jump off while firing your pistols at the medallion. If you were successful, the platforms on either side of the entrance have been raised. Use either one to access the upper ledge and save your game, because you'll fall to your death if you don't execute the next move successfully.


The adjacent tile (next to where you pulled up) is a springboard, so turn to face the arch and run over a corner of the tile at an angle so that you soar skyward while using the arrow keys to adjust Lara's trajectory so she'll land on top of an arch instead of between them. Note that one of the arches has a flat spot at the end that you can slide down to safely. Do that and jump across the gap to be confronted by two ghost guards who definitely are not of the friendly type. Use the column to take cover from their flying knives while you're firing at them. One of the alcoves has a medallion on the wall. Jump up to shoot it and release a trap door.


Pull up through the ceiling hole to an upper ledge and note another medallion in the wall far away. Jump into the window alcove to your left, hang from the edge and use the crack to shimmy right to the next window alcove. Pull up, hop down to the ledge and shoot a ghost guard, who drops a small medipack. Use one of the side blocks to reach a higher ledge and pull down the switch on the column to open a timed trap door. Drop down, hop through the opened trap door and engage another ghost guard who drops automatic pistol ammo. Push the button on the other side of the column to drop a block to the floor, shoot the medallion in the side alcove to re-open the trap door (not timed this time) and climb back up.


Jump to one of the arches and slide down to the flat spot. Jump to the opposite ledge and climb up past the opened trap door. Go to the lowered pushblock and move it around the column so you can use it to reach an upper ledge and pull down the switch on the column. A platform has lowered from the ceiling, so move the pushblock to the end of the ledge, get on it and take a standing jump to grab the platform. Pull up to find that you're now high enough to shoot that medallion on the far arch. Turn around to see a companion medallion and shoot that one as well. Jump into the window alcove on the near left for 3 x uzi ammo. Hop back to the platform and jump down to the ledge opposite the one with the pushblock.


Use one of the side blocks to get up to the higher ledge and enter the alcove between the warrior statues. Push the button to see a key appear in that small pavilion you passed by earlier. Get to the ledge on the other side of the room by using that flat spot on the left arch. Pull up past the opened trap door and move the pushblock so that you can jump up still higher. Enter the alcove between the statues and push the button to see another key materialize in a companion pavilion in the previous area. Drop down, go to the end of the ledge, jump to the flat spot in the arch and safety drop to the floor below.


Go through the passage on your left, jump to grab the ladder and climb down to the lower floor. Run down to the balcony and go around on either side into those small pavilions to find BLACKWOLFTR'S KEY and LEOC1995'S KEY on the central tiles. Continue to the opening in the far left corner and go down the steps to meet one or more of those friendly ghost guards. Turn right to find the receptacle for BlackWolfTR's Key.


BlackWolfTR Section


A gate lifts on the other side of the column, so enter the new area and turn left to go up the steps and past two rows of warrior statues into an immense lava room. Await the arrival of a floating jade warrior and remove that distraction before proceeding. Take a running jump onto the block in the lava, turn a bit left and take another running jump to grab that broken column. Shimmy left and pull up onto the jutting ledge, take another running jump with a right curve around the column onto the next block, and jump from there to grab the bridge. Shimmy left and pull up next to the spikes.


Walk to the end of the bridge and take a running jump to a safe spot left of the horizontal blade. Pick up the large medipack and jump back to the bridge. Walk slowly through the spike fields to the other end of the bridge and prepare to deal with another jade warrior coming down over your right shoulder. Jump down to the left of the horizontal blade, hang from the edge and shimmy right past it. Pull up at the corner and side flip right onto the column. Turn to your right, walk forward and take a running jump into the gap in the next column. Turn to face the taller column in the lava and save your game.


Take an angled running jump onto the springboard and keep the up and right arrow keys depressed as you glide down onto a ledge next to two dormant jade warriors. There's a suspended platform on either side of the ledge. Take a running jump onto the one on the same side of the lava room as the springboard column, go to the far end and take another running jump to the balcony ahead. Go through the opening and along the trench into a far room with several openings. Shoot a baby spider and go back to where you hear the clanging teeth doors and take 2 x flares from the skeleton.


Return to where you encountered the baby spider, ignore for now the wall switch marked II and run past it, looping around to the right through a spider web, until you come to a wall switch marked I. It's timed, so save your game, pull the switch down and draw your pistols as you run back the way you came, past the first wall switch going a bit to your left, then left down the passage to shoot the medallion before the timed door closes. Now go to that wall switch marked II and pull it down. Reverse roll, go through the opening on your left and continue past the spider web, turn right at the wall with pistols drawn and shoot the medallion before the timed door closes. Two down, one to go.


Turn right at the timed door, go through the teeth doors on your left and come to a wall switch marked III. Pull it down, reverse roll and time your way past the teeth doors, continue forward and dogleg a bit left past the wall switch marked II, turn left at the wall and make a quick right to loop around to the timed door. Shoot the last medallion and exit this area. Loop around left or right just past the trench and go up the steps past the gate you opened by shooting all three medallions. Pull down the wall switch in the next room for a cut scene of a closed gate.


Go back down the steps to the balcony and jump to the suspended platform. Jump from the other end to the central ledge and from there to the companion suspended platform. Jump to the other balcony and enter a room with a lava trench. To get to the other side, save your game and stand jump into the alcove to your left. Don't dally, as a spike wall is moving toward you, but continue with a running jump onto the row of breaktiles spanning the lava trench, then take another running jump into the alcove on the other side. There's another spike wall there, so turn left and take a running jump with pixel-perfect precision across the lava to grab the next opening. Save again as you're pulling up, turn right and take a running jump to either grab the ledge or land on it. Either way, a boulder is triggered when you stand on the ledge, so hang from the edge until it rolls by.


Pull up again, go left and shoot a baby spider. There's a roller blade just beyond the teeth doors to your left, so wait for the blade to move away, go past the teeth doors, follow the blade and scoot left into the opening just past the skeleton. Stop before passing the green pillars and save your game. You now need to cross a gauntlet of breaktiles and swinging spike bags and jump to grab the ledge on the other side of a lava trench. When you get there safely, pull up and save again.


Enter the next room, shoot a baby spider and pull the wall switch to your left to open the gate you saw in the earlier cut scene. Reverse roll and go through the opposite dark passage. Turn left and follow to a ledge overlooking the immense lava room. A jade warrior has been awakened, so await his arrival and dispense with him. Turn around, hop back, slide and grab and safety drop to the flat ledge below (shimmy right first if necessary). Take a running jump toward the blade trap to the right of the ladder (you've been here before), turn right and jump onto the bridge with the spikes.


Walk through the spikes, jump toward the next blade trap, shimmy right past it, pull up in the corner and side flip right as before, but this time turn back to your left and take a running jump to grab the ladder above the crack. Climb up to the next crack and back flip onto a sloped ledge. Pull up higher and run forward into the next room. Stop in front of the marked floor tiles. Look at the far wall to see that you must step only on those tiles marked III. The first one is at the near left corner, there are four more, and this would be a good occasion for you to practice the "walking-running jump" (shift key + up arrow key, release shift key and press jump key). When you've navigated the field properly, a block rises in front of a wall switch on the other side. Go there and pull it down to open ceiling trap doors somewhere and release another block. 


Exit to the immense lava room and await the arrival of another awakened jade warrior. Drop down to the sloped ledge and take a running jump with grab to land inside the gap of that ornate broken column to the right of the ladder. Save your game and use the springboard column to reach the same ledge as before, where the block has fallen. Use the block to climb up past the opened trap doors to an upper room. Your only task here is to step on a green trigger tile at one end of the room. When you do so, you get a static cut scene of closed gates and two jade warriors are awakened. You can stay and fight, or you can take the coward's way out by jumping back down to the block (they won't float down after you, but I killed them just in case it's important for some reason to do so).  


You're now done with the BlackWolfTR section, so it's time to make the long trek back to the temple. From the ledge with the dropped block, jump to the suspended platform over the spiked bridge. From the other end of the platform, jump to the balcony and safety drop to the ledge below. Reverse roll and run off to land on the bridge between the spikes. Turn left, walk through the spikes, jump to the left of the horizontal blade and shimmy past it as before, side flip to the ledge and jump to the gap in the ornate column. This time run off onto the ledge with the warrior statues and jump onto the ledge against the far wall. Safety drop from the flat arch to land in front of the entrance. Follow the path back to the main temple area, passing a few friendly ghost guards, and continue straight forward past the entrance to a column with the receptacle for Leoc1995's Key.


Leoc1995 Section


A gate lifts on the other side of the column, so enter a small room and shoot the medallion through the gap on your right. The next gate opens, so continue forward and encounter a knife-throwing ghost guard in the next room. Locate the ladder on the back side of the second column and climb up to a room with scattered bone fragments. Shoot the awakened jade warrior, take the large medipack from the skeleton and locate the alcove in the far wall. The trigger tile inside opens a tightly timed gate in the wall, so face the closed gate, hop back onto the trigger tile, run a few steps toward the opening and jump inside before the gate closes. 


Hop down into the next room, go to the far wall and pull down the wall switch to open a floor trap door (not timed) at the other end of the room. Go there, drop down and push the button on the green wall panel to open the nearby door, but don't go through yet. Instead, go through the opening at the other end of this room and locate the pushblock in the wall to your left near a warrior statue. Push it two times and turn back to find that your surroundings have changed radically.


Go down to the ledge overlooking a lava room, jump to the bridge ahead and save your game for a timed sequence. Look left to see a medallion. Shoot it to lift a timed platform, keep your pistols drawn and jump to the raised platform. Look left to shoot another medallion that lifts another timed platform, turn right and jump to the second platform, then continue with a jump to a safe ledge. Turn left, go to the wall and look right and left to see two more medallions. Save again, shoot the farther medallion first, reverse roll and shoot the nearer one, turn right while holstering your pistols and run and jump onto the first timed platform against the wall. In one fluid motion turn right, jump to the second platform and pull up onto the column next to a dormant jade warrior. Save again when you arrive safely.


Safety drop from the left side of the column onto a ledge. Turn left and jump with a right curve onto the springboard tile jutting from the wall, keeping the up arrow key depressed so you'll land on an upper sloped ledge. Enter the next room to your left and engage two enemy ghost guards. Pick up 2 x automatic pistol ammo they dropped and go through the opening in the far left corner. Enter what appears to be a mirror room with reflections on both sides. Starting with the left side, step down into the tile in the near corner, stand jump to the third tile in the second vertical row, turn right and stand jump to the third tile in the fourth vertical row, turn left and run across the last tile to lift the gate ahead.


Light a flare and follow the dark passage to a wall switch. Save your game before pulling it, reverse roll and run onto an activated springboard that brings you up to a room with a spike wall advancing from your left. Turn right, start running and jump over some lava onto a ledge. Loop around left and jump onto the ledge on the other side of the column and continue onto a row of breaktiles while another spike wall comes at you from the right. At the end of the breaktile row, hop right around the corner onto more breaktiles. Run to the end and jump onto a ledge with a third spike wall. Turn right and run to the edge, shoot a medallion off to your right and hop forward onto a timed raised platform. Continue with a jump onto a breaktile, hop forward again and slide down to a passage with two roller blades going in opposite directions. Run forward to take refuge in the alcove and catch your breath.


Turn around, and when the nearer blade rolls by to your right, run out left and turn left into the second opening that overlooks the lava room. Take a running jump onto the first of several suspended water tiles. This awakens a jade warrior, so jump to the ledge to your left to give yourself more room to deal with him. Jump to the previous water tile, then to the next one to awaken two more jade warriors. Jump to the third water tile, turn right, jump to the nearer column and from there to the green ledge with four wall switches. Pull down the second from the left to lift a gate and awaken the final jade warrior.


Return via the column and water tiles to the first ledge across the room. Pull up into the opening where the gate lifted and follow around to a room with two enemy ghost guards. Pick up the small medipack dropped by one of them and step on the raised trigger tile to lift platform and open gates somewhere. Find the floor hole in the opposite corner and safety drop to the room below. Run to the other side of the room, drop down past the opened trap door and go through the gateway you opened by pushing the wall button earlier.


Turn right in the next room, go past another opened gate and the column to the main temple area. Turn right, go down the wide stairs, past the raised platforms and the opened gates into the darkness to finish the level.




Gates open ahead of you as the level begins and close again as you pass through. There are four floor holes in this large room, so jump into one of them and swim around to find 2 x uzi ammo next to one skeleton and a large medipack next to another. In one wall are two closed gates, in the opposite wall two teeth door openings. Make sure you have plenty of air, save your game and time your way past the teeth door on the left. Pause near the end of the corridor, wait for the roller blade to come by and loop around left as it moves away to your right. Pull down the underwater lever in the alcove to open one of those gates, flip turn and wait for the roller blade, follow it as it moves away and loop around right to exit past the teeth door for air. For a pickup, go through the teeth door on the right and grab 2 x automatic pistol ammo from the skeleton at the end of the corridor.


Return for air, save again, light a flare and swim past the opened gate on the other side of the room as it closes behind you. Avoid the floor holes in the next room, as they will suck you inside and you will drown. Stay high and follow the ceiling track as you swim around the room in a generally counterclockwise direction, and you'll arrive at STEVEN'S KEY in front of the other gate, which opens when you pick up the key. Pull out at the nearest air hole and go up the wide steps on one side of the room to awaken one of two jade warriors. The other jade warrior is awakened when you go up the steps on the other side, so you might as well take care of both of them at the same time.


Beyond the steps on both sides is a short wall you can climb over. Stand against the far wall, back flip onto a ledge and jump forward into an alcove for a small medipack on one side and 2 x shotgun ammo on the other. Explore this upper level to find an open corridor on one side and a closed gate on the other that you can lift with Steven's Key. Save the open corridor for later, open the gate and go inside to encounter two enemy ghost guards. Locate the ladder on the back side of the room and climb up to a ledge.


Save your game, hop onto the central column and quickly take a running jump to the springboard on the corner column ahead before the horizontal blades are activated. Keep the up arrow key depressed, grab at the top of your jump, shimmy right and pull up into an alcove. Turn to your right, hop over the next blade trap onto the corner of the column, jump with grab into the next alcove and pick up 2 x uzi ammo. Take a running jump to the gap into the fence ahead and Lara will look at a face tile in the ceiling. If you'd like to take a rather dangerous excursion for a minor pickup, turn and take a running jump into the left alcove on the other side, hop over the blade trap as before, jump into the next alcove for a small medipack and stand jump down to a block below the fence to your left. From here you can safely take a running jump back up to the corner of the blade trap block, hop over with grab into the alcove ahead and take a difficult running jump back through the gap in the fence.


Don't just hop down to the floor, as some of the tiles are deadly. The first safe one is in the left corner, the next one is the adjacent tile in the same row. Take a running jump diagonally across to the tile to the left of the skeleton, pick up the flares and run safely to the wall ladder. Climb to an upper room, go through the wide passage and deal with two enemy ghost guards, one of whom drops a small medipack. There are two openings at the far corners, the one on the right leading to a lava room and the one on the left to a passage guarded by roller blades.


Taking the roller blade passage first, save your game, stand left and time your way past the first blade to trigger a boulder. Loop around right, get past the blade a second time and exit to your left to avoid the pursuing boulder. Go back, time your way past both blades and push the wall button for a static cut scene of the decorative wall panel in the previous room. Return there and loop around left to face the lava room.


Save your game and take a running jump onto a breaktile on the right side of the column ahead. Turn left as you land and continue with a running jump past the column onto a row of two breaktiles. Vault up in front of a teeth door before the breaktile crumbles and drops you into the lava. Time your way past the teeth door and push the button to lift that decorative panel you saw in the cut scene. Reverse roll, take a running jump past the teeth door to land on a raised platform, jump back to the entrance and loop around right past the raised wall panel (which of course closes behind you).


Go to the back wall and pull down the switch. Wait for the explosion that raises the wall panel once again and blows a huge hole in the floor of the previous room. Go around right or left, proceed down the ramp to the smaller floor hole, climb down the ladder and cross the lower room via the safe tiles as before. Vault up onto the short wall, hang from the other end, shimmy right just past the fence and drop onto a ledge. Turn around and stand jump down to the central column. Slide to the floor, go to the exit and pick up the MYSTIC PLAQUE just before leaving.


Go left or right around the columns, continue through the arched passage past a number of dormant jade warriors and take an immediate left in the next room for a large medipack. In the far left alcove is a wall switch marked II and in the far right alcove is a wall switch marked I. Save your game, pull them down in their proper order to raised timed platforms, reverse roll after pulling the second switch and run out to jump onto the lower platform to your right. Turn left and jump up to the higher platform, continue turning left and jump to the bridge.


Use the wall to your right or left to jump onto the nearer column. Grab the sloped roof, shimmy to the other end as far as you can go, pull up and back flip while using the appropriate arrow key so you'll land on the bridge. You can jump up the roof on either side of the bridge, and which side you choose seems to make no difference. Take your pick and jump up to trigger companion roller blades going in opposite directions in the connecting passage. Your task is to pull down two wall switches without being run over by the roller blades. The most efficient technique is to run to a wall switch when there's no roller blade there, pull down the switch and hop back three times to the safety of an alcove. Repeat with the other wall switch and jump back down to the bridge. Go across to the other side and do the same thing there. When all four switches have been pulled you should hear the sound of a lifting gate.


Jump back to the bridge and stand at the middle facing the opened gate above you. You still need to raise that suspended platform you can see to your left, so save your game, take a running jump down to the column top to your right. Continue in one fluid motion with a running jump to a lower corner column that has a trigger tile. Reverse roll, jump back to the column and jump as far up the roof line as you can. Slide, shimmy right, pull up and take a rolling back flip with a left curve to land on the bridge. Run forward to the other side, jump up the sloped roof, reverse roll and take a running jump to grab the raised platform (it's generously timed). Pull up, turn left and take a running jump to grab the ledge in front of the raised gate.


Pull up, run past the raised gate and pick up a second MYSTIC PLAQUE. The other raised gate ahead leads to nowhere, so go to either one of the side openings and stand jump with grab to land inside one of the roller blade alcoves. Slide down to the column top, jump to the adjacent ledge and from there to the bridge and safety drop to the floor. Go past the timed platforms, turn right and follow the passage past the dormant jade warriors. Safety drop from the ledge, jump into one of the water holes and search the bone fragments next to one of the corner columns for 2 x automatic pistol ammo.


Go to the closed ornate doors and place one of your Mystic Plaques. The nearest jade warrior awakens, so deal with him before placing the other Mystic Plaque (with the same result, an awakened jade warrior). Go past the opened doors and into a dark corridor. Continue until you reach another set of doors that open upon your approach. Enter a wide, foreboding area, hit the look key to kill the fixed camera and run toward the green pyramid you can see in the distance. Place the Dragon Mask you've been carrying around since forever and drop a long distance through a water barrier that breaks your fall and drops you gently to the floor below.


Light a flare and run forward to find the floor hole next to the far wall. Drop down and find a clue next to the skeleton: "Dark green with bronze may save you..." Go to the far left corner where you see an open flame and move the adjacent pushblock along the trench and save your game before you push the block onto the first green-rimmed tile to release a boulder behind you. Turn right and take a running jump onto the raised tile, or you'll catch fire and die. It's now safe to hop down and move the pushblock onto the second green-rimmed without being afraid that something bad will happen.


Go across the room to find a second pushblock. Same drill, move it onto the first green-rimmed tile, a boulder is released and you need to turn left and jump onto the safe raised tile to avoid being set aflame. Get down and move the block onto the second green-rimmed tile, and you'll hear the sound of a gate lifting to your left. Go up the winding ramp and continue through a passage with lava walls until you reach a large dark room. Run forward over the bridge to a raised tile with a final clue: "You're too late...unreadable."


Turn left and go across one of the bridges to the side room with a central spike pit. You can see the suspended platforms leading up to a high opening, but whatever is up there is protected by a flame. Start from the right side and save your game. Hop into the first alcove, pull down the wall switch and jump back to the ledge. Push the button next to the green sloped block to raise two timed platforms, turn left and jump to the first one. Pull up, stand jump to the second platform and run off right to land inside the third alcove. Pull the wall switch, turn and hop up to the platform. Take a running jump with a left curve over the next platform to land inside the first alcove (bypassing the platform in case you didn't get there in time) and jump to the ledge. Go to the other side of this room.


This time, push the wall button first to raise the timed platforms, take a running jump to grab the first one, pull up and run off left into the second alcove. Pull down the wall switch to turn off that flame, return to the ledge the same way you came and stand jump to grab the lower suspended platform. Pull up, jump to the higher platform, pull up and take a running jump to grab the ledge where the flame went out. Pull up for the TIMECATCHER'S KEY and a gate will lift. Turn around, get down to the ledge with standing jumps and run all the way across the room past the raised tile and over one of the bridges to find the opened gate.


Go on through, cross the next room and enter the alcove in the far wall. Place your key in the receptacle to find yourself transported to a dark area where flares are not of much use. Follow the arrows until you reach a place where you can choose either "continue" or "reset." If you'd like to play both endings, save your game here.


Reset Ending


Press the button under the word "reset." Follow the psychedelic passage to a slope. Slide down to the bottom, run forward and you'll find yourself in the large room you just left. Run across the bridge toward the raised tile and wait a few seconds for a huge dragon to materialize. It will immediately start spewing flames at you, so take cover by trying to stay behind it (away from its head) while firing your most powerful weapons at it. When it finally dies, approach the corpse and pull the DAGGER OF SNIPINGSAIX from its belly. Watch the body decompose within seconds and run toward the shimmering opening you can see in the distance.


Go on through to find a waiting motorboat. Get in and ride forward across the lake and through the opening to hit the finish trigger.


Continue Ending


Press the button under the word "continue." Follow the psychedelic passage and you'll soon emerge in a dark passage with a shimmering wall in the distance. Run through the wall to find a lake with a parked motorboat. Get in and drive it a bit to your left through the opening to finish the level.