Level by Denny
Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. Video walks have also been provided by Steven3517, by Doggett TV and by Saki Croft.
Slide down into the water below. Loop around left and pull down the underwater lever to open the door to your left. Grab the flares directly underneath that doorway and swim up a shaft near the NE corner to find another underwater lever that opens another nearby door. Swim across to the W doorway, enter the passage and follow around and up to surface. Climb a series of blocks and come to a room with flaming floor tiles and a fixed camera. Hop SW to a safe spot for uzi ammo, side flip over the central tile and jump up to grab the crack in the E wall. Shimmy left around the corner and ledge jump up (keep the action key pressed down and press the jump key) to grab a higher crack. Shimmy left to the corner, ledge jump up to grab a still higher crack, shimmy to the middle of the wall and ledge jump back (tap but do not hold the down arrow key lest you roll in midair) to grab a slope. Shimmy right around the corner and pull up into an opening.
Light a flare (they stay lit for a generous minute in this game), run down the short passage and pause for a small medipack. Safety drop onto the beginning slope, and this time jump off as you near the bottom to grab a swingpole. Swing around (up arrow key) a few times and press both the sprint and the jump keys to jump off and grab the E opening where the door opened. If you press only the jump key you won't be able to make the grab. Pull up and step forward, but beware of the trench with glass shards directly below. Take a running jump across the gap, grab and pull up in front of a wall switch that lowers the water level.
Turn around and jump back to the previous ledge, drop into the water below and pull out onto the NE block. Hop to a flat surface next to the closed E door, stand jump S and jump off the sloped block to grab the crack in the S wall. Shimmy right and ledge jump up two times to pull up into an opening with a wall switch that opens the door below you. Drop down into the water, but don't go through the opened E door yet, as you first need to raise the water level back to where it was originally. Instead, wade out W, pull up into the passage and return to the room with the flaming tiles. Do the ledge jumps once again so you can get to the upper passage and drop down onto the beginning slope.
Slide and jump at the bottom to grab the swingpole, swing around and jump to grab the E opening as before, make your way across to the wall switch and pull it back up, then return to the water, swim down and across to the opened E doorway and follow the passage until you can surface and pull out next to some harpoons. As you step forward into a fixed camera, foreboding music warns of upcoming danger. Stand left and find the ladder in the S wall to your right. Save your game and take a very tricky curved running jump to grab it, climb to the top rung and take a rolling back flip to grab the opening behind you. Pull up to find uzi ammo and the STONE DRAGON for SECRET #1.
Jump back over to grab the ladder, climb to the bottom and release to land on a breaktile. Immediately jump back up to grab the ladder, climb down as far as you can and drop to the floor below with a minimum of health loss. Hop onto the rock mound and jump N to grab the higher crack. Shimmy left to the corner, ledge jump up two times and pull into a crawl space. Hang from the other end (don't flip out, or you'll land on a breaktile and drop onto glass shards), shimmy to the right corner, release and side step twice to get past the breaktiles. Follow the passage to another breaktile, step on it to break it and hop back. Safety drop to the room below, run to the other end for the SHOTGUN and open one of the E swinging doors (three of them will respond to the action key).
Hop onto the highest portion of the rock mound and take a running jump to grab the N crack. You've done this before; shimmy left, ledge jump up to the crawl space, hang from the other end, release to grab a crack, shimmy left to a breaktile, pull up and run forward along the row of breaktiles to a passage with a solid floor. Crawl underneath the obstruction and turn right into an opening overlooking the previous room. Hang from the other side, shimmy right along the crack, drop to grab a lower crack, shimmy right around the corner, ledge jump up to a crawl space and pull in on the right side.
At the end of the corridor you'll find shotgun ammo. Go back to the opening you passed and slide down to an indoor pool. Hop into the pool for flares, pull out W for desert eagle ammo and open one of the N swingdoors to encounter your first enemies. Deal with two scuba men and pick up the small medipack and uzi ammo they dropped. You explored this room earlier, so return to the indoor pool room to find the pushblock at the SW corner. Pull it away to reveal two more pushblocks, but ignore those for now. Move the first pushblock just into the S passage (but not all the way into the next room), then go around to the left through the SE opening into a new room.
Open four sets of connected swingdoors, grab the large medipack inside and move the first pushblock into the SE alcove. Return to the other pushblocks, move the one on your left into the S passage just like you did the first pushblock, then pull the last pushblock two times. Two new passages have been revealed, one S and the other W. Go back around SE past the swingdoors and pull the second pushblock one time (the reason will become apparent later). Go back to where the pushblocks were originally placed and enter the W opening.
Follow the passage and hop down into an open area that may have been the ballroom in better days. Loop around right and find a raised ramp to the left of some support poles. Take a running jump from the end of the ramp W to grab the first of two swingpoles. Swing around, jump off to grab the second swingpole and jump off with the added boost of the sprint key to grab the floor ahead. Pull up and shoot the fuse box to reveal a wall switch to open some squeaky doors. Walk around to the other side of this floor section for uzi ammo and drop down away from the glass shards to the floor below.
Go through the wide NW opening and look left to see the opened doors and a chain. But for now, turn right and walk through the glass shards. Hop E over the gap and sidestep to the N wall. Face E, hop back to grab the edge, drop to grab a crack and back jump (again, just tap the down arrow key) to grab a crack in the W wall. Shimmy left and pull up into an opening with hanging vines. Run past the vines and push the wall button to open more doors somewhere. Return to the edge of the pit, take a running jump slightly left to grab the E crack and ledge jump up to the higher floor. Hop over, walk through the glass shards and turn left into the ballroom where three scuba men are waiting in ambush. Pick up the shotgun ammo, uzi ammo and large medipack dropped by them and run across the ballroom to the SE corner.
Turn around to find the jump switch on a dark post. Activate it to lower a trap door and run straight N to the wide NE opening. In the far wall is an opening. Pull up inside and follow the passage around to the pushblock room with the indoor pool. Go around to the left of the pushblock in front of you as you enter and into the S passage. Pull up left at the end and crawl through the duct. You can flip out at the end if you wish to land in some water. Swim around the corner, turn right through the opening and take a left under some hanging seaweed to find the JADE DRAGON for SECRET #2, together with a large medipack, 2 x shotgun ammo and the UZIS.
Return to the pushblock room via the crawl space, turn left and follow the W passage back to the ballroom. Go on across through the wide SW opening, turn left in the corridor and push the wall button to open more doors. Grab the uzi ammo to your left and go across the ballroom past the wide NW opening to find the opened doors to your left. Jump to grab the chain, slide down and turn left. Jump while holding the action key to land in the S corridor and proceed to a small E side room. Look in the mirror on your right to see the image of a harp on the other side of the room. Move the nearby harp onto the tile against the middle of the N wall to open the E door.
Go on in, stoop under the hanging post to pick up the REST ROOM KEY and return to the ballroom via the chain. Go across the ballroom through the wide NE opening, hop up into the N passage and return to the pushblock room. This time turn right in front of the pushblock and go through the S passage to a flooded room. Wade along the W wall and loop around right near the far wall to find the receptacle for the Rest Room Key. The doors behind you open, so vault up inside and hop down for shotgun ammo. Push the wall button to open more doors and attract a frogman outside. Swim across to the opened E doors, pull the chain inside to open a single door and return to the ballroom via the pushblock room.
Go across through the wide SW opening, jump to grab the chain beyond the opened double doors and climb up this time. Turn around to jump off N and look to your left for flares. Go around to the E wall, hop back to grab the edge and shimmy left along the crack. Pull up onto a balcony and note the open doorway. Ignore it for now and return to your task of shimmying left to another opening near the corner of the ballroom. Pull up, grab the nearby small medipack in the corner and go as far as you can N to face a swingpole. Take a running jump to grab it, swing around and jump off with sprint to land near the NE corner.
Get up on your tiptoes and take the CIRCUIT BREAKER from the elevated wall receptacle. Return via the swingpole and the shimmy crack to that S doorway you ignored earlier. Enter a cluttered hallway where you'll find more flares and shoot the fuse box. Pull down the wall switch to open the door to your left and go inside, ignoring the "no entry" warnings. Turn the valve wheel to your left to get some harpoons, turn the valve wheel a little further down on your right (after noting the opposite door requiring a key) and safety drop down the shaft to a lower room with a pushblock (the one with the small handles). Move it into the SE corner underneath another pushblock.
It appears you'll need another pushblock, so move the first pushblock one time W, get up on it and take a running W while curving right to land on a slope and jump off to grab a swingpole. Swing around and jump off with sprint (otherwise Lara won't even try to make the grab) to activate a jump switch that lowers a third pushblock. Go over and move the new block into the SE corner so you can pull out the upper pushblock and use it to shoot a fuse box and pull down the exposed wall switch that opens the door to your right.
Hop into the opening and down the other side, then follow the passage around to a row of three breaktiles. Run quickly over them and turn the corner to encounter two scuba men. Don't enter the NE passage yet or the W door will close. Pick up the dropped small medipack, vault up W into a familiar passage and pick up the DESERT EAGLE. Now it's okay to enter that NE passage, so go there and follow to a lower room with uzi ammo in the SE corner and a pushblock in the NW corner. Move the block away from a crawl space and enter for the RUSTY KEY. You have a good idea where it goes, but the door to the passage where you saw the keyhole earlier is now closed.
Not to worry. Go back and move the pushblock to the S wall beneath a switch. Pull it down to open the door in the S alcove and thus provide a short cut to the familiar passage. Pull inside and use the Rusty Key to open the SW door. Step up to an opening that overlooks a deep pit and save your game for an acrobatic sequence. Hang from the other side, shimmy left along the crack, drop to grab a lower crack, shimmy left to the corner and ledge jump up to grab the next crack. Shimmy left around the corner, continue past a fixed camera and ledge jump back to grab the first of two swingpoles. Use them (the first one with the sprint key, the second one without) to reach another crack in the far wall, shimmy right and drop down to a stable ledge. Hang from the edge, shimmy right or left as necessary until you're directly over a crawl space, release and grab and pull inside.
Follow to a passage with a fuse box at the end. Shoot it, pull down the wall switch to lower a trap door and release a pushblock. Go back the way you came, hang from the other side of the crawl space and ledge jump up to grab the ledge right where the pushblock fell. Pull up and push the block two times E so you can access a higher pushblock and push that one two times as well. Turn right into the revealed passage, run up the ramp and pull up left onto a block. Drop down the other side and find a wall switch in the SW corner.
Save your game for a fairly easy timed run, pull down the switch to extinguish the flames on the nearby slopes and reverse roll. Run curving to your right, take a running jump down onto a slope against the N wall, jump to grab the slope ahead, pull up and jump three times off slopes without sliding and grab the ladder before the flames return. Climb up to a ledge, turn around and take a running jump E to grab an opening. Ignore the shimmy crack and pull up. Face slightly SE, save your game, take two steps back from the edge and take a "walking-running jump" (walk key followed by the up arrow and jump keys) precisely onto the far left corner of the sloped middle section having an indentation, followed by a quick standing jump with a left curve to avoid the rolling barrels. Save again when you do this successfully (although with practice, knowing what you need to do, you can conquer it on a fairly consistent basis).
Light a flare, stand jump NW onto the slope, slide down and jump at the last instant to land inside an alcove in the N wall. Turn to face slightly SW, locate the breaktile slightly above you and stand jump to grab it. Shimmy left, pull up and stand jump to grab the crack in the W wall. Shimmy left to the opening, pull up, turn around and jump back to that middle section with the indentation. From there you can run up the stable sections to the S wall, turn left, run to the corner, turn around and pull up higher to face yet more hazards.
Your presence has triggered the activation of squishy blocks, so once again you would be wise to save your game although this sequence isn't as hard as it looks. Stand against the left wall, and when the blocks move away you can take a running jump to a safe area. Repeat with the last squishy block, turn to face the W wall and back flip onto the slope. Jump off to grab the monkey bars and monkey swing N over the fire trench, timing your way past two flame blowers. Drop down at the end in front of a closed door and pull down the wall switch to your right to raise a block back in the rolling barrel room.
Monkey swing back to the other side of the fire trench, where the squishy blocks have thankfully become inactive. Drop down through the floor hole, get on the raised block and jump up to grab the ceiling. Monkey swing N, drop and grab the crawl space and pull inside to a room with a grated floor. On either side of the ceiling beam is a jump switch near the opening. Activate them both to open a floor trap door in the center of the room. Drop down and hop into the water, pull the underwater lever at the SW corner to open a door in the previous room and return there. Pull up into the opened E doorway (the N opening is for later) and follow around to a trench filled with deadly water. Use the facing slopes to jump back and forth, using the arrow key to get you to the other side where you can land on a flat corner block. Pull down the wall switch to open a door somewhere and get back to the other side of the trench.
Return to the previous room, pull up into the N opening and follow the passage (noting the closed door) past a "no entry" sign to find uzi ammo near the hanging seaweed. Proceed to a walkway surrounding a room guarded by one of those Medusa robots with the deadly flashing eyes. You're helpless to deal with it at the moment, but you need to brave those green lightning bolts while performing a necessary task. Run around counterclockwise to the SE corner, turn around to face S and run off the edge precisely at the corner so you'll land on a flat section of the floor instead of sliding down onto glass shards.
Run to the nearby SE corner and press the wall button. Duck to protect yourself from the green bolts, then run S along the ledge to find another wall button in the SW corner. Doors are opened with each button. Go back a bit and go through the W opening. Turn right and take a running jump S to grab the swingpole. Swing around and jump off with sprint to land near a fuse box. Shoot the cover, pull down the wall switch to open another door and use the swingpole to get back over the glass shard pit (again with the sprint key) and turn right (W) to follow the passage to a small medipack and a valve wheel that floods a nearby area.
Return to the ledge and keep right to find an opening in the S wall. Enter to find the LASER SIGHT on the floor (stoop to pick it up). Combine it with the desert eagle and shoot out the green eyes of the Medusa robot. It will then explode to eliminate a major distraction. Before leaving, go to the NW alcove in this room, save your game and push the wall button to open a timed trap door, and also a secret door. For the secret you have 12 seconds to loop around left and exit this room, stand jump NW down to a flat surface next to the W wall, run off to slide to the floor with the glass shards and walk S past the timed door. Once inside, walk to the other end of this small side room for shotgun ammo, uzi ammo and the DIAMOND DRAGON for SECRET #3.
Return to the glass shards, walk out to your right for uzi ammo and the CLOSET KEY, go to face the S wall and side step right as far as possible. Jump up with some unavoidable health loss to grab the edge and shimmy right to pull up onto the flat spot in the corner. Pull up right to the upper ledge and go around clockwise to run over a breaktile near the NW corner. Face W (glass shards below), hop back to grab the edge and drop to grab an opening. Pull inside, and on your way to the large medipack a remote camera emphasizes the glass shards on the other side of the window. Return to the opening, stand jump E to grab the floor above and pull up to the ledge. Go around to the opening in the S wall.
Loop around right to the timed button (you can hear the timed door below closing as you enter the alcove), push it again and this time exit the room, go right and hop onto the slanted block. Stand jump E to grab the trap door opening and pull up before it closes. Go around to the receptacle in the E wall and use the Closet Key to open the door to your left. Enter the next room, turn right and pull a second CIRCUIT BREAKER off the wall. Exit the room, go left around the ledge and engage a scuba man who drops a small medipack. Lara will look at something down to her right, so continue clockwise along the ledge and pull up opposite a crawl space into the W opening.
You've been here before, so run forward past the "no entry" sign, hop down and go left to the triangular opening. Drop down to the room below and through the opened trap doors with some health loss. Turn the NW valve wheel to open the door and go up the inclined passage to a dead end. Pull up higher and go straight at the crossing to drop down into a partially flooded passage. Push the wall button to lower a trap door and climb back out. Turn right at the crossing and crawl through to find the opened trap door. Drop down into a partially flooded room and vault up into the W opening. Hop down into the small room and push the button to close doors you had opened earlier (wonder what the reason for that might be).
Go back to the trap door, pull up and go through the crawl space again. Turn left at the crossing, drop down into the flooded hallway and loop around right past the chain and up the ramp to an upper hallway where you see two keyholes. Slide down the depression in the floor to land on a breaktile. You'll land in water with a strong current, so fight your way S away from the active fan toward an inactive fan. Swim just past the last ceiling hole, flip turn and swim up the ceiling hole to surface and pull out into a room with harpoons, shotgun ammo and the GOLD DRAGON for SECRET #4.
Jump into the water hole, swim down and allow the current to draw you N toward the active fan. Stay left and scoot into the W alcove just in front of the fan. Pull down the ceiling switch, fight your way across to the E alcove, pull down a second ceiling switch there and fight your way back S toward the inactive fan. Turn right into the SW alcove where a door opened and swim along the passage until you can surface and pull out. Note a number of closed doors, hop W over a couple of water holes and activate the jump switch up to your right to open the NE door near the other end of this passage.
Hop up N, go around the corner, slide and jump over a trap door that opens and threatens to drop you onto the glass shards below. Just jump back and forth on the facing slopes for a few seconds until the trap door closes, then hop up to a wall switch that opens the SW door in the previous passage. Return there and hop up into the new opening. Back flip onto the slope, jump off to grab the higher opening and pull up in front of a cabinet containing a small medipack. Push the wall button to your right to open the nearby door and attract a scuba man. Pick up his uzi ammo and enter the N side room to find harpoons and a fuse box. Shoot the cover and save your game for a timed run.
Pull down the wall switch and run around into the S hallway. Turn left and run along the wall to the left of the floor depression. Turn right as you near the wall, slide and jump over the depression past the timed doors into the next room. Crawl S into the next room, search the cabinet for harpoons and step on the breaktile in the E alcove to make it crumble. Hop back and safety drop to the passage below. Go W and around the corner for shotgun ammo, then go the other way and follow the passage to a cluttered room with the CABINS KEYS near the W wall. Return to the ceiling hole, face W and jump up to grab the opening. Pull up to the room with the cabinet and crawl N to the adjoining room.
Loop around left and use the Cabins Keys to open the left door (it opens the other door to your right as well). Go inside for the uzi ammo in the cabinet, then exit and open the other S door. This doorway is blocked, and the opening is too narrow for you to crawl through, so pull into the W crawl space and flip out at the other end to slide down to a partially flooded passage you visited earlier. Loop around right and up the ramp to another familiar room. In the near right corner are flares that may have been lying there all the time. Anyway, use the Cabins Key to open the left door in the N wall and go inside to find a flooded side room.
Wade to the corner and step on the breaktile. Swim down and follow the passage around to surface at another flooded side room. Wade out and search the cabinet in the next room to find that it's empty. Reverse roll, shoot the fuse box in the W alcove and pull down the wall switch to lower a trap door. Swim back to the first flooded side room, surface, wade out S and continue into the hallway. Shoot the waiting scuba man and pick up the shotgun ammo he dropped. Open the other door in the N wall and step inside for a large medipack. Go W down the hallway and enter the NW opening. Continue to the side room and loop around right to face the timed wall switch.
Repeat the timed run you did earlier, running back to the hallway, then making a left turn followed by a slide and jump past the timed door. This time, jump up to the left of the floor crawl space to grab an upper crawl space. Pull up into a duct and follow around to its end. Flip out into a lower room and search the nearby cabinet for an extra pair of UZIS. Enter the S side room, shoot the fuse box and pull down the wall switch for a cut scene of a flooded passage. Pull back up into the duct and return to the previous room to find two waiting scuba men, one of whom drops a small medipack.
Get back into the W crawl space, flip out and make another trip up the ramp to the upper hallway. Run E to the floor depression where you crumbled the breaktile earlier, face N, save your game for a long swim and slide down backwards into the water. Fight your way N against the current and swim up into the last ceiling hole just before you reach the wall. Follow the passage to a floor hole and swim down to find another CIRCUIT BREAKER (3 of 3). Return the way you came, swim S with the current this time and turn right into the alcove opening. Continue to a ceiling hole and surface for air.
Pull out W, hop over two floor holes and jump up S. Back flip onto the slope, jump to grab the higher opening and pull up to a familiar room. Loop around right to the flooded passage and just past the chain find the higher opening and pull up S into the duct. Turn right at the crossing, crawl under the obstruction and continue to the floor hole. Jump down into the flooded room and wade to the opening in the NW corner. Follow the passage to the pushblock room, continue straight across N past the indoor pool to the far wall and jump into the water at the NE corner.
Grab the nearby small medipack, swim along the passage until it narrows and starts heading upward. You'll soon come to a horizontal section with an underwater lever at the end. Pull it and continue up to surface. Pull out and hop E over the floor holes to a spacious hold. For a pickup, head across toward the SE corner for harpoons, go back to the row of flames against the W wall and place one of the Circuit Breakers to turn off the one to your immediate left. Sidestep left and repeat twice more. You can now pull the SW pushblock three times N so you can use it to reach the crack in the W wall. Jump up to grab it, ledge jump up and pull into a higher passage.
Follow around to a room with a large medipack, face the end of the extended pole and turn the handle to hear the sound of activated machinery. Return to the hold and deal with two scuba men waiting down below. One drops a small medipack, the other uzi ammo and flares. Get back up to the high opening, turn around and take a running jump E onto the roof of the structure. Walk forward and take another running jump across the pit to grab the roof of the next structure. Pull up and repeat to reach the third structure. Look at the NE corner to find the crack in the E wall. Stand jump to grab the higher crack, release to grab the lower crack and drop to the floor. Run over toward the SE corner to find the GRENADE LAUNCHER.
Return to the wall cracks, ledge jump up and then ledge jump back to grab the roof of the structure. Pull up, loop around left and jump toward the dark E opening to finish this leg of your adventure. Hit the escape key to begin Part 2.
Slide down to a flat surface, run forward over the edge and drop down into a pool of water. Grab the flares, pull out N and follow the ramp down to greet a crocodile. Loop around right through the shallow water into a corner alcove and pull down the wall switch to open a nearby door. Swim to the opposite NW corner, pull up to the opened doorway and shoot another crocodile. Step into the next room and watch the marine life through the window. Grab the small medipack underneath the steerage, note the nearby fuse receptacle and glass shard pit, then loop around past the SW opening. Stay right and hop up into a SW alcove next to another glass shard pit and find another wall switch that opens a door not far away.
Go back in the direction from which you came and confront a wrench-wielding scuba man who drops shotgun ammo. Loop around left into the opened W doorway into a short hall. Stand jump to grab the swingpole, swing around and jump off onto the ledge. Pick up the flares to your right and save your game for a timed run before pulling down the wall switch to your left. Side step left, jump back to the swingpole and swing to jump off to the other side. Run straight E through the bridge (being sure to avoid that glass shard pit dead ahead), continue to the doorway and in the next room step only on those floor tiles that are blue and not grey (disguised trap doors) in color. I'm not sure what the onscreen timer was all about, because I didn't get there in time and there were no dire consequences. Jump from the NE corner tile into the W alcove, shoot the fuse box and pull down the wall switch to lower a trap door.
Make your way back along the blue tiles to the bridge, where two frogmen are waiting. One drops uzi ammo, the other a small medipack. Continue through that SW opening, head S past the alcove with the wall switch, crawl through and find the opened trap door at the back corner. Jump into the water and prepare to deal with some of the marine life you caught a glimpse of earlier through the window, consisting initially of two crocodiles. Stay close to the air hole so you can grab some air before proceeding, a task made more difficult by the weird surfacing animation and the damnable collision of the nearby sea anemone.
Swim N through a small opening into a wider area guarded by two sharks, turn right and swim past them alongside the vessel to an alcove with an underwater lever that opens a trap door on the underside of the vessel back the other way and over a pink jellyfish (which is poisonous, by the way). Go there for air and then engage the sharks and another crocodile that has joined the fray. When the area has been cleared, swim down and look for a wooden crate near amidships upon which lies the ENGINE ROOM KEY. Make a trip up for air if necessary and swim NW to find an opening at the corner. Enter, turn right and swim up to an air hole where you can pull out into a small cave for multiple pickups of harpoons and uzi ammo, as well as the AMETHYST DRAGON for SECRET #5.
Jump back into the water, swim down and back to the opening in the underside of the vessel. Pull out in a corner and jump back and forth between the slopes, using the arrow key to bring you to a N side corner block. Stand jump to grab the monkey bars and monkey swing S (there's a closed door at the N end). Drop at the end onto a slope and slide down to a water-filled trench. Wade forward, pick up the flares, turn around and pull up into a room with harpoons and two pushblocks. Pull the left block back to reveal the CAPTAIN LETTER that you have to turn upside down to read (or use the arrow keys in combination), and the right block to reveal a wall switch that opens the door in front of you.
Proceed N (watch out for the glass shard pit) to find yourself back at the bridge. You could now use the Engine Room Key, but first go through the S doorway near the room with the hair-trigger trap doors, jump into the water and swim over to the NE corner. Pull out, shoot a crocodile and enter the next room. Go to the N end for a large medipack, then go to the S end to see a closed door to the "Captain Room." Face E near the corner, look up and use your binoculars with light (action key) to see a panel with the digit 5 crossed out and the digit 6 or 9 (depending upon your perspective, but most likely 6 because the 5 is upside down). Go to the middle of the room and look up E to see another panel with the upside down digits 7, 3 and a crossed-out 2. Finally, go further left and look up E at a third panel with the digits 1 and 8 with an X close to but not over the 8.
Return to the water, swim across and pull out at the SW doorway (which is not the one you entered through) and use the Engine Room Key to open the door to your left. Go on in, pick up the uzi ammo and note all the wall switches with numbers underneath them. Pull down only these (the order doesn't matter): 1, 3, 7 and 6 (which looks to be a 9 since it's upside down). A trap door opens, so return to the bridge, loop around left and find the opened trap door near an inaccessible wall switch. Drop down into the trench on the side opposite the glass shard pit and push the block one time E. Get up on it, pull down the wall switch to open the door to the Captain Room and return there.
Enter and Lara looks left as foreboding music plays. Pull the skeleton away from the EXPLOSIVE CIRCUIT, grab a small medipack from the short SE passage with a closed door at the end and return to the bridge. Place the Explosive Circuit in the receptacle opposite the steering wheel and watch all hell break loose behind you. Go to that opened trap door in the far SW corner (where you have to crawl to get to it), jump into the water and swim N and E to where the underside of that vessel has been destroyed. Swim up to see a ceiling hole, surface and pull out. Hop up S along the alternating flat spots until you reach a fuse box. Shoot it, pull down the wall switch to open a door and release two rolling blocks, hop back and step back once, wait until the first block passes by, then immediately hop forward to avoid the second block.
Get back down to the water hole, jump in and swim a short distance W to the opened trap doors. Surface, pull out near a corner and jump the slopes to a corner block as you did earlier. Unfortunately, the N door is still closed. The door that opened is the one you saw in the Captain Room, and you have to backtrack quite a distance to get there. Monkey swing to the slope, slide down and wade to the opening, pull up to the pushblock room, exit and keep right to return to the bridge, loop around right to the flooded engine room and swim over to the NE corner. Pull out near the Captain Room, enter and go past the opened door in the SE passage.
Turn around and jump to grab the ladder. Climb up and back flip to a ledge inside the vessel overlooking a glass shard trench with a shark swimming underneath. Go to the NW corner, note the keyhole and slide down into the glass shards, losing a small amount of health. Walk E, enter the crawl space (losing a bit more health) and follow to the end. When you can stand up, pull up higher, jump over the gap and pull down the wall switch to open a door somewhere. Drop back down, crawl to the glass shards and walk to the W end. Pull up at the cost of some additional health and go around to the N window. Get out those binoculars and add some light to see a panel with four squares, the NW and SE ones being marked with an X.
Note the chain at each interior corner of the ledge. The wall buttons at the NW and SW corners are timed, both for 10 seconds, and remember that only the NE and SW chains are to be pulled. Push the button of your choice to raise a platform at each interior corner, followed by a mad dash to pull one of the proper chains, hop back before the timed platforms fall and repeat with the second chain. The W door opens, so go on in and pick up the LIBRARY ROOM KEY. Exit, turn right and go to the SE corner where a door has opened. Follow around to a room with multiple uzi ammo and shotgun ammo pickups and the TURQUOISE DRAGON for SECRET #6.
Return to the ledge, go to the NE opening and jump to grab the ladder. Climb down to the lower passage, go through the Captain Room, turn left as you exit and jump into the water. Swim and wade to the SW corner, pull out and run forward into the room with the numerous wall switches. Enter the SW alcove and use the Library Room Key to open the door. Enter a small room, hop down S and go around right to engage three scuba men, one of whom is firing at you from a lower level. Grab the 2 x uzi ammo dropped by the closer enemies, target the third one down below and you can still hear footsteps of more enemies not far away. You can target two of them patrolling the E ledge across the way, but you might need to drop down from the SE ledge to deal with the last one (as a bonus, he drops a spare GRENADE GUN).
Hop onto the stable apex of the ramp against the S wall and jump to grab the ledge you dropped down from. Look near the SW corner for a large medipack, then go around to the NW corner. Grab the climbable bookshelf, wait for Lara to adopt her climbing stance and then shift tediously left around a number of corners past a fixed camera until you pass through a phantom panel and drop down next to a button that opens a couple of doors somewhere. I hate to have to tell you this, but you must now mount the bookshelf again and shift right past the phantom panel and continue to that section where the fixed camera kicked in earlier. Climb down to that lower jutting portion and take a rolling back flip to grab the bookshelf behind you.
Shift right just around the next corner and back flip to land practically on top of some uzi ammo. Go around to grab 2 x shotgun ammo dropped by the other enemies and find a button at the NE corner. Push it to open more doors and go back to that opening in the floor near the bookshelf. Face the E wall and get down to the lower ledge by using the technique (legal or illegal, who knows) of hopping back and using the action key after clearing the edge to glide onto the flat surface below rather than onto the deadly slope. Go around the corner SE to find grenades, uzi ammo and shotgun ammo.
Go around the ledge to the W wall and go through the doorway there. Go right for grenades, desert eagle ammo and the RUBIN DRAGON for SECRET #7. Return to the ledge and head S and E, pausing for 3 x uzi ammo along the way. Slide down into the water at a spot where there are no glass shards. The current will draw you toward a yellow submarine. Swim SE toward a jellyfish and turn right into a narrow opening. Follow around to a wider tunnel and swim along the ceiling until you reach an air hole. Surface and pull out to awaken a furious dragon. It takes the dragon a while to start regurgitating those deadly fire bolts, so use that time to good advantage by emptying your most powerful weapons in its direction. You also need to deal with swarms of electrical gadflies.
When the dragon dies, it explodes and you can now jump up E to where it was formerly perched, then continue into the dark tunnel to finish the level.