Level by Caesum


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. Video walks have also been provided by Doggett TV, by Steven3517 and by kapil4417037.



After an opening conversation between Von Croy and Young Lara, Von Croy is left behind to explore the dark mansion on his own. Run forward to receive some instructions and continue toward the NW hallway to open a door and release a horde of bats. Run around or stoop until they disperse and enter an unfurnished room with a pentagram emblazoned on the floor. Loop around right and push the E wall button, reverse roll and run diagonally left across the room to find the PLAYROOM KEY on a small table.


Go through the nearby S opening to the dining room and push the button in the SE corner. Find flares at one end of the dining room table and pull up onto the chandelier for the hard-to-see KITCHEN KEY. Get down and exit E to the entrance foyer, turn right and enter the S for more flares. Search the cabinet next to the crate for the ATTIC KEY and exit this room. Run straight across the foyer and find a keyhole in the N wall that accommodates your Playroom Key and opens the door to your left.


Enter another sparsely furnished room and run around a bit to trigger an apparition. Take the WINDING KEY from the small table while a killer dog chews on your ankles. Hop into the NW alcove for a small medipack, hop down and pull up into the W alcove to the right of the fireplace and jump up left to grab the crawl space. Pull inside, swivel to your right and follow to a GHOST ROSE for SECRET #1. Get back down by flipping out of the crawl space, as the usual backing out animation doesn't seem to work here. Go to the SW corner and search the small shelves for the BASEMENT KEY. In my game the killer dog was doing its best to penetrate itself into a wall.


Exit S to the foyer, turn right past the stairs into the NW hallway once again and find a keyhole on your right for the Basement Key. There are no stairs, so climb down from the doorway and follow past a closed gate to an opening. Hop down into the basement where a couple of captives are languishing in cages. There's a small medipack to the left of the male captive's cage. Go between the cages and jump up left to activate a jump switch that opens the female captive's cage. Unfortunately, she goes right on weeping, oblivious to her new-found freedom. If you had a weapon, you could put her out of her misery. Instead, hop back W into the wall opening and find that the gate you passed by earlier has opened.


There are flares on the crate to your left, and the small chest contains a CROWBAR. Return to the cages and release the male captive, who at least acknowledges the favor. Pick up the HEART at his feet and turn around to leave. On your way back to the ladder the female captive explodes alien-style and a giant spider is released from her womb, so don't waste any time exiting. Back in the foyer, enter the SW hallway toward the dining room and find the keyhole for the Kitchen Key in the wall to your left. Enter the kitchen to a fixed camera and loop around left to avoid alerting a slow-moving mummy tending the stove to your right. Push a button that opens the freezer door and gives you a cut scene of someone's ugly mug. Go inside past the hanging body to pick up the HAND that releases a spray of poisonous gas. Quickly vault up right onto the ledge, push the wall button to re-open the door and get out of there. The dangling victim (Winston?) apparently has some immunity to the gas, but there's nothing you can do for him.


Run past the mummy cook, keeping as far left as possible so as not to alert him, and search the W cabinet (stand right before hitting the action key) for the LIBRARY KEY.  Go N around the table and push the button to open the exit door to the dining room. Now it's time to go upstairs, so use either flight of stairs to get up to the landing and turn right to find the keyhole for the Attic Key near the NW corner. Take a step up the ramp to trigger a boulder, reverse roll and run back out to the landing while it rolls by.


Hop over the hole into which the boulder fell (there are spikes down there as well) and grab the ladder in the N wall. Climb up until you see the opening behind you and back flip into a passage with a GHOST ROSE for SECRET #2. Climb back down, carefully take a rolling back flip onto the ramp leading to the attic, run up through a fixed camera and turn right at the wall. Walk toward the doorway to the attic until camera control is restored, jump over the spike pit and approach the corpse near the W wall to attract life-draining maggots. Jump back over the spike pit to eradicate them and find the POOL KEY next to the corpse.


There are five pushblocks in the attic. Go to the one in the NW corner and pull it out and aside to reveal a large medipack. Go to the one in the SE corner next to the spike pit, pull it once, get up on it, crawl across and drop down the other side. Pick up the large medipack at your feet and push the block once against the crate. The third pushblock on the other side of the crate seems to serve no useful purpose. Hop over the spike pit and find a fourth pushblock to the right of the stacked N crates. Pull it once so you can get to the fifth pushblock and crawl over it into the NE corner. Push the block once W to reveal an opening to your right. 


Hop down into a room with a macabre projection of Young Lara. Take the FOOT from the table to unleash a swarm of maggots, retreat to the attic and jump over the spike pit. You're through hear, so return to the upstairs landing, turn left and follow to the keyhole for the Library Key in the N wall. The door opens to release a swarm of bats, so run around until they get tired of you and fly away. Enter the library and go to the small table between the two chairs for the MECHANICAL SCARAB (I had to go around to the other side of the table to pick it up). You'll find flares in the SE corner of the piano alcove.


Go toward the W opening but stop at the entrance. Combine the Winding Key and Mechanical Scarab and place the device on an unmarked spot just in front of the first step. Wait for it to trigger the spikes in the connecting passage, follow after it, pick it up and enter the den. Approach the Exorcist and listen to what he has to say, then go back to find flares on a table near the the SE corner and a large medipack on a small chest at the NE corner. There's a book switch in the N wall slightly to your left that opens a door somewhere.


Exit this room and run straight across to the E wall past the piano where the door opened. Pull down the wall switch to open another door, return to the room with the Exorcist and turn right to find the opening next to the book switch. Enter and pick up a book entitled BESTIARY and run past the Exorcist to place the Bestiary on the lectern in the middle of the S wall. Unfortunately, the Exorcist is then impaled in the middle of his congratulatory remarks before you have time to react, so there's little to be done except for picking up the BRAIN left behind on the floor.


A wraith is aroused, so exit to the music room and stand near the table with the cross until the wraith self destructs upon it. Exit to the landing and go around to the S wall past the keyhole (later) to find flares at the SE corner. Go downstairs and loop around through the NW hallway to the unfurnished room with the pentagram. Insert the Pool Key in the N wall receptacle to open the door to your left. As you enter two fire wraiths are released, so run forward and jump into the pool to extinguish them while someone unseen yells something unintelligible. Pull out of the water and go to the NW alcove next to a fire stand for a GHOST ROSE and SECRET #3.


Between the diving board and the N wall is a small medipack. On the diving board itself is an apparently deceased archeress. Go to the alcove in the middle of the W wall and use the reach-in switch. Do the same thing in the E alcove to discover that the archeress wasn't dead when you first saw her, but she is now, having been guillotined. Jump into the pool, swim down to retrieve her HEAD, pull out and go to the pentagram in the next room.


Stand on the bloody spots with your back toward the center of the pentagram, place the five body parts you've accumulated and step back to the center of the pentagram to pick up the BEDROOM KEY. Exit SE to the foyer, run upstairs, turn left at the landing and use your key to open the S door. Enter for a remote camera view while Lara's theme music plays. Step forward and go around the gelatinous mound to find a large medipack and flares. Approach the central plinth, save your game, light a flare, face E or W and take the IRIS ARTIFACT to open a nearby door and release a winged monster of some kind.


Run ahead, hop onto the block and activate the first of two jump switches. Reverse roll, run to the opposite side of the room and activate the second jump switch in the same manner to open the front door downstairs. Exit N, run downstairs just ahead of the winged monster and past the killer dog and zombie and out the front door to end the level.