Level by 911
Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. As of this writing, five video walks have also been posted on YouTube.
After the opening scenes, go around the fellow seated at the desk and push the wall button disguised as a painting to open a gate somewhere. Grab the shotgun ammo on the small S chest and open the E doors. An onscreen message tells you of a new diary entry, which I won't take the time to mention hereafter. Step out into the hallway and run diagonally to your right to open the SE doors after taking the uzi ammo from the nearby chest. The gate you opened is straight ahead, so step inside the fenced area for SECRET #1 and shoot the crates for the SHOTGUN, uzi ammo, a small medipack and revolver ammo.
Return to the hallway, turn left and open the S doors. Go left down the steps to trigger an alarm and a flyby revealing scads of guards patrolling all areas of the museum. When camera control is restored you've closed yourself in an exhibit room after having apparently neutralized one of the guards. Pull up onto the glass exhibit, jump up to shoot the N grate and jump to grab the opening. Pull up into the duct and crawl right for flares. Continue in the opposite direction and follow to a floor hole. Drop down into another exhibit room and open the S doors (the E doors just lead back to the first exhibit room).
You may notice that you can shoot the small fire extinguishers mounted on the wall in various places throughout the museum, although whether it's necessary to do so is not clear.
Shoot the guard in the outer hallway and pick up the nearby small medipack. Go E and S around the hallway to encounter another guard, open the doors in the middle of the S wall and enter a pushpiece room with a Poseidon statue. Shoot the large vases on either side of the statue for the UZIS and a small medipack. The "puzzle" is rather straightforward, but the builder's readme warns of a possible bug here, so save your game before moving the four colored pushpieces onto their corresponding tiles surrounding the central exhibit. (Notice that one piece, if you placed it earlier, mimics the movement of the red piece and disappears into the exhibit. However, for me this didn't present a game-stopping problem.) A gate rolls open in another room, so exit to the hallway, turn left and follow around clockwise until you reach the NW stairs leading down.
Go down the winding stairs until you meet up with two guards. One of them drops shotgun ammo, and when you go to pick it up three more guards show up. Collect 2 x uzi ammo and shotgun ammo, kick open the S door near the bottom of the stairs and shoot a guard for his small medipack. Continue into the main room of the museum, shoot two more guards and pick up the uzi ammo dropped by one of them. Return to the room where you kicked open the door and shot the lone guard, open the S doors (the other doors are short cuts to the main room) and follow around through a fixed camera to an exhibit room patrolled by a guard.
We'll return here shortly for some additional work, but for a secret go back to the main hallway and open the door to the left of the one you kicked in. Go down the steps, shooting a scorpion along the way, shoot the wooden barrier at the bottom and enter the basement. Shoot three more scorpions and enter the W side room for SECRET #2. Climb down the ladder and find the GRENADE GUN at the other end of the walkway. Pull up N into the opening and go around to find and pull down a wall switch. Drop to the floor, go into the NW opening and pull down a second wall switch to hear the sound of a nearby door opening.
Go back, enter the S room and collect flares, a small medipack, revolver ammo, shotgun ammo and uzi ammo. Use the ladders to get back up and exit to the basement. Go up the steps to the hallway and run straight across past the opened S door and the fixed camera to the next room. Trigger a harmless mummy as you open the SE door to the bathroom. Enter and look in the mirrors to your right to see numbers (5 and 8, reversed of course) on the walls of the open center stalls. Push the E button to open the door behind you, reverse roll and shoot a guard. Proceed into a control room and go down the steps to your left as another guard fires at you from above.
Push the button on the side of the structure (doors open and close in the bathroom), turn right and jump up to grab the catwalk. Pull up, dispose of the guard and go to the end of the E passage for the LASER SIGHT. Get back down to the floor, go around to the other side of the structure to find a second button. More doors open and close in the bathroom. On your way out shoot the wooden chests for shotgun ammo and the REVOLVER. Back in the bathroom, look in the mirror to see a reverse 3 on the wall of the open end stalls. The stall on the left contains a spare REVOLVER.
Return N to the exhibit room, punch in the code (3583) in the E receptacle, then the star key at the lower right, and the gate beside you lifts. Look down the ramp to be warned of the spike-trapped floor down below and save your game. Combine the laser sight and revolver and slide down the ramp with drawn revolver. A timed platform rises to keep you from dropping onto the floor. Quickly shoot the five targets ahead to trigger the spikes and open the N and S doors before the platform drops back down.
If you have time, jump down and climb the ivy-covered N wall while the gate is still up. Pick up the large medipack you undoubtedly saw for SECRET #3 and pull the wall switch down and back up to raise the gate once again. Climb down and go through the S doorway and along the passage to a wooden barrier. Shoot it and enter a small exhibit room to find the EXHIBITION PIECE on a plinth. The alcove jars hide uzi ammo and a large medipack. Exit to the previous room and climb the N ladder. Pull up and open the doors to the main room. A guard has shown up to relieve the ones you killed earlier, so deal with him and exit NW to the stairway.
Go up the stairs to the upper hallway, passing a closed gate to your left, loop around left into the first exhibit room and place the Exhibition Piece on the stand against the N wall to lift the gate you noticed on the way here. Exit to the hallway, go back to the opened gate and open the door that leads to a dark room. Shoot the guard approaching from the passage to your left, pick up his uzi ammo and go to the back right corner of this room. Shoot another guard posted up to your right and then shoot the small corner crates for the CROWBAR.
Go through the nearby W opening and follow around to a lower room with a fixed camera. Stoop to shoot the NE grate and crawl inside. Follow around until you can stand up, pull up into a room filled with crates and crawl onto the uppermost one for shotgun ammo. One of the lower crates reacts to the crowbar, so open that one for more shotgun ammo to your left. Open the next crowbar crate to provide access to a walled-off section of the N room. The shelves are empty, but there's a pushblock in the NW corner.
Push it all the way along the passage for SECRET #4 and go up the steps to your right for flares, crossbow arrows, revolver ammo and a large medipack. Return to the previous room, get on the NE crate and jump up to open the ceiling trap door. Turn around and jump to pull up into a crawl space. Crawl around and drop down at the other end into the other section of the N room. Push the wall button to raise a trap door in an earlier room, use the crate to jump and grab the crawl space, pull up and return to the previous room. Exit S, drop down SW to the crawl space and return to the low room with the fixed camera.
Pull out S, go around up the steps and through the N opening, follow to the room where you acquired the crowbar, pull up onto the W ledge and jump up to grab the monkey bar strip. You can now monkey swing over to the E side where the guard was, courtesy of the raised trap door, and drop down in front of a passage. Follow to a room where a guard is waiting, pick up his small medipack and go past more empty shelves to the W opening. Follow the passage to trigger a brief outdoor flyby and continue onto a walkway with a fixed camera. Hop right over the railing to grab the structure and pull up for uzi ammo. Take a running jump back to the walkway and continue W up some steps to an apparent dead end.
However, you can pull up either right or left into the ducts. First, pull up right and look left to see a ladder. Crawl to the floor hole and lower Lara down to grab the ladder in the N face. Climb about halfway down and shift right to drop down into an alcove with some shotgun ammo. Turn and jump to grab the S ladder, climb to the top, release and quickly grab with the crouch and up arrow keys depressed to pull into the crawl space. Crawl toward the grate for SECRET #5, turn right and grab the flares and large medipack. Return to the ladder, hang from the edge and shimmy right or left around two corners. Pull into the N crawl space, using the same technique described above, and get back down to the lower corridor.
Pull up into the E duct this time and crawl around the corner to a floor hole. Drop down into a familiar room, get up onto the crates and pull up into the S crawl space. Crawl around the corner to a ladder, climb or pull up into a higher passage, locate the ceiling hole and jump to grab the ladder in the N face. Climb and pull up into a dark alcove for grenade gun ammo. Climb back down, continue S to a floor hole and drop or climb down near a crawl space. Crawl through a fixed camera to an opening on your right and follow to a portion of the grate on your right that you can shoot and shatter.
Drop down from the opening to trigger an ominous remote cut scene and search two sarcophagi left and right for a large medipack and revolver ammo for SECRET #6. Take a rolling back flip and open the W doors to trigger some explanatory cut scenes. When camera control is restored, shoot the S grate and crawl inside the duct. Follow around to an opening and shoot the grate in the wall ahead to your left before dropping down into the exhibition room. Pull up onto the glass-enclosed exhibit and jump to grab the NE crawl space. Pull inside, crawl a short distance and stand up near a trio of oblivious (for now) guards, two ahead and one in the passage to your left.
Since you have the advantage of surprise, draw a powerful weapon and initiate the action before the guards can react. First, continue N down the hallway and open the W doors to your left for SECRET #7. Enter the small room to find the CROSSBOW on the floor and shotgun ammo, uzi ammo and the UZIS on the small chest. Exit, turn left and open the N doors to provide access to the next hallway. But for a secret, reverse roll and go back through the S crawl space to the previous exhibit room, where a guard has now shown up.
Open the NW doors, save your game and follow the short passage to a new hallway where a guard will be alerted. You need to turn right in the hallway and sprint ahead and left into the secret room in the back corner of the S hallway before the guard gets there and closes the door. Making a sharp left turn at the very end of the run is the hardest part of the exercise. If you're able to squeeze past the closing door, you're rewarded with the chimes of SECRET #8. The large jar hides a scorpion, but when you kill it you're left with a large medipack. The small jars are empty, but you can search the two sarcophagi for 2 x flares. To get back out, pull down the wall switch next to the drink machine and shoot that troublesome guard and the reinforcements he brought with him.
Exit the secret room and turn right to the intersecting hallway, turn left into the W hallway and go up the stairs to your left. Shoot the guard at the landing, pick up his uzi ammo and go through the N opening. Note for later the rope hanging from the outdoor courtyard, turn around to shoot another guard who was sneaking up behind you, go back downstairs and through the N opening into the outdoor courtyard. Go across and down the stairs to encounter a guard. When you step into the next room you trigger a cut scene where a guard posted above starts shooting at you. When camera control is restored, run forward and turn left into the W opening.
Go up the stairs to your left, deal with that guard and pick up his uzi ammo. Jump the gaps in the railing to the E opening and enter a room with crates. Grab the shotgun ammo and pull the shelf from the NE corner. Pull it aside to reveal a passage with a sprinkler head, but there's nothing you can do here yet. Exit to the previous room, go over to the SW corner and down the stairs to a bathroom. Grab the TORCH from the sink, light it on the flaming commode and go back to the stairs. On the way up at the corner, hold the torch up to the sprinkler head. Water will pour out, extinguishing the flame, so return to the bathroom and light the torch again.
On the way out of the bathroom, turn left into the crate room and activate another sprinkler head in the SE corner. Go back to light your torch, head upstairs to the room with the pushpiece and into the NE passage. Activate the third sprinkler head and go back down to relight your torch. Go back upstairs, and at the break in the railing toss the torch to the floor below, drop down after it and activate the sprinkler head in the NE corner. Shoot the NW wooden barrier, go in to find another flaming commode, light the torch, return to the previous room and activate the fifth and final sprinkler head near the S fence. I had to toss the torch onto the crate and vault up to pick it back up.
A cut scene shows a rope changing position high up in the room. You're done with the torch, so leave it here. Pull up to the catwalk through the gap in the railing and take the SECURITY KEYS from the end of the now-accessible rope. Exit SW, go downstairs, loop around right through the crate room, up the stairs to the outdoor courtyard, through the S opening and past the closed gate to your right, up the stairs to the balcony overlooking the outdoor courtyard and jump to grab the rope. Swing forward and jump off onto the library balcony across the way.
Enter the library and look between the shelves on your right for flares. Pull down the timed NE wall switch to lift nearby platforms, enter the nearby fenced-off area with a fixed camera and quickly use the raised platforms (stand jump, back flip, stand jump and side flip) to get up to the higher balcony. Go around to the SE end for revolver ammo and to the SW end where you can hop over the railing onto the shelf below for a large medipack. Jump back up to the balcony and pull down the two N wall switches (save before pulling down the second one) to raise two timed platforms in the S wall.
Go the gap in the railing, jump to grab the rope hanging from the ceiling and swing forward to jump onto the middle platform. Turn right and jump up to shoot the grate in the W wall. Turn around and jump to the other raised platform and go around the corner to pull down a wall switch that raises the third timed platform. Go back and jump the raised platforms to pull up into the W crawl space before the platforms drop back down. Crawl around to a grate. Shoot it and lower Lara down into a control room. Pull down the E wall switch to open a remote door as well as the one behind you, reverse roll and exit to a short passage.
Drop down the floor hole and follow down some steps to a lower passage. Open the doors to your left and step out onto a familiar balcony. Go down the steps to your right, loop around and open the W door with the Security Keys. Go on through and down the stairs toward the opened door you saw in the cut scene. A dramatic flyby is triggered to end the level, indicating a probable continuation of this adventure in the near future.