Levels by AgentXP


Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth, using the builder's posted video walk. Other glitch-free video walks have been posted by Doggett TV, Saki Croft, Steven3517 and kapil4417037.



Level 1: PRELUDE


You can bypass this section (not recommended) by selecting "New Game" from the menu, but you can't save here, so enjoy. Lara is in the kitchen musing about being ready for bed, but Winston insists upon serving her a late night snack. There's not much to do in this introductory segment, so you can explore the manor at your leisure and check out the festive decorations. Make it a point, however, to visit the indoor pool across the ballroom from the kitchen. In the middle alcove on your right, the one with the statue, there's a button on the back side of the statue base. Push it to open a door upstairs, exit to the main entrance hall and go up the stairs to the landing.


The opened door is all the way around to your right, so enter a lounge featuring a giant mural Christmas card from the builder and exit to the bedroom on the other side of the landing. If you go around to the left of the bed you can explore the room and the connecting bathroom thoroughly, but there's nothing to do or find. Approach the bed from the main door side to begin the level proper.




After a jarring opening flyby that begins with a tranquil overview interrupted by gunfire and harsh words from an obviously irritated Santa whose reindeer have run (or flown) away, begin in a cozy bedroom. Grab the flares from the window alcove and push the button in the opposite wall to open the bedroom door. Go out to the landing, turn left and follow around to a small medipack, passing a closed door that requires a key.  Continue down the stairs and loop around left past the column for shotgun ammo. Go through the arched opening to the dining room and hop onto the table for more flares.


There's a small medipack near the Christmas tree in one corner and a button in the opposite corner that opens a window leading outdoors. Climb the corner crate, hop into the nearby open window and enter a room with a working fireplace. Stand on the timed trigger tile to put out the fire briefly, hop onto the sloped surface to your left and jump back and forth between the facing slopes, using your arrow key to bring Lara to a set of higher slopes, from which she jumps back and forth until she can curve in midair to land on a corner block.


Hop into the adjacent alcove and push the button there to turn off the fireplace to your right and highlight another button (for later) to your left. Enter the next room for a cut scene of the pistols and find a number of pushblocks. Start with the one on your left as you step out of the fireplace. Pull it once, then push the one that's now to your right once to form a row. Reverse roll and pull the third pushblock once toward the first two. Go around past the fireplace and over the low block. Loop around left and push the next block two times into the corner. Reverse roll, pull the next block toward you two times and go around it over the low blocks to find your PISTOLS on the bed.


Run around the perimeter of the room for uzi ammo and, if you wish to do quite a bit of work for a minor reward, you can go back around to the pushblocks and start by pushing the one against the fireplace toward the window. Standing with your back to the fireplace, move the block on your right two times next to the fireplace, then move the block on your left three times past the spot that was occupied by the previous block. You can now pull the final pushblock away from the bed and aside to reveal a small medipack. Exit this room via the fireplace and take a running jump across the gap to grab the opening in the far wall. Pull up and push the alcove button two times, once to turn on fireplace flames and once again to turn them back off.


Hop back, drop onto the slope below, slide and grab and drop to the fireplace floor. Step into the next room and exit through the open window. Go across the enclosed outdoor area, through the window into the dining room and make two right turns into the foyer. Shoot the windows and vault up for the HOTEL ROOM KEY. Push the nearby button to open the doors to the room just around the corner. But first, go back upstairs to the closed door you saw earlier and use your newfound key to open it. Enter a guest bedroom and vault up onto the bed for the SHOTGUN and shotgun ammo.


Go back downstairs and into the lounge on your left. There's a large medipack in the window alcove next to the Christmas tree. Shoot out the large windows to get back outdoors and follow the path to your left, attracting two vultures as you turn the corner toward a quaint little village. Turn back to face the small pond with a waterfall, climb the icy blocks to the right of it, stand left and take a running jump over the water to grab the opening with the flashing light. You can see the bottom side of the boulder ahead, so turn around and hop back into the passage until it's triggered, run forward and jump off to your right into the water below.


The weight of the boulder has opened an underwater trap door, so swim down and locate the diamond-shaped passage. Swim to the far end, fighting a mild current along the way, pull the underwater lever on the column just below the surface for a cut scene of a cafe door and find that there's no place where you can pull out. There's an impenetrable ice barrier overhead anyway, so return to the waterfall pond and pull out. Run down the uneven street toward the center of the village and come to a fish fountain surrounded by an ice sheet under which is the underwater lever you just pulled.


Loop around right under the archway ahead to find the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS at the end of the passage. Continue further into the village, and after you pass through the dark part of the alley turn around and climb to the roof of the shorter building. Use the nearby balconies to get to the roof of the taller building, and from the raised slab take a running jump to grab the sloped roof of the next building. Slide, grab and shimmy left until you can pull up onto a flat spot. Jump up left, hop around the corner onto a balcony and follow around the tables and chairs to find a wrapped piece of candy for SECRET #1.


Drop down to the street and resume your trek through the alley leading to the village. When you emerge in an open area you hear the sound of shattering glass and you're suddenly beset by three baddies, one of whom drops a small medipack and another some automatic pistol ammo. Enter the alley at the back left corner to flush out another baddy, continue up the steps to your right to greet a bat-wielding thug. Turn left at the top of the steps to see another fish fountain. Pull the wall switch on the back side of its base for another cut scene of the cafe door and return to the alley leading to the open courtyard.


At the end of the alley, jump up right and grab the crack in the wall. Shimmy right and pull up into a window opening. Shoot the glass and step into a room with several crates, one of which has some flares lying on top. Step onto the corner trap door and your weight will cause it to open and deposit you onto a raised slab with 3 x large medipack and 2 x small medipack. To get out of the pharmacy, push the button to open the door and exit to the main square. Go to the central horse fountain and Lara's attention will be directed to a key below the ice cover.


Continue past the statue and through the alley opposite the pharmacy and up some steps to a crossing. Continue straight up more steps and at the dark right corner you can pull up into an alcove for automatic pistol ammo. Go back to the crossing and turn right in front of the alley. Go up to the building and pull up into the window alcove. Stand left, turn a bit to your right and side flip onto the adjacent ledge. Safety drop into a courtyard with a fish fountain, pull back up immediately and thus engage the waiting dog from a position of safety. Pull the wall switch on the base of the fish fountain for a third cut scene of the cafe door and pull back over the ledge near the snowman.


Return to the main courtyard with the horse fountain and go to the back left corner. Hop onto the roof of the market stand near the alley where you encountered three enemies earlier and jump onto the arched covering of the nearby building. Turn left and take a running jump to grab the higher balcony, pull up and turn left. Jump to grab the balcony on the next building. Pull up, shoot the window ahead, hop to the next balcony and jump over the railing with grab to land inside the window opening. Hop down into a bedroom, look for the small medipack beside the closed door and shoot the other window. Hop onto the awning, go across and traverse two more balconies, shoot another window and jump into the opening.


Hop down into a sitting room, shoot more windows and stand jump with grab across the gap into the window opening of the next building. Hop over the divan, shoot more windows and hop down onto a snow-covered ledge. Safety drop into the enclosed garden with a fish fountain and pull down the by-now-familiar wall switch on the fountain base for a cut scene showing the cafe door opening. Grab the flares from the gazebo, then the small medipack in the nearby dark corner, and push the button in the opposite corner to open the hedge gate.


Before leaving, pull up onto the hedge from the raised snow pile, go around and jump onto the sloped roof. Slide and grab, shimmy right, pull up onto a flat spot, reverse roll and take a running jump and grab over the gap. Pull up into the window opening for the UZIS. Drop down, exit the garden to a section of the street and look right to see a closed gate requiring a key. Go the other way to the main courtyard, turn right and proceed through the narrow alley you explored earlier. Go up the steps and loop around right into the now-accessible cafe.


Behind the counter you'll find shotgun ammo. Go up the nearby stairs and emerge in a lounge where Lara will look toward the windows to her left. There's automatic pistol ammo on the corner table to grab before shooting out the window of your choice and dropping down into the cemetery below. Shoot the guard dog around the corner and pull up on the far side of the mausoleum for shotgun ammo. When you drop back down and step on the nearby grave, your weight will cause a trap door to open and bring you down to a partially flooded grave area.   


Vault onto one of the crypts for flares, check between the crypts nearby for automatic pistol ammo and go around to an opening that overlooks a deep room. Save your game, jump onto the nearby sloped pillar and jump five slopes in succession to land on a level upper crypt area. Shoot a few baby spiders and pull down a corner wall switch to open a ceiling trap door behind you and release one more baby spider. Find the ladder surface in the ceiling shaft and climb up to a chapel.


Vault up onto the chancel in front of you and pull down the wall switch to raise a timed platform beside you. Side step left, turn left and jump up to grab the platform. Pull up, stand jump onto the chandelier and hop with grab into the middle window opening on your left. Hang from the edge and shimmy right until you can pull up into the next window opening. Turn around and hop at an angle into the larger window opening, push the button to open a door near the timed wall switch, safety drop with a roll upon landing and run across to the opened door (ignoring for now the wall switch near the entrance doors).


Pull down the wall switch at the end of the short passage to open an overhead trap door. Use the window opening to jump and grab a ladder, climb up past the opened trap door, shift left and drop down next to another wall switch that opens another trap door in the floor of the short passage. Jump at an angle to grab the ladder and climb down past both trap door openings to drop into a cellar near a large medipack. Pull down the wall switch between two crypts to close one trap door and open another.


Jump up to grab the ladder in the ceiling shaft, climb up past the first opening, shift left and drop down to push the wall switch back up. The upper trap door drops back down, so turn around, jump or pull up into the window opening, reverse roll and jump to grab the upper portion of the ladder. Climb up one rung at a time until you can see an opening behind you. Back flip into an alcove for automatic pistol ammo, jump back to the ladder and climb a long distance to the belfry and pull up for a remote camera shot from outside the chapel. Shoot the bell to lift a gate in the adjacent alcove, providing access to a wall switch that opens the door to another establishment and alerts two baddies.


Run across the corner into the previous alcove and climb down the ladder to the floor trap door. Shift left, drop down beside the wall switch and hop over the floor hole to the chapel where the baddies have no doubt arrived and are waiting outside. Pull down the wall switch you ignored earlier to open the front and back doors, kill the baddies who rush in and pick up automatic pistol ammo that may have been dropped by one of them (but not in my game). Exit via the back door (next to the chancel) and turn left toward the establishment where the door opened. Two more baddies are waiting inside who again drop nothing, but on the counter is the CONCERT HALL KEY. When you pick it up you get a cut scene of a window from an exterior view.


Exit, turn right and jump over the short fence onto a frozen canal and continue over the next fence on the other side.  Push the corner button to open the gate to a garden you visited earlier, but don't go through (it's just a short cut for later). Instead, locate the pile of snow to the left of the gate and use it to pull up onto the snow-covered ledge. Turn around and jump to the balcony, then over to the awning and pull up into the third window opening for 2 x uzi ammo. Drop to the ground, make your way along the frozen canal to the main courtyard and loop around left past the pharmacy into a familiar alley.


Go up the steps and left toward the fish fountain, look under the side awning of the nearby store for shotgun ammo and pull up onto the front awning from which you can access the lighted window opening on the right. Turn around and treat the coat hanger as a zip line to get over to the balcony on the next building. For maximum mayhem, shoot the windows before entering in more conventional fashion through the doorway. There's nothing to do in this small bedroom other than shoot out the third window, so do that, vault up and hop down onto the red awning outside.


Shoot one or both windows to your right, pull up into a bathroom and use the Concert Hall Key to open the door leading to a balcony surrounding a grand ballroom down below. The bathroom door closes behind you as you step forward, so go to your left and push the wall button to open a door behind the fireplace. If you step toward the alcove on your right you'll trigger a ceiling trap door to open, but that's for later.  The same thing happens if you run around to the other end of the balcony, and I suggest you do that to provide a useful short cut for later (although it may also be weight-triggered from above when you step on it). There's apparently no way to get down other than by jumping over the railing, so do that and grab the large medipack from the short crate near the fireplace.


There are two pushblocks in this room. Pull the one in the arched alcove away from a button that raises a timed trap door in the corner to your right. However, you have more work to do down here first, so pull up into the dark alcove beside the piano for shotgun ammo and pull the other pushblock (in the direction of the first pushblock) away from a springtile. Run onto it toward the piano and you'll be carried up to a third floor balcony you couldn't otherwise reach. Run forward past the opened trap door (assuming you triggered it earlier) and save your game in front of the timed wall button.


Push the button, reverse roll and run to the end of the ledge to jump onto the raised platform. Turn left and quickly jump up to grab the wall crack before the platform drops back down. Shimmy right to the next platform, which is not timed, drop down and jump to the ledge on the other side of the room. Push the wall button next to the opened trap door (assuming again that you triggered it earlier) to raise a corner platform (not timed). 


Drop down through the open trap door if applicable. Otherwise, step on it and hopefully your weight will trigger it open and drop you onto the balcony below. Go around to the other side, jump over the railing onto the raised platform (if you miss, simply pull up onto it from the ground floor) and hop over the next railing with grab to find a wall button that turns off the flames in the fireplace. Get down to the floor, avoid that springtile and go around to the fireplace. At the opened door, pull up right into an alcove for 2 x uzi ammo. Drop down, go past the door you opened earlier for a brief fixed camera, turn right and step up to the end of a short ramp.


Take a running jump and grab over the glass shard pit, pull up and run forward to attract the attention of three baddies. Collect the small medipack and automatic pistol ammo dropped by two of them, look behind the crates for flares and a small medipack while you hear more footsteps overhead, pull the pushblock away from automatic pistol ammo, then target a fourth baddy on the overhead balcony. Use a crate to jump and grab up there for his shotgun ammo and jump across to the other balcony to find a wall button that opens the door to the balcony surrounding the grand ballroom.


Go around to the far wall and push the button again to close the door in the fireplace. Go back the other way and drop down into the room with the crates and all those dead baddies. From the middle edge of the glass shard pit where the ceiling is highest, take a running jump and grab across the pit and pull up onto the ramp. The way ahead is now open, so proceed to the railing, turn around at the ramp to see a wall switch and pull it to open an overhead trap door and release a boulder. Wait for the boulder to fall and start rolling down the ramp, then reverse roll and quickly run along after it, as the door at the end of the ramp will close after the boulder passes through.


You can push the button to your right twice to re-open the door, although doing so doesn't appear to be necessary. Pull up onto the block to your left for flares, hop down and climb the wall ladder until you can back flip into the opening behind you. Turn around, hop down the other side and walk to the end of a ledge overlooking a grate to the outdoor area. Drop down and find a wall switch on the side of a block that melts the ice around the horse statue in the main courtyard. Reverse roll, enter the alcove and push the pushblock one time. Go around it to the left and into the passage beyond for uzi ammo, then return to the pushblock and push it two times more into the alcove where the uzi ammo was. Go back to find a second pushblock in the side passage (light a flare if necessary).


Pull the second pushblock two times, go around it to the left and into the opening it formerly occupied, and step out into a sewer area with a fish statue on your left. Pick up the nearby flares and jump into the canal. Swim straight through to the horse statue, pull out and note the key ahead but save it for later. Jump back into the water, swim through the passage to your left for automatic pistol ammo and return. Pull out into the courtyard square and run in the direction of the six arch columns. Go through the alley to their right and up the steps to the crossing.


Turn left, pull up into the window opening next to the closed door, get up onto the ledge and down the other side to the fish fountain where the ice has also melted. Jump into the water for the GRENADE GUN along with grenade gun ammo. Pull out, use the snow pile next to the snowman to climb back out, return to the main courtyard and turn right onto the street leading to the closed entrance gate. Just before you get there, turn right past an opened gate to another fish fountain where the ice has melted. Jump into the water and look in the corner for a wrapped piece of candy and SECRET #2.


Pull out, return to the main courtyard and turn right to go through the narrow alley. Stay left and enter the establishment where you encountered two baddies earlier. Go on through to the grand ballroom and go to the timed wall button mentioned earlier (when you pulled the pushblock away from it). Push it now to open a timed door. Turn right, run to the far wall, turn left and keep looping left until you run past the timed door (which re-opens once you get past it). Go up the steps and around to a block with a wrapped piece of candy for SECRET #3, along with 3 x uzi ammo. Go back and exit to the outdoor area.


Return to the main courtyard and the horse statue. Hop into the water next to its base and pick up the VILLAGE GATE KEY to awaken a host of nearby enemies. Their firepower is quite formidable, so save your game, draw a powerful weapon and get quickly to an open area while awaiting the arrival of several baddies. When all is quiet, pick up grenades and a small medipack dropped by two of the enemies and run up the street toward the main gate past the festooned Christmas tree and use the Village Gate Key to open it. Wait for the arrival of a baddy, kill him and run toward the captive Santa to complete the level.


Level 3: RESCUING SANTA (interlude)          


After a brief conversation with Santa, go over to your right and mount the snowmobile parked between two limousines. Drive it straight forward over the bank and continue along the snowy and bumpy, uneven path until you hit a level change.




After phoning in for some much-needed advice, take a couple of steps forward to trigger a snowball avalance that creates a workable path across the chasm for you. Mount the snowmobile and drive it with some speed, not to mention driving ability, to the relatively flat surface on the other side, but beware of several more lingering snowballs ahead. Continue through a long tunnel, and about halfway through another snowball will roll out from a passage to your right.  


Dismount here and vault up into the passage. Shoot the ice sheet barrier and step forward to find a wrapped piece of candy for SECRET #4 and a large medipack. Return to the snowmobile and continue along the tunnel, dodging falling icicles until you emerge in an open area where you begin to take enemy fire. Dismount quickly, take refuge in the tunnel while drawing your preferred weapon and step forward to engage the nearby baddy. If he was perched on a block, climb up for his automatic pistol ammo and hop over onto the nearby ice ledge. Climb the ice column and take a running jump across the chasm to grab the sloped edge on the other side. Shimmy right and pull up onto the flat spot for another piece of wrapped candy and SECRET #5.


Slide down backwards to your right, safety drop to the trail and locate a wall switch on the block where the baddy was perched. Pull it down to raise a bridge to your right, jump onto it and go across to hear the flapping of wings. Draw weapons to deal with the vulture and pull down a second wall switch to lower the first bridge and raise a second bridge. Jump back across the gap and push the switch back up so that you now have a complete path to drive the snowmobile over the chasm. Shoot another vulture, drive across the bridge and over the snow bank, and brake as you land on the other side (down arrow key) so you won't drop off into another chasm.


Dismount, shoot two more vultures (the second one may show up a bit later) and try to target the baddy on the other side of the chasm (although he may run off out of range). Turn right and head toward the lone tree you can see in the distance with a blue object perched nearby. Go around to the right through the narrow path, pull up right and back flip off the slope to a higher block. From there take a running jump to the next block and pick up SANTA'S LOST PRESENT (1 of 8, 6 in this level and 2 in the next). A cut scene shows the building you can on the other side of the chasm. It will be repeated each time you find another present, so I won't continue to mention it. Drop down, return to the snowmobile and drive it in the other direction along the chasm bank.


Turn right just past the block, drive just over the bridge and park the snowmobile on the column top. The baddy may show up here and open fire on you. In any event, jump the gap on foot, wait for the baddy to approach closer (so you won't trigger more baddies prematurely), deal with him and collect his uzi ammo, pull down the wall switch to complete the bridge on this side and turn around to shoot another vulture. Mount the snowmobile, drive it over the bridge and run down three more baddies who have arrived upon the scene. Collect the dropped grenades, automatic pistol ammo and large medipack, note the baddy frantically trying to get out of the nearby building and go toward the lone tree a bit past the building.


Loop around right in front of the tree for a small medipack, return to the building and pull up onto the roof for a PRESENT (2 of 8) you saw in the cut scene. Hop to the ground and dive into the water far below in the chasm. Search the river bottom nearby for another PRESENT (3 of 8), swim in the direction where you parked the snowmobile and look for an opening to your left near the end for 2 x automatic pistol ammo. Surface for air, go back the way you came and pull out onto an ice ledge to your right. Note the ice ladder ahead, but for now hop forward, turn left and jump over the water onto a flat block. From there take a running jump with a left curve to land on an ice ledge, then another running jump toward the present you can see on the column ahead, and a final jump to claim your reward (PRESENT 4 of 8).


A vulture is alerted, so kill it and jump to a flat ledge on the side of the river opposite the ice ladder. Make your way carefully along the bank to your left with standing and running jumps, as your footing here can be treacherous. When you've gone as far as you can, take a standing jump around the corner to land on a slope, jump to a flat spot and take a running jump over the water into an opening with a wrapped piece of candy for SECRET #6, together with uzi ammo and 2 x grenades.


Get back into the water and swim to that ice ledge you pulled onto earlier (this time it will be on your left). Do so once more, and for a minor pickup turn around, hop up to the nearby ledge and take four more similar jumps until you reach a ledge bearing a small medipack. Swim back to the ice ledge, pull out and this time climb the ladder ahead that you noted earlier. Pull up at the top, vault up higher and pull out onto the chasm rim across from the hut.


Run toward the bridge you used to get the snowmobile across the chasm, note that the switch on this side is broken and simply jump the gap to get to the other side. Go past the open gate ahead that you might have noticed earlier while battling those baddies, and as you enter the next area you hear the gate closing behind you. You could drive in here with the snowmobile, but as you'll soon see, that's not necessary. Run to the frozen lake, note the present lying on the lake floor and turn right toward the house in the distance. You'll be attacked by two guard dogs and a vulture, so deal with them and grab the small medipack near the snowman.


The window here is bullet-proof, so mount the nearby snowmobile, drive away from the house and loop around right between the trees to find a ramp that leads up to the roof. Behind the chimney is a gap that drops you inside the house, snowmobile and all. Dismount, take the flares and the PRESENT (5 of 8) from the raised slab (opening the door to the hut and releasing the baddy), hop down and grab the large medipack and shotgun ammo next to the Christmas tree. Push the button to open the door (and re-open the gate), mount the snowmobile and drive outside to meet the approaching baddy. Pick up his shotgun ammo and proceed on foot to the hut.


Enter to find flares, a large medipack and shotgun ammo near the window and automatic pistol ammo and a PRESENT (6 of 8) on the raised slab. When you pick up the latter you get a cut scene of the waterfall area near the spot where you acquired the most recent secret, and you also hear the sound of a door opening. Exit the hut and run to the broken bridge. Look down right from the bridge and hop down onto the ledge below with some health loss. Jump past the waterfall to land on a slope, slide and grab and shimmy right past the falling water. Pull up and take a rolling back flip to grab the opening in the wall.


Pull into the passage, grab 2 x uzi ammo at the end and go back to the opening. Stand left, face right and run off with grab to land just past a slope and on a ledge where a bright light is flashing. Go around the corner past an opened gate, save your game and slide down to finish the level.




You were advised above to save your game because, as this level begins, a boulder is triggered behind you and a spike trap is waiting for you around the corner. As soon as you slide and drop onto a lower section of the slope, jump two times without sliding, using your right arrow key in midair to bring you over, and you should avoid both the spike trap and the boulder as you land inside a cave.


Pick up the nearby flares, hop up two blocks for automatic pistol ammo, drop down and look next to the pole on a keyhole block for a small medipack. Walk toward the flashing light for a close-up cut scene of the wall ahead. Loop around left at the ice wall, back flip onto the slope and jump off onto a higher block. For some reason the ice wall won't shatter if you shoot at it, but it will if you jump against it. Go figure. In any event, hop down the other side, note the dig area ahead and the tunnel to your right.


Ignore the tunnel for now, drop down into the dig area and engage a trio of yetis. Go forward to pick up the PRESENT (7 of 8) you saw in the cut scene. As you do so you hear what sounds like a trap door opening. Enter the room near the derrick to alert another yeti and grab the large medipack near the skeleton. Return to the dig area, go past the stone ledge and look left near the tunnel entrance for shotgun ammo. Go back and locate a corner pushblock next to the stone ledge. Pull it once and go around it to see that it was blocking a small trench with a floor tile bearing the Roman numeral III (a trigger tile, as are the others you'll soon encounter).


Turn around, climb onto the stone ledge and jump onto the nearby column top. From there take a running jump onto the arched roof and see a secret behind an ice wall. Unfortunately, jumping against the ice wall doesn't shatter it, so stand jump onto the column top with a trigger tile bearing Roman numeral II and a cut scene shows a gate opening. Take a running jump onto the derrick for automatic pistol ammo, jump back to the previous column tops and safety drop to the ground.


Enter the tunnel past the stone ledge and flush out another pair of yetis. There's a small lake to your left and ruins to your right. First, run forward to find shotgun ammo next to the skeleton between two raised slabs and note the floor tile with Roman numeral IV. Go through the tunnel in the wall ahead and find a pushblock. Push it once to reveal a small room with a floor tile bearing Roman numeral V. 


Go back and loop around left into the ruins area, turn right and follow past the opening into a room with a central pool and replicas of the floor tiles arranged in a row in the wall. Above it is a clue stating that these tiles must be stepped on in numerical order and that what's more, the exercise awaiting you is timed. You have yet to locate one of those tiles, and you've already stepped on one of those that you did find, but apparently that won't create a problem for you. Across the pool you'll see three closed gates that were previewed in an earlier cut scene. A yeti is approaching from behind, so deal with him and for a secret, locate an opening in the dark corner opposite the flaming stand.


Jump from the stone ledge to grab the opening, pull up inside and shoot the ice wall around the corner. Yes, I know this is inconsistent with your previous experience, but play on. Pull up for a wrapped piece of candy you saw earlier for SECRET #7. Return to the previous room, exit through the opening by which you entered and climb the block to the left of the short column in the ruins area. Jump to grab the column top, pull up and jump over onto the left side of the wall ledge where you see a floor tile bearing Roman numeral 1. You're now ready to begin your timed run, so save your game before proceeding.


Run over Tile I and over the side to slide to the floor. Continue past the right side of the pool in the next room and turn right past the front entrance into the dig area. Hop onto the stone ledge to your left, reverse roll and jump to the column top, onto the arched roof and go around to jump to Tile II. Safety drop to the ground and run to the corner trench behind the pushblock you moved earlier. Hop down onto Tile III, turn around and hop back out, loop around left through the tunnel and into the open area where you saw Tile IV earlier, go through the tunnel ahead and right onto Tile V. Go back out and loop around left into the ruins area, turn right and sprint straight ahead to the left of the pool and into the (hopefully) open gateway just past the flaming stand.


If you made it through successfully you'll find yourself in a Colosseum-like area. Go behind the column on your left for a small medipack and run past the statue to the other side for 2 x uzi ammo while listening to the stomping of angry feet. Hop onto the nearby column remnant, stand right and jump to grab the crack in the adjacent and taller column. Shimmy left and pull up into the cramped opening. Take a running jump slightly left and grab to land inside the wall opening. Step forward onto the trigger tile to see a gate opening for a secret later on, hop back a couple of times and slide down to the floor. Try to target and shoot a yeti tramping about in the arena below before finding a lower section of the ledge from which you can safety drop down there.


Reverse roll, draw your uzis and run across the room as gates open to release three yetis and some connected boulders. Grab the small medipack in the alcove in the far wall, but avoid the adjacent alcove which has a spike pit under an icy breaktile. Pick up the MINE KEY on the raised slab to open several gates, one of which releases two more yetis. If you investigate the left passage, you can see a breaktile at the end, but if you look down through the ice you can see two pickups among the spikes. Step on the breaktile to make it crumble, hop back quickly and sidestep until your right arm (not your left arm) is against the wall. Turn around, hop back to grab the edge and drop safely down from the corner to pick up a large medipack and a wrapped piece of candy for SECRET #8.


Pull out of the hole at the same corner, loop around left into the other passage, run over the breaktile and pull down the wall switch to open a gate across the room. Reverse roll, stand left or right and take a running jump over the spike pit. Go across the room where the gate opened, pull up left at the end of the passage and hop down the other side for automatic pistol ammo. Return to the arena, go past the opened gate near where you dropped down from the upper ledge, and proceed through the passage to a room with a ceiling supported by four columns.


A number of icicles are hanging precariously from the ceiling, and if you stand underneath them they'll fall on you. Trigger the ones to your right (as you enter) without being skewered and squeeze past them for uzi ammo. Some of the other icicles in the room fall on trigger tiles, so carefully activate them all (including the ones in a corner alcove) before shooting one of the corner ice walls across the room to bring forth two yetis. Trigger another set of icicles in the next room and pick up the small medipack. Enter the opening in the back wall, back flip onto the slope and jump off into an upper passage to face a final set of icicles. Trigger them and get back down to find that the exit gate in the main room has opened.


Go on through and hear the sound of another gate being opened while a yeti bellows nearby. Climb up to an opening and try to target two yetis below before sliding down to a familiar area. Run past the derrick into the tunnel ahead and turn left to face the small lake you haven't yet explored. Jump into the shallow water, vault up past the waterfall and at the wall pull up right onto a slope. Back flip onto a ledge, turn around and go past the opened gate to find a wrapped piece of candy for SECRET #9, together with grenades, 2 x shotgun ammo and automatic pistol ammo.


Get back down, wade through the lake, pull out and exit right to the main dig area. Go straight across past the derrick and turn right in the smaller cave to find the opened gate. Go up the steps, shoot the yeti that charges down toward you and emerge at the opening you were advised to ignore earlier. Climb up left and hop down into the mine shaft. Run forward and insert the Mine Key into the block keyhole to open an underwater gate. Jump into the nearby water, swim past the opened gate and pull out into a new area.


Look right to see an ice wall and look left to see a row of poised ice boulders. Pull up onto the ledge with the ice boulders, walk forward to trigger them and run back to jump away from their path as they break through the ice wall. All of a sudden the room is completely flooded, so swim up to a ceiling air hole to fill your lungs. Swim toward the ice boulders, up the ceiling shaft and laterally to finish the level just as you catch a glimpse of the final present.




You're still underwater as the final level begins, so quickly swim forward and pick up the PRESENT (8 of 8 ) as a nearby trap door opens near your parked snowmobile. Turn left through the opening, then right and pull out past the opened trap door next to the frozen lake you visited earlier. Go through the tunnel, and if you're quick enough you can mount the snowmobile before the first of three baddies arrive and run them all down. Otherwise, the grenade gun comes in quite handy here, but be aware that the third baddy packs formidable gunpower. A vulture will soon join the fray. Pick up the small medipack and uzi ammo dropped by two of the baddies and, since your current snowmobile is stranded on this side of the chasm, use the broken bridge to jump across.


Deal with two more baddies, collect their small medipack and large medipack, mount your first snowmobile wherever you parked it earlier and drive away from the bridge toward the full moon and turn right at the larger tree to drop down to the lower bumpy road. Drive slowly, as ice boulders will roll down from your right and icicles will drop from the ceiling. A baddy may try to block your path, but since he drops nothing just run him over and continue through the tunnel.


When you emerge in the open air, turn on the speed to avoid the avalanche of ice boulders and finally drop down next to three parked limousines. Drive forward toward the waiting Santa to finish the level. Press the enter key for a conversation with Santa and a final flyby, followed by the end credits.