Level by DHermogenes
Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. A number of video walks have also been posted on YouTube. Progression is quite difficult in certain places, so savegames have been provided.
After the opening flyby, check your inventory to see that, in addition to your pistols, you're equipped with a weapon named Excalibur. You also have access to a PLS with unlimited lighting when needed. Turn to your left and pick up a small medipack near the campfire and 2 x small medipack on the other side of the tent. As you approach the cave entrance you get a screen with some helpful animation. Pick up another small medipack and shoot the small crates blocking your way. When you step outside into the bitter cold, your health bar starts to decline steadily, so quickly take a running jump to grab the jutting ledge, pull up and make your way left around the corner with standing jumps until you reach the end of a ledge and see another onscreen hint. Save frequently from this point on (I won't keep reminding you), remembering that you can use medipacks as necessary to restore your health as you progress.
Face the swingpole, hold down the sprint key and jump to grab it. Swing around while keeping the sprint key depressed, jump off to grab the block and pull up next to a warming campfire. Jump into the SW opening and stoop to pick up energy stones (ammo for the Excalibur). Slide backwards out of the alcove, grab and drop to grab the lower opening. Shimmy to the left corner, pull inside, turn around and jump to grab the crack. Shimmy right around two corners, ledge jump back to grab a higher ledge, pull up and run to your right. At the yellow plant, turn left and take a running jump down NE onto a sloped column, back flip onto a ledge and turn 90 degrees to your right. Hop back to a lower ledge and run forward to a warming fire.
After restoring your health bar, pull back up to the previous ledge and shoot that white globe a bit to your left. Drop down, pick up the nearby energy stones and run forward to max your health bar. Pull up a final time, grab the crack ahead, shimmy left around the corner to the next corner, ledge jump up to grab a higher ledge, shimmy left a bit and pull up to see a warming fire ahead. Go back N a bit for energy stones, return to the fire and hop down S for more energy stones. Return to the fire again, run S across the field of purple flowers and take a running jump from the high corner onto the slope over the fire you can see ahead. Jump with a right curve so you land on the flat ledge, run SW to the ledge jutting from the wall (there are energy stones hidden in the nearby purple flowers if you feel you have time to stop and pick them up) and pull up W at the low vertex.
Go left, stand jump onto the first of two breaktiles and simply loop right around the corners into a building with four warming fires. Look for energy stones on the other side of the column to your left and continue to the dark N opening. Jump over the gap for energy stones and safety drop to the passage below. Note the ladder in the S wall and open the W door. Take the small medipack from the end of the table in the next room, go down the steps to an opening that faces the frozen outdoors and look out left to see one of those white globes. Use the Excalibur to shatter it, as its ammo has explosive properties.
Stand left at the opening facing S, turn a bit right and side flip right onto a slope. Shimmy right until you hit a fixed camera, ledge jump back to grab a column crack, shimmy left around the corner to the far corner and ledge jump back to land on a slope. Slide and jump off onto a flat ledge, loop around right and jump over the gap toward a warming fire. Take a running jump E to grab a chain. Slide up and jump off forward onto an upper ledge, pick up the nearby energy stones and continue with a running jump E toward the warming fire.
Hop down S for energy stones (face E to pick them up) and hop into the N opening. Watch your health bar declining as you go down the ramp and emerge in an outdoor area. Make your way around in a counterclockwise direction with running jumps as appropriate until you grab a S ledge and pull up. Shoot the nearby white globe, pull down the revealed wall switch and jump to the corner ledge to your right. Take a running jump N to grab the swingpole, swing around, jump off and enter the alcove to your left to find a warming fire.
Hop carefully NE around the corner for a large medipack, return and pull up onto the N block. Turn right and use two swingpoles (stand jump to grab the first one) to reach a higher plateau with a warming fire. Hop down NE for energy stones, look down E and shoot the white globe in the corner. Go back to warm yourself and return to the same NE slab. Run off E onto the lower corner ledge and pull down the revealed wall switch for a cut scene of a door being opened. Run off right near an open doorway, hop into the alcove to your left before teeth doors are activated, pull up right and pull down the wall switch there for a simiar cut scene of another door opening. Hit the look key to get rid of the cut scene, hop down and exit past the teeth doors, turn left and take a running jump from the tip of the pointed ledge into the S passage, run to the far end and jump out left (SE) onto a flat ledge, turn left and hop up N to a warm spot.
Go back N through the same passage and in the next outdoor area repeat the same counterclockwise circuit you performed earlier, ending with a running jump and grab to the S ledge. Pull up and continue around the area in a clockwise direction this time, using the swingpole to bring you back to the alcove with the warming fire. Exit, pull up N onto the block and use the two swingpoles to get back up to the plateau with the fire. If you like, you can detour for an additional pickup by going S past the fire, then make your way to the jutting SW ledge (you'll need to jump, slide, shimmy along the slope and pull up) for a large medipack and take a long running jump down N. Scoot left into the alcove with a warming fire and make your way back up to the plateau in the same manner as before.
This time, however, go left past the fire and take a running jump SE down to an opening in the S wall. Follow the inner passage past two opened doors and trigger a flyby of the area just ahead. For some pickups, step out onto the bridge and jump down left for some invisible energy stones on the corner ledge that register only when you stoop to pick them up. Take a running jump N under the bridge for 2 x large medipack and more energy stones, jump back S and pull up E and loop around left onto the bridge to confront a giant hammergod. Use the Excalibur to defeat it and run forward into the pagoda-like structure to awaken a second hammergod. Warm yourself on the nearby fire and continue forward to battle some strong crosswinds.
You can see more hammergods in the distance. You can kill the nearest one by employing the following tactic. Step out onto the bridge and fire the Excalibur continuously at the hammergod while back flipping to keep from being sucked over the far edge by the wind. When you see the torch light go out, indicating that the first hammergod has succumbed, go back into the pagoda to warm yourself before proceeding further.
Run toward the final two hammergods and prepare yourself for a remote camera view. Jump over the gap and continue past a thin ledge to a wider section where you can weaken the hammergods with Excalibur fire. Take a running jump from the extension on your right to trigger another remote camera. Grab the ledge across the gap, pull up and finish off the hammergods. Use the warming fire to restore your health while continuing to battle the strong winds. Run N and take a difficult pixel-perfect running jump across the gap through a fixed camera to grab the ledge on the other side. Pull up, run forward, jump the gap, turn right and fight the wind to the end of this ledge, jump the gap into another fixed camera, dogleg a bit right and then left, jump another gap onto a column top, continue with a running jump onto the next column top and don't be confused by the new angle adopted by the fixed camera. Continue straight forward with another running jump and approach the warming fire.
Stand at the S edge of the purple flower field and stand jump to grab the lowest swingpole. Turn around (down arrow key) and swing to jump and grab the second swingpole. Repeat with the third and fourth swingpoles, but use the sprint key before jumping off the fourth swingpole so you'll gain the extra distance needed to activate the jump switch in the N wall. Press both the up arrow and right arrow keys before dropping so you'll land on the roof sliding backwards. Grab the edge, shimmy as far right as you can through a fixed camera and pull up.
The front door has opened, so follow the passage, pausing for a small medipack along the way, and grab the energy stones at the end before going up the steps to an opening that faces another outdoor area. Jump the gap into the fierce wind and do battle with two giant hammergods. If you happen to get pushed off the outer edge or into the central pit, your health bar mercifully stops declining while you're down below (in my game, anyway). There's a ladder close to the S wall of the building that you can use to climb back up, and there's a S wall crack inside the pit from which you can ledge jump up and grab the edge (after you shimmy to the right corner). However, if you fall into the deep trench I could find no way out, so you'll just have to reload. There's also a warming fire at the far end of this area. At some point during the battle lightning will issue from the sporadically placed tiles, making life more difficult for you.
When both hammergods have been killed, a flyby shows double doors opening and you'll be transported to a spot down at ground level near a warming fire. Run E to the ladder, climb back to the battle area and fight your way NE to the opened doors. Follow the passage to trigger a weird flyby that ends the demo with your apparent demise.