Level by Feder
Walkthrough by Phil Lambeth. Video walks have also been provided by DoggettTV, by Steven3517 and by kapil4417037.
Demo Level: PORT ROYAL
After the opening flyby through a quaint seaside village, begin in a fountain square and head NW through the alley to a closed gate near the distillery. Shoot the small crates next to the street lamp for shotgun ammo and the SHOTGUN, return to the fountain square and face S while standing against the fountain. Push the carved ram figure to lower a block to your left and drop down through the floor hole.
Hop down into an underground cavern and walk carefully toward the N tunnel. Take a running jump over a spike pit and turn around. Hop down SE for flares, hop back out and refrain from shooting the crate near the N grate lest you release a horde of rats. The other crate near the W wall is safe to shoot and contains grenades. Take a running jump and grab S over the spike pit, pull up and run forward to find a floor hole. Hop down and follow the short passage, pull out to trigger a sword ball, wait for the blades to spring out and crawl underneath them.
Continue to a dead end and pull the SW chain to open a trap door. Climb the rope ladder to a square with a parked quadbike that's yours for the taking. But first, hop up onto the NW crate, pull up into the window alcove, reverse roll and take a running jump to grab the swingpole. Swing around and jump off onto a balcony. Open the NE door, go down the hallway and note the open NE window. There's nothing more to do here now, so return to the balcony, face S between the W wall and the table, back flip over the railing to land on the sloped roof. Slide and grab, shimmy right around the corner and pull up onto a flat spot for shotgun ammo.
Hop up S into the open window, search the cabinet in the hallway for crossbow arrows and get back into the window opening. Hop back onto the sloped roof, slide and grab and shimmy left all the way to the corner. Pull up and take a rolling back flip to grab a balcony in the adjacent building. Pull up, run to the far end and take a running jump W onto the next balcony. Open the N door, go inside and loop around right to find the UZIS in the window. Search the other window for uzi ammo and go downstairs.
Search the SW cabinet for the DISTILLERY KEY, the SE window for a small medipack and open the S doors for a short cut back to the fountain square. Loop around left to the adjacent N square, hop onto the SW crate and mount the rope facing W. Climb up past the roof line, press the up arrow and jump keys and Lara will jump forward onto some crates stacked against the corner in the room below. Use the Distillery Key in the W alcove to open the door and step inside. Walk toward the wine caskets in the distance and a sword-wielding assassin will charge at you from around the corner.
Go where he came from for a large medipack, then return and go partway up the NW stairs to trigger a couple of runaway barrels. Reverse roll and run away from their path, wait for them to stop rolling and go back up to the next floor. Loop around right and shoot the crate in the far corner for uzi ammo. The upper level has nothing of interest, so open the E door and go downstairs to another wine cellar. Engage the assassin attacking from your left and shoot the small chest perched at the corner of the nearby ledge for the LASER SIGHT. Go where the assassin came from and loop around right at the closed doors past the large casket to find the CROSSBOW in a dark nook.
Combine the crossbow and laser sight, go back around to the NE ramp and look up to see a lock. Stand to one side away from the E wall and shoot the lock to spring open a trap door and release a boulder that would roll down and crush you if you were standing in its path. The boulder smashes the gate blocking the SE opening, but before going there run up the ramp and pull up W into a crawl space. Crawl forward and around to your right for SECRET #1 and the GRENADE GUN. Return, flip out onto the ramp and go through the SE opening into a passage.
Follow to another blocked SE opening, but this gate you can simply shatter with your pistols. Save your game for the trap gauntlet ahead, slide down two slopes and without stopping run or sprint over the breaktiles (don't try to jump) and past two sword balls that drop down from the ceiling. If you're fast enough you can get safely through before the sword blades are activated. Continue W up the stairs into a fenced enclosure, hop down into the floor hole and open the doors leading to an area that resembles the deck of a derelict vessel. Shoot the assassin off to your left and open the NE doors to encounter a second assassin inside the next room.
Take a TORCH from the pile on the floor, exit this room and run off the deck onto the ground below. You'll be chased by swarming rats, so quickly run up the N hill, hop onto the NW crate and turn to hop up SE onto a ledge where you'll be safe. Light the torch while you're there and jump over to the S rafter. Shoot the grain bags for shotgun ammo, retrieve your torch and hop back down. Run past the rats into the W opening, light the two wall sconces to open the door between them and rush inside. Drop the torch, back flip onto the ramp and jump off to grab a crack. Shimmy right around corners and pull up onto a balcony.
Vault up into the window, shoot the assassin waiting in the next room and activate the S jump switch to open a ceiling trap door elsewhere. Return to the balcony, drop down next to the rats and find the ladder near the SE corner. Climb up to the deck and work your way around to the SW corner. Open the doors there, enter the next room and search the cabinet on your left for a small medipack. Shoot the NW crate and pull into the crawl space for shotgun ammo. The opened trap door is just to its right, against the N wall, so pull up W and hop forward into a passage. Follow around to an opening and take a running jump N to grab a ledge across the room.
You hear the sound of snapping spikes as you pull up, so go around the corner and time a run past the two spike tiles. Pull up into a still higher passage and shoot the gate around the next corner. Slide a bit, jump to grab the rope and climb up past the ceiling hole. Jump off into the upper room, open the S door and step into a tavern guarded by two assassins. Step past the SW window onto a balcony for flares and uzi ammo, exit the tavern E and come to a small storage room. Pull the chain to open the gates you saw at the beginning of the level next to the distillery.
Return to
the tavern, exit NW and go S down the stairs to the wine cellar. Go around to
the E opening, hop SE onto the crates in the corner and jump NW to grab the
wooden ledge. Pull up and take a running jump E onto the sloped roof. Slide
down to the village square and return S to the fountain square. Loop around
right to find the opened NW gates and go on through to find yourself in an
outdoor area with paths leading to your right and left. Go to your left (S) and
circle the village counterclockwise until you pass under an arch and Lara looks
at a closed gate to her left.
Shoot the SW crate on the ledge and pick up the CROWBAR.
Go along the ledge and hop past the SE opening to find a crowbar switch that
raises a scaffold in the NW corner of the square. Go there, climb onto the
scaffold and hop forward onto the ledge. Take a running jump E to grab a crack
in the wall, shimmy right around three corners and pull up into a window
alcove. Reverse roll, jump up to grab the vines and monkey swing S toward the
jump switch you see in the far wall. Release to activate it and the gates that
Lara was looking at will open.
Go on through to the square with the parked quadbike you saw much earlier, and now it's time to take a ride. Mount the quadbike and drive out W. Turn right at the raised scaffold and then turn left into the outdoor area encircling the village. For a secret, dismount just past the street lamp and enter the village E past the opened gates. Run through the fountain square and loop around left to the N square. Use the rope to climb up and jump W over the roof. Go through the W opening into the wine cellar, up the NW stairs to the third level that proved fruitless earlier.
Open the crowbar panel in the E wall for SECRET #2 and enter the next room to trigger a sword ball. Take the small medipack from the plinth on the left and hop back quickly before the blade trap can be sprung. Reverse roll onto the other plinth to activate the blade trap there, then step forward and take the shotgun ammo. Crawl under the sword ball to find poison arrows on a third plinth. Leave the same way you came, return to the quad bike but for the final secret do not mount it. Walk N as far as you can, jump onto the slope and hop down to a small triangular ledge.
Safety drop to the ledge below and go into the W alcove for SECRET #3 and grenades. Pull back up to the triangular ledge, jump S to grab the slope and pull up to slide down the other side. Run forward, mount the quadbike and back it up past the street lamp to give yourself plenty of running room. Drive N with speed so you'll clear the slope and land safely on the other side of the chasm. Continue around to your right until you run into the finish trigger.