Level by mathew9r
Walkthrough by Dutchy
Savegames mentioned in this
walk are in this Saves
It’s pretty dark in these levels,
you can use
firing pistols to lead your
way if needed.
The Controls didn’t work very well for
me at first, but after selecting a lower resolution than what I normally use, the game played
The provided Flares last a pretty long time, pick them back up after Lara dropped them.
Turn right from where you start,
shoot the crates in the corner and grab SECRET #1, SHOTGUN and 2x SHOTGUN AMMO. Straight from where you
entered is a lower part in the
ground, there’s a trapdoor you can
open from one side. Drop down and get the CROWBAR from the nearby shelves.
Go to the other end of the
chamber and open the right hand gate
with that Crowbar.
It’s pretty obvious you shouldn’t
fall into the sewer, go left
and cross the bridge, open the gate left with
the Crowbar and inside shoot a Baddy, and look for the
HK CLIPS he dropped. On a block
in the back is a switch that will open a gate for later (X). On the other side
of the block
is a MEDIPACK. Leave the room.
Backtrack for a Secret, return
to the start
room, a gate opened in a crawlspace left as you
come in, retrieve SECRET #2, FLARES and a SMALL MEDI. Go back where you left
off and follow the walkway along the sewer.
Hop over a pipe and shoot some Bats, just around the corner some
Rats will appear (notice the Secret crawlspace for later), at the end you can
jump/grab over the deep pit and come
to a ladder.
The Deep Pit, The Barrel Push Puzzle.
First jump over the ladder hole to a gate, open it and enter, I believe the second (open) gate is the
one we opened
earlier (see X). Shoot the Baddy and look
for the HK CLIPS. he dropped. In this room are 3 Barrels we need to
push, but first we have to lower
them. Go left around the pipe
to the red
barrel and next to it is
a trapdoor in the floor, open it and drop down onto the platform below.
Walk to the end and run jump up left
to a platform under a monkey climb. Grab up and follow, through a flame trap, around a corner and another flame trap. Drop at the Valve wheel and lower the barrels
with it. Turn around right and spot the platform behind
the Flame pillar, run jump up there
and grab a MEDIPACK. Stand jump and grab the Monkey bars and follow them back through the two
flame traps and after the second, turn left at the crossing
to drop onto
the platform at the ladder (savegame.0), go back up to the
barrel room and back flip off.
First we need to do the blue
one in the far opposite corner,
it goes to
the grey tile near the
trapdoor (bluish light). Now do the Red,
it goes to
the corner where the blue
was. Last is the Green (close to the
entrance) and it goes to the
opposite corner, a cage will lower nearby, use the
switch there to open a hatch (Y). Leave the room, go
up to the
walkway above the Deep Pit.
Underwater Labyrinth.
Go left, run jump/grab over the gap
and just follow the walkway,
on that walkway are some crates
(you might have shot them
when you tackled the Bats). Pick up the
REVOLVER AMMO. Go back to the
ladder, hop and grab it to climb
one level down and to the right
onto the walkway for more
Now safety drop down at the ladder to the
lower level, in the “safe” shallow part of the
water is a MEDIPACK, climb back out and open the gate. Follow in and just right around the corner
is the hatch
(Y) we opened. It gives access
to an underwater labyrinth which is pretty hard
to describe without a Compass.
Swim down and right, when you come
to a larger tunnel, there’s an UNDERWATER LEVER (1) down to
the right opening a hatch in the floor. Use it and best swim
back for air, dive back down and in the larger area go down into
the hole in the floor. Follow through to a diamond
shaped brick tunnel, go left/right into a narrow
tunnel again, down and left and up in the end for an air pocket. Be sure to Save your
Swim down again, keep right this
time and come across some wet FLARES. Roll, swim out and right and in the end go up
through that open hatch..
Shoot a Rat and flip the
switch to open that underwater gate we saw before.
Dive back in, swim keeping right and you’ll see the open gate
ahead. Go through and in another diamond shaped brick tunnel
go left/(first)right and just right around the
corner is an air pocket. Turn around, swim back into the brick
tunnel, right/right into the
next opening and grab a
SMALL MEDI. Get back to the air pocket
and Save. Turn around again,
swim left around the first
corner and find SHOTGUN AMMO, back to the air
Now swim straight ahead, right when you
come to a diamond shaped brick tunnel, first
opening right has a closed gate,
just a bit further is a room where
you can surface
for air. Nothing you can do there
now, so just swim straight, left into the low
tunnel, right around and then near the end left
(3) opening the gate in the diamond
shaped brick tunnel. Swim back and get air, swim
straight and left into the open gate
for an UNDERWATER LEVER (4). A gate
opens in the room where you
last got air, swim back there and climb out. As you enter the gate,
a Baddy shows up and he will drop more HK CLIPS. Check the Shelves for the ??? KEY, SHOTGUN AMMO
and SMALL MEDI, and the HK WEAPON. Flip the switch to open a gate somewhere (Z).
Go back to the water, run in and swim right, left
into that low tunnel we
went in before and just up right where
we used the
last Lever is a now open gate, get SECRET #3, the REVOLVER
and REVOLVER AMMO. Swim back for
air, go straight
and left into the second opening
you came from before, follow through to the
air pocket.
We now have
to find our way out of this
Hell Hole. Save, swim straight
and left into the opening with
the black/yellow band, left into the
brick tunnel and right, down and keep right to come
to that first
air pocket. Turn around and swim down, keep right and around the corner
up right through the tunnel
to the diamond
shaped brick tunnel. Left/right
and up in the end to the pit
with the first UW lever, through the opening
opposite the lever and up in the end to climb
out (savegame.1).
Go right to another part of
the sewers and shoot a Rat.
Cross a bridge and open a gate
(is already open or will open on approach), go in and shoot the Baddy. On the left
side of the
room are block with Flames, you can jump onto
the lower side of the
slanted block and walk over to
the other side, pick up
REVOLVER AMMO from under the crates and flip the switch to open a large fence opening another section of the
sewers, next to the deep
pit. Get back out of the room,
cross the bridge again, left/right through the
passage to the Deep Pit, go up the ladder
to the upper
level and off left.
For a Secret: First jump over
the sewer to the walkway
we came from
earlier, go around the corner,
over the pipe to the
bridge there. That crawlspace is now open, get
in for SECRET #4,
the UZIS and UZI CLIPS. Get
out, get back to the Deep Pit and jump back over.
Go in to the
new section and open the gate in the
back. Follow in to where another gate opens
for you, take a right and pick up SHOTGUN AMMO. Then go to
the other side, shoot the Bats and make it down the
ladder. Jump over to the opposite
side gate any way you
like and pick up the FLARES. Now jump to the gate
and open it, shoot a Dog and check the shelves for
FLARES. A Valve on a block will start
the pumps, the shaft outside will flood, go out of
the room and hop into the
In the bottom is an opening, swim down into the shaft from
facing the pump room. Swim into
the tunnel and just keep straight till
you see a closed gate, go
in left and come up in a pool where you can surface.
Get out, open the gate and you are
in a shoot the Rats from the gate, then
jump quickly over the track as a train will come. Look a bit to the
right in the opposite wall and spot the gate, open it and shoot the crates for SHOTGUN AMMO. Flip the switch to open that underwater gate… Get out to
the track take a right and jump to the central platform
when a train is coming, in the
end right is an alcove with SECRET #5, a SMALL MEDI, 2X UZI CLIPS and FLARES. Now get back where
you came into the tunnel
and hop into the water, swim
left around to get to
the gate you opened.
Excavation Site.
Take a right at the intersection and the current will basically take you to
where you can surface in a room. Get out, shoot the Baddy and get
his HK CLIPS, on the shelves is a SMALL MEDI. Push the button right
of the gate
and go through and either side will take you to
the same huge cavern. Shoot a small army of Bats and looking at all the scaffolding, someone’s been digging here.
Climb the ladder down to the ground, there
could be more Bats around. Turn around and go to
a fenced off area with wooden containers,
shoot some rotten crates next to the
containers and pick up SHOTGUN - and REVOLVER AMMO. There’s
a machine on that platform, push the button and a Dog appears. When you turn around
towards the wooden containers, you can see
a new platform appeared on the structure up left.
Climb the containers to the
top, run jump/grab straight
to the high platform in the back.
Go left and from the opening in the fence, run
jump onto that new platform against
the structure. Go over the top
of the structure
to the other
side and grab SECRET #6,
next to it. Hang from the side
and safety drop onto a slope below.
Now go into
the far back of the cavern,
shoot the Rats and open the
gate in the tunnel. Run into the back for a SMALL MEDI, hop back and open the trapdoor. Turn around to climb down a looong ladder, open the gate down there
and step out into the subway tunnel.
To the right
is SHOTGUN AMMO, go to the other
side, onto the track and left, run and jump to the right onto
the platform…
Run to the other end of the
platform, open the wooden barrier and start the generator
by pushing the button, but beware, a Dog and a Baddy (HK
CLIPS) will show up. Go
back a bit to where you came
from and left into the first
opening in the wall, shoot the crates for SHOTGUN AMMO. Looking over the edge
of the floor
you’ll see a tunnel below, we’ll
get to that
Run jump over to the rock ledge
along the wall and then jump over the lower
tunnel to the entrance to
some old escalators. To the left behind
the steel fence you can
see a pickup. Go up the right
hand escalator and run right into
the wall as the boulder
comes, back flip onto the safe central
part and go down the other escalator
to what happens
Make your way up and pass through the left
hand checkpoint. Shoot a
Dog and a bit later another Dog. On one of the Toll
booths (the most buried one)
is a SMALL MEDI. To the right of
where you entered is a wooden
barrier with Condemned on it, open that and a Baddy shows (HK CLIPS). Go down the short escalators, turn around and hop backwards onto the steep part,
grab the edge and drop down into a flooded area. Light a Flare, turn
around and swim straight, keep right where possible (there’s one dead
end) and come to a low cave with an opening in the ceiling, go up
and climb out. Shoot the Bat and go into
the cave, keep to the left
Turn around, walk out straight and you’ll bump into a pillar,
around the back of it is
a hole in the ceiling, grab
up into a crawlspace. Follow to the end, shoot a Bat, turn around and grab up again. One more
grab up and you are in another part of the
Underground. Go to the far end, shoot the crates for a SMALL MEDI and go through one
of the openings
in the wall to the platform
of the ‘Westbound
trains’, shoot some Rats there. Facing the
tracks, go right to the
end and sprint over the track, jump onto a small platform right to avoid
getting run over by the
incoming train (savegame.2). Onto the track again and into the next
safe alcove, open the wooden barrier and grab FLARES
In and around the Hall.
Out and right around to go through
the next barrier the floor
crumbles as you run in, keep
right and find a MEDIPACK. Turn back and hop right around
the corner to get to
a back corridor with big candle holders.
Go right in the end and come to a large hall. Get to the
center where the floor has
given away and safety drop down into the caves
below and shoot a Bat. From standing on the broken piece
of floor and that big grated
steel ball behind you, go straight
into a tunnel ahead and keep left to find a ROCKET, turn back
and keep along the left wall to
come to a long slide.
All the way down and run over two
Spike Traps with break tiles,
then take the right hand
passage, follow to a bridge, hop or
side flip over the Dart traps and in the dark passage
at the other end, you can climb
up left, up left again
and one more time to get to
a room with a button which will open a door in that large Hall,
jump/grab the ladder and go up to
the Hall. The door you opened is
in the diagonally opposite corner. Drop down the hole in the
floor, shoot some Rats and
follow the partially caved in tunnel (crawl). Open the barrier and hop onto the
scaffold, go left and pick up
UZI CLIPS. Go back to the
open barrier, hop onto the scaffold
there and look for the walkway
with the fence (above where
you just got the Clips). Run jump onto that walkway, there
should be SHOTGUN AMMO. Hop
back and then hop onto the platform
above where the Ammo was. Turn right and grab up to a slanted pillar,
stand jump straight onto a platform in front of a lit passage,
shoot the Baddy as you enter
and he’ll drop the GATE KEY.
Back out to the platform, grab up to the monkey
bars and go left at the end into another lit
passage. Follow through to another Subway entrance and shoot the Dogs and a
Baddy, the latter will drop the BORE ROOM KEY. Pick up some FLARES from under some
crates in the far corner. Now
we have to
go down the escalators in the opposite corner….
BUT…: If you want a nice Secret, you have to backtrack
to the Hall, so, back into the lit
passage with the stairs you
came from and to the place
with the monkey bars, make
your way down to that wooden
barrier you came from and through
the crooked tunnel where you
have to crawl, climb up to
the Hall, keep left into the
corridor, right around the corner
and jump over a spike trap. Take the second right, second
left and find the gate you can
open with the GATE KEY.
Inside is SECRET #9,
the Hall, right into the room
and down the hole through the crooked
tunnel and up the scaffolds again
as before to get to
the room with the ticket booths where you
got the Bore
Room Key.
The Bore Room.
Go down left escalator and to the left
is a ROCKET in an alcove, then run over
the breakable tiles and drop down go right and open the barrier, you
are now on a walkway over the
track where this level started. Safety drop down onto the platform,
behind you is the generator
room we visited
before, just go straight from where
you dropped and into the second
opening in the left wall. Go down a short ladder to the
lower (blue) tunnel, run left
and then right onto the platform
with the barrier, open it with the Bore
Room Key. Shoot a Guard inside
and go to the back of the
room, another Guard nearby. Climb
some containers under a walkway and go inside to
flip a switch activating the Bore. Go out, get down to the
floor and hop up to the
big hole under the Bore. Stand at the right hand
corner, turn around and safety drop onto
a ledge below, turn around and run jump into an alcove in the opposite corner
to get SECRET #10, UZIS and 2X UZI CLIPS. Safety drop out of the alcove
onto a breakable floor and fall through into a pool, wade up to safety.
On one side of the cavern
is a large opening, go in and shoot all the Bats.
Take a right and grab a ROCKET. Turn to the opposite
tunnel and in the end is a hole down, just run in…
In a corner of the room you
dropped into, is a lever opening
a crawlspace gate. Just
stick your head in and get back out again to shoot the Rat coming out of the
crawlspace. Back in and right
around the corner is a break tile, just crawl on and drop into a partially flooded tunnel, go to the
intersection and left,
shoot Bats and go right at the next intersection,
then left of a wooden wall is a niche and that’s where you’ll
Old Prison.
Go back where you came from and go
straight to a steel fence, to
the right is an opening. In that room is
a Spike trap ceiling. There is a SMALL MEDI on the floor, I dare
you to take
it and get into the opening
left before you die. I just left it as it
cost more health loss than
gain. Now be ready for
some Bats, but also more sturdy enemies. In the next tunnel
is a Skeleton that wakes up, around
the corner is a block, from
standing on it you can grab up
to a room above. Go through an open gate and from the
right a Knight will attack
(a Grenade will work fine).
Follow through shooting
Bats, a Skeleton and in a room with
a Spike trap you will trigger another Knight. In the area behind
the Spike trap you can climb
up in the right hand niche,
go left a bit and then right
into the crawlspace, hang out at the end,
but don’t drop yet. Shimmy right along a crack and get into a tiny
niche to get SECRET #12, a
Castle, Rusted Gate Keys.
Drop out left into a corridor with a Spike wall closing in.
Quickly roll, get to the lever left,
open the crawlspace with it and get
in. A big courtyard, some closed doors,
the one straight
ahead needs a Key. Shoot some more Rats and push open the doors on the
right (stables). In the far corner
is a lever opening the opposite
door in the courtyard. So get back there and enter, a Knight will emerge from the
room to the
right, check where he drops and find the RUSTED GATE
KEY. In the room on a table (climb on, don’t jump as you
can get stuck in the wall) are
FLARES and a SMALL MEDI. Get out to
the courtyard and open the big door
left, go up to another
door which will open for you and step
into the Arena, a Knight
will mount his horse and come
for you. Easiest (I read in a forum) was to just fire a Rocket at him till he is
set on fire and then just dodge him till he perishes.
Search the remains for another RUSTED GATE KEY.
The Laser Skull, Laser Sight.
Open the big door to the
left of where
you entered before, another stable area, in the back, next to a harness is
a crowbar lever on the floor. It
will open the hatch next to it,
drop down into a flooded cave, let the current take
you (bit to the left)
and surface to climb out straight ahead. Go right and behind the crates
you can go
up the rock
ledges to get up to
some opened wooden doors. Go in, climb up and get
a preview of the next enemy,
we need a Revolver and Sight for that. In the
far right hand corner is
a rope hanging down, go down the rope
and drop the last bit behind a crate.
Stay along the wall where
the crate is and to the
left to a door that will open for you, behind
some containers are a REVOLVER, AMMO and LASERSIGHT. Put the sight on the
Revolver and step into the doorway, aim
for the eyes
of the Skull and shoot them (savegame.3). When the Skull exploded, go to
a now open hatch in the floor.
Hazardous Catacombs.
Drop down into the caves, after sliding down, take a right into
the tunnel, best sprint as
a Boulder will chase you, take refuge in an opening left, now
first return to where the
Boulder came from and pick up SECRET #13, SHOTGUN AMMO and UZI CLIPS. Go back to that passage
left of the
Boulder and find a whole bunch
of Knife traps. Get your health
up if needed
and do run jumps over the tips
of the Knives.
There are Spike traps in between, so don’t dilly dally but keep going (savegame.4).
Up to the right is another
one of this
big boulders and down to the left
is a hatch in the floor, sprint
onto the hatch and drop into a passage below, a slide with Blade traps, stand left or right, start
when the Blade is on the other
side and in the end is a Spike trap you have to
jump over (savegame.5).
Lava Pools.
There’s no way we can
go left because
of the Flames (see F), so right it is, jump to
the first ledge in the Lava pool (notice the lever
left; for a Secret). Run
jump almost straight to the one
with the single flame and land when the
flame is down. Stand in a corner (that’s where you are
safe), or immediately do a running jump to the next safe ledge.
Stand jump right to the ledge in the
side passage and a running jump onwards to a gate, stand jump up into the
room, maybe shoot the Skeleton after he wakes up and go down straight into the
passage, open the wooden doors down there and come to a closed door.
Go up left and find the lever showing
the flames in the entrance passage
(see F) are now gone (you
can spot the SECRET in the Lava pool if you look
So, return the way you came
to the room
where you shot the Skeleton and slide down to the
ledge in the Lava. Jump
back over the ledges towards the entrance and spot the lever
on the now safe ledge right, that
one will make the ledge with
the Secret safe. So, if you want that
Secret, go back over the ledges to
that last room with the lever,
slide out to the ledge in the
Lava and jump over to grab SECRET #14, a ROCKET, a ROCKET LAUNCHER and a
MEDIPACK. Back again and to
where you entered the Lava pools, straight over to where
those big doors are and from
a rock to the right you can
grab up through a hole in the ceiling, crawl through to a cave. Follow those caves up
while dodging boulders and climb up through a hole in the ceiling once
more, you’ll come to a door
that will open for you. You are
now near the Church.
The Church, opening the
Shoot the incoming Knights
and go up the stairs to
the church yard, two Big Knights come alive, they
are easy prey for the Grenade launcher. Check the ledges left and right of the
Church entrance for 2x
SHOTGUN AMMO and enter the
Go right around into a room under
the Bell Tower, shoot some
Bats and climb up to the rafter,
on one side is SECRET #15,
REVOLVER AMMO AND UZI CLIPS. Drop back down and you have to pull the
rope to sound
the Bells (#1 for the door in the
back). Out of this room go left
and look on the back of the last pillar
to find a Jump lever (#2 for the door
in the back). Go to the back of the
Church and left of a knight
statue is an opening, on the floor is a Crowbar
lever (#3 for the door in the
back). Go straight across to the opposite
side and into a passage there, shoot a Knight and
in the end is a wall lever (#4 for the
door in the back). Go out
and keep right to go through
those doors. Go through and wait in front of the
opening left
Dangerous Basements.
When you look up in front
of the passage
left, you can see a boulder.
That boulder will stop at the skeleton,
but you’ll have to get through
those Blades, so top up your health and run down. You may
end up in a Spike trap,
just walk out slow. You can pause between the next set
of Blades and after that you have to
run jump over Knife traps while Spike walls are closing
in (savegame.6). Around
a corner another pair of boulders will chase you, there’s
a niche to the left where
you can take
refuge, for the second one
a niche to the right. Jump over the Spike pit with the
boulders and down the stairs is an entrance
to a Lava Pool.
The Dragonoth, the Eye of Dragonoth.
The blue diamonds will douse the flames
if you catch fire, but won’t replenish health, so keep an eye out. Shoot remaining Rockets while side jumping left
right and throw all the heavy weapons (Revolver) into the fight
to kill that Demon (well, that
didn’t take long).
Jump over to the central island
and claim the EYE OF
Get through the door that
will open in the back and go
into the tunnel, to the
right on a wooden crate are STICKS OF DYNAMITE, go up the
slope opposite the crates and place the Dynamite on the wooden fence,
stand back and watch the show. Go through and start the generator
right of the elevator platform.
Step on the elevator and that’s the end of
the level….