The Stolen
Coffin (
Level by DNF
productions (Donald Forgues)
Unauthorized Walkthrough by Dutchy.
I won’t mention all enemies, only relevant ones.
Lara slides into a Town square, go to the NE corner and face the N side
grey hill, hop onto the somewhat flatter part one square up the hill and turn
NW, standjump to the next part and up NW one more time, turn W and do
standjumps from ledge to ledge and finally up NW again, now jump into an
opening NW. Follow in to a dark room and light a flare to spot the deadly pit
in the middle of the statues in the room. Shoot the vases to get the Flares
and a ½ MP and go walk up to that invisible pit in the middle of the
room, drop in from the side where there’s no statue and climb to the W side. Go
down the wall to the bottom and get Secret #1,
Ammo from the passage, climb back up and get into the CS in the wall NE.
Follow to the R at the crossing, come to a higher passage and a door will open
to the R, go into the Labyrinth.
The Labyrinth.
You’re in the start room with 3 passages, go to the W and follow
straight at the crossing, past a closed door and left into next passage, look
up to the right and get into the crawlspace, shoot the left vase for Flares
and go pull the levers, the door at the Pillar opens. Go up the ladder between
the 2 levers, kill the Ninja (get his guns), down into next room and kill 2
more, get the Ammo one of them drops.
Stand with your back to the sloped pillar and backflip/jump/grab the
next ledge, go all the way up to the top, look in the West wall and enter the
passage, pull both levers (I don’t know what for, because all the ropes where
there and I saw nothing changed, but do it anyway) and go back out, jump/grab
to the rope, swing to the top of the roof and go shoot the right hand vase for
a MP, go on to the lava room.
The Lava Room.
Swing to the other side of the room (only using the right hand rope
will take you there easy) and go runjump with a L
curve into the East passage, jump/grab the ceiling and swing on the ceiling
over the lava. Go to the right (left is a crawlspace for the exit), to the
pool, dive in (not easy to navigate here) and into the shaft, follow till you
get the front view of Lara, push the look button and see the Spike balls
hanging, go along the left side, till you feel a ball falling (room shaking),
then go right to the other side of the room, up into the hole the ball came
down from, swim till you see the room shaking again and roll, get back down and
to the East into the new tunnel, follow to a room with a lever and pull it to
open a gate. Swim back carefully avoiding the Spike balls.
Get back to the pool and climb out, use the crawlspace you saw before,
climb L over the ladders in the next lava pit to get into the CS N to return to
the Lava room. In the room with the sarcophagus, only shoot the left vase and
take the Ammo, use the rope in the lava room to swing into the right
hand passage. (green light) Climb up the ledges to the
open gate you saw before and pull the lever to open a set of double doors.
Go down the ledges and jump/grab back in the exit, go runjump/grab the
rope in the Lava room and swing to the S, go backwards down the slope at the
next rope from the W side and drop to a ledge below, make your way down and
leave through the open door N. Follow back to the start room of the Labyrinth.
The Pharos Pillar.
Go in W again and now take the R hand passage near the door that’s now
blocking the passage ahead. Follow up a ramp and go R at the crossing, into the
door you opened (ignore the open doors for now) and get the Pharos Pillar,
a MP from the vase and throw the lever in the other side of the room to
open a gate on the Town square.
Face the N wall and climb the wall to the R of the entrance, backflip
to the ledge behind you, go to the Trigger Tile on the E side and see a door
opening up. It’s Timed…
Timed Run.
Face the exit below and light a flare, save and run off to the exit,
runjump with a R curve and run a bit to the start of that ramp to the L, now
start sprint down and go L, then R,L/R. you’re in the start room turn R into
the n passage and L down the steps. When you come to the door and it’s still
open. You have to stop for a short while and do a standjump to the L, because
the Tile behind the door is deadly. Standjump E and then to
the Tile in the back with Secret #2, all
the Ammo and the Star of Heaven. Go jump back over the
same safe Tiles and up the steps to the Start room. Head W again and return to
the room where the Timed run started.
Place the Star of Heaven on the L hand wall and see a gate opening up,
now you can go down the slope behind those big open doors and slide to some
steps, go up and get the Shotgun from the pedestal L, climb up to the
floor W.
Timed Pool Jump.
Walk to the N and just in front of the ledge in the pool, the Timed gate will open on the other side. Here’s what to do,
stand on the “open” tile on the right side facing the gate, step all the way
back and do a standjump to the right corner of the ledge in front, do a running
jump diagonally across to the left pillar and land on the left corner, turn
right, runjump to the closest corner of the ledge in front of the gate, turn
right a little and sidejump left into the gate.
Follow the passage to the end and climb the dark wall, slide down to
the Town square, shoot a Ninja (L) for his Ammo and go in the passage
between the church you came down from and the purple building with the open
gate and on the back corner of that purple building, you can grab up to the
roof of the church, pull up and then backflip onto the corner of the roof of
the purple building, get Secret #3, Ammo.
Get back down and go into the open gate at the front of the building.
Swim down the tunnel and at the crossing go R and pull the lever in a
room, back to the crossing and straight to next room for a lever, now back and
up at the crossing. Follow the last tunnel (L) from the crossing and reach the
big room with the colored UW gates.
Timed UW Gate Puzzle and The
Just to the R inside NW is a ½ MP and across the room SE is a MP.
Then climb out N and go up the ladder on the wall, climb off to the L and
follow the ledge to a Trigger Tile on the W ledge, stand back to the wall and
face into the room, Save here. Runjump into the pool with a slight curve to the
right, into the open yellow gate, (watch the shadow on the bottom) on the 3rd
square roll, swim out and sharp L/L into the red gate, to 3rd square and roll,
out and sharp L to the pink gate in the W, go in and the gate closes, just
inside the gate is the Arabia Knot.
Now some doors opened up on the ledge on top of the room, so get out of
the water and up the ladder again, go around the ledge and drop/hang from the
side to shimmy past the door that’s blocking the way, go up the ladder and
slide down the slope, hopping over the Spike-trap halfway down. The big doors
open and you’re back on Town square. Go to the NE corner again and jump up the
grey hill once more, now go over into the NE corner
where a passage leads down to the receptacles for both Arabic Pillar and Arabic
Knot. The big doors SW on Town square open up.
Go back up and down the hill, go to the open doors and get the Ammo
on the crate to the L, then go to the SW corner of the room and climb a ladder
to a room above. Get the Ammo from the W alcove. Go to the next opening
W and run in to grab the ladder, go down to a room with Secret # 4, all kinds of Ammo and Guns,
back up the ladder and backflip to upper room again, go over to the crate in
the NE corner and climb on, runjump/grab the ceiling in NW direction and
monkeyswing N through the passage, turn R in next room and drop to the pink
ledge, go over to the N side and turn L, jump/grab to the ceiling again and
into the next room W, drop and shoot the Ninja, take the Ammo lying
about and go W.
The Jumps.
A camera shot will show you the jumps you have to do next. Runjump/grab
the ladder on the pillar and climb to the right, to the top and with your feet
on the 2nd step, backflip/roll/grab the pillar and hang, overlook the next set
of jumps, you’ll have to go along the left wall to the other side of the room. Pull
up and just slide from this first pillar onto the next. Then start jumping. (it’s quite impossible to tell all jumps, but if you save
when hanging on pillars, you will get to the other side) Last of the first
series is a long slide to a ladder, jump/grab in the last moment, climb left
and up, from one step down, backflip/roll/grab the pillar behind, pull up on
the R hand side, slide to the end and jump/jump/jump/grab the higher pillar,
pull up and slide/jump and slide 2 long slopes down till you drop in a pool of
water. Climb out to the right and enter the Labyrinth.
The Labyrinth.
Go R/R and get the 1st part of the Osiris Cartouche, back and R,
shoot box for a ½ MP, back and R end R, SW box for Ammo, back and
L/R/2nd R/ follow to Isis Cartouche, back out and straight N for the
lever to lower a wall near the pool, back and R/R and over the small pool you
dropped in, to enter the room with the Coffin.
The Coffin.
The flyby shows the gate and some rooms upstairs, don’t step on the
ledges at the Coffin, but go around to the other side, enter the N room with
the 2 statues, switch the statues places (L one goes to R alcove, R one to L
alcove) and the gate in the Coffin room opens (NW), pull he lever inside and 2
blocks rise, giving you access to the 1st floor. Explore all 4 rooms up there
to get Ammo, a MP and the second half of the Osiris Cartouche,
now place both Cartouches and the big doors open.
Kill a Ninja and go up the looong ladders, on to the higher passage,
kill another Ninja and up more ladders, to finally reach a room under the glass
floor, you saw before, take out the Ninja guarding the place and go down the
steps, slide out of the level.