Level by Walrus
Walkthrough by
Some secrets have to
be added later as I could only find two of them, and have no knowledge of how
many there are. If anyone finds them please let me know so I can add them to
the walkthrough, thank you.
I had two bugs: After
using the three levers to open the RX door, it did not open and I had to go
back on a save game. Also, after the explosion at the end the avalanche did not
trigger until I went back to the lever room and ran round inside the small
area, two more explosions happened then the avalanche appeared. This may have
been due to using the levers too soon after each other, so take your time using
each one.
Start the level high up on an ice ledge. Pull pistols and crouch to shoot the
invisible ice barrier out in the North wall, then jump over and enter the crawl
Go through the ice
tunnel and at the end watch out for a steam vent which will steal some health.
Crouch again to shoot out the black grating, and then crawl through to enter
the new ice cave. Go right and shoot out the skull barriers in front of the
hut, then take a jump to the east wall door and enter the base.
Go through the passage
and you will come to an RX Tech sign on the wall, if you look left you will see
a closed door, I call this the RX Tech door and you need to remember this for
later. Go right and up the stairs to enter the central room, which has an inner
chamber with four closed doors for later.
Go left turn and enter
the north door and make your way through the passage to the bridge room.
Make your way around
the ledges to the right until you can jump to a rope, then swing over to the NW
ledge. Head through the west door and shoot the guard in the passage, then go
through to the boiler room and use the hang lever on the north wall to release
another rope outside.
Return to the ledge
outside and just as you leave the doorway look left to see the rope you have to
jump to, (if you can, try and pick off the guard who is firing at you from up
top) then take a running jump to catch the rope. Line Lara up so she is facing
just left of the next rope, then swing over and catch it. From here, you can
get the first secret so do not swing to the next rope ahead, instead, line Lara
up with the ledge above the next rope then use the swing key a couple of times
until Lara is flying high, let go of the swing key and Lara will become still
on the rope, then as soon as she brings her legs up press the swing key again
to give her a boost, she will swing higher now and when her legs are right up
in the air, press action to reach and grab that upper ledge, now pull up for 1st
Secret – Revolver Ammo – Uzi Clips – Shotgun Ammo – LMP.
Drop down on the ledge
at the east side and land on the ledge below, turn and run into the short
passage to use a lever which will show you a shot of the RX Tech door still
closed, there are in fact three levers to open that door, so this is lever one.
Return to the central
room via the ropes, and then go left to enter the east door to get to the
computer room.
Here you can see two
flights of stairs going up either side of the room, and also a lower area. Go
down the stairs and go through the computer area, then head through to the
north passage. There is a lever on the wall and it is timed, so save game and
use the lever, then run and sprint up the stairs to the timed door above. Make
it through and use the two levers on either side of the room. The south wall
lever will open the door to get out of this room, and the north wall lever will
show a second shot of the RX Tech door. (Also in this room you can see the Uzis
through a glass case in the north wall, but someone on site reported that they
are not meant to be got, so that may well be the case.)
Leave this area now
and head back to the central room again.
Go left and enter the
South door then go through to the offices. Shoot the two guards that show up
and then head to the far end of the passage. Go right and shoot another guard
in the south room then wait for another guard to show up. When he is seen to
you can use the lever on the west wall and see the final shot of the RX Tech
door opening. (I had a bug here and the door did not open, if this happens you
will have to go back on a save and try doing this lever without saving after
you enter this area.
Return to the central
room again then go left and enter the west door to get back to the red passage.
Go down the stairs and through the newly opened RX Tech door ahead and enter
the sleeping quarters.
From the top bunk on
the left as you enter, you can grab some Shotgun Ammo, and from the last
bunk on the right you will find some Arrows. At the north wall, climb
the ladder and get enter the canteen.
Go through the dining
area and quickly nip through the west passage as a sentry gun is firing from
above. Go left and round the corner for some Uzi Clips, then enter the
kitchen via the west passage .
Use the lever on the
east wall to open a door out in the passage, but before heading back there, nip
into the north storage room and shoot the boxes and crates for the Shotgun -
Shotgun Ammo – Uzi Clips – LMP. Now you can return to the passage and go
left to enter the newly opened door to the rest rooms.
A guard will attack
from the centre cubicle, kill him then use the hang lever inside the cubicle he
came out of; this opens the last cubicle and reveals a black grating in the
wall. Shoot out the grating and climb up into the crawl space, then make your
way through the vent until you come to the end, go left for a SMP, then
crawl back and head through the north vent until you can take a left turn. At
the end of this vent, shoot out the grate and drop into the new room where a
guard is waiting to attack.
Take out the guard then nip into the east room and take a look at the
helicopter sitting on its pad, but apart from listing to some nice TR music,
that is all you can do here, so return to the previous room and enter the short
north passage and save game.
There is a pole here,
but do not use it, if you do you will not make it to ground before the fire
emitters burn Lara. Instead, you have to hang drop from the ledge and quickly
drop and grab the wall gaps as you go down, be quick and make it to ground
before Lara burns.
Enter the east boiler
room and use the lever on the south wall to open a grate in the kitchen wall,
and then climb the pole and back flip from the top to the upper room again. You
can now return to the kitchen via the vent.
In the kitchen, climb onto the stoves and head through the newly opened
grate in the west wall. Go right of the room and under the pipe so you can
slide down onto a safe tile next to the fire floor. Crouch and shoot out the
grate, then crawl through the vent (losing some health from two steam vents).
At the end of the vent, use the ladder to get to the lower room and use
the hang lever on the west wall to open the four doors of the inner chamber at
the central room. Shoot the crate nearby and take the Grenade Ammo, then
go to the NE corner and find a movable east wall block. Push the block through
to reveal a passage, then at the end find 2nd Secret – Crossbow – Arrows x 2
– Shotgun ammo. Now return up the ladder and make your way back to the
Head back through the dining area and go back down the ladder to the
sleeping quarters, and then head back through the RX Tech door and go back up
stairs to the central room again.
Enter the inner chamber and use all four levers, this will cause an
avalanche back at the hut area. Now leave and head through the west door and
go back outside to the hut.
You can now see that
the avalanche has made a snowy floor for you to get over to the hut, so, drop
down onto the snow and climb into the hut at the west side, then as you climb
into the hut look left and find the lever on the wall to turn on the lights.
Head to the NW corner and collect the Warhead Data, then leave the hut
and go out to the north wall.
Shoot out the grating
in the north wall and enter the ice tunnel, then slide down the slope at the
end to finish the level.
The End