Coastal City / City Chronicles
Unauthorised Walkthrough written by CC
This is by no means a complete walkthrough, but it'll get you through to the end,
hopefully. The City Chronicles level is littered with bugs and it's
possible to do actions too early and get stuck in lots of places, just reading
the thread will show this. So I can't guarantee if this walkthrough
is going to work for everyone, all I can say is what's in this walkthrough worked
for me. I hope it helps at least.
warthog, and pick up ammo. In the second room on the right is a pool with ramps
either side, two locked doors up top and a route to a boulder+rope
that needs to be burned. Run up to the locked gate on the right and shoot the
lock, inside is the lasersight. Shoot the locked gate
on the left to get the crowbar.
You might as well do this now - hop into the pool and swim down, then up
to a room where you see the pharos pillar. Be careful of hidden spikes just before
the pillar. The flame brackets on the walls now are lighted. Go up the ramp to
the room with the boulder+rope. Hop down and a
skeleton pops out of a coffin. Behind the coffin take the beetle of the wall
(secret). There are three entrances here, one at the end of the slope, one to a
dirt room and one to a room with flames on the wall. Go into the the dirt room. Be very careful of the hidden spikes in the
floor and the poison darts, get the pickups and a
torch at the back. Now go into the room with flames. As you hop over the walls
use your lasersight to shoot a target down there, or
hop down and shoot. Light the torch on a flame and go back and light the boulder+rope. This triggers spikes at the end of the slope
and it's safe now - for a while! BTW there are more
targets later on and I really don't know what all of them achieved, it could be
the opening of a door that looks like it needs a key but opens as you approach,
you'll see this much later.
In the next room a skeleton lies on the floor and there's a hole in the
dirt pile. Save your game. Slide jump and grab and climbable wall ahead. Climb
down slowly and step back slowly to pick up ammo, walk forward and get back on
the ladder. I did this the quick way and got spiked. Backflip at the top to a corridor.
As you turn the next corner look at the white square. Up
above is a boulder. Sprint forward while the boulder is chasing you and run off
the start of the ramp into the next room. If you run too far forward on the
ramp spikes kill you. Hang on the edge of these walkways and shimmy to pass the
spikes that I can't remember exactly where they shoot up, and you'll see the
coin on one of these ramps. Again continue on your way shimmying as far as you
can go. When you come to a corridor the spikes shoot down instead of up, and
eventually you'll come to a trapdoor that drops you back in the flame room. Head
back to the pool and the snakecharmer beside it and put
you're coin in the slot. This opens the two trapdoors above, where you got the
crowbar you can now get the pharos knot, where you got the lasersight
you can now get the revolver and ammo. Watch out, there are two more warthogs
Go across the courtyard to where the breakable barrier was earlier. Shoot
it if it's still intact. And you come to a room with spikes and central
platform. Four skeleton rise from the outside
platforms. I suppose you could wait 'til they hop over to you and shoot them
into the spikes, or you could just run across and place that Pharos knot and
enter the next corridor. Run fast though as there's another boulder after you
and hop up onto the block ahead. (There is a beetle on the wall down there
among the spikes but the only way I could get it was to drop carefully down
feeding Lara at least 3 large medpacks as her health
slowly disappeared. Perhaps there's a way I didn't see to turn these particular
spikes off!).
You're looking at another target, shoot it and see horrible spikes. Walk
forward a bit to trigger the spikes nearer to you. At the end turn right and
shoot another target. Walk towards that target and turn right again. You need
to use the look button and the lasersight to shoot
the next target far away down this long corridor, and this
trips the horrible sideways spikes along the corridor. Climb down the
ladder and see a corridor with trapdoors. Save your game here because this
could take a few goes. Drop through the trapdoors just once and get the pickup,
and climb back up again to the start. Only some trapdoors drop, so you'll need
to do runs across some and running jumps across others to get to the end.
You're now in a room with ropes. Swing across and get those pickups now.
Climb down the ladder and get the star. When you climb back up there are three
skeletons up there, so save you're game and run for the first rope and swing
back across. You could shoot the skeletons into the pit, but I just left them
there. Now for that nice run back across the trapdoors, up the ladder and back
to the door with the lock on it, it opens as you approach (remember the
targets! I think this is it), but when you go through stop for a minute and
save you're game again. You'll need to outrun another boulder and dive for a
crawlspace ahead. Climb the ladder. At the top you see a room of tall pillars,
but don't go there yet. Jump across the gap and prepare yourself for another
boulder run. Climb the ladder to a room with fire floor, a sort of coffin
platform and a target on it. Shoot the target and two ropes rise
from the floor. (Maybe this is what the targets are for, I don't know). This is
really cool. What you have to do is run and grab the first rope, it's like a
pole now, turn around and backflip to the platform. Jump
and grab the second rope/pole and backflip to the
ground ahead. Pick up the blue gem and do the same thing with the poles on the
way back. Go back now to the room with pillars.
Prepare yourself because as you jump from pillar to pillar at least 6 skeletons
will rise around the room. I burst out laughing when I saw some of
the skeletons trying to hop across to me and miss the jump and fall to the floor
below. There's another beetle down there on the side of one of the
pillars near the gem receptacle, use the ladder. Place the blue gem in the slot
and continue onwards to a door with a lock. Shoot it and drop down
where you can place the star. Slide down into a jazzy decorated room. Here starts
the second level.
City Chronicles now starts here. In this same jazzy room. Open the trapdoor and slide down
into a nice looking library set room.
Ahead of you are blue doors, open them and you'll see a horse. Run ahead
and trigger the horsemen. Shoot him and get his blue gem. You could pick up the
scroll here too but it was no use to me because it was purely trial and error
that got me through this level and there are numerous bugs. Here is where
you'll just have to trust me, as it's the way I did it, albeit going round in
circles a bit. If there's a better way then please, somebody, write and tell
Have a look around this room. There are five doors, four of them have
globes behind them, and there are four sun signs on the floor. I started by
placing this first gem in the door on the right, and pushing that blue globe to
the star in front of the middle door in the back wall. You'll see the door outside
up on the balcony open. Run outside and up the ladder to the open door. You'll
see a hole with wheel blades, leave that for the moment. Go further in past
huge wheel cogs into another room with a structure with hole in the centre, get the ammo in the hole. Turn around and use the
pull switch over the entrance. This raises a block so you can climb up. Turn
around and get ammo. Continue along this corridor to a room with a switch and
two doors. Pull the switch and two knights come out, get rid of them and go
into the room they came from. Pull the switch in there, and this opens the
other door. Go in and the door closes behind you.
You see two boulders and two globes. The idea is to get one of the
boulders to roll all the way to very end. Here is what I did. Pull the globe on
the right side out, this lets the right side boulder roll down into the hole. Now
pull that same right globe over to the sun sign in the centre, you'll
see two blocks raise covering the first boulder. Now
pull out the left side globe, and the left side
boulder rolls down over the block and onto the end square. Push this same left
globe into the previous room and onto the sun sign, this raises those blocks
even higher. Now go back and push the first globe onto the sun sign at the back
of the room. You get a flyby of a door in the pool room opening.
Head back to the hole with the pole and blades and slide down. Through a
small chain maze to pick up ammo, the uzi and pull a
switch that shows the door beside the huge cog wheel and metal ball opening. I
know I know you've probably seen this before as I did when I got stuck in all
the bugs, but let's take it that this is the right way. So now head for the
water past the big cog in the downstairs room and swim up and get out at the
left open door. Inside shoot a vase and you get a fire wraith, might as well do
it and get the feel of jumping back in the water, because that's what you'll be
doing pretty soon. Forward with blue doors, open them, into another room and open
the blue doors that are openable. Drop down to a
brown sand floor room. Kill a knight and shoot a vase, collect ammo. See that
switch on the wall, well just before you pull it, hop up into that entrance
beside it and open the double blue doors. This is going to be a run to water so
you'll need to have the way clear. Go back to the switch and pull, two fire
wraiths come out of the pedestals, now run for the water.
Go back to where the wraiths came from and look for the open brown
library door and follow to another big room. There are switches on the left
side wall and square running along the centre, the switches raise these square into blocks so
you can get up into that opening. The way I did it was to start with the
farthest right switch, pull it, sideflip to the next,
and the next, and the next, when you pull the last switch save, roll run and
jump to the lowest block, turn left, hop back, run and jump over the next one
and a running jump and grab the last block in front of entrance. See, easy peasy.
Another room with switches and horse. The one of the left of the exit door opens it. The one on the left
opposite the exit door starts the horseman. Collect his gem and go back to the
globe room. Place this gem in the next door on the right, pull out the green
globe and push it to the sunsign at the entrance to
this room. You see a flyby of the right hand door in the water room opening. Go
What you see are two high slopes in front of you, two poles to climb
each side and blue doors at the top. Climb the pole on the right side and use
the pull-down switch, this opens the door above the
other pole. Jump to the slope and slide down and climb up the other pole and through
the door. The door closes behind you. Through a crawlspace into a room with a
door open ahead of you. Now this is where I was stuck for months, so don't do
what I did. See the first square at the door, it looks like a round fire tile,
and there are other squares like this in the room, well you must jump to these squares.
If you don't the door closes and you're trapped forever. Through the door
safely you come to a pool, dive in, you see an opening
and a closed door. Head for the opening. This is like a
water maze but it's not bad. You find a hole to climb out and pull a switch,
which opens a door elsewhere in the maze. You climb out here and do a small bit
of climbing and shimmying to pull another switch, get a pickup and out again to
the pool. Across to the now open door to another room with a fire pedestal,
ignore it, climb the ladder beside you and pull the switch. This shows a camerahot of a block rising in front of that blue door
between the slopes. Hurry back to the water as a fire wraith has appeared from
Back through the pool, and back through the room with jumps to firetiles. Before the crawlspace you see a pull-down switch
over the door. Pulling this releases another wraith. I've no idea what this
switch does, but pull it anyway just to be on the safe side, and try your best
to get back to the slope room and into the water to kill the wraith.
Now the door up the other pole is open, go there. You see a two tier structure
in front of you, a crawlspace on the wall, a door above the
crawlspace and two switches ahead of you. Run to the switch on the left, this
raises a block to bar your exit. Go to the other switch. Save you're
game, this is a timed run and you'll have to do it three times. So pay attention,
I will say this only once, LOL. Pull the switch, backflip
to the
slope behind, forward jump to the slope in front, roll, running jump back to the
slope, keep running up onto the structure and run and grab the
crawlspace, crawl on the left side till you can stand up, pull up, and run and
jump to the top tier of the structure. This is a very tight timed run so
clip corners on the way. First time, use the pulldown
switch on the structure itself, second time the high up switch over the exit
door, third
time the other high up switch. This shows another block rising in front of the
blue doors. Now use that switch on the left side again to lower the
block in front of the exit and escape. Now you go through the blue doors and tackle
another horseman to get his gem.
Bring this gem back to the globe room, and use it in the left door of
the three at the back - not the left door as you enter the room. Pull this grey
globe to the sunsign on the other side of the room. This
opens the brown library wall door outside and up the ladder.
You see two closed doors on the left, a scroll stand below, library
brown walls and a crawlspace. Go through the crawlspace, and half way through a
fire wraith starts after you. When you come out you see water. Oh goody, but wait,
there¹s floating blades in the water. I didn¹t bother waiting to figure this
out, I just dived in, and through the next water room as well. You’ll lose some
health. There are pickups in the water also. You see a
scroll room ahead of you, and as you approach the stand two knights come at you.
There¹s not much room in here so just fire at will. Pick up the scroll (it’s
not on the stand), and go back through the floating blades. Place the scroll on
the stand and the library wall opens to show a ladder.
Save before you climb as you will go through two blades on the way up. At
the top save again but these blades are easier, just crawl under them. Hop down
the other side. You¹re in a room with a balcony and a
horseman down there trotting around. You¹ll have to go down and kill him
and get his gem. Climb back up and get the pickup in an alcove. Go round to
where you dropped from the crawlspace and use the pull-down switch, climb up
near this. You have come through one of the previously closed doors. Go back to
the globe room and place this last gem in the last door and pull out the last
globe to the nearby sunsign. Go back to where you¹ve
come from and the other door is now open.
Run forward to the rope. You¹re aiming for that pulldown
switch on the wall. This shows the door opening in the room with the big cog
wheel beside the water room. Go there and a knight runs out as you approach,
kill him. In there is a switch to turn off the water. There¹s a metal ball to
shoot near the cog but I have no idea what it did. Go ahead and shoot it anyway
if you like. Go into the water room and it¹s drained except for the small hole
in the centre. Dive in and swim until you come out in a big room. You see ahead
of you another horse and a switch in front of it, pull that and two foot knights
appear, so get rid of them.
Run around and find the two pull down switches high up, those squares underneath
them will become blocks later on. Run up into the corridor behind and find the
switch. This raises the block under the left side switch, so go pull that one
down. Go back up to the corridor and now there¹s a block there to climb up. Pull
up into that room and a foot knight is waiting for you. Get rid of him and look
at the floor, there¹s the hole you came up and two more. Find the switch on the wall and
one of those holes is now deeper so drop into that hole and pull the switch
beside you. This raises the block under the other pull down switch. Go there
are do that. You get a flyby of the horseman. Kill him and take his gem.
Go back to the globe room, and this time you get a flyby as you approach
the globes of the middle door opening. I have no idea if anything else needs to
be done so run through and finish the level.
Questions I'm left with: What exactly did all the target shooting do? What
is the last gem for? What did shooting that metal ball do? and
what did that pulldown switch in the firetile hopping room do? If anyone knows let us know. I
found three beetles but I believe there are four.
I had great fun playing these levels, it's well
worth the download and if the problems were fixed in City Chronicles it would
be perfect. Good luck to
you all.