3 En suivant les oiseaux by Thierry Stoorne
Walkthrough by Litepulsar, originally posted at Lara's Home
Secrets found: seven
At the start of level 3, as Lara is sliding down the ramp, there's a
place in the roof to pull up into activate a vital switch. I've provided a
savegame (Savegame.7) if you miss this, or just want to skip it, but it's
fairly easy, you just need to time your jump right If you've managed to grab
that ledge, pull up and go through the crawlspace to pull the chainswitch and
pick up some flares. Crawl back out and carry on ahead, down a ladder then
round a central structure til you come to the newly-opened gate. Do a standing jump to
the ladder, once at the bottom you'll spot a closed gate, above is a crawlspace
that leads to a long drop into a pool.
To get your bearings,
go back up to get some air from where you fell then position Lara facing South,
below in the water are three underwater doors. Take the first one on the left.
Climb out into a small room and activate the jump switch, now head back into
the water to open the middle door. Head up the steep corridor into a room
covered in plants and a closed door, to the right of the door is a well-hidden
passageway behind a plant. This object is very poorly placed in the level,
because it's very hard to get past this, it can be done but I think it's worth
downloading a savegame at this point (Savegame.8) For those who want to risk
it, after getting past the plant swim through the vine-infested corridor, up to
a place where you can pull out and grab the 2nd jumpswitch. Now had back down
to the last unopened underwater door, swim through then head on up into the
The next area is not
as tricky as it looks, as you stand up you'll spot a slope to your immediate
right, a tall pillar in the middle on your left (obviously you can't jump to
this because of the structure coming down from the ceiling!) and another
sloping ramp in the far left corner. Behind the first slope on your right is
also another pillar with a wooden crate on top. Here's how to get down to the
floor without breaking your neck, take a look down, you'll see poor Indy Jones
and behind him a low ramp, this is what you need to jump to. Make sure Lara is
at full health. From where you stood up out of the crawl space, sidestep three
(or four) times, hop back and do a running jump over the high righthand ramp to
the low ramp further down below, Lara will lose a LOT of heatlh, good job
there's a medipak handy down there! There's probably a safer (but not easier
that's for certain LOL) way to get down, but I couldn't find it. Pick up the
shotgun shells and the medipak, then find the climable ladder up to the wooden
crate. Once on top, activate the jump switch then turn back round. Position
Lara so she can do a running jump safely over the slope and to the ledge where you
first came in.
Now head back to the
first underwater door you went through, and up onto the newly-risen block. Go
along the crawlspace, then down the first ladder. Head on down the second, but
be careful at this point, there are spikes at the bottom. Climb down safely til
Lara can backflip onto a ledge. Use your crowbar on the door, head on through
and you'll see a lovely cutscene. Once that's finished, walk carefully forward
til you reach the top of the ramp. There's another crawlspace above this that
you definitely need to jump and grab, else you'll be fried alive hehehe. (Use
Savegame.9 if you wish to skip this bit).
As Lara stands up, she
should be directly facing North. Directly ahead is a gate, a smaller one to the
East, and another one that needs the Pharoahs pillar to the North-East and
finally a seemingly unreachable gate in the West. In the South-West, shoot the
crate and pick up the crossbow bolts, then head on round to the crate in the
North-West, using running jumps, to get some revolver bullets.
Go back to where you
came in, walk to the ledge between two posts facing the North gate, hop back
and do a standing jump into the pool below, where you can pick up a medipak and
unfortunately can't access that underwater gate yet. Pull up by the poor old
bony sod on the floor and face North again. Straight ahead on the North wall is
a jump switch which can be reached by a small block, behind you and to your
left is a climable vine that takes you back to the top. Do the switch and take
care of the two harpies that ambush you, then head on up to the top to the
North door that has now opened to reveal another switch. Jump round til you can
reach it, then make your way down by doing that standing jump again, because of
the pillars on that small platform where you climbed up to via the vines, you
can't jump back onto this climbable wall to get back down. Head on over to the
west wall and climb up to go through the higher west doorway.
Be careful of a spike
trap once through another door, I recommend saving your game at this point
because once you pick up the gem, two demigods will attack. Once you've taken
care of them, head back to the main room, climb down then up and go through the
newly-opened East door, using the gem to gain access to an acid pool and a
tricky series of jumps. As you enter, there are four main ramps in the pool,
one directly below Lara, a second leading to one closed door, the third to
another closed door, and a fourth. At the other end of the room are two
platforms and another sloping ramp, use the binoculars to get a closer look.
You need to make your way to the lower platform first, walk Lara to the edge of
the platform, and position her so she's facing the second ramp, hop back and do
a standing jump onto this second slide, grab and shimmy right til the end and
round til she can pull up onto this low platform. Facing the higher platform,
you'll see halfway up it is a small ramp in a niche, then higher still (above
you) another slippery slope. Do a jump/grab to the one in the niche, then
backflip onto the higher one, immediately jumping to grab a safe platform
further up ahead. Climb this to a third closed gate, behind you is a jump
switch. Activate this, then make your way safely back down to the lower
platform by dropping/grabbing it from the highest slippery ramp directly above.
The door by the second ramp in the acid pool is now open. Drop carefully off
and shimmy your way back round, doing a backflip to get inside this gate.
Be very careful of the
chopping blades, then the spikes, carefully time your steps to not only pull
the chain, but also pick up a medipak and the shotgun. Now make your way back
up to where the jump switch was, and through the gate to another room with a
jump switch, hit this then pick up the revolver bullets and the Pharoahs pillar
in the sarcophagus. You'll be ambushed by a skeleton guard, so use your shotgun
to blast him into the acid pool. The only way I can see to get out of there is
to do a standing jump to the second ramp, then shimmy left, pull up and TRY to
jump to the high platform and the way out. I've tried to find a climable wall,
or see if Lara can monkey swing, but to no avail. And I most certainly can't do
the above, so I had to DOZY my way out of this bit. I've also added another
savegame (Savegame.10), but since it's affected by the DOZY, I've doctored it
so Lara's inventory only has what was there originally, but still with
unlimited medipaks and flares.
Now head back out and
go place the Pharoahs pillar, head on through the upper North-West door and
you'll come to a large room with a central walkway and chopping blades, on
either side is a pool. To the left of the door, pick up the shotgun shells and
head on down the walkway to the bottom, minding you don't get sliced in half Or
you can shimmy to the end...either way, stop immediately after the last blades
and be wary of the spike trap. Do a standing jump to one of the blocks either
side, and take note of the doors set in recesses left and right, go pull the
chain in the middle and take care of the harpies that attack you, this is a bit
annoying because they have a habit of pushing you off the edges grrrr.
There's no way to turn
the flames off, so from the chain rope switch block, do a standing jump to the
fireblock below the newly opened door on your right (if facing the wall). Now
shimmy right,round the edges, til you come to a full stop against the wall.
Pull up, and nudge Lara to face the entrance, so she can climb up without
getting set on fire.
Trust me, this is not difficult
Be mindful of the
blades, and head on down the high walkway, shoot the box at the far end and
pick up the mechanical beetle. Save your game before taking care of the six
skeletons that ambush you, nine times out of ten they'll keep pushing you into
the water, so knock them off the edges with the shotgun. Now go activate the
jumpswitch at the end of the walkway that was behind the box, and you'll be
treated to a gorgeous cutscene of the next place to go. Head on back out, at
the door on the left hand side, drop down in the same place you pulled up,
shimmy back round the ledge and pull up at the first corner, then jump to the
block that's at the side of the spikes. Obviously, you can use the same
fire-avoiding tactics on getting in and out at the next door
In the next area,
avoid the blades at the entrance, and take note of your immediate surroundings.
As in the cutscene, you know there are long sloping ramps on the other side,
and a switch you need to get to. On the lower ground is a shootable box,
directly ahead is a sloping ramp facing away from you, and on on the left
coming towards you. Do a standing jump to the one directly ahead, as you pull
up and slide, only let Lara slide for a tiny bit, then immediately do a
standing jump. You should land on another sloping ramp, slide down that and do
another jump, sliding backwards and grabbing to shimmy right and pull the
switch. Now turn round and do a standing jump, shimmying along until you come
to a ladder that leads down to the ground. As you come to the bottom, let go then
immediately press action to grab the lower ladder, pulling up to get the
medipak. Now face outwards, and do a standing jump to your left over the
spikes. Head on around the corner to get the windup key and take care of a
demigod, and come back to stand by the spikes. Get as close as you can without
injuring Lara, and face towards the sloping ramp that is exactly opposite from
where you picked up the medipak. She should be at a 45 degree angle. You might
want to save your game for this next bit. Do a standing jump onto this slope,
immediately doing a backflip to land on the ledge. Next, angle Lara so she can
do a running jump over the spikes to her right, and go activate the jump
The next bit is even
more trickier, but time the spikes right and it can be done. Get Lara as close
as you can to the spikes without getting killed, and as the spikes are just
about retracting into the ground, start Lara sprinting to the other side. Go
back up to the ledge between the two ladders as mentioned earlier. Turn around
and do a running jump to the ladder above the sloping ramp opposite, climb up
so Lara only moves twice, then do a backflip, turning in midair to grab the
higher ladder behind you. Climb up, then pull up and slide, so Lara hangs
without going into her climbing animation, and shimmy right. Pull up and climb
up onto the ramp ahead of you. Go to its far right, light a flare and pull up,
slide then jump, arcing Lara right in midair. She should land facing backwards
down another sliding ramp which is quite well hidden in that corner, shimmy
along this and backflip to safety, then head on out to the pool.
Drop down into the
water (it doesn't matter so much if you set Lara alight now she'll soon be
extinguished) and find the underwater hole. Carry on downhill, through a
sloping underwater corridor and take the first right. This leads to a secret,
and the underwater door that you first saw in the pool earlier on in the level.
Open this up for some air if you wish, then come back and carry on down the
watery tunnel. Now take the next left, and you'll come into the pool room where
you picked up the beetle, hunt around for another secret and go back, heading a
little further down where Lara can climb out, to end up in a dark corridor
where you can use the beetle and key....and to finish the level!
Here's another
walkthrough for the same level, written by Dutchy...
Setback 3
“By following Birds.”
Level: Thierry
Walkthrough: Dutchy.
CS=crawlspace, MS=
monkeyswing, MP= med-pack, Jmp= jump.
Slide down the slope
and jmp/grab from the end to a CS above, you can always backflip back to the
slope and jmp/grab if you missed, go get some flares inside and pull the Chain.
Drop down and follow the passage to an opened door, climb down and go to a closed
gate, jmp/grab the CS above and drop into a deep shaft, swim into the E UW door
and use the Jmpswitch, swim out and open the S door, swim up the sloped tunnel
to a small room, look in the R hand corner, behind the palm tree for a tunnel,
side swim (“shift”, L arrow) and back up a bit, then dive in, pull the
Jmpswitch in the end and return to the room with the doors, the Palm tree will
be in the way, just wriggle a bit and up and down in L corner to get through.
Now swim into the W UW door, go up in the CS to a room with a pit and pillars.
Stand on the edge, just R of the CS when facing into the room, standjmp with a
light L curve onto the big sloped block on N wall, slide down and jmp/grab with
a R curve to the block on S wall, stand in the NW corner, face S and turn R a
bit, sidejmp onto the slope in the SW corner, slide and grab the edge, pull
up/backflip/roll/grab the ledge next to the wooden crate. Get up on the crate
to use the Jmpswitch and climb the crate again to go down the ladder into the
pit. Have a good laugh as poor Indy didn’t make it and grab the Goodies, climb
back up and a runjmp from the crate over the slope will bring you back to the
CS. Go to the E UW room and climb the block, go up in the upper CS, follow to a
deep shaft with a ladder, go down to the spikes and backflip into the passage,
open the Crowbar door and a flyby will show a big room.
Fountain room.
Slide down the passage
and it will burst out in flames, quickly jmp/grab the ladder and go up in the
CS, to the top of the room. Go around (notice all closed doors) to pick up Ammo
in the boxes and from one of the ledges S or N, runjmp down into the fountain,
get a MP on the bottom near the Skeleton and climb out N, get on the block,
runjmp/grab the Jmpswitch on N wall and run for one of the corners of the room,
stand back in the corner and shoot (with pistols is just fine) the 2 Harpies,
without them harming you, the door you opened is up in N wall, go over to the S
flames slope and just R of it, you can climb the Vines to go over to the door.
A reach-in switch will open a door in E wall, jmp down and climb the Vines to
that door, jmp through the Spikes after opening the Crowbar door and get the
Gem from the block, shoot 2 Demigods and head back to the big room. Go down and
up the S wall, to the open door W and open a door inside with the Gem, follow
to a Poison pool room.
Poison Pool room jmps-
Pharos Pillar.
Run off the ledge to
land on the high slope below, slide/grab and go L all the way to a ledge in the
corner, stand in the NW corner of it and turn to the corner a bit, now when you
backflip, you’ll land on the big slope, jmp from it with a R curve to land on
the slope above the ledge and jmp again to backflip to a higher flat ledge,
climb into the passage here and use the Jmpswitch over the hole to open the W
door in the pool room. From the ledge you land on after the switch, hop back
onto the slope below, so you can shimmy the edge to the open door, just past
the lower slope. Pull up and backflip in. Go through the Scissors and Spikes to
get the Shotgun, a ½ MP and pull the Chain to open the door in the upper
passage with the Jmpswitch, so get back up there and go down to a room where
you can get the Pharos Pillar in the coffin and some Ammo on the floor, use the
Jmpswitch W to open the exit, roll quickly, run to the Scissors and draw the
Shotgun, blow the Skeleton into the pool. Stand in the exit, L side and
standjmp/grab the L slope, go L to the end and pull up, immediately jmp with a
L curve to land back on the entrance ledge. Go out to the big room and L, open
the door there with the Pharos Pillar and go in.
The Scissor room.
Get the Ammo L, go
through all the Scissors or shimmy past them and when you past the last one,
jmp up the block with the Chain. Better stand back to the wall when you pull
the Chain, as 2 Harpies come in, shoot them and get onto the block next to the
Spikes E side. From standing with your back to the Spikes do a standjmp/grab to
the burner block under the door, go R to the wall and pull up. Turn to face the
wall and turn a fraction L, jmp/grab up to get in the door.
Skeleton room-
Mechanical Scarab Beetle.
Through the Scissors to a large room with burners and stand on a ledge
close to one of the not burning ledges along the wall L or R, shoot the box from
afar and pull the Shotgun, shoot all the Skeletons into the water after you
jmped onto the safe ledge one of them came from, hit them in mid-air and the
will drop down. Go for the Mechanical Scarab Beetle and a Jmpswitch on the far
wall behind it. A flyby will show a room with slopes and a Chain, the opposite
door in the Scissor room. Hop in the pool below, get Secret #6, Ammo between the 2 E
pillars and swim to the tunnel in the bottom S side, go to a crossing and R/L,
open the UW door and find yourself back in the Fountain room. Climb out and go
up to the Pharos door and into the Scissor room again. Over the Spikes and
burner to the L door.
Slope room- Winding
Standjmp over the high
slope facing away from the entrance and slide a bit, then jmp and land on a
lower slope, jmp again and keep jmping R to the Chain, pull it and jmp back to
the slopes so you can get to the ladder, go down and hang over the alcove with
the MP, drop/grab and get it, run out to the S and go around to the box with
the Winding Key, shoot the Demigod that attacks from the back and head back to
the Spikes, stand facing N, close to them and as they’re up, do a runjmp over
to the Jmpswitch N, use it to open a door somewhere. Runjmp back through the
Spikes and face the wall of the MP alcove, backflip onto the slope over the
Spikes as they are down and jmp/grab into the alcove, runjmp/grab to the ladder
over the slope. Go up a bit and backflip/roll/grab to the ladder over the
alcove, go up and R to the flat ledge at the Spikes, now you have to run over
the Spike ledge (go when they are up) and jmp to the SE corner slope, jmp back
to the entrance with a R curve.
Go back to the Scissor
room and drop in the pool below, find the tunnel behind the pointy block along
W wall and follow down the tunnel, go R at the crossing, get Secret #7, a MP.
(the door leads to the Fountain no need to get back there, just swim back, at
the crossing R and follow to climb up to a passage where you can use the
Mechanical Beetle to kill the Spike traps, go up the ladder, the Beetle stays
behind and walk out of this level…oh no! it came up the ladder too…