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Temple of the Midas Hands by Opaque79

DJ Full 8 8 8 10
JesseG 8 8 8 7
KeinMitleid 10 8 10 10
OrFractal 9 7 9 9
Ryan 8 8 9 9
Treeble 8 8 8 9
release date: 02-Apr-2024
# of downloads: 471

average rating: 8.50
review count: 6
review this level

file size: 57.70 MB
file type: TR1
class: Rome/Greece

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Reviewer's comments
"After nearly a whole month without a proper computer, I finally got the chance to dive back into my TRLE routines and my first stop was this level as I'd promised the staff a written walkthrough (we need more people on that front by the way, join us!). Part of me is very glad I did because I have a recently newfound love for TR1 Greece and this nails the atmosphere very well. Pierre being always one step ahead, somehow, also makes it in, although he probably wouldn't have outran the final animal ambush; I mean, he didn't even make it that far actually, did he? Pretty fun and straightforward, this was a joy to play although after spending a few months with the Remasters, the original TR1 controls feel very clunky. My only complaint is that I didn't have any background audio, only action tracks playing, but it was a minor issue all things considered. 30 minutes, 05/24" - Treeble (05-May-2024)
"Very nice little level, for TR1 nostalgics like me :) I'm quite new to TRLE ; I played the original 1-2-3-4 numerous times and I always thought it would be so nice to be able to forget them and rediscover them anew each time I play... So I'm really fond of these levels that have the same feel, the same textures and music as the original games and where I totally have this "discovery" feeling. And here I can finally play with the music, because back then I had the PC version which didn't have the musical soundtrack, so that's even better. This level is actually very short and I would have loved if it had been just a bit longer. One thing was a little disappointing to me : at some point you arrive to a big cage full of lions and you feel, oh my, it's sure going to open soon, there's so many of them, I don't know where the magnums are (as ammo was lying around, I even got back and searched the entire level thinking I missed them somewhere) ..!! When you see this big cage it's powerful, it really produces something in the narrative. BUT, when it finally opens... Action music, tension builds up... And the lions are all stuck running around in the cage and you can just chill out and shoot them all from outside... that's a bit of a shame ! So, I put 7 for the enemies and secrets (there are none) but apart from that I really enjoyed the ride (and raid), the golden hands animations, the traps that give you the chills (but are not so difficult after all), the lost temple feeling. Nice !" - OrFractal (28-Apr-2024)
  • This short level is essentially a remix of the Midas palace from TR1, nothing more or less when it comes to the objects or visuals. That being said, it is remixed quite well and its layout is almost completely original compared to the source material.
  • There's plenty of boulders, spikes and other dangerous traps to challenge Lara's claim to those lead bars she so wants to convert. Even the Midas hands themselves act as traps sometimes!
  • High amounts of crocodiles, gorillas, cougars and Pierre himself will also pester Lara along the way. I never found any additional weapons, but the pistols did well enough after finding a good vantage point.
Time: 29 minutes | Difficulty: Medium | Rating: 7.75/10" - JesseG (19-Apr-2024)
"An enjoyable little morsel of nostalgic raiding here. This is a nice little twist on the original Palace Midas level. Instead of changing the lead bars to gold in order to end the level, you use them to explore deeper inside this temple as you try to find the necessary keys to enable you to exit. There's nothing too difficult to overcome in all honesty, but you do get a decent gameplay variety, plus enough action and challenge to ensure that you never become bored. You start out with just your pistols, but generally the enemies can be taken down without too much frustration, thankfully because you don't obtain your Magnums until near the very end. All the technical niceties have been to a very high standard and The TR1 spirit is executed quite nicely. Opaque79 delivers once again with a very pleasant experience that provides very good entertainment value, without too many bells and whistles. I do look forward to more." - Ryan (14-Apr-2024)
"Great level, very enjoyable, nothing unfair or unduly hard. Just chill and enjoy TR1 Midas goodness." - KeinMitleid (12-Apr-2024)
"Classic Opaque. An immersive and non-demanding level where at last I hit 100% without having to replay anything. Combat is particularly good here but also having all those hands scattered around hits different, like getting out... of hand... A quick snack which doesn't scream "look how big and epic I am" for a change, recommended." - DJ Full (02-Apr-2024)