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Home Sweet Home 2 by Kyle

Akirakina 2 5 2 2
alan 5 6 5 6
Ceamonks890 4 4 5 4
DJ Full 6 4 5 5
Gerty 1 4 3 3
Jay 4 4 5 5
JoeTheCrazyGamer 3 6 6 5
John 2 4 4 4
Jose 3 3 5 4
manarch2 1 3 2 2
MichaelP 5 5 3 3
Mulf 2 2 3 3
Nuri 7 5 5 4
Orbit Dream 3 4 3 3
Phil 5 6 6 7
Rambo 0 1 1 2
Ryan 2 4 3 3
sonnyd83 6 6 6 7
Torry 3 5 5 6
Treeble 2 2 4 6
release date: 04-Aug-2015
# of downloads: 130

average rating: 3.93
review count: 20
review this level

file size: 129.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Shooter

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Reviewer's comments
"I tried for so long to try and complete this level with using only the medipacks and weapon/ammo that i had collected myself but i got to the last area with the final key and just couldnt continue to defend myself without cheating for more health kits, it was just death after death after death haha. the level is set all outside, outside buildings and in garden and then water areas and it is what it says it is: a shooter level! all you do apart from ride a venice boat is kill men and dogs and collect keys to open more gates and then repeat. i think this may have put me off trying any more shooter levels for a bit because i cant remember the last time i got so frustrated and fed up trying to keep lara alive, the amount of enemies were insane in the end and i was not having a good time" - John (17-Aug-2021)
"I have spent more then 20 mins to finish this game. Must say, without Cheats, not possible. With cheats, possible. Took me 17 full medkits and a lot, I mean a lot of ammo around 1800 shots, not counting this miss, to kill 78 Enemies?! Woah. if you like a shoot em up, with cheats in TR2 it is fun to do, without.. no I am not even trying to do that. Maybe give the player less enemies or better weapons to start. and a lot more medkits! I see it as a shoot em up, I see no story no puzzles except get key - put key into hole done. again with cheats it is fun. but that sounds about it for me." - Akirakina (26-May-2021)
"Here’s a review for a level that I didn’t bother to finish. Naughty, I know; but I really really couldn’t be bothered to retrieve that last key after I had managed to run past the boatload of baddies who shoot at you from a dock while you can’t even retaliate (I would strongly urge MichaelP to reconsider his opinion that a boat ride is always a good thing), and hopping up and down like a madwoman for what felt like half an hour in order to kill another shedload of baddies waiting for you on the other side of the mound. I guess it’s an interesting experience to be at the receiving end of a neverending hailstorm of bullets for a change and feel as hopelessly outgunned as the baddies must feel when they are unfortunate enough to get in Lara’s way. It’s not a pleasant experience, I have to say; but then, who would have predicted otherwise. Whether nor not it’s actually possible to finish this without cheating is beside the point—the question is, why would you want to." - Mulf (03-Apr-2021)
"I will take the other reviewers at their word in that it may be possible to complete this without cheating, but not in my case unfortunately. This is just an extreme and overwhelming slaughterhouse from beginning to end and the pickup/enemy ratio is incredibly out of balance. I eventually got so tired of having to reload over and over again due to the enemy hordes, that I shamelessly used a savegame editor to increase my inventory and get it the hell over with. In other aspects, it's pretty rudimentary, with simplistic texturing and environments and a rather lacking atmosphere, as well as not much else in the gameplay department. Not fun at all, sorry." - Ryan (22-May-2019)
"This is the most ridiculously difficult level that I have attempted. There are far two many enemies all at once and insufficient health packs to allow progression throughout the level and you are relying more on dumb luck than any sort of raiding skill here. The number of times one had to reload after dying were uncountable. This simply provides no fun whatsoever but makes one question the authors sanity and/or perversity. Also, I could not get Lara out of the speed boat and onto the dock after killing the goon there. She simply fell into the water each and every time (possible cause the dead goon taking up available pixels on the dock). Not that you had to go back a second time after using both keys but this sort of thing should be checked before releasing a level. Sorry, but I did not enjoy this at all." - Torry (28-May-2018)
"This was probably the most challenging TR2 custom level I've ever played. There are too many enemies and you don't have enough medipacks and ammo. It's clearly a shooter and I used to like this class of custom levels, but I'm not sure with this one. I started playing this level wastefully and instantly realized that this was a mistake, so I started new runs again and again until I was content with the amount of medipacks and ammo I had at a certain point. And after many attempts I managed to finish the game. So you really need to be careful with your inventory! During the game I felt like Lara would loose HP faster than in the original Tomb Raider 2. Not sure if that's true but I AM sure that this custom level is hard!" - Nuri (23-Feb-2018)
"No home sweet home, this is a slaughterhouse first class. Not my kind of style I have to say. After playing quite some TR2 levels I am really wondering why so much blood shed is needed to make a level. I know that TR2 has the fiercest enemies but still…" - Gerty (24-Jun-2017)
"75 kills. 18 medipacks used. Yes, you can be sure I cheated. The ravings in the 'CD cover' says beta testers claim it's "very challenging", but I'm sorry, this is downright impossible. I might have counted 6 or so medipack pickups along the way, and nowhere enough ammunition to mow down the silly waves of enemies. If this was the TR4 engine with the SAS soldiers and ninja baddies you could probably cope with pistols only and get away with two or so medipacks, but the TR2 masked thugs are simply b0rken, in the sense they don't even need to aim to land shots, they fire at a much faster rate than you do, they run and turn around much quicklier, and the best part - you get four or five at a time shooting you, while you are helpless in the water... Until you get to the surface and finally climb out, you're already two or so medipacks down. I've been around long enough to know people are not too fond of 'shooter' levels, but this takes it to a new level. In fact, I've designed some 'shooter' levels myself, and I think I'll just direct anyone here for what a "real" 'shooter' feels like and just how much fun it is. Or rather, isn't. So, if you're compelled to play this for whatever reason (while it doesn't look like the usual Lara's Home, I can't deny there was a bit of effort to make the rooms look nicely put together), be aware it's nowhere as balanced as the original Home Sweet Home level, which might have been unfair on the amount of thugs but at least was ludicrously generous with supplies. I also wasn't too fond of the "bloated" download, with twice as many files necessary (though I guess the second batch is for a "no enemies" version of said level, when only just a replaceable .TR2 file would have sufficed), plus hefty imagery in the forms of screenshot wallpapers and disc covers. But don't mind me, I'm just being a nag. 20 minutes. 05/17" - Treeble (28-May-2017)
"This level was so hard, I hate the guys with guns, they make a lot of damage, and it's worse when lots of them are shooting at you at the same time! I took so many tries to complete it. I was laughing when I saw that a dog dropped a small medipack, because usually animals doesn't drop any objects but this one did xD. And well you just have to shoot a bunch of enemies, they appear everytime, everywhere. The place doesn't look like Lara's home at all. In the no enemies version the keys shouldn't be at plain sight, you could have left them where they were, or I can just pick up the white key and finish the level like in 15 or 20 seconds. I had never killed such an amount of enemies in a row, it was challenging and difficult." - alan (21-Oct-2016)
"The gameplay is not very good, 'cause even when I like enemies, in this level there are excessive and it's difficult to finish the level without cheating. Not enough medipacks and ammo, simple architecture, no puzzles to solve, no cameras to give a hint... Texturization is not bad, but monotonous, and lights don't exist. The best was the atmosphere with some cool and old TR melodies." - Jose (03-Nov-2015)
"Gameplay & Puzzles: None (a little boat ride doesn't count as such). Enemies, Objects & Secrets: Way too many enemies that are just annoying to fight, I soon turned to the enemy free version because I can't stand it. A few objects are strangely placed and there are no secrets. Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: Almost none (a few sounds let me give a point but this place does not resemble a home at all, nor anything else). Lighting & Textures: The textures are not totally badly placed but it's easy, there is also a missing texture which is really hard for such a small and simple level. The lighting is not existent. Total: 1/10, if you like me don't like shooters don't play this, the enemy free version is not at all interesting too." - Rambo (22-Aug-2015)
"A brave attempt of a very young builder here and those who enjoy shooters are getting just what they need in this one. Not my kind of level though, although I have to admit it is well designed in the sense that you need to apply a bit of strategy in order to get through it alive. Unfortunately that is all there is to it then, though: shoot myriads of enemy batches while collecting a few keys to open 2 doors. Very little work went into architecture (all square and empty rooms connected), textures (mostly wallpapered) and lighting (mostly non-existent), so as a consequence it all narrows down to the shooting. There is short boat ride though, which is always a good thing..." - MichaelP (14-Aug-2015)
"When a level has seven reviews (mine is the eighth) just a few days after its release, you know that it doesn't consume untold hours of your time. For a TR2 level that lasts no more than 20 minutes or so, the download size is about 10 times greater than it should be, and I can't account for the bloat. No FMVs or additional music files that I detected. Anyway, the builder says in his readme that puzzles have been incorporated into the gameplay. Unless I missed something, I gather that this means puzzling over which weapon to draw next. Yes, the level is accurately billed as a shooter, but you get plenty of firepower to deal with the nonstop waves of enemies that appear. The builder says this is his first release, and it looks it, but at least he's given us something to keep our adrenaline pumping while we're searching for keys that open gates." - Phil (09-Aug-2015)
"Any day when I can hear TR2 sfx is a good day. Raw and serious till getting almost funny, these samples are as enjoyable as exterminating a whole bunch of classic enemies is. I liked how the author obeys the laws of old-school shooters like applying pickup-triggered enemies, forcing instant usage of obtained weapon and requiring wise medikit handling. While very strong in the above aspects, the game has its weak spot in object repetivity, total lack of secrets and simple scenery which could be more realistic even with the basic lighting engine utilized. Another drawback is the unbalanced medikit spawn - sometimes they appear in large groups, sometimes nobody drops them at all so the risk of repeating a large part of the game is high (fortunately this piece is too short to get frustrated). Finally, if this is a home defense level, why does it end with leaving the house? SUMMARY: Not a raid as we're used to but not a mindless shooter we tend to receive either. Something primeval yet different and therefore worth to try. Recommended." - DJ Full (06-Aug-2015)
"This level is utterly brutal. I honestly don't remember Lara being beset by as many enemies in so short a space of time before (although that could be protective amnesia). You will really have to be a big fan of shooters to gain much pleasure from this one as there's not really anything else on offer other than trying to survive. Oh, and pick up a few keys. I honestly don't think I would have got through this at all if not for the blessed grenade gun and I certainly won't be checking my blood pressure levels for a while. Looks wise, it's a reasonable attempt to create a TR2 atmosphere and not too bad for a debut build, but I personally really hope the builder creates something a little more player friendly next time." - Jay (06-Aug-2015)
"While this is an awesome TRLE it seemed like it never had many puzzles the level itself is very simple but the enemy overload will keep you going its possible to complete quickly but conserve your health." - JoeTheCrazyGamer (06-Aug-2015)
"I'm sorry to say but I didn't so much enjoy this level. The final statistics say it all - 83 enemies in 22 minutes, you can guess if there is much other stuff to do than shooting (the level would be about three minutes long otherwise) - in hindsight there was no need to texture the floor as the enemy corpses cover a large part ;). The areas are very simple and cubic and the texturing is wallpapered, the two-click high walls are not creating a good atmosphere, but at least there are some efforts in animated textures (not all waterfalls are aptly placed near water though) and the sound choices are decent. It's a rather challenging level to get through alive, with relatively few medipacks provided, so perhaps rather satisfying to reach the end, but overall not a very great experience. Less and more intriguingly placed enemies in a more atmospheric setting with more gameplay (look at some TR games and how they've done it) is certainly the better choice for the next game." - manarch2 (05-Aug-2015)
"Now, I'm not someone who's usually prone to swearing at a game when things aren't going as smoothly as anticipated, but this release... *groans*. What an agonizingly frustrating experience this was to actually go through, for the purpose of reviewing(despite only lasting 15 minutes). And while I will give the builder some leeway(due to this being his debut after all with a fairly average atmosphere present), I just can't forgive the general gameplay balance on display here(which is only made arbitrarily difficult, due to so many enemies being present at one time.) And with such limited supplies available to combat these persistent threats as I died over and over and over again, I went and did the unthinkable: use cheat codes. And I'm not afraid to admit that in this case. But unfair shooter-focused gameplay aside, other aspects of general design are just about as bland(with repetitive texturing/object placement, lifeless boxy environments and passable lighting, leading to an essentially passable release on the whole.) So in conclusion, best to give this one a skip if you can help it. But hey, there's always next time kiddo." - Ceamonks890 (05-Aug-2015)
"Once you work out a mass-killing strategy (that usefully placed hedge,for example,provides cover in lieu of any much needed medi-packs) in order to minimise health loss while gleefully spraying bullets with wild abandon,it's actually possible to not only complete this level but also gain a certain satisfaction from it (in much the same way that going around stomping on small rodents in order to enjoy the sound of their squealing might be seen by some as providing a certain satisfaction.)There's no pretence to anything resembling quality anywhere in this level.It's simply an extreme bloodbath from beginning to end,for people who really can't get enough of this sort of thing." - Orbit Dream (05-Aug-2015)
"Now that's a level to die for...literally. I spent about 15 minutes here and never have I seen so many bullets (and grenades) before. The aim of the game is, you guessed it, kill everyone and everything in sight, and my first attempt was disastrous, mainly due to me running out of medipacks, so use them sparingly, if that's even possible... The baddies in TR2 were by far the most challenging of any of the original TR games, so I think it's best to use them sparingly, and perhaps provide walls for Lara to hide behind. I believe this is actually an excellent start at level building by this new builder, and am impressed that he bothered to get it tested. You'll be creating masterpieces in no time!" - sonnyd83 (04-Aug-2015)