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Kidnapping of Picard by Franky

DJ Full 6 7 7 5
Jay 7 8 9 9
Jorge22 9 10 9 8
Jose 7 8 7 8
manarch2 5 7 6 6
Phil 7 8 8 8
Ryan 7 8 8 9
release date: 11-Jan-2021
# of downloads: 79

average rating: 7.54
review count: 7
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file size: 199.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Alien/Space

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Reviewer's comments
"This has a critical bug with pickup drops disappearing after a reload, so it might get people confused a lot. Aside of that it's quite decent, however I have a feeling the topic of Star Trek didn't yet get its careful and faithful TRLE incarnation. I mean, the shell kinda serves the purpose, but gameplay, aside of the tightrope part and the trap room, is identical to the earlier episodes of Franky's saga. Before I move on to the next one, hopefully better, I'll drop an extra point for music, this time having a bit more of desired pause, and of course the Star Trek theme in the bio room works great." - DJ Full (16-May-2021)
"In the vein of previous levels by this author, another alien level this time with Captain Picard as the protagonist. The difficulty here is in discovering the objects that you can move or objects that you can shoot to break. As usual, the rooms have a good look, but many times wallpapered; there are no excessively difficult tasks, but this time I did not find enough ammo for the revolver and had to use only the pistols to face the enemies in the final rooms. Entertaining anyway." - Jose (24-Jan-2021)
"OK, so I’m not the biggest fan of shooters, but I have been a Star Trek fan since first inception in the 1960s and Franky really has become most adept at creating atmospheric alien environments, complete with the always fun low gravity jumps. This time, we have the Borg to battle, along with various weird and wonderful alien creatures. There’s a modicum of traps etc, but the emphasis is firmly on battle, with ample ammo provided to prevent it becoming tedious and the different areas of the Borg cube look marvellous." - Jay (18-Jan-2021)
"The positive thing about this level is the once more different style to the previous levels but otherwise this is more of the same gameplay, always fight a lot of enemies in repeated rooms with wallpapered textures (I don't know why anyone might think areas with more or less just one different texture and one object used several times can be called good design), find a few items and place them so that the whole affair starts once more, with a few gravity jumps in between and pushables and mazes ... sorry but if you've played one level of Franky you really have played them all and the changes are too small to call this recommendable unless it's your first level from this builder. Found six secrets in 30 minutes." - manarch2 (17-Jan-2021)
"This builder has been concentrating of late on building a series around Star Trek-related motifs. These alien levels fill a much-needed niche in giving us entertaining raids that are off the beaten track, but I wonder if the novelty may be starting to wear off a bit. One will never hear me complain of too much of a good thing, but I haven't seen much innovation in the more recent offerings. But the fun factor is consistently high, and this one is no different. The protagonist is Picard himself, the retextured alien creatures in the Genetic Laboratory were nicely done, and ample high-powered ammo is provided to deal with the profuse enemies that typify these levels. One caution: The second fuse did not register in my inventory when I picked it up, but this may be a fluke unique to me. Just in case, I've mentioned this in the walkthrough. The best part may be the ending, but you're liable to die several times before figuring out what needs to be done. If you rush into the throne room to attack the harpy, a flameblower guy will materialize behind you and burn you to a crisp before you can react. The harpy drops a crucial pickup when it dies, but if you save after that the pickup disappears and you can't finish the game. Despite these quirks, I had fun here for the 45 minutes or so that it lasted." - Phil (16-Jan-2021)
"It's one more sci-fi adventure in the same vein as Franky's previous ones, and the cleanliness I mentioned in my last review is here to stay. The music is fitting and well applied. Very straightforward, still not necessarily very obvious at all times, good use of the low gravity spots, plus an elevator, and an almost annoyingly long tight rope walk, plus a few very interestingly designed enemies at one point. The start can be quite tough if one doesn't know what to do, and some important items need some luck in finding. The worst was I had to go back all the way from the end to the start because I had apparently forgotten one of the fuses (are there really two in the same place as the walkthrough states?). The ending is pitch sudden, with Picard (yes, the change of character was great) entering a teleporter, ending up somewhere underwater and goodbye. All in all, I found it rather enjoyable globally." - Jorge22 (16-Jan-2021)
"Here's another competent addition to the long-running Stargate series. If you've played the previous instalments, then you'll know roughly what to expect here. It doesn't really break any new ground aside from playing as a new character (admittedly a rather neat homage), but everything is constructed to a definitely solid degree. The surroundings are well put together and the enemies and object placements add a frisson to the proceedings, although the gameplay does get a bit repetitive at times as you go round taking out cyborgs all the time, and the transparent maze section was a bit of a tedious addition. I also didn't quite grasp why Lara nearly lost her weapons at the very end only to recover her pistols about five seconds later, but still a solid gaming experience nonetheless." - Ryan (16-Jan-2021)