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Indus Valley - The Baths of Harappa


release date: 08-Oct-2003
difficulty: challenging
duration: medium

average rating: 8.13
review count: 23
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file size: 24.30 MB
file type: TR4
class: Jungle

author profile(s):

Lara Croft is back again, this time in search of the Idol of Durga, an amulet supposed to posses the powers of life and death. The idol was once placed in the center of the temples and baths within the ancient city of Harappa in the Indus valley. The villagers who still live in the outskirts of the dense jungle say that the idol was once revered and worshiped. But rumors have spread over the last five years, rumors of the long dead walking once more among the decaying baths and sulfur pools. Other people say that they are called once again by the idol for a dark purpose. Why have the dead been summoned back from their eternal sleep? Is it truly the idol that is causing them to wake? After doing research and flying over to India, Lara meets with an elder in a remote village near the ruins. Although he warns her that it will be dangerous to enter the crumbling baths, he is thankful that she is trying to help him. Time to set things to rights, she says as she hoists her backpack onto her shoulders, shakes her bangs out of her eyes, and walks steadily into the thick jungle. The top of one of the ruins, shagged and broken from age, is visible above the trees. The village leader shakes his head, and turns away.