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The Usurper's Sword


release date: 23-Dec-2004

average rating: 8.10
review count: 18
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file size: 23.80 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

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The four high priests stood waiting by the flaming torch holders, each of them slightly unnerved by the semi darkness and the hiss of the crackling flames. Suddenly a large figure silently appeared before them as if by magic. ?Well, have you carried out your instructions?? inquired the figure. ?It is done my Lord Anubis,? whispered the high priest, ?Akhenaten is dead?. ?Good? said the Jackal headed deity with a smile on his face, ?He was a fool to oppose the true Gods of Egypt?. Anubis told the four high priests to wait at the back of the hall and strode up to where the other Gods where waiting. ?Well, what news do you bring?? asked Re, the sun god. ?Akhenaten is no more,? replied Anubis. There was a collective sigh of relief from the Egyptian gods. ?Akhnaten was foolish to try to banish us,? spat Sobek, ?he got what he deserved!? ?My only problem with this new god he worshipped is that it wasn?t me,? said Re, sounding puzzled. ?What do you mean?? asked Selket, the Scorpion goddess. ?Well he worshipped the sun god, the one true god, as he called him,? said Re. ?Yes,? said Selket ?so what?? ?I did not feel any more adoration from the masses, it is slightly confusing.? said Re. A low chuckle emanated from a darkened corner of the hall. ?Ha ha ha har,? rumbled the deep throaty chuckle as it got louder, ?HA HA HA HA HAR? ?It is you who are the fools!? boomed a low voice. ?You are so out of touch with the people that you didn?t even know that the language has changed a bit.? ?He created and worshipped me,? exclaimed the new god ?the god of fire!!? ?Now that you have had him killed I am free to do as I please!!? ?Oh I don?t think so.? Said Wepwawet, the god of war. ?HA HA HA? laughed the new god. The smile left his face as he said, ?Wepwawet! I will kill you first!? The new god drew his sword. ?With this sword I will kill you all!? The Gods of Egypt all started laughing. ?You must take us for fools if you think you will do any damage with that puny weapon!? The smiles left their faces as the new God advanced on them. ?Time to die? he growled grimly. Then the carnage began??? One bloody, brutal, hour later it was all over. All the Egyptian Gods were dead, and had vanished, except for Re, who was lying on the floor, badly injured. The new god stood over him, staring down. ?What a pathetic bunch you were,? he snarled, ?I hardly broke into a sweat.? Re groaned painfully and looked up. ?You are indeed a powerful god,? he gasped ?but are you a merciful god also?? ?You surprise me worm,? sneered the new god, ?begging for your life.? ?No, I expect you to kill me,? groaned Re, ?I just wanted to die as befits the ruler of the gods of Egypt.? ?Hmmm, what do you want then?? asked the new god in a moment of weakness. ?I ask only that you pass me my Ankh,? said Re in a weak voice. ?So that I might die with it in my grasp.? The new god picked up the heavy gold Ankh and bent down towards Re, Re weakly raised his arm to take the Ankh off the new god. Their hands touched while both of them held the Ankh. FLASH!! A blinding white light emanated from the Ankh that enveloped them both in an instant. The new god stood there bent over, as if frozen in place. He heard a voice echoing in his mind? ?You fool! Did you really think you would beat me so easily! I am wounded, that?s all. Now for my revenge! Even as you hear this, the very walls of this temple are changing. I am using almost the last of my life force to imprison you here for all eternity! The gods you defeated are in their sarcophaguses being regenerated. It will take a thousand years or more for us to come back even stronger, and, when we do, we will resume the battle! We will defeat you, even if it destroys this entire land! I will keep your mind locked and you immobilised, until you are securely locked in here! Then I will retire back to my sarcophagus to rebuild my power.? Of the four high priests, three had fled, terrified, not long after the start of the battle. In their terrified state they became confused and got lost in the labyrinth of the temple. Only one, braver than the rest, had remained to watch the battle. After watching from the shadows, and hearing Re?s voice in his head also, he quietly managed to make his way outside, before the temple changed, and slipped into the waiting darkness. Present day? Word reaches Lara Croft about the cult of ?The Usurper God?, and his sword of power. Intrigued, Lara flies to Egypt to learn more about the cult. After breaking into the cults headquarters, she learns about the impending return of the Egyptian deities, and the battle that may destroy the whole of Egypt. Deciding that she must do something, she steals a map showing the way to the underground temple. If she can destroy the new god then maybe, just maybe, she can save millions of lives! She makes her way through the desert, to the entrance of the shaft, and drops down into the waiting darkness?Can Lara solve the puzzles and traps she is about to encounter? Can she get the Usurper gods sword of power? Lara?s first job??find out how to turn on the electricity!