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BtB2005 - Dwellers of the Abyss


release date: 01-Jan-2005
difficulty: challenging
duration: short

average rating: 8.66
review count: 47
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file size: 32.75 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cave/Cat

author profile(s):

As she was exploring coastal ruins on the Mediterranean coast, the world-renowned archaeologist Lara Croft stepped onto a soft spot in the sand and fell through to a large cavern deep underground. While she was fortunate that no bones were broken, the ramp she fell down was too steep and sandy to allow her to climb out. Groping her way through the cavern, she soon came to a gaping abyss, in whose walls were the long-abandoned ruins of Saqqarah, whose rulers were rumored to have a powerful talisman that allowed them to raise the dead.