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The Raiders 1+2


release date: 05-Nov-2005

average rating: 4.79
review count: 12
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file size: 20.60 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt

author profile(s):

Watch the very short intro presentention called The Raiders- The Trilogy. New objects: Lara's out fit by Triangle; Mummy switch by Cornchild; Yeti remade by EssGee. I'm sorry that there are no traps in the mirrior room. I had spikes in there but it was to messed up and so I took them out. I really hope you enjoy this level more. Once again I'm so sorry about the mirrior room, I will try and get the mirror working the way it should. The Raiders 2- The Tomb of Hourse by Daniel Sherwood Lara has discovered a tomb, the Tomb of Hourse. There's a legend with that tomb, and accrding to it he who removes the Amluet of Anubis, shall have awaken the guardians of the tomb. Help Lara get through some of the taughest timed runs, traps and mazes.