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BtB2006 - In Xanadu


Tony Tomb
release date: 01-Jan-2006
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.70
review count: 33
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file size: 37.26 MB
file type: TR4
class: Oriental

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In Xanadu did Kubla Khan A stately pleasure-dome decree : Where Alph, the sacred river, ran through caverns measureless to man: Down to a sunless sea. ...Samuel Taylor Coleridge. When the Mongol horde over ran China?s northern border in 1127, it was the beginning of the Mongol era in China. Kublai Khan became Emperor of China in 1259 and founded the Yuan Dynasty. Known as a shrewd and untrusting man, Kublai was also very culturally minded and built several public works like the Grand Canal, parks and palaces and even his own capital city called Kanbalu. Kublai Khan was also a great lover of women, and one year he gave his favourite wife, Chabui, a beautiful red fan. But this was no ordinary fan, it was reputed to be carved from a single large red ruby, and hidden within the intricate patterns carved into the fan was a map to a secret underground palace. Join Lara as she searches for the Empress Chabui?s Fan.