Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3176
TR3 - 179
TR2 - 138
TR1 - 65
73291 reviews (20.4/level)
3578 (99.6%) walkthroughs
453 Hall of Fame levels
1252 levels rated >= 8
release date: |
01-Jan-2008 |
difficulty: |
medium |
average rating: |
9.23 |
review count: |
31 |
review this level |
file size: |
50.80 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
South America |
Hall of Fame
Link to BtB 2008 main page
Many men and women around the world spent most of their life hunting for the Sacred Mask of Pacha Camac, the Incan Creator God. This Mask was believed to make its owner able to create life. Other people said it would protect its owner from diseases, others also saying it was only a pretty, but rusty piece of metal. It was believed to be hidden in a temple deep in the Peruvian jungle, and that to get it, you would need to demonstrate all your skills to solve a riddle designed by Pacha Camac himself, of which Incan engineers found sketches drawn by the God and built it as Pacha Camac wanted it to be. Many men and women around the world tried to retrieve this Mask. Among them was a woman named Lara Croft... |