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Tomb Raider: The Wolf Whiplash


release date: 02-Dec-2008
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.02
review count: 23
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file size: 28.05 MB
file type: TR5
class: Cold/Snowy

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Note: on Dec 4, a patched exe (xptomb5.exe) was added to the Windows Download to improve reloading times

Download the Mac Version HERE (27.5 MB)

In the previous part, Lara learned of Sophia Leigh's invasion of the Atlantian ruins, left unattended since Natla's demise. Leigh's wolf-man, Luke, joined all of her forged Scions back into one and shattered it to stop Leigh's unfinished clone, leaving only the pieces for Lara to keep safe at home behind her secret sliding timed door. Luke himself was nowhere to be found after the bright flash...

Time has passed, and Lara has travelled to Russia to pay respects to Admiral Yarofev, whose remains were recently found on the ocean bed. At the quiet funeral, Lara, carrying out the promise she made to the hero, shares her story with the others present. Afterwards, Lara learns from the other guests that they heard it was the calculating Mikhailov who had supplied most of Sophia Leigh's workforce in Egypt, in return for a slight fee - all valuable items found in a nearby, unmarked temple; the one Lara had come across at the beginning of our story.

Lara visits Jean-Yves (who is also staying in Russia) to share this information, in search for any valuable input. Her companion looks through his library for any Egyptian artifacts Mikhailov might have been after in that area, and comes across an interesting candidate: the Whip of Manipulation. According to legend, pharohs could lash this decorated whip to cause their subjects to appear before him, to prevent any from fleeing. Before his demise with the Spear of Destiny, Mikhailov might have intended to use this whip to gain absolute control over his workers, including Admiral Yarofev and any others who fell for his bribes.

Since Lara did not see the whip in the temple nor in the Russian submarine base, it must have been recieved someplace that was less vulnerable. Zip helps her pinpoint an unidentified base embedded within a Russian mountain range. Lara heads toward this location to investigate...