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BtB2009 - The Killing Zone


release date: 01-Jan-2009

average rating: 6.84
review count: 22
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file size: 16.05 MB
file type: TR4
class: Base/Lab

author profile(s):

Satellite photographs have identified an ultra-powerful disintegrator ray, housed inside a military installation in a Middle-Eastern desert. If fired,it has the capability of destroying all metal and glass and will undoubtedly cause incredible devastation. Lara is called in to put it out of action by infiltrating the Base and locating the 'Base destruct lever' (no good enemy base would be without one). As the helicopter takes her into the nocturnal drop-zone, a heat-seeking ground-to-air missile streaks toward it. Just before it impacts with the 'copter, Lara jumps into seeming oblivion...