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The Ancient Knowledge


Danilo Rocha
release date: 08-Mar-2009
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 9.09
review count: 32
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file size: 40.90 MB
file type: TR4
class: Egypt
Hall of Fame

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Important: Please turn Vol FX OFF in the setup when playing!

After the events of Tomb Rader: Underworld, our heroine Lara Croft wanted to know more about 'The Ancients' that Natla referred to. Who were they and how can a civilization so ancient be so sophisticated? Lara found old letters of her father, Richard Croft, which led her to believe that there is a remnant of the Ancients buried under an Egyptian palace, next to the Nile River. What Lara is looking for is a document with their scientific knowledge.