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The Complicated Case


release date: 09-Jun-2010
difficulty: medium
duration: long

average rating: 8.47
review count: 26
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file size: 409.86 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

author profile(s):

A former friend of Lara's, a professor from Trinity College, reaches out to her for help. Lara willingly agrees and travels to Cambodia to meet him. However, she arrives too late and finds only his body.

In order to uncover the answers to the questions this situation raises, she heads to his Alma Mater. Here, she learns many things, and what fascinates her the most is a mention of an artifact that seems to be the cause of her friend's demise. Lugh's Spear, the Spear of Victory, a powerful artifact from Celtic legends. Can Lara find it and complete her professor's work? The treasure hunt begins, but not everything is as it seems... You could say it is a bit more complicated.