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The Infada Power (Demo)


release date: 11-Sep-2010

average rating: 6.73
review count: 15
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file size: 29.09 MB
file type: TR4
class: City

author profile(s):

London, 1998. The archaeologist Lara Croft has just finished her last mission: find the ancient Infada Stone, Hand of Rathmore, hidden in the depth of some catacombs under France. However Miss Sophia Leigh, a woman in her thirties who fought Lara before, was looking for that stone too. Sophia, given up for dead a couple of month earlier during a battle against Lara on Londons rooftops, went then back looking for revenge and trying to obtain the Hand of Rathmore. Now that she is finally dead, it seems, miss Croft has granted herself a bit of rest in her house. One day though, she receive a call from the RAA (Research Ancient Artifacts) group: it was Jean Yves, an old friend of Lara.

-Hi Lara, am I bothering you?-
Lara, who was still resting, answered -No, no, tell me Jean-
-I urgently need to talk with you and...-
Lara interrupted -Oh God! Dont you know the word rest?! Ive just finished a hard mission and you want to give me some job?-
-I didnt say that...- Said Jean Yves with a calm voice -As a matter of fact it was just to inform you about some things, nothing important but... since youre so busy...
-When you say some things theres ALWAYS something big behind... very big-
Lara thought about that, then she snorted: -Ok then... where, how and when-
-At the RAAs research center, in St.Pauls way. Its a very high skyscraper, impossible to miss... please come near 9PM, you know, I have a lot of work to do but I can always find a little bit of time for you, ok?-
Lara gave the ok, a bit thoughtful.

9.30PM, St.Pauls way. Lara reached the RAA building, entered and took the elevator to the floor in which the friends office was. She knocked the door and the she entered inside.

-I told you to come at 9PM!- said Jean
-The subway had some troubles... they are working in some underground caves, so...-
-Ok, forgiven-
-Well? That something?-
-Please sit, its a long story.-
-Hooray!- said Lara with a bit of sarcasm.
-Youve just finished a mission, you said?-
-Yeah, does it matter?-
-Well... what kind of mission?-
-I fought our dear miss Leigh to avoid her ruling the world using the Infada Power that she could have obtained thanks to the Hand of Rathmore, a fifth artifact besides the other four that I found and destroyed some months ago. The usual plan that a crazy evil person does... The thing that surprised me is that Sophia was still alive after that time in London... sometimes they return- said Lara, joking.
-Ouch- complained Jean Yves
-I dont like this...- said Lara
-Well, read this newspaper-
Jean put a copy of the London Times in front of Lara. On the first page:
Sophia Leigh, after her apparent disappearance, returns and sets up a new company about studies on unknown materials. Miss Leigh is proving herself as a great help for science.

-Is she... she...- stammered Lara
-Alive? Well yes...- said Jean
-My God!- said an astonished Lara -I killed her, thats impossible!-
-I really hoped that your last mission didnt have something in common with Sophia and the Infada stones... well, it seems that my bad feeling was right.-
-What the hell does she want to do? And more important, how did she survive?!- said an upset and shocked Lara
-You know, I have the feeling that maybe, MAYBE, these unknown materials... have something in common with the Infada stones-
-Are you sure about this?-
-Mine is only a conjecture-
-Wait, you called me here to ask me to investigate, right?-
-What would give you that idea?-
-Circumstances...- said Lara, laughing. -Where are the buildings of this new company?-
-Right on the other side of the street-
-Are you joking, right?-
-Do you think I am joking?-
-Go on, please-
-Its name is Leigh Corporation...-
-A lot of effort... said Lara, joking on the companys name
-Can I continue?! Its name is Leigh Corporation, the buildings where Sophia works are the ones in front of this research center.-
-Well, a jump and Im there right?-
-Can you jump over 100 meters?-
-Hmph... how can I go there? Knocking on the door and saying Hi, Im an old friend of your manager?-
-That could be B plan-
-Anyway, you can take advantage of the various scaffolding and roofs that they built for the renovation of the building and reach the other side, maybe using a zipline, if they built one... Then you can enter using one of the service door, but youll need a key to enter-
-How to look for a needle in a haystack...-
-Well, if this seems difficult to you, listen to this: some of Sophias men are checking these roof and the service doors of Sophias building... it seems that they dont want anyone inside, what are they doing there?-
-Now I want to know that- said Lara, laughing. -Ill start the job right now-
-Good luck, and be careful not to get sick, its raining out there...-
-I never get sick!- said Lara, smiling.