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Lara Croft and the Forgotten Scribe


release date: 27-Sep-2010

average rating: 9.65
review count: 34
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file size: 122.07 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc
Hall of Fame

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I have arrived in Sudan following in the tracks of Sotar, brother of the Egyptian ruler Cleopatra VII. Sotar, a well respected scribe in Alexandria built a device called HARCESIS which could harness immense amounts of energy from the ground itself. The device it was said went against the will of the gods and therefore could not be tolerated. Sotar was exiled to Nubia (Now Sudan) and erased from Egyptian history. Supported by his followers, he built a hidden underground city in the Marrah mountains to continue his research. Though it now lies in ruins the city could in theory be powered even today by the Harcesis device. I intend to retrieve it for further scientific study!

The story is set towards the end of the Ptolomeic dynasty in Egypt, when increasing pressure from the Roman empire had started to destabilise a once booming empire. Cleopatra had no small part to play in Egypt eventually succumbing to Roman rule and was renowned for her devious grabs for power. One such grab involved her making sure that her siblings could not become Pharaohs by exiling or even murdering them. Sotar was one of those siblings.