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Lara Croft and the Maniac


release date: 11-Jan-2011

average rating: 7.45
review count: 19
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file size: 243.62 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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A serial killer is torturing his victims every midnight in Venice. The only thing that he leaves is the body of his victim, and blood. No traces, no clues. Lara Croft decides to risk her life to investigate whats happening, trying to find out who is the serial killer and stop those crimes. Going to Venice, she discovers that the Maniac may appear in the Central Theatre of the city, in the evening. Reaching there, Lara finds out that it will not be as easy as she had thought. To discover the real identity of the Maniac, she will have to explore other locations in the world, like cold mountains and a city. She will have to be careful, and a brave woman, like always.