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The Madhouse


release date: 29-Apr-2011
difficulty: challenging
duration: short

average rating: 8.65
review count: 28
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file size: 25.39 MB
file type: TR4
class: Mystery/Horror

author profile(s):

On the streets of Athens, teenagers strangely disappear every week. No matter how hard authorities work to locate the children, there seems to be no evidence to where they have gone.

Investigators believe that someone is kidnapping these teenagers. But it is hard to differentiate between a crime and a tragic accident when there is no evidence that refers to anything like so at all. The only thing authorities uncovered is that the teenagers who went missing all seem to have on Sunday nights.

On the night of March 13th 2011. Samantha Watson, an athletic 17 year old student went missing while she was returning home from her daily routine. She wakes up somewhere she has never been before... Somewhere that has known death and torture.

Note: This level is challenging and is not recommended for inexperienced players. However, anyone will find the level enjoyable.