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Jungle Ruins 4 - Darkness Rising



Raider X

release date: 15-Oct-2014
difficulty: challenging
duration: very long

average rating: 9.45
review count: 20
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file size: 167.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Jungle
Hall of Fame

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Note: Package updated on Oct 23, 2014 - Version 2 has a couple of important bug fixes. Many thanks to Professor Van Croy and Drakan for pointing them out. Savegames from the original release will not work with this version.

Lara receives word that her friend the jungle chief is disturbed by rumours of a lizard queen who has risen from the dark swamps and who is raising an army of terrifying lizard creatures. Lara sets out to join the chief to help him find out if there is anything to this lizard queen.