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Parallel Universe (Universo Parallelo)


release date: 17-May-2017

average rating: 6.69
review count: 8
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file size: 64.10 MB
file type: TR4
class: Fantasy/Surreal

author profile(s):

Lara, thanks to some notes found in her fathers diary, discovers the Stargates astronomical coordinates that will take her and Franky, her great friend, in a parallel universe that tastes very familiar, almost terrestrial to her.
Lara and Franky are overwhelmed by the Stargates huge power and are teleported to a space time parallel universe that looks very much like Earth.
The notes talk about the existence of the ancient city of Seknem, enslaved by the extraterrestrials, who have now seized the planet.
Lara wants to find out what is happening on this part of the universe, at all costs, and begins her adventure, like always full of traps and riddles, with the help of Franky and his helicopter. Will our heroine succeed in passing this new test? It is up to you to find out…