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The Maria Doria Adventure


Masked Goon
release date: 04-May-2022
difficulty: medium
duration: medium

average rating: 8.69
review count: 12
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file size: 130.00 MB
file type: TR2
class: Ship

author profile(s):

Whilst going over some old newspaper articles covering the sinking of the Maria Doria, Lara discovers that the Seraph wasn't the only artifact of Tibetan origin on board of the luxury passenger liner; a skillfully engraved human skull, said to hold the power to fend off curses and to guide lost souls to the path of enlightenment, was meant to be shown off at an on-board art gallery during the cruise. Intrigued by the treasure and the prospect of another adventure, Lara sets off to brave the depths of the Mediterranean Sea once again... but she's not the only one.

This is a remake of the author's debut level.