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TR Advent Calendar 2023 - VR Missions Volume 1


release date: 08-Dec-2023
difficulty: challenging
duration: long

average rating: 9.10
review count: 5
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file size: 283.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

author profile(s):

Note:Updated to v2 on Dec 13, 2023:
- bug fix: restored manual saving from inventory in collectathon mode
- revised platform in mission 6 in collectathon mode
- added clocks to mission 2 in time trial mode
- removed statics in time trial bonus level
- increased timers in mission 4 in collectathon mode and time trial mode

This is VR Missions Volume 1! More missions coming soon!

Platform your way through the VR World to complete the VR Missions! Do you have what it takes?

Collectathon Mode
Main Objective: Collect all the VR Gems!
Optional Objective: Collect all the VR Files!

Time Trial Mode
Main Objective: Collect all the VR Gems before the time runs out!
Optional Objective: Collect all the VR Gems before the timer reaches the pink clock's time!
Collect clocks to increase the time!

Completing all the optional objectives will unlock a bonus level.
Each mode has its own bonus level.
