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City of Khamoon Revisited (Demo)


release date: 01-Jun-2003

average rating: 6.04
review count: 21
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file size: 16.70 MB
file type: TR4
class: Remake

author profile(s):

Lara is watching the news one day in her mansion & sees a report about a mysterious pyramid that has just recently been spotted in Khamoon City. It is rumored to have another Scion artifact (the same that was in TR1). & it supposedly has even more power than the first one. At first, she didn't pay any attention to the story. But two weeks later, she learns that everybody who has tried to explore the pyramid or the area around it has ended up dead or missing. Now people around the world are begging Lara to go see about this pyramid & what is causing the mysterious dissapearance of so many people....they feel her chances of surviving may be greater since she is the only one who survived a previous visit to the City Of Khamoon. Of course Lara cannot turn down a challenge...especially one of this magnitude. So she decides to go. What will await her inside this pyramid? Is there really another Scion out there? Will she be able to survive like she did last time? It is up to you to decide her fate!! Good Luck:)