Reviewer's comments |
"This had a chance to be a cute manor level but all the time it felt like I'm doing something unintended - first I didn't understand the author's intention to make me notice the sentries outside and immediately go back to the house where the door opened without a warning (the sound is too quiet to notice), but I still could go out and if you tried to return to the manor I got flamed. But I could skip directly to the bike part, guarded by another sentry but out of its flame range, and drive through the sentries to re-enter. In the end there's a fourth sentry, so I assumed I need to sneak through the kitchen door but I never found the way to open it so I chose to drive through the turret flames anyway, using several medikits and extinguishing myself in Lara's swimming pool. As it appeared later, there was an access to the kitchen door indeed, but where that elusive jumpswitch is remains a mystery to me. In the end, I lost an hour for reloading and making sure I didn't break anything, so the immersion was gone. Rather than looking for it here, I'm looking forward to his later levels, hoping the symptomes of a good builder I saw in this one confirm his master works are not just a legend." - DJ Full (18-May-2021) |
"Such a satisfying resemblance to the main Lara's Home
level. Some new rooms were also added to the game, but they
were not as amazing as I would expect. A debut suitable for
players who like to see a somehow 'brand new' Lara's
mansion, with a mixture of City WAD Objects Collection.
Nothing more to discuss. Thanks!" - Mehrbod (28-Mar-2019) |
"This is a really "Ok" level that while not that impressive;
it can be fun to play during an afternoon as pastime. As
the name suggests you have to find 5 artifacts (which
counts as secrets, this is the first level that I played,
that forces you to get all secrets), there are some enemies
and new rooms on Lara's home to keep things fresh, the
texture work is just really "Ok", some are better than
others, the same I could say for the light, though I found
the pool room very pretty. In conclusion it's a simple ride
that can be fun but it won't impress you that much." - SeniorBlitz (10-Nov-2017) |
"Lara's mansion set in nighttime with various rooms
added/modified. It has been attacked by guards and turrets.
It's not necessary to collect all the pieces but it's fun to
look for them. I liked riding the bike inside/outside the
mansion and blowing up those annoying turrets with the
revolver. Flybys and music are well used. I finished in nearly
an hour because (as always) I got lost in the labyrinth, but
with the bike it became less tedious. One of the few enjoyable
home levels out there. Give this one a go." - alan (30-Sep-2017) |
"A 40 minute rendition of Lara's home, where the
primary objective is to locate the five armour
pieces (although I don't think it's necessary,
as you can complete the level without acquiring
any of them). You can also find the revolver,
the lasersight and ride a motorbike. Back in
the day, this may have impressed players, with
its slight deviation from the original format,
but nowadays it seems unremarkable." - Ryan (26-Dec-2016) |
"How fascinating to play the debut level of an author whose later works I absolutely loved (and how sad that he apparently decided not to build anything after 2002). OK, as a mansion level, this was hardly likely to appeal to me a great deal, but in these hands it certainly beats a lot of similarly themed games. It's certainly a pretty faithful recreation of the classic mansion and, whilst the gameplay may not be the most stimulating, there is at least the ever popular past-time of blowing up sentry guns to enjoy, not to mention a bit of bike riding. If you actually like mansion levels, firstly... my commiserations and secondly... this is definitely one of the least awful ones." - Jay (25-Apr-2015) |
"In this empty Lara's mansion, your goal will be to go up to the roofs to get the revolver (the sight is provided near the beginning) so you can blast a sentry gun and get the motorbike to get access to a nasty labyrinth. Meanwhile you'll have to deal with a lot of SAS and pull a lot of switches to open doors. Not a special gameplay here, the best was the ride with the bike, and I don't know the reason why the author didn't place a camera so players can see the rope in the gym (I had to read the walkthrough). No more noticeable things in another (one more?) Lara's home level with some adding areas." - Jose (21-Apr-2015) |
"Oh Lara, when will you ever manage to get a break from all the cultist organizations that just so happen to hunt you down, simply because you just so happen to have something in your possession that the bad guys themselves desire most?
But anyway, I find myself bringing into question some of the relatively high scores for this release(as at its core, this manor level doesn't really seem to do a whole lot differently from the ones that have come before it), and seemingly prefers to play it safe, barely daring to try and tackle something different from the norm. But then again, I suppose a lot can happen in 14 years to make something that was once unique and refreshing to the eyes of the masses, devolve into something else that simply screams stagnation today for a lot of modern players.
And while the re-creation of such an all too familiar location from scratch is nonetheless impressive(with somewhat accurate lighting and texturing), it all comes back to that one particularly serious bugbear of essentially being just another Core Design styled-manor level, only with a slightly new edge to it.
So in conclusion, while not among the worst Home-themed levels out there, time has honestly not been too kind to this one. And if you must insist on going through it to the bitter end, then be completely prepared for quite a bit of potential irritations along the way." - Ceamonks890 (07-Feb-2015) |
"To read Torry's review of this level,where he states categorically (and in capitals,no less)that it's "the best custom level ever",is to appreciate just how much player expectation has changed in the fourteen years since.Quite frankly,I found this to be a fairly poorly thought-through Mansion adventure,filled with a plethora of irritations - the interminable Motorbike labyrinth;the magically materialising machineguns;the subliminal camera clues;the underwater maze;the fact that it ended just as it was becoming unquestionably intriguing.Credit must be given for attempting to build a substantial adventure in such a well-worn location (and the construction of the Mansion from scratch was impressively achieved)and investing it with some sort of storyline.It's certainly a veritable masterpiece when compared with almost every other level of this particular theme;but the years have not been kind,and what probably seemed highly innovative over a decade ago now seems tired and commonplace. I suppose,though,that if you need to play just one Mansion level in your lifetime,then this is probably as good a choice as any." - Orbit Dream (15-Jan-2014) |
"I played this one (3/05) because it was the last of the Hokolo levels without a walkthrough and I wanted to remedy that. I found it to be quite challenging and enjoyable. There's a fairly extended sequence with the motorbike that I liked a lot. The adventure consists of locating five armor pieces both inside and outside Lara's mansion. Some have complained about the suddenly appearing sentry guns, but the author has craftily built in ways to defeat them all (except for the 'gotcha' trap in the motorbike maze and the one at the very end that you can avoid entirely by simply keeping your nose out of places it doesn't need to be. It's long past time for another release by this talented builder. Recommended." - Phil (11-Mar-2005) |
"When I started the level and watched the opening fly-by which swoops down through the main door into the hallway I thought WOW! This is the most accurate reproduction of the famous mansion and has been turned into an action packed level. I loved the lighting effects especially around the outside of the assault course at nighttime. The assault course has been carefully re-designed slightly so the author could customize the level. There is now even a little passage leading from the bottom of the swimming pool! Despite its visuals the gameplay is not quite of such a high standard. There are several sneaky bits which I wont spoil for you and I didn't like it when I was exploring and was attacked by a SAS guard and then another. It is also a little tricky in places and some expert jumps to separate the casual tomb raider players and the true raiders! (hehe sorry). Having said that the gameplay is still superb and I loved the motorbike section which you must give a go! But still no Jeeves to lock in the kitchen cupboard :-(“ - TrueRaider "One of the best Lara houses that I played. Lara needs to find 5 Objects. Many Puzzles to solve and Lara even gets to the roof to find there Objects driving with the motorbike in a hard maze. Fun house level - enjoyed to play." - Yoav (02-Mar-2004) |
"It's kinda funny to play a Lara's house level with some modified city wad objects - doesn't look very appealing - especially the reproduction of the sky and horizon but a good way how to get something out of nothing so to say - and I have to give the author credit for that. Overall - all you do is search the house and the grounds to activate a handful of levers - which I have to add rarely show what they do and that was the most annoying thing in the game for me. The bike maze wasn't my favorite bit too but you can manage. A fine house level but really nothing special - give this a try if you're convinced by the reviews." - eTux (01-Sep-2003) |
"Every level builder that respects him/herself has built one home or tutorial level and this is Horst's home one. The doors are changed and every course you take has triggers even though not visible sometimes so be sure you complete everything. I say that because when I play home level I tend to not complete the gym because I am bored with them. Anyway your goal is to find and collect five secrets which are no other than the five pieces of the armor. There is a bike available and sentry guns with SAS around. The maze is a little different though more complex and I have no idea for how long I was lost in there. Just a tip when you find the red room with the sentry gun look close for the exit. After collecting every piece check the doors that were previously closed they open as you go along; a rope at the gym appears too at some point. A control room was inside Lara's bedroom and the end comes with Lara supposedly being teleported. It took me more than an hour to complete it with that underground maze." - Kristina (27-Aug-2003) |
"I did everything it was possible to do in this level considering it was littered with butts. For example all the switches let me get to the underground maze the computer room with pharaoh tile (old treasure room) up to the attic and I got stuck there under the swimming pool on the roof and I picked up some butts I mean armour pieces. So I can't score this properly. I picked up the revolver and shotgun and a lot of ammo I heard danger music so I presume there were enemies of a sort but my butts were harmless. There are extra things like what I assume is the bike cave and exit and a confusing underground maze on different levels that led to two unopened doors. The racetrack is altered to another assault course and something has ploughed through the front door. The lighting is not good and not what I expected from Hokolo. Actually take this as a demo from the man who went on to create Lara's Return and Twilight City." - CC (24-Aug-2003) |
"Wow this probably was the first Lara's Home level ever made that wasn't pure training. This level is dated EARLIER than the TR:Movie was released and you got here in this level the Lara's Home Invasion idea. Lots of baddies and even sentry guns were put into Lara's home sweet home and they have also taken the five armor pieces - it's up to Lara to recover them and make her house safe again. The highlight in this level for me was getting on to the roof - without cheating that is. It's part of the level and you must get there to get the revolver or else you won't finish the level. And the downside I believe was the excess of mazes - there's one underwater by the pool and other to get across with the motorbike which I am sure I did by pure luck. You get to areas Lara never saw before in her house and those were great improvements I am sure." - Treeble (07-Jan-2003) |
"Ok it's a genuine Hokolo but unfortunately it's still a mansion level with all the downsides to it. Ok so there is a bit of a mission here you encounter some enemies climbing out onto the roof is great fun and getting rid of the sentry guns provides some exciting moments but all that can't disguise the fact that the mansion is still essentially the mansion. You have to explore some and the problem with the mansion is that exploring is utterly boring here as you've been around the house for so many times. Hey what do you think? Lara lives in this place. There are a few new touches here but unfortunately they don't always add to the appeal. Like the big maze you have to navigate the motorbike through is damn boring and I could have done without the sentry gun booby trap. Speaking of sentry gun some of the pop spontaneously into existence which never really enhances the illusion of reality. However if you are a fan of Home entertainment and haven't played that many mansion levels I guess it is not without it's charm." - Dimpfelmoser (01-Dec-2002) |
"It seems nowhere is safe for Lara anymore not even her home! This is the most authentically close replica of the original mansion I have seen so far and the only differences are those intended by the creator to make this a more adventurous and deadly place. The aim here is to collect the 5 secrets which are the 5 artifacts and kill the SAS troopers that prowl in and around the house although they are not found in too great a number. I am not a huge fan of the levels revolving around Lara's mansion and although there is plenty of places to explore here it is places we have explored before with the exception of certain new areas and I found the puzzles quite straightforward although I loved the confrontations with the automatic machine guns as they were a nice challenge trying to destroy them. All in all though it is still quite a well done level and fans of Lara's mansion will absolutely love it." - Sash (21-Jun-2002) |
"By now I guess it is common knowledge that I am not a Lara's Mansion Level lover and this one in that respect is no different. I always run around cluelessly in those for hours not finding what I am supposed to find and the lack of camera work in this level after pulling a lever doesn't help to improve this. Nevertheless this time at least there is some sort of purpose in finding the five pieces of armor (ie the secrets) and I enjoyed the changed areas and the fact that you get to the roof and can ride the bike (always amazing that the delicate glass ceiling of the swimming pool holds it but it goes through that breaking wall like butter). Getting rid of the gun turrets is also a bit of fun and the 15 or so SAS guards are not too many so if you like the mansion try it out for yourself." - Michael (21-Jun-2002) |
"This has to be the all time best custom level ever designed. It takes the humble Lara mansion and turns it into a nightmare. Thought you knew your way around the manor? Well think again. This is THE BEST. If you have not downloaded it yet do so now." - Torry (21-Jun-2002) |
"When I started the level and watched the opening fly-by which swoops down through the main door into the hallway I thought, WOW! This is the most accurate reproduction of the famous mansion and has been turned into an action packed level. I loved the lighting effects especially around the outside of the assault course at nighttime. The assault course has been carefully re-designed slightly so the author could customize the level. There is now even a little passage leading from the bottom of the swimming pool! Despite its visuals, the gameplay is not quite of such a high standard. There are several sneaky bits which I wont spoil for you and I didn't like it when I was exploring and was attacked by a SAS guard and then another. It is also a little tricky in places and some expert jumps to separate the casual tomb raider players and the true raiders! (hehe, sorry). Having said that, the gameplay is still superb and I loved the motorbike section, which you must give a go! But still no Jeeves to lock in the kitchen cupboard :-(“ - TrueRaider (21-Jun-2002) |
"This was my first level to download and play and I was very impressed with what a great job he did on Lara's mansion. It looks like he took the mansion out of TR III and added a few little touches of his own. He's even given us a route directly to the roof! There are really not a lot of puzzles to solve; it's more like the whole level is one long puzzle. There are many doors to open and objects to find and your objective is to find those objects and figure out how to open the doors. In the meantime you'd better be on the lookout for some better weapons and ammo for the bad guys sprinkled throughout the level. There's not too many but enough to keep you on watch. The assault course has been changed a little and in a very interesting way. In the corner there is a section with a lot of hallways almost like a maze. I had a hard time figuring out where to go in there and had finally decided there was nothing to do there when someone advised me otherwise. My only complaint is that I'm still not sure what opened some of the doors or when they opened - so make sure to check them every once in a while. I wish Winston had been there too." - RaiderGirl (21-Jun-2002) |
"I was taken by the way Hokolo made a very well designed replica of Lara's mansion. Exploring even the roof was a thrill. The maze kept me busy for days that was the only thing I didn't like in this level it was too confusing. Hokolo's trade mark if I may call it is hiding secrets and that he can do very well. I also like the way you can get rid of the sentry guns without loosing too much health just by thinking it through and then it is a piece of cake LOL. Loved the detail of the washing hanging even in the bath room and do have a look at all the paintings :)" - Gerty (21-Jun-2002) |
"This is a very well designed replica of Lara's mansion now with action and some new places to explore. I particularly enjoyed the way the roof (now explorable) and sky/horizon were built and the different motorbike ride which are the actual new add-ons to the original mansion. I could have rated it better but I prefer totally original levels. Also some enemies seem to be out of place like some machine guns appearing from nowhere in areas already explored (SAS are way quick in setting the MGs up huh?). Textures are ok but the lightning work could be better. Overall it is a very interesting level that should be checked out by the mansion's fans." - Fabio Ribeiro (21-Jun-2002) |
"Another great level based on Lara's home. What a blast! There is plenty to do and see and that motorbike maze is wicked. It's a well thought out fun enjoyable level which is definitely worth a download. The whole structure of the level is great and the texturing and atmosphere put into this has been done well. Overall a very enjoyable Lara's home level which is almost as good as mine! lol! (just kidding)" - John (21-Jun-2002) |