Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74067 reviews (20.4/level)
3610 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
07-Feb-2007 |
# of downloads: |
287 |
average rating: |
9.32 |
review count: |
26 |
review this level |
file size: |
248.59 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
Mystery/Horror |


Reviewer's comments |
"A nice homage to the original Floating Islands from TR2, but I also couldn't help but remembering eTux (rest in peace, we miss you), as quite a fair share of platforms here use a similar layout to the floating rugs he featured prominently in his levels... it's crazy to think just how much has happened since this series was released. Gameplay here I thought was slightly more streamlined than all previous levels, but obviously I say this still having followed the walkthrough down to the last comma as time is getting scarcer by the minute. None of the jumps felt particularly tricky, fortunately, and even the handful of enemies didn't pose much of a threat. Birds would show up in the middle of precarious actions, such as monkey swinging or climbing, so maybe save your revolver ammo for those encounters. 55 minutes. 06/23" - Treeble (25-Jun-2023) |
"If you're a fan of floating islands type
levels, as I am, then you will love this next
level in the saga. Your jumping skills are
tested to the maximum as you outrun wraiths,
avoid blades and perform challenging
manoeuvres. Add to this great atmosphere,
lighting and texturing and overall scenery of
the level and you have a level that experienced
players will love." - Ryan (20-Sep-2016) |
"Like always for linear plots, I rate all levels equally yet with different score combos to highlight ups and downs of each part, links to which are embedded in common text. We begin in Thierry's Parisian Streets and how not to repeat the con remarks for this builder. Why not to take a bike if the streets are so wide? Why not to return Lara with a rapid sewer current? Or maybe why not to put her on the back of a city pigeon for faster travel? Ideas to kill redundancy are numerous and would also work for atmosphere... but no, again we have backtracking, lack of shortcuts and passage repetition. Thankfully as imperfect as in path design, Thierry is brilliant in isolation craft so I didn't mind the extra travel that much. So far. Then we go into Church which sustains the mood despite of dropping the scale, and makes it spookier in return. But this is an exercise in bad combat. Riding a bike under sentry fire. Pulling up onto an edge with a running dog. Getting perforated by a SAS while wading through the water... Of course you want to be smart to avoid health loss but the author made sure to prevent that. Think about it: there's a group of dogs and a bike. It rings a bell to run over the beasts, but the vehicle gets impaled with spikes blocking the passage to break your plan. Then you want to fight these dogs from the entrance corridor but a rollingball forces you into the room. So you escape on the nearby ledge to shoot them from above, but an invisible collision panel feels just like deliberately applied to make that attempt futile as well. The only combat the author approves is direct encounter what instead of challenging is horribly annoying. All this time you only have the pistols and don't even tell me about that red herring revolver. When finishing this part I was absolutely infuriated so it was great to embrace delightful chillout of the following Airport. Again we have a red herring, this time a medikit, and the breakable walls are way too hidden, especially if one of them is secret and the other one isnt, but we can relax among realistic bars, pass through check-in gates, enter metro wagons, climb escalators and explore a secret hotel. In the end I felt ashamed I never tried Leeloo's levels before, and I will soon repair that mistake with The Hangar. But before that we leave France and pass into Egypt, to the plot core. The Temple feels convincingly buried, has neat layout and local visual gems. It's another one of Thierry, but the path design is incomparably better, just like if not his. What may confuse beginners is a quadruple slot which looks like a multi-item combo but in fact requires progressive filling, and the treasure pool challenge which may cause you to save the game just before you die. Next TC enters the stage with his Lava section, as we proceed deeper into the Earth crust to get literally overflown with magma. It's one of these levels where you can feel the heat and play with fire while utilizing loads of cracks, crevices and ladders like this author got us used to. The design is a bit subpar and cramped in comparison to the author's flagship projects, but still very good and enjoyable, however since that moment the project gets confusing as the opportunity to miss or do something wrong appears - for instance I could only solve the statue pushable after multiple corrections and I had to repeat half of the level when the zipline didn't retrigger. But the most serious and easily evitable mistake was the door cube pushable. Once raised, the portals shouldn't close because using the block every time to unlock them makes no sense especially in a level where it's so easy to commit a mistake and try again. What I particularly liked was a nice touch of the barriers surrounding the rocks sticking out of the lava stream, what made that part of platforming much easier. Then we descend even deeper to cool down in the Underground Lake, but I unfortunately recognized the retextured ship level of TR2, and instead of lukewarm depths of volcanic cavern I kept imagining an overturned rusty vessel no matter how fine TimJ's rendition was. But at least the map was familiar, and tasking got ambitious with the multilevel pushable, though it went too ambitious with the underwater lever. Since the place is huge and the lights draw attention away, I couldn't locate that spot even with the walkthrough in hand, and only thanks to TRGamer's let's play video I could get enough help to breach the gates of sunken Castle of Corpus Fatalis, likely a pun of "over my dead body". This map is made from scratch, outstandingly atmospheric and the most suitable word would be "epic" despite of not so big size and darkness. One nice trick to strenghten its grandeur is the lack of ceiling substituted with progressive fadeout, so we can imagine the central hall much higher than it really is. Then we unlock the City of the Priests, another element of TC's dense world, even more lava-soaked than his other bit made for this game was. Here I noticed external cooperation of the French forum, with MagPlus's Apophis warriors really making this part feel like a sequel to The Rescue. If I missed something in this level and the entire volcanic episode, it was the sound of flowing lava - while we get the Xian ambience for mystery mood, the river of molten rocks is absolutely silent. Eventually, we enter the underworld Kingdom to get some Swedish vibes, for either this has been inspired with QRS's Limbo or vice versa. The part is really open but not confusing at all, and platforming over the floating islands was pure pleasure. This is possibly also the moment of the adventure where the greatest amount of customized objects dwell, including the Obole puzzle making for a serious closure hitpoint and perfect for transition, however in the final scene I missed some music, waves on the river and actually showing Charon's boat sail the waters into the Farplane. Very soon it appears this one holds a very tightly embedded realm of Lost Spirits, filled with randomly arranged floating islands, multiple intersections, start positions and sometimes even requiring the right choice for correct progress, while not even mentioning you are in such situation - seriously, the thunder plain and the final fight of the chapter might remain in my heart forever, but learning fluent French would be less confusing than solving this whole chapter. Often I had no idea what to do, some doors never open, some levers are never pulled, certain things are hard to guess like the monkey swing because no other texture of the kind is grabbable, or the cross puzzle hole because no other object like this is interactive, or the water corridor secret triggered with an invisible shatter - however the last one may be discussable as well as the requirement to grab an uraeus from the active spike trap. As a result I failed multiple times to proceed without a walkthrough and only after a whole day, what is as much time as the whole preceding content took me, I grabbed the key to the Osiris's Pyramid. Here's Thierry again, even better than his previous bit, and possibly in his greatest solo map. Despite of structural simplicity and intense combat, the place feels incredibly calm and relieving while offering total immersion, rewarding tasks and both casual and unusual geometry. Only the crawling part could be shorter but I liked the exploration very much - in the end every square in sight appears accessible. The bike part is really unexpected in such place, and the final teleport flyby is properly satisfying as we teleport into space... or at least I thought we should, but before that we unexpectedly visit an extra pyramid level which is fully unlike the ordinary pyramid design, with each corridor intricate and attractive, and transparent enemies making us sure we're really deep already. The gate to let us out from the first slot with the White Stone is another one which should remain open once open, otherwise it forces passage repetition if we visit the place too early. The transition to alien scenery is made very well but just like in case of the Kingdom boat cutscene, we should really see the shuttle fly as we get ourselves abducted onboard the Osiris's Spaceship. The surroundings are simply breathtaking: the outer space introduction, the hangar section the control room - I have a feeling the author was under impression of the Cygnus from The Black Hole movie, and if the plot wasn't Egyptian this dystopian, almost a derelict-like ship would be a great host for creepy humanoid workers or an evil robot like Maximilian (yeah you need to watch that if you haven't already). Certain design shouldn't occur like the water tank, another place we can save in, unaware of imminent death. Multiple passing through the could be easy reduced either, and I even had to cheat for shells when it appeared they aren't provided for the Horus fight they're crucial for. I eventually hacked Osiris's security system and defeated the guy Somewhere in the Farplane, where a nicely controlled timed challenge may give us two different endings, producing one of these moments worth to die in. SUMMARY: This is a very solid and seriously coherent team work where every participant cared a lot, with original plot, new graphics and even music tracks. Sometimes you may need a walkthrough to deal with annoying mistakes and properly enjoy unforgettable highlights which make this game obligatory to play at certain moment, so why not now." - DJ Full (25-Jun-2016) |
"I really loved this level for its uniqueness. It reminded me
of one of the last levels in TR2 with flying city. I liked
gameplay with those jumps on star platforms and idea with
getting coin to cross the 'dead river'. Textures weren't rich
but well placed and giving amazing feeling to the custom.
Recommended for most players as the difficulty is slightly
lower than other levels in the serie." - Casual Raider (23-Sep-2013) |
"You must know, I love floating island settings and I love
platforming and this level was no exception. The whole
setting is totally absorbing and the greenish atmosphere is
simply great, but I wished the builder had used a little
more lighting effects, as it felt rather flat. Texturing was
great though, combining the original TR 2 theme with some
new textures works fine. The initial actions, may they be as
linear as only possible, are very entertaining, e.g. the
wraith chase over many platforms, or the invisible platform
part. Unluckily, when the level gets a little more complex,
the gameplay got a little worse as the platforming that
still includes nice ideas (like the two very unique torch
usages) got pedestrian after a while and there could have
been a whole lot more up with this level - the variety is
again missing for me. There also were way, way too many
enemies in this level and after shooting the x-th demigod or
harpy I wished at least the enemy storm would completely
end. The fields of Death are the inglorious"highlight" with
at least one of both mentioned enemies around every corner.
There is only one secret in this level but I must say this
is quite well hidden, maybe even too sneakily and without
hint it's practically impossible to find. But it's only a
secret, so this is not a real complaint. The gameplay picks
up at the end again and the final task - to get the obole
for Charon to guide you over the Styx - is hilarious. I
quite had a love-hate relationship to this level, as parts
of it are ingenious and others rather dreary. 45 minutes." - manarch2 (26-Feb-2012) |
"I love floating island type levels, and I especially enjoyed TC14's similar level 'Mystic Experience' from The Quest of Gold. So I was particularly eager to play Kingdom of the Dead - so much so, that even before I started the whole of RoO, I played a few bits of this level using a savegame. Of course, now I have played it fully and properly.
As is to be expected in this type of level, gameplay mostly involves jumping and climbing, which I always enjoy. Puzzles mostly involve figuring out where to go next. There's a good use of transporters to zoom back and forth across the level. On the negative front: the second torch task is particularly obscure. I also ran into a minor bug (a positive one) with the first torch - Lara spontaneously lit it in thin air! I also dislike the fixed camera in one jumping sequence.
I love the colours and visual style of this level - the green fog looks both pretty as well as supernatural, and contrasts well with the red textures. The invisible ledges marked by crystals are a nice touch. The textures, objects and enemies strongly keep up the 'dead' theme: skull motifs everywhere; tombstones on the various islands, a giant dragon skeleton; skeletal enemies of various kinds, as well as hellhounds, satanic demigods and vultures. The best part is the Grim Reaper who is waiting to ferry Lara across the river of hell - for a price, of course.
At this point in RoO, the Egyptian setting seems to be thoroughly forgotten (though we'll get back to it in later levels). That's not really a shortcoming - I just wonder why the builder didn't tap into the huge death-and-afterlife-related mythology of the Egyptians as inspiration for this level. It feels like a wasted opportunity.
Overall: Excellent level - definitely one of the best in this whole game." - Mytly (23-Feb-2012) |
"A Floatings Islands level with a hellish twist; like
buildings and ledges seemingly made out of bodies and
skulls, and well-modeled supernatural enemies, there's also
a large building that provides a centre-point (and some
gameplay on solid ground). The lighting is little flat but
it actually sort of works in this level, and makes
everything seem like it's under some strange supernatural
glow. There's some great object use like the corpse of the
TR2 Dragon too.
As is fitting for a floating islands map the gameplay is
mostly platform based. It starts off pretty linear but once
you reach the central island (reached by a cool usage of
gems to mark invisible ledges) and find a key the level
opens up a lot, with quite a few traps and multiple
Demigods. The gameplay mostly stays pretty straightforward
if you're careful, but there's quite a few long jumps and
similar. The only fault I had is that a few somewhat long
backtracking treks are present. One torch puzzle at the end
seemed a bit obtuse and I only worked it out by accident,
but in retrospect there is a sort of clue to it. Another
excellent level." - Mman (17-Feb-2011) |
"A rather expansive arrangement of islands floating over a dark green abyss...rather atmospheric. But I'm not sure if I'm very pleased with all the tricks the level plays on your eyes. You will have to be careful jumping between invisible platforms marked by tiny crystals. Some fixed cameras make other jumps unnecessarily difficult. A great sense of decoration adds a creative touch to the things you interact with in this realm of the dead...however some objects get in your way as you try to set up running jumps. I almost got stuck because I managed to reach some platforms below other platforms with fences - turns out I wasn't supposed to get there yet so the entrance/exit was closed and I had to go back to another save. Speaking of which, the gameplay, especially the second half or so, is a bit simplistic - use the death key in a receptacle, take a route, push a switch, backtrack on said route, and find an artifact waiting for you...rinse and repeat. However I thought the first part of the level was exciting, so that should give players the boost to get through the next level of this intricate series. One last note - how in the world is that pedestal flammable?" - SSJ6Wolf (24-May-2009) |
"Enjoyable"floating islands" type of level, which is rather easy to play , much less difficult anyway than the one in The Quest of gold. Except towards the end where there is a difficult challenge to pass a fire burner in the tiles room puzzle before using a torch for a second time. There is of course lots of jumps to perform here , quite an assortment of enemies too with a wraith , horned vultures , floating skeletons carrying a sword , I think there was maybe too many demigods at one point. There is a strong atmosphere throughout the level. I was stuck for good once as I foolishly did not noticed I could reach the climbable red wall before using one of the ziplines , and the ziplines are not reset for later use. The use of the gems to indicate the invisible pathway is one of the clever ideas in this well made level which is fun. The choice of the textures gives quite an harmonious touch to the setting." - eRIC (28-Jan-2009) |
"Well, you usually can't go wrong with a Floating Islands scenario with me, and make no mistake - I really enjoyed my time here for most part, but somehow in the end this didn't click with me all that well. It's never a good idea to skimp on the elements that help to sell the illusion and aura of believability especially when the setting is so far out as here, and I think that unfortunately it was done a bit too much in this case. The shallow falls robbed the illusion of abyss from the original (and subsequently inspired) level(s) and sometimes even didn't leave enough time to reload after a miscalculated jump, same for some of the areas where you could blatantly tell where they ended, or where texturing and room geometry were fairly uninspired. While the camera work is OK for most part, there were some awkward fixed angles closer to the end that made it hard to perform some otherwise obvious jumps. Also the pay the ferryman element is not part of the Egyptian mythology as far as I remember, but considering that we've had a Gothic castle underneath Egyptian ruins earlier in the series, this was not hard to buy in comparison. Having said all that - this definitely is not a bad level - there are a number of fun jumps, zip line rides, torch puzzles and trap runs, the enemies are very fitting for the scenario, and the looks faithful to what you could expect from a Floating Islands inspired affair, but I guess it didn't work as well for me as others of the same category have before, but it's a decent raid all the same." - eTux (04-Jun-2008) |
"Floating Islands in green tint - you love it or you hate it. I, for one, have always been a fan and this installment is very nicely done and the vast space is cleverly used and you will be jumping around those floating ledges all the time and still it never gets boring. Very good and effective use of tansporters, torches, zip lines throughout and some nice flybys thrown in for good measure. Enemies are a few dogs, demigods, skeletons and those annoying birds, but they do not play a major role here. Not sure why in some areas the seemingly infinite bottom is actually quite near and burns Lara, when in most other places she 'dies' and hits a finish trigger. At the end some mythology as you 'pay the ferryman' to get you across the river Styx and into the next levels. Great fun! (60 min., no secrets)." - MichaelP (29-May-2008) |
"Well ! Take a TC 14 at one hand and take "Floating islands" at the other hand. It gives you this incredible level. I must really play it again because I don't remember it exactly. There isn't only floating islands, there is even some invisible plateforms indicated by floating diamonds!! There are several paths you can take in the order that you want and I like this. At the end the ferryman leads you at the other side of the Stix. The secret is really hard to find." - TimJ (20-Jul-2007) |
"Lovely floating islands lovely. As always in these type of levels it's not
immediately obvious how to proceed, but we soon get into the swing of
things... literally. Loved the crystals that guide us through this vast
space. It certainly feels like the kingdom of the dead. Superb spooky
other-worldly atmosphere, beautifully realised, lovely colours and
texturing. The islands have tombstones and coffins, emaciated dogs and
skeletons, ziplines and monkeyswings. We finally get onto one large island
with lovely gardens and balconys. Enemies encountered are demigod devils,
floating skeletons (wraiths), and demon vultures. We spot a black ghost
standing on a boat, waiting for us to pay him to cross over. Excellent
touch! As is the long dead dragon. Transporters on this large island take us
to other small 'realms' and back again. Loved all the jumping, climbing and
general route around, on top of, and underneath these islands, to find
switches, keys, and useful items, including the 'death obole' for the
boatman. Excellent use of the torch here. Wonderfully laid out, and although
the player may occasionally stop to think about what to do next, the smooth
flowing gameplay results in a complete and fun level for all players." - CC (07-Jul-2007) |
"Oops a floating island level. Not my favourite level by all means and it took me a while to get through. Not because of the game play as that is sort of straightforward, but because I had to take many breaks while jumping the voids between the islands. My fear of heights does kick in with anything that remotely looks like floating Islands. The good thing is that you wont get bored; there is enough to do puzzling wise and enemy wise to keep you busy from begin to end." - Gerty (04-Jul-2007) |
"I've never kept a count of the custom levels I've played over the past six years or so, but it surely must run into the several hundreds. It's rare that I come across a level these days that's truly unique, but that's what I found in Kingdom of the Dead. It's a floating islands level, and even this builder has done one of those before, but it's unlike any that I've ever played. The gameplay is crisp and captivating, the lighting is just right, and the one special touch I remember is the skeletons that die so peacefully as they slowly spiral upward. You meet a couple of wraiths early on that you can't kill, but if you shoot at them they leave you alone, and you'll see them darting about below you like drunks on skis for the rest of the level. The only things that keep me from awarding a perfect score are the annoying fixed camera sequence you encounter near the end, and the one too many times I had to backtrack painstakingly across the same area I'd already covered in order to continue (it shouldn't be that difficult to provide a new path leading back to the previous point after a task has been accomplished). This is a truly marvelous level set, and I understand from the other reviews that the best is still to come." - Phil (20-Apr-2007) |
"And just when you think you've seen it all, Lara gets teleported to the Kingdom of the Dead and you realise how wrong you were! After the amazing City of the Priests, Lara now finds herself somewhere close to the entrance of Hades or something similar (as you can see Charon waiting too), and her mission here is to find three artifacts that will help her open up the way to get the necessary obole so as to pay Charon to pass her to the other side. The whole setting of the level is majestically beautiful and totally different from the other two RoO levels by Thibault; a dusty green colour dominates here creating a mystical, dreamy atmosphere. There are elements similar to Floating Islands from TR2, but the level maintains its own special identity thanks to the impressive skills of its builder. As there is no even ground here, you are basically making your way with jumping on ledges (some are visible and others are not but marked with crystals - which is a beautiful image) floating in the air while spooky sounds accompany your every step; but there is also some action on solid grounds that are quite dangerous nonetheless. The action is quite straightforward, although there are a few backtrackings to do, therefore the gameplay is flowing and you can't get stuck. There are several demon demigods to deal with, as well as ghost dogs and nasty birds, and some eery floating skeletons that can't get killed. Take your time to enjoy the scenery, as it's incredibly stunning! Again, a perfect 10 from me. Many congratulations to Thibault for creating such wonderful levels." - Ravenwen (13-Apr-2007) |
"Do you remember "Floating Islands" from TR2? This is a similar level; even you'll find the skeleton of the dragon where Lara took the dagger. In this level you'll have to do many running jumps of course, and kill many demigods and harpies too, but I had to use the ammo collected in another levels 'cause I couldn't find so much in this one. Although it's a long level full of tasks you'll not have problems to finish it. At the end Caronte takes you in his small boat. Another good level from TC14." - Jose (04-Apr-2007) |
"WOW.This is the greatest level,I ever played.I never had more fun as in this adventure.
You starts in a future world.You find a lot of little islands in the sky.You must find the way to the diffrent islands.You need teleporter for get in another part of the level and there you must find things before you come back.You always find your way through the air.You get some crystals to find the platforms in the air,you cant,see.Follow the crystals to the next islands.
You can slide with a rope to the places under you and look for your next way.
The athmosphere is so great.You find flying sceletons and sceletons with swords.
This adventure get back the time with tomb raider 2" The swimming Islands".But it is more better and a phantastic athmosphere and a lot of new objects.
You can not say words to this level.You MUST play it.
This is the best level of this great serie.It,s perfect." - Andi Croft (30-Mar-2007) |
"Don't get spooked there is nothing to fear because the level is very bright and has a few skeletons and demigods, no phantoms. There is Charon present though from the Greek mythology that was supposed to pass the dead to the other side, with a price of course. You have to do a lot of jumping, side jumping and climbing, especially at the beginning. There are levels, the down level and middle, upper ones. The one secret is easy to find, actually easy to see. It's a good and interesting level." - Kristina (19-Mar-2007) |
"Another very exciting level by TC. Beeing part of the the so far fantastic Osiris level series Thibault had mercy on the TRLE community and its lovers and this time only provided a game that was " doable" without taking the TR fans to the very limit or even above . It is , however , a hard nut to crack especially with only a few health packs in store ,so make sure you don`t waste them too eagerly in the fights against the many demigods and flying monsters !!! In this level you will find very few medipacks to restore your health ,this also goes for the precious shotgun ammo so try to finish the demigods with your pistols only by manoevering Miss Croft to avoid the deadly blue rays and save the shotgun ammo for the flying beasts that unfortunately are coming to pester you in places where you definetely don`t need them i.e single narrow platforms .
A Floating Island level that derserves its name and onother good job done by Thibault . Merci Beaucoup !!!" - Ruben (16-Mar-2007) |
"Despite the grim atmosphere, this level is quite a nice breather from the previous installments in the series. Progression is fairly linear, tasks are simple, but it never gets boring in this level. Even though this is easier, it still retains good challenges to overcome. I really liked the floating islands type environment. Another great level." - Relic Hunter (12-Mar-2007) |
"Wow, fantastic atmosphere. This is a 'floating islands' style level so cue some highly entertaining leaping about in the sky. It's imaginatively done and the various routes can take a bit of working out. There are skeletons, demigods and vulture like creatures to hinder you, but the good news is that there are transporters about so you can get the occasional freebie health top up. I actually didn't get confused by this level - don't know whether that's due to the nice fluid nature of the gameplay or whether I was having a good day for once. Anyway, I certainly enjoyed myself." - Jay (08-Mar-2007) |
"AAH floating islands. Lara in the sky with diamonds. I really like this kind of level, and this one was gorgeous. The colors, textures, atmosphere. There were a few unexpected elements like the fake lava wall that you could jump into & swim, invisible platforms, interesting puzzle elements. You could get turned around trying to figure out the correct route to take once you made it to main building knowing there were tasks to complete underneath. All in all this was an excellent level & I thoroughly enjoyed it, a must play." - guss18 (01-Mar-2007) |
"This is the second level from TC14 which is alike Floating Islands in TR2
and it's a pretty good one. There are a lot of jumping, climbing and things
to find in this level that is very characteristic for floating island levels.
Places look good and I enjoyed every moment so I don't know what else
could I say. This is a nice level in every ways." - Samu (26-Feb-2007) |
"Again an excellent floating island -level by Thibeault. The flow of the game is quite smooth and never very difficult, but always entertaining. First you have to get to the central templr of thid realm. After solving a torch puzzle you have to make a longer trip to get the death key, which gives you access to three small adventures to get three necessary items for the temple. In the end you'll get the coin to pay the transfer to the next level. I liked the atmosphere and desigen of the level in the original, intended way with distant fog, but also with extended drawind distance( I took a patched exe from another game).
Another great level from this excellent series! You have to play it!" - Raymond (20-Feb-2007) |
"What can I say? I have a soft spot for floating island levels and TC is doing them so well! For being a TC level, this one is easy actually. (first time ever?!? hehe) Pretty straight forward but never dull or boring. Compared to the similar level in QOG, it is both shorter and not so complicated. I must say that I actually preferred this level when it came to gameplay. It might have been due to the previous levels with all the hardcore raiding etc. Nice to have a break from it hehe. I loved the tasks and the raiding is this level! Especially when you had to work your way to various tasks under the main building. When it comes to atmosphere, you can't ask for more. The distant fog makes the level looks amazing! I could not find any secrets but I suspect there might be one or two. I also liked the music and the objects. I have not seen those stone puzzles before. Way to go, TC. A fantastic level!! All tens from me." - QRS (13-Feb-2007) |