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Ancient Legends III - Lost Chambers by Driber

Adrian 10 10 10 10
CC 9 9 9 9
DJ Full 7 8 9 8
dmdibl 10 10 9 8
eTux 10 9 9 8
Gerty 10 10 10 10
Jack& 10 10 10 10
Jay 10 10 10 10
Jeffrey 10 10 10 10
Jenni 10 10 10 10
Jez 10 9 9 10
Jose 10 9 10 9
Kristina 9 9 8 8
Mezcal 9 10 10 10
MichaelP 10 9 9 8
Mman 9 9 9 8
Phil 10 10 10 10
Raymond 10 10 10 9
Ruben 10 10 10 10
Ryan 10 10 10 10
Samu 10 8 8 8
Shandroid 9 8 9 9
Treeble 8 8 8 8
release date: 24-Aug-2007
# of downloads: 310

average rating: 9.36
review count: 23
review this level

file size: 49.54 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"A pretty solid level overall, with quite a bit of variety so it never feels really dull (I'd suggest a guided playthrough), although it never really clicked with me. The mazes felt like unnecessary padding, which helped to contribute to the feeling the level eventually outstayed its welcome, and I thought the pushblock sequences also got a bit tiresome towards the end. There's a bit of a clash in textures, the Scotland brick textures felt slightly out of place in this otherwise predominantly sandy environment, but that's a minor observation - overall it looks good, and the author has cleverly used waferthin walls by adding border frames to the doors. Douglas Edward's Tribute at the end was just *chef's kiss*. 95 minutes, 5 secrets. 06/23" - Treeble (04-Jun-2023)
"I solved the first puzzle then pitchforked down, to find a 1x2 block high maze. Then I pitchforked up, this time to find a 1x1 block high maze. I took a break, gave the game another shot... found a pushblock which has to be done then undone... a deliberately slow shimmying sequence over fiery pillars... a RETURN through the same sequence after another block to do and undo... "are you for real", I asked myself... the next room had a pushblock you need to trap yourself in. No need to untrap myself in order to escape as I already thought - this time a block just lowered to quickly let me out... only to realize I was in for another, multi-floor, pushblock riddle. At that point so much bad stuff accumulated I wasn't able to enjoy the good parts which came afterwards. I even paused the game at its peak, because the container room lacked any shading. I don't know what to say. It just kept getting worse and worse, then better, then worse again. Instead of immersing myself, I looked for redeeming qualities. I found them in music, camera work, voice acting... this level also shines with objects, but where's the fun? Where's the discovery? I think the lower standard we had back then has produced all those nines and tens, but the truth is the builder doesn't respect a player's time too much... This is seven at best, even if you pick the easy route. Highly, highly optional." - DJ Full (12-Aug-2022)
"This is a huge leap over the first two releases of this set, which makes sense as it came out years later. Texturing-wise this is a weird mish-mash that covers everything from Scotland to Greece to Egypt, and even some slightly high-tech stuff. It shouldn't work, but it's done with enough confidence that it mostly does, and combines with things like the slightly non-standard ambient music and unique objects to give the whole thing a surreal atmosphere. The previously mentioned object use is also still some of the most unique stuff out there, especially in the curved chamber full of wooden ledges towards the end (that area does have very little lighting, but I presume that's a technical problem to bypass issues with the amount of objects used there).
Gameplay is just as improved and unique as the visuals, with lots of variety and things that have been rarely done before or since (like the wooden ledge chamber mentioned earlier), along with tasks that develop in interesting ways. There's a good mix of non-linearity and more guided segments too. A couple of weaker parts are there, like a large maze (which is more bark than bite due to being quite sequential, but it still feels like a dip in creativity compared to the rest), and one block puzzle that felt slightly longer than it needed to be. The secrets are a little odd in design as the three that make up a mini-quest are substantial and interesting, but then there's a couple extra that are just lying around and almost hard to miss if you look around at all; it almost felt unnecessary to class those as secrets at all. Despite being a series this seems designed as standalone, given the start doesn't really fit with the end of the last map at all (unless this is supposed to be another world, which would explain the theme somewhat I guess), and you could skip right to this set without missing too much. An excellent set and it's a shame the author hasn't made anything else since their creativity would likely only improve from here." - Mman (03-Mar-2018)
"Wow, interesting mix of textures, that really caught my eye. This is a stunningly crafted level, both in the gameplay and the looks department. Imposing halls and cramped passageways combine very well. The gameplay took my breath away though. Ingeniously intricate puzzles, action- packed sequences and the plank room - you have to see it yourself. A masterpiece." - Ryan (23-May-2016)
"Indeed, I do not like mazes, but this time I will forgive the author of this level set, not because he provide a user friendly version of the maze, but because the rest of this almost two hour long adventure is very inspired in terms of gameplay and superbly entertaining. You always keep moving on without having to think too hard and yet it is fun to master a great variety of tasks, supported by well chosen audio, excellent camera guidance and a number of clever ideas for progression. I did think that texturing and lighting was a bit weaker than the other components of the level and often the room geometry and texturing seemed very functional and not always fitting to the overall environment, as if it was placed more as an afterthought than having been a part of the overall design, but that did not spoil the experience one bit for me. There are also 5 secrets to find and the final one is indeed so 'deep' that you can collect it again and again if you go back there later ;) So, do yourself a favour and play this if you haven't yet and have fun with spikes, boulders, pushable objects, collapsible tiles, the inspired wooden walkway room and a fun ending with a nice cutscene and credit flyby." - MichaelP (24-Nov-2008)
"Wow.. It starts as it ends.. Beautiful. I must say that my expectations where not really alive yet until I finished the first boulder puzzle.. it was brilliant. As I progressed through the levels I found only 1 texture bug which is in the waterroom near the last seahorse puzzle item. There were no other things that are bad at all!! I must say that when I finished it I was even more impressed by the way how it was finished.!! With some sort of a cutscene which was in my opinion very interesting.. Also in the room with the rope I felt like Alice in Wonderland where it was unclear what was the up and down, it's magnificent:D I absolutely am looking forward to more releases by this author!!" - Jeffrey (22-Jun-2008)
"Excellent game, keeps you glued to the computer and keyboard, and won't let you go because you just 'have' to find out what happens next. Not so easy, as the player may find themselves traversing the same territory over and over again until they find the jumpswitch they missed, or the newly opened door they saw in a camera shot back a few moves ago. And if the player doesn't find that first climb through tile they can't go back for it (at least I didn't find a way back). Gameplay is the star here, and there's plenty of it. It's jam packed with clever scenarios. Old familiar stuff that's been given a brand new twist. Take a simple example, the boulders, not only to run away from, but trigger them to do their own thing. The most obvious thing, right from the start, is the look of the level. New textures, lovely lighting and atmosphere. Lara falls from somewhere up there, into a lake, and swims towards a castle. Basically we have two large areas/rooms with many routes to smaller areas to find what we need. Although we perform familiar tasks, the layout and texturing makes it all look so new. Even the three tiered maze looks good, and that's some achievement! We are helped along the way by the most convincing voice of Lara as we search for seahorses and tablets with symbols on them. To find these we have to master some feats of daring do and clever puzzles. No prizes for guessing that these include boulder runs, water tunnels (some with sinks), good object pushing puzzles, an amazing looking ropeswing/spike and breakable tile run, careful jumping, the brilliant wooden scaffolding-type walkway route over lava, timed runs, and tackle giant scorpions, harpys, bats, spiders and a demigod... or was there two?! When we finally locate the crown we saw through the railing at the start, a tight timed run/swim takes us to a final room where Lara is transported back up there, leaving us wondering where she is off to now. I can't wait to find out. A funny incident happened when I took the crown, curiosity made me place it again to see what would happen. It changed into a Larabutt and flew out the door. I couldn't stop laughing. Of course I saved before trying this. And now all we have to do is wait patiently for the next installment. And hopefully that won't take another few years :D. Highly recommended." - CC (12-May-2008)
"The first level I've played by Driber, and from the reviews of his previous two of the trilogy - this is the best yet, and what a game it is! I was very pleasantly surprised that, not only was this a level not requiring the level editor, but it also incorporated the ability to adjust screen settings (something I have a lot of problems with as resolution for all levels load as an incorrect default setting for me) that others who adopt the "download the play" feature don't often think about. Nothing too challenging with gameplay but was nice to be given options for some areas (hard or easy). I can see this paving the way to incorporate alternate routes in levels, one can only hope but could be a change to the linear route produced by builders so far. Cryptic clues were used to find secrets (making it all the more worthwhile and very original). Objects cleverly hidden due to camera angles, excellent voice and music audio. Not too many enemies to battle, but a great level doesn't equate to a multitude of monsters to overcome. I had the right weapon to take out some of those tougher enemies and the right amount of ammo to do it (often in levels I pick up numerous amounts of ammo which is never used) which makes me think that Driber thought all details of his level through - and that to me deserves top marks." - Jenni (17-Dec-2007)
"Well this was a surprise release, for me anyway, being so long after the author's previous levels. I confess I waited a while after downloading before playing. I don't know why I waited - what a mistake that was. The start did not impress me much but it turned out to be a warm up for things to come. This game contains fantastic textures throughout which made me say 'wow' a few times. It was a very refreshing change to have the majority of areas nice and bright. Very inventive rooms, the plank room being just one example, and a maze with a choice of difficulty was a nice touch. Not many enemies, which meant they did not detract from the pleasure of exploring, and the secrets were fairly easy, including an audio clue for the two-parter. This collection of levels rates, for me, as one of the all time greats." - Jez (19-Nov-2007)
"This unique level was fun and challenging from start to finish. I loved the unique puzzles that were very well-designed. My favorite part was the spike run to a slide then to a rope, only to end up going where you would not expect. I haven't played a level like this, and if anyone chooses to play this, expect to really work for those seahorse keys! I loved the music, but enemies were few, which is ok, since the puzzles were definitely enough. I was not fond of the mazes, but at least Driber was kind enough to give assistance to those who needed it. All in all, a well done and challenging level." - Shandroid (02-Nov-2007)
"This was very nice two level adventure offering enjoyable gaming time. Gameplay is as varied and interesting as it is possible to create. You have to think all the time to get through this game and the round area including planks is just amazing. Author has also made plenty of custom objects which is always a big plus. Audio tracks add some nice mysteriousness to the atmosphere and I liked it much. Despite I liked this game I would have liked it even more if it was created visually better. This game doesn't have real eyecandy and details to offer but it looks still rather pleasurable. Hovewer, I recommend this challenging game highly for every experienced raiders." - Samu (20-Oct-2007)
"To tell you up front, I am biased. I beta tested the level (for the Mac) and Driber is also one of my favourite builders. What can I say, I started this level and I didn't want it to end. I am not saying that it is a walk in the park but there is a certain flow throughout this and also"aha" moments when you find the solution. There were also some"wow" moments for me and I certainly was blown away to see the"plank room". This level is more about exploring and the few enemies you meet here are very well placed. I even jumped in my chair when a big scorpion nibbled at Lara when she was busy pushing a block. I feared the maze, and as Driber did ask in the forum how people felt about mazes I held my breath entering the three level maze, but this maze was luckily not frustrated. The level is also full of puzzles but also full of very handy hints. There are also some funny moments thrown in, but find those out for yourself" - Gerty (14-Oct-2007)
"I haven't yet played the first two installments in this series, so I have no basis for comparison, but with this single release Driber has established himself as one of the premier artisans in the field. This magnificent tour de force is every bit as dazzling as anything I've seen from Dick, Horus, Piega, Magplus, or any of the other giants, and I enjoyed every single second of the nearly three hours I spent here. Although I used Dutchy's walkthrough (excellent, as always) to make my way along, I was able to accomplish every task without ever being tempted to use the flycheat. The lighting is superb throughout, and this is more important to me than usual in this case, because the surroundings are breathtakingly gorgeous everywhere you turn. If I were to pick my favorite levels of 2007, Blood Mountain would probably win the gameplay award, but AL3 would walk away with the beauty award with no legitimate competitor in sight. I like the way this level is packaged, too, with a no-brainer installation batch file that sets up the game in a separate folder of your choice. This is one I'm likely to replay a number of times in my doddering years. Highest recommendations." - Phil (05-Oct-2007)
"This adventure is in that incredible class of levels that make you pause to remember how lucky we are to have such powerful creators as Driber. There are moments here replete with awesome game play and intelligent design that will bend your mind beyond your wildest imagination, and that's what makes spending time in this author's world so enjoyable. On the negative side for me is the reliance on a set of mazes as a central puzzle, and the absence of story, or theme to the adventure. Hats off to the school of maze lovers that find these enjoyable design elements, but I respectfully disagree. Ultimately, here they come off as weak creative elements that are simply irritating, (“OK, let's get through this as fast as we can because it is so boring!"), and contrast sharply inside this minor masterpiece, up against the author's creative genius with ingenious platform puzzles and marvelous intelligent game play that literally blow your mind. You are in another world here, and it's a grand adventure that dazzles your senses with rich and inventive textures; interwoven with soundtracks - music, effects, and voice- that are so perfectly laid down you will love every minute. This level shows that there is no limit to what this author is capable of, and all the individually unique creative elements are here, just waiting for a legendary masterpiece. Thanks for a wonderful game." - Mezcal (22-Sep-2007)
"This is the kind of level which makes you feel sad when you've finished it; you'd like to play it more and more! A kind of level you can't abandone until tomorrow 'cause it keeps the interest while playing it from the beginning till the end. Excellent gameplay with good puzzles, good environment, new objects, good animations, not impossible tasks,... The big oval lava room is fantastic! I found features I had never seen in any other level. I only missed some more enemies. A great work you can't miss. Many thanks!" - Jose (14-Sep-2007)
"At first this adventure reminded me of Mantua's Squares (levels I enjoyed greatly) with its large design elements and somewhat surrealistic atmosphere. The game play, the most important aspect of a level, is topnotch, and finding all five secrets is not difficult. One is seldom at a loss; there is always something to do, always a definite progression. The levels are well lit. I had some questions about what was going on, but having now played these levels a second time, have resolved all of them. The first time I had trouble with the jumps at the fire pillars because Lara was trying to do a curved jump. The second time, Lara stood in the corner of the burning pillar, foot against the edge, and sidestepped toward that edge. Lara can't move, but she will shake slightly and inch away from the corner without catching fire. Now she can *backflip* to the lower pillar. Also on my first time I wondered about the hole in the ceiling of the seahorse key room, and why Lara never got there. But on the replay I saw that this gap is used by a fly-by, to show the blocks rising in the seahorse key room, and then to whisk through the ceiling tunnel to show the Orion gem (which the seahorse keys will free). On my second time through I could appreciate how well designed the play sequences are: my total elapsed time was only one hour and forty-five minutes (and I found two small medipacks that were missed the first time). There are two mazes, and I have never found mazes to be very satisfying; all that is involved is a methodical search. Unfortunately, the mazes don't improve with a second play, even though I negotiated them without trouble. Sometimes the room design is spartan, for instance when Lara comes to the burning sea horse. There is essentially nothing in this large room area but a few sloped blocks, some pillars, and a single push block in a channel. Moving the push block turns off the fire, which was almost too simple. Some of the texturing seems odd. The highlight of the adventure is probably the wood plank room, a clever and imaginative construction (I have no idea how the author pulled this off). It alone would make the level a must play." - dmdibl (07-Sep-2007)
"This must be really the result of six years work. It's an absolutely stunning and professionel level. The gamepla is really a highlight and quite inventive. You get all what you need in TR. excellent puzzles, nice adrenalin rushing action and a lot to explore. Especially remarkable is the \"wooden plank\"-room. As the whole game this room is full of beautiful costum objects. You really have to see it. The only thing I don't like too much is this eclectic mix of textures. But otherwise it's really a masterpiece! You have to play it!" - Raymond (30-Aug-2007)
"The new and improved game is much more challenging than the other two. Obviously the setting that the players are being called to explore is Egyptian like but it's not classic so to get bored with it. Be warned that there two mazes and one of them has more than one levels but the builder is giving the players the choice between easy and harder gameplay so there is nothing to fear. You do have to use your brain here and some times be really quick. The cameras are helpful, the environment attractive enough and the five secrets nicely placed. As for enemies those aren't many but you get some really nasty and hungry bats. The main big area is hiding many more rooms behind those closed doors that will keep you entertained for about two hours with puzzles that include moveable objects and careful jumping. I am sure you will like this game as much as I did." - Kristina (30-Aug-2007)
"This really is a beautiful well-rounded and self-contained game. I love this sort of level where there is some non-linearity, where there are plenty of "aha!" moments when you arrive at a place only glimpsed before through a window or back to a previously blocked path that you had almost forgotten about. The puzzles were exellent, a labyrinth that I felt wasn't too tiresome, some inventive objects/floor planks, and not too demanding secrets (well I got all 5). I liked the textures though not all will, and the only thing I can suggest is perhaps a few more enemies - in the final battle Lara didn't have to break sweat. One can only hope now Driber is back that the quality levels keep coming!" - Adrian (30-Aug-2007)
"I was rather fascinated by the interesting mix of textures in this level - an effective blend of the familiar and unfamiliar. Excellent music and a most convincing Lara voiceover also enhanced the experience, but the real winner here was the gameplay. It was incredibly compelling and intelligent (I must mention in despatches the brilliant 'plank' room, which I though was outstandingly inventive) and I loved every single minute of it. An absolute must-play and the time just flew past. Definitely one of those levels you won't want to be over. More please, Driber." - Jay (29-Aug-2007)
"Right ! Let's sprint ! Let us go as fast as we can into the Hall of Fame ! This game is probably exactly what all TRLE fans have been waiting for : A huge area to be explored like in Psikos games that mingles with a game play and atmosphere that only Richard The Magician could have designed . Unbelievable ! Enemies are few and mostly just a piece of a cake , the difficulty in this game lies in its very complex game play , to find the right path to continue although its sometimes not very obvious what to do next but Lara will fortunately help you out by giving you clues on what she would like to do , supported by the beautiful voice of Jenni Milward ! This is a stunningly good game and I would like to congratulate the author and all those who have been involved in the making of such a fantastic 5 Star adventure .Many , many thanks ! Your effort is highly appreciated and deserves no less than 10 for all !" - Ruben (28-Aug-2007)
"Marvelous /fantastic piece of art ...... one off the best custom levels ever builded so far ....... brilliant gameplay / nice puzzles tough tasks to done nice graphics i recomend to all TR fans i was wish to never end .......i cannot wait for another masterpiece like this ........thx Driber ur the king cheers ....." - Jack& (27-Aug-2007)
"Now here's a blast from the past! You'd think that most builders from the early days of level building have sailed off into the lens-flare (well, the TRLE sunset, for those who are eluded by my analogies!), but here comes Driber, finishing (well, at least continuing if not that! Though it did seem pretty definitive in the end!) his Ancient Legends series with quite an imaginative sequel to where his series left off in 2001! If my memory serves me, the last installment was Egyptian so the more eclectic style came as a bit of surprise for me, and while I usually like these indeterminable settings, the texture mix here never really grew on me through the almost 2 hours it took me to finish the game, but it's solidly done, so I have no complaints further than it being a matter of taste. Considering that, it's also for the best that the gameplay takes the prize here, as incorporating every step the whole level building scene has experienced since then (custom objects, custom animations, and even a custom exe (but Mac players, fear not! There's also a Mac-friendly version)) in a very tasteful and enjoyable manner, this level surprises with fun twists on well known puzzles and scenarios! I was a bit baffled at the inclusion of no less than 2 mazes (well, one is for a secret, so you can probably consider that an optional one), and I actually found the bigger maze's easier version (you get to choose the difficulty, woo hoo!) much more inventive with all the sound and object hints, than the difficult one. But the rest of the gameplay flows so wonderfully, has so many memorable moments, like all the quests for the seahorse keys, the huge room with the suspended wooden beams, or the final battle area, that I couldn't find it in my heart to down rate the level because of that! The enemies on the whole don't play a huge role here (you do meet the occasional spider, harpy, plus have a battle with giant scorpions and a falcon demigod along the way!) as the level is more puzzle and gameplay orientated and I only managed to find 3 of the 5 secrets. The music for setting the atmosphere and key moments was well chosen and overall enhanced the already pretty enjoyable level through the time it takes you to experience it to the fullest! Highly recommended!" - eTux (27-Aug-2007)