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Nakamorisans Hideout by Bradley

AdamR 2 1 3 2
Blue43 3 4 3 3
DatoDavid 2 2 2 1
Diz 4 4 4 3
DJ Full 5 6 5 4
dmdibl 4 6 5 5
Ekrixi 2 2 3 2
Gerty 2 3 2 2
Jay 4 5 5 5
Jose 4 6 5 4
manarch2 3 5 5 4
MichaelP 3 4 4 3
Orbit Dream 2 2 2 3
Ryan 2 3 2 3
TheStig 3 2 2 2
Treeble 4 4 4 4
release date: 21-Nov-2011
# of downloads: 262

average rating: 3.34
review count: 16
review this level

file size: 30.87 MB
file type: TR4
class: Base/Lab

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Reviewer's comments
"I'll forever dislike this cursed running animation. This levelset didn't start so bad, with a very oversized and boxy remake of Takamoto's building in Legend, but instead of getting through the laser traps Lara gets captured, which takes her to a very bad place, literally. Lots of vents, white rooms and what have you and a handful of laser traps to go through until you finally make your escape. All the while taking short bouncing strides, almost as if something was impeding your legs and feet from working naturally. 20 minutes, 2 secrets. 01/24" - Treeble (28-Jan-2024)
"Unfortunately quite boring despite of short duration. Has many types of issues but the main problem is in fact between 2 or 3 rooms the map is often a single curved corridor. Some core ideas are nice but they're not enough to make up for emptiness. If you like liminal spaces you might give it a go, however mind there are better levels of this genre." - DJ Full (21-Jan-2024)
"Oh dear. This builder's two previous levels were enjoyable while they lasted, but this is a bit of a step back I'm afraid. After a not too bad start (with Lara being captured and subsequently imprisoned) the level just goes downhill from there with repetitive usages of laser traps, blindingly white hallways with dull textured, odd sounds, a nauseating running animation for Lara and generally mediocre gameplay. As a result, I exited the level feeling a bit disappointed as I expected something far better based on this builder's previous efforts. Not really worth playing." - Ryan (02-Apr-2018)
"A nice concept that really falls short in it's execution. This is the third release from Bradley now but unfortunately it doesn't show the sort of evolution that I would hope for. Lighting is either absent and over-applied. The running animation is horrible (and makes the whole screen wobble as you run along). The section with the laser traps was quite cool, but as you progress the environments just get larger, bleaker and more poorly textured. Unfortunately I would therefore say this is another one for completists only. Stiggy" - TheStig (28-Jul-2013)
"Some levels are just not fun to play. And this one is a case in point for me. It has premise that could work well - Lara being caught and then making her escape route - but the rooms are carelessly built (sloppy and simple texturing, too extreme lighting, too large, too empty, with little purpose) and the tasks are few and and far between, despite a few easily avoided laser traps along the way. And then towards the end you have to guess that you need to jump right through two solid white walls to progress. Add to that a Lara running animation that constatnly made me feel dizzy, I was sure glad it ended after less than 20 minutes." - MichaelP (13-Apr-2012)
"It's always a pain to see how a builder take a step back after building better levels. This one has new features and it wants to be modern, but I've got no fun with this creation, running through empty corridors and square rooms only to pull some switches and shoot some enemies; evenmore you can abandone the first level without the artifact. The white texture panels in many walls were very monotonous and hurted my eyes a lot, also that missed texture near the end is not very "normal"; architecture is quite simple and with very few objects in many rooms, no puzzles, no cameras, no musics, no lights... Definitively not a level for my taste. The author advanced in the use of the editor and some tools, but I think some more imagination is what this level needed and not all that new features." - Jose (16-Jan-2012)
"Very confusing level. The start seemed nice, but when you made some progress in the level, you will be disappointed. The only thing I liked was the laser traps. Texturing was boring and not so good and lighting many times didn't exist. The most confusing part is the jumps at the end." - DatoDavid (10-Dec-2011)
"I thought about giving a chance to that level yesterday, despite its low score. Now I understand why it is so low. First of all, why Lara is moving like this. Very annoying. There were few good parts in the game and all of them was about escaping from laser beams. Texturing was very monotonous. Lots of white walls. Lighting spots were very few and I didn't understand what I was doing at the end of this level by jumping and getting inside invicible walls." - Ekrixi (29-Nov-2011)
"Firstly, why is Lara running around like a Lipizzaner horse on speed? No more than a 4.5 for dressage. Lara first breaks into a hotel (?), bland and fairly featureless, gets captured and then breaks out of the cell area. She eventually gets some weaponry and just sufficient ammo to complete the game. Note to players: don't waste any! I like the premise but the application misses the mark a bit. Lots of crawling around, lots of large areas with little in them and little to do and little in the way of puzzles. Good use is made of the moving laser traps and the baddies do seem to appear at the most inconvenient moment. There's not much gameplay and that's fairly linear. No agility tests or timed runs, it's all about finding the route and shooting a few guards and dogs. Passes the time." - Diz (28-Nov-2011)
"Not really much to do. Monotonous texturing with many blank walls, poor gameplay and most of the time, I had not a weapon to shoot the enemies, so I runned. As for the lighting... I don't think that there were many spots with light... Also, Lara's running animation makes you feel like she is moving really slow and annoying." - AdamR (26-Nov-2011)
"What in the world? The author's last level was sound and promising, so I was expecting a jump upward in quality--anything but this. After a start where Lara is captured, this turns into ninety-five percent blank walls. After Lara's prison cell, the blank walls form a dark maze with laser traps. Not what most players are looking for. Then the blank walls turn into a bright white featureless environment. Lara finds weapons, but for some reason can't pick up Uzi clips from a pedestal. Lara flees from ghost wraiths by jumping through blank walls, then escapes a pit room by finding more blank walls to leap through. After a flip room, she discovers Egyptian armor. I guess the best parts were the start where Lara briefly explores and is captured, and the end where Lara shoots two guards by a helicopter." - dmdibl (24-Nov-2011)
"This is a slightly strange little 30 minute base level. The textures look very clean and crisp and the settings consist of large, mainly rather empty rooms, juxtaposed with maze like tunnels. Lara has to break out of the cell she's been imprisoned in and deal with dogs and guards with very limited fire power, until right at the end when she gains her pistols just in time to not really require them at all. Some of the laser trap avoidance was quite fun, but otherwise there's just a bit of swimming and identifying walk through walls." - Jay (24-Nov-2011)
"What stands out is the strange way our Lara runs. It just didn't feel right. For the rest it is a run through some empty offices and then the slaughter begins. Lara gets captured and I must have done something wrong as I ended up in a prison and made my way to the other side of the fence and no way to get out. And you can't make me to go back to search that laser maze again." - Gerty (24-Nov-2011)
"The first thing I noticed in this level is that Lara has a new running animation, but new is not automatically better. This one is actually quite awful. The game play starts interesting with Lara, after getting arrested, being put in a cell without guns and has to escape. Unfortunately it does very soon turn into tedious ductwork running and laser dodging until she finally ends up a large room with a few extra side rooms and pickups. While the ductwork earlier was all dull and gray from now on everything is bright, white and sterile. I didn't have enough ammo to kill both guards so I just outran them and used an elevator where they would not follow. Then two wraiths attacked Lara and it took several re-loads in order to get the second one extinguished in the water as it just refused to die. The texturing from here on is simple: One tile - one color: white. No objects, decoration or anything. After several confusing attempts to find her way around Lara stumbles to another unmarked walkthrough wall and the level ends shortly after when she reaches the helicopter. This was definitely a disappointment after the builder's better previous releases. (30 min, 2 secrets found)" - Blue43 (24-Nov-2011)
"A very odd release in my opinion. Sorry Bradley, but this was no improvement over your last level. The textures were rather uniformly white, there isn't much gameplay provided with the exception of avoiding some laser and blade traps and running away from a wraith that more than soon enerves you as you need to get through two (!) walkthrough walls therefore. I actually liked the concept of the first level that only lasted two minutes, there was an obviously placed but clever to get secret to find and the cutscene where Lara is detected by the soldiers was good. The second level is somewhat painful mostly, there are many little and one big maze (no no no!), huge rooms and not enough ammo provided unless you run away from the pair of soldiers on the balcony in the largest room and go get the Uzis first. The end was strange too, with untextured walls and too much collision at the heli. 20 minutes that have few fun moments." - manarch2 (23-Nov-2011)
"This level starts out reasonably well (Lara explores a large,somewhat basic,Mansion before getting caught,disarmed and imprisoned);but then(to quote Graham Chapman)'it just gets silly'. There are three prison cells available:two are empty;the third contains a large ventilation duct which leads to a revolver and ammunition.Guess which one they put Lara in? After that,she runs around a veritable dark maze of ventilation ducts,with only three flares provided;before taking a Lift to an odd place with walkthrough walls and an immediately exploding wraith;which leads (via a Prize pick- up) to an exit (beneath a painfully obvious section of wall which the author forgot to texture)and a run past two soldiers to a Finish Trigger. Little lighting anywhere (except incipient darkness in the ducts);no atmosphere;sounds which seem to consist mostly of extremely loud Grandfather clocks;annoying enemies (there is little ammo to despatch them with) and no puzzles. Considering that this is the builders third offering,it is little more than a disappointing 30 minutes." - Orbit Dream (23-Nov-2011)