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LB Advent Calendar 2017 - The Frozen Mask by LoreRaider

AlexCroft 10 10 10 8
Ceamonks890 9 9 9 9
DJ Full 7 7 8 7
Dreamfall 5 7 6 7
Gorty 6 8 9 9
Jay 7 7 8 8
JesseG 6 7 9 7
Jorge22 7 7 8 8
Jose 6 7 7 7
Lara_Fox_Croft 8 8 9 5
manarch2 5 6 7 5
Orbit Dream 7 7 7 8
Paulina Haminara 9 9 10 10
Phil 8 8 8 8
Ryan 7 7 8 8
Wolf7 6 7 9 9
release date: 05-Dec-2017
# of downloads: 158

average rating: 7.64
review count: 16
review this level

file size: 46.40 MB
file type: TR4
class: Cold/Snowy

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Reviewer's comments
"I remember me playing this a year ago when it was released. It wasn't as mindblowing as latest entries of his are, but I can't say anything too bad. The gameplay is kinda basic, nothing too complicated nothing too special. A pretty good timed run in the depth of what it seems an underwater lake, made hard by the non player-friendly geometry. Atmosphere and texturing is good enough. Quite enjoyable and totally recommendable. Wolfy Regards." - Wolf7 (31-Jan-2019)
"Lara searches for a new mask to keep her face warm this winter. Gameplay is mostly exploration and action, with some combat at the end. It felt like the level ended just as the momentum was building up. Enemies are just two horsemen (that take many, many bullets) and an invincible white fox(?), more enemies and variety would have spiced up the level. Decorative objects are used well. Immersion is good and gives a nice winter vibe between the music and lighting. A repeating musical track in place of pure ambiance can get a bit tiring though. Camera cues are used very well in this level and were quite helpful. The lighting is good for a winter vibe, but it is a lot of blue and more color variety would have made it more visually appealing. Texturing is nice except for some underwater caverns that are wallpapered, and some missing textures. Overall it was a nice winter raid that ended much too soon. 16 minutes." - JesseG (03-Dec-2018)
"I'm not sure about the checkpoint system of saving.You can still save anywhere here,so it seems quite redundant (fortunately - as there would be far too much replaying of certain sections of the level otherwise). It's all pretty easy in terms of progression (I managed the timed swim on the second attempt - and that was without using the jump up climbing move). The room with the branches and monkey-swing was interesting;as was the harmless little critter that followed you around - but the final Boss fight was annoyingly long-winded.Textures were placed well;with the exception of one prominently missing section,which fairly screamed to you to stare at it as you swam past.The atmosphere was nicely chilly;and the secrets were cunningly placed in scene. At only 24 minutes,you get a surprising amount of bang for your buck.A quirky little blast." - Orbit Dream (10-Sep-2018)
"gameplay and puzzles: the gameplay was quite nice, with some platform, and one time run, I don't know I was supposed to go from the ladder to monkey but I managed to do this with the ledge up jump, I hope it was not the intended way 'cause it was a pain in the neck for me. The rest of the level was smooth and pretty cool. ps: I did not appreciate to have to climb twice at the beggining, for the jump switch. Enemies, objects and secrets: the only enemies I found were two (hard to kill) horseman, even with the dual uzis annd 240 bullets it was not enough to kill them, maybe I shot some in the walls but... objects were for a lot of them pretty cool, and some other were quite old gen, so it creates a strange mix. found two nicely hidden secrets. Atmosphere, Sound and Cameras: Atmosphere was very nice, I enjoyed the musics, especially the boss one. Cameras were helpfull. Lighting and texture: Well the total icy textures is not really a big piece of work in my opinion some "different" textures would have been better. I also found one missing texture, maybe the builder should fix it and send the level to Michael, that would be nice. Also some textures were not really seamless and not that beautiful. Lighting was ok. To sum up, a level that is quite nice, but with a better texturization it would be nicer than it is now. Also I did not understand the point of the easter egg, except to wish us a merry xmas, this is a secret room with nothing useful in it. Well I recommend it for players that enjoy quite short levels." - Lara_Fox_Croft (06-Jan-2018)
"Completed days ago, this is a short adventure in a sneaky ice cave, where the snowy fog gives a breeze in Lara's flesh and on the landscapes. Gameplay is very nice, with the last annihilation of two knights, few jumps and a cold swimming session in a water concealing secrets. Overall a pleasant adventure. Fully recommended if you like also to swim under icy waters." - AlexCroft (19-Dec-2017)
"A brief but nonetheless very pleasant level to start off this year's Advent Calendar. The gameplay isn't particularly challenging and progression mostly revolves around utilising Lara's movements (new or otherwise) with a fairly tricky timed swim in the middle, but the frosty surroundings are pleasing and the inclusion of two sweet Arctic foxes, three nice (albeit easy) secrets and some custom sounds add to the overall relaxing feel. Quite nicely done, even if not particularly Christmassy." - Ryan (17-Dec-2017)
"An incredibly atmospheric piece of work from LoreRaider, but unfortunately still with many vibes that tell you the author probably rushed things a little bit to make it on time for Laraslevelbase Christmas time. The texturing was very nice, not perfect, but good. The light also, very good, maybe a bit more diversity would be a good thing since we always walk through the similar looking surroundings, but not really a bad thing if we take in considerations the playing time. Object placement was good and together with superb light ant texturing creates a very enjoyable atmosphere. The whole concept reminds of a level called ˝the frozen throne˝, but that would be very unfair to make such comparing since we know who made the frozen throne. The gameplay was something I can tell more not so nice things about. First of all, it's very short and in this very short playing time doesn't offer too much for the player and makes the player do tasks twice sometimes ( like going back up twice after pulling the jumpswitch ). A longer pushable puzzle needs to be solved, some jumping around followed by an annoying fixed camera and a longer boss fight at the end. Overall, except for the gameplay, everything else was done right here, but I do understand the player for probably being rushed and this being more like a side job for him. Recommended for a quick run." - Gorty (17-Dec-2017)
"A small thing for a period about them. Not standing out among full-scale projects, but very solid as for a 20x20x20/OneRoom scope. Yeah that missing texture is worth reuploading, just don't think much and do that. I loved the season secret with infinite health square however that one would be better if placed where the Xmas tree is. Also, on the contrary to many big levels, this little one has a trace of resolving climax, always appreciated. Recommended." - DJ Full (14-Dec-2017)
"The builder has crammed quite a lot into a short level that he says was intended as a one-room, 20x20x020 challenge. I took my time and spent about 30 minutes here, and the Christmas content was quite sufficient for my tastes. I especially enjoyed the crunching sound Lara's footsteps made on the ice in the early going. I stumbled across the second secret by accident, returning to the block puzzle room for some reason to find that the crawl space barrier had been lowered there. The same motif was true for the first secret, which I didn't go back to look for until I'd already finished the level. I don't remember picking up the uzis, but they were in my inventory when I began the timed swim, so I assume they were acquired when you swam into that underwater Christmas room for the third secret. I never once had to use a flare, so that means the lighting was well-nigh perfect. As for the timed swim, I made it in plenty of time by climbing the ladder in the conventional fashion, being unaware of the hopping action documented in the readme and demonstrated in the builder's posted video walkthrough. I'm not sure about the usefulness of that checkpoint feature; whenever I tried to reload from a previous savegame, I was taken to the nearest checkpoint and had to push the reload key again to get to where I wanted to be. A solid level that's recommended for kicking off the Advent season." - Phil (10-Dec-2017)
"Nice to play this small level where the only interest is to find the three secrets. Not difficult tasks, I got no problems with the timed run, but got some problems to jump back to the white ledge after the long shimmy all around the climbable wall. I found only two enemies to shoot in the final room, but they were hard to kill. A good detail the air supply in the secret room with the Christmas greeting; I found nothing there. No much care with the texturization, correct use of camera shots to point the triggered objects and no much more to say about this short level, but worth to play anyway." - Jose (08-Dec-2017)
"Whilst not really a Christmas level, this is certainly wintry and very atmospheric. It's a short level at about twenty minutes, but good fun whilst it lasts. Lara's new moves are employed well in her exploration through icy caves to access the temple and take the titular mask. Along the way, she also gets to play briefly with Frisky Mr Fox, which was rather sweet. The two tinmen at the end were somewhat unexpected, but otherwise it was a peaceful level." - Jay (07-Dec-2017)
"After some group and competition works the builder returns to the style of his debut and I must say that it's at least an improvement over that. The caves are much more complex in their design and the texture and object design have also been improved significantly. Yet, there are still a whole lot of avoidable texturing mistakes, not only the fairly obvious missing one in the water area, and the lighting is also pretty much the same in all areas, while some effects work in a way nicely. The gameplay is fairly basic but at least halfway enjoyable with some platforming parts (had some problems to reach the first swingpole branch), a minor block puzzle and a timed run - nothing groundbreaking but it keeps players entertained for almost 15 minutes. The three secrets are fairly easy to find, but add their bit to the whole which is recommended as a nice little level reminding on the ones from the beginnings of the calendars." - manarch2 (06-Dec-2017)
"Too foggy and too icy cold for me and, mostly, exceptionally short. Not even Christmassy except for the secret sunken room with a couple of seasonal decors (does that mean the Christmas spirit drowned?). Having said that, I thought it was generally rather well built and (although it may look as if I didn't) I enjoyed it, at least for the time it lasted. So, I'm not actually complaining, just saying... Thanks." - Jorge22 (06-Dec-2017)
"This level is beautifully made, the atmosphere is amazing and this sound when Lara is walking is so realistic. Unfortunately it's definitely too short for me. I want moooooreee :)" - Paulina Haminara (06-Dec-2017)
"A very satisfying & mostly peaceful 24 minute level to start off this year's batch of new releases within the Advent Calendar festivities, with quite engaging exploration through a desolate snow-filled environment(which is brought to life expertly via well-utilized texturing, lighting, ambiance and asset placement). The secret easter egg room & adorable little arctic fox that follows you around a specific area while its mother sleeps, also help to add greatly to the level's charm. So in conclusion(despite a fairly pointless checkpoint system considering the laid-back difficulty curve), highly recommended play during the Xmas holidays." - Ceamonks890 (06-Dec-2017)
"First of all it's hard to find good levels with this challenges idk why people still do this but ok.The story is good but the gameplay was boring there were no puzzles,the only part that i liked was the platforming.There's a lot of cracked textures and there's a missing one that you can see the easter egg room before you find it,and that boss battle was boring as well,the lightning was good.I think you can do better,i finished in 20 minutes." - Dreamfall (06-Dec-2017)