Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74061 reviews (20.4/level)
3609 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
03-Jul-2019 |
# of downloads: |
294 |
average rating: |
7.75 |
review count: |
15 |
review this level |
file size: |
164.00 MB |
file type: |
TR3 |
class: |
Desert |


Reviewer's comments |
"very nice level design really enjoyed playing it, Nevada levels are beautiful wish it
was a bit longer tho, Puzzles were very easy and straight forward, there were 6 secrets
but only managed to find 4, so I think the builder have done a really good job hiding
them. 7/10" - p1kaa (13-Sep-2021) |
"Having recently played two other TR3 offerings from this author, I was somewhat let down with this one. You get a fairly standard military facility here and gameplay is quite linear sending you off for levers and keycards every now and then. There are a few breaks to this pattern, such as a couple of simple pushblock sequences and then quadbiking through a narrow pathway, but other than that it's all very basic. Exploration, which was a key factor in the other levels, is kept to a bare mininum as you mostly move forward and gun down quite a few guards and dogs. Now, don't get me wrong, this is a rather enjoyable adventure and one that's not taxing on the player, so still quite worthy of your time. 60 minutes, 4 secrets. 01/20" - Treeble (19-Jan-2020) |
"I really enjoyed this hour long romp through Nevada. Graphics were brilliant and game play engaging. We could have done with a few more med packs though as Lara takes significant damage from all the gun wielding guards throughout the level. I did LOL when the goon taking a leak dropped a pass guard after being shot in the back. You can get to near the end of the level without the quad bike but if, like me you opt for this you will then need to go back and get it to finally exit the level. Only found two secrets." - Torry (08-Oct-2019) |
"Lacking in the grandiose environments I would prefer to
see in a Nevada level,this alternates between 'large but
empty canyon' and 'large but generally empty room',in a
rather sequential fashion;where you shoot guards,acquire
their pick-ups,run through a multitude of ventilation
ducts,and shoot even more guards - for 90 minutes or so.
The laser traps were a little annoying,as no cunning
strategy was required to avoid them other than sprinting
like mad and losing health.There was also a somewhat
laborious block pushing sequence,in order to perform some
backtracking (an element which this level had perhaps
rather too much of). On the other hand,progression was
rarely difficult to work out;and the enemies were varied
and copious. As much was done with the lighting and
texturing as could probably be expected,given the
restrictions of this particular editing package;and there
was always something happening (including a rather tricky
bike ride) to keep the player occupied - including
numerous well placed secrets. Another efficient Storm
Chaser level." - Orbit Dream (26-Aug-2019) |
"Very well thought out, felt like a core design level if not better dare I say. Had excellent challenge while not keeping everything cryptic, everything that needed to be done could stump you but only temporarily as the telegraphing in this level is fantastic and has that Tomb Raider III feeling of Nevada. Highly Recommended!" - Avalon (18-Aug-2019) |
"Now that I'm able to play and enjoy TR3 levels once more, I'm
making up for lost time with some of these recent releases.
Nevada Adventure provides a fun-filled raid that took me an
hour and a half, even with José's well-rendered walkthrough
that documents all six secrets. That high rise journey on the
quad bike was the most difficult segment, but once you're past
the rough spots it's quite manageable. Lighting is never a
problem in TR3 levels, since the player has the in-game option
of boosting the gamma (the lack of this feature for TR4 levels
is its most serious drawback). Lots of enemies, but lots of
firepower as well. Recommended." - Phil (04-Aug-2019) |
"Very enjoyable level to play. I was very convinced by the
atmosphere that this could've been a level in TR3. The
Nevada vibe was definitely there. I really liked
maneuvering through the air vents to get from one area to
the next. Driving the quad bike across the platforms was a
bit out of place, though it was a nice challenge like the
treetops in the TR3 India level. I felt overall there
could've been more challenges/puzzles. Despite these minor
suggestions, this is definitely great work on the builder's
part. Would definitely recommend." - dragooncroft (25-Jul-2019) |
"One more time for TR3 fans (I included), which may also
mean it's nearly impossible to recapture that original
feeling that's still present in Core's game if you play it
again. That's it weakest point. That aside, it's quite a
decent adventure with a few interrogation marks throughout
and lots of baddies in a Nevada desert environment which is
actually a bit more of the base/lab type. I enjoyed the
quad bike ride and I can't think of anything that wasn't
competently built. Do play it." - Jorge22 (14-Jul-2019) |
"Another solid and reliable piece of TR3
raiding by this builder. We're in a Nevada
setting this time around so get ready for
lots of guard shooting, desert exploration
and duct crawling. There's nothing at all
too challenging to accomplish (apart from
a rather intense quad bike ride and a few
sneaky laser traps), but everything moves
along quite nicely for the hour or so that
it lasted. I thought that the warehouse
block puzzle was neatly executed and that
the hiding places of the secrets were
decent. The atmosphere and setting is
overall well done, with a good use of
music, although the enemy attacks became
overwhelming at times. Overall though,
this was an entertaining raid that I was
pleased to play." - Ryan (12-Jul-2019) |
"Stormchaser remains true to his style with a
straightforward progression, alterning inside and outside
areas , this time lab/base and deserts.
Efforts were made to make that realistic. Enemies are
generally well placed . You get the use of the quad , some
movable crates and laser traps , and a good ending. The
level has a good duration. I wished there would be more
places where Lara can make jumps and stunts playing with
the geometry (i like the end section with the fire
emitter). So it's still a bit too much straightforward
nevertheless it is good raiding , in particular the Quad
was fun." - eRIC (12-Jul-2019) |
"Instantly open toilets is something I haven't yet seen in a custom level, as well as Nevada in moonlight setting so I wish there was more of this outside setting or at least less of the generic ducts and assets - I'm a kind of player who sees two laser traps and thinks "okay, maybe the second one is too much". One downside of this level is lack of cooperation of particular building blocks: you get nice shapes, props, textures and combat but never all of that in the same room. So we got another decent level which could go really good with some extra micromanagement." - DJ Full (12-Jul-2019) |
"Well, what can expect from this experienced builder? Yes, another good an solid level to enjoy. Of course, not impressive features or great puzzles, but a classic adventure I've enjoyed a lot, with an old style and very entertaining gameplay (at least, for me). The enemies are well balanced and the secrets are not hard to find. I missed some more cameras and flybys, and some more musics too, but the atmosphere is not bad. It notices a very good effort with the lights, and the texturization is very good too, even with the small triangular surfaces. Really a very good level for everybody, except for the steep slope to drive with the quad (tricky). In that sense I gave a hint in my walkthrough. Anyway a classic good level to enjoy. Thank you, Peter!" - Jose (11-Jul-2019) |
"This is a real old-school TR3 Nevada/base adventure. Cue the dogs, guards, ducts, laser traps etc. It's quite a good atmosphere and does at least have the advantage of being light, but there's nothing really new or challenging to get your teeth into. On the other hand, for fans of the genre, the nostalgia factor will take you a long way and it passes the time pleasantly enough." - Jay (09-Jul-2019) |
"Oh what is it that slides into my lap? Another non-TR4
level? Lovely. And this one absolutely lovely too. This
level's theme is the Nevada levels from TR3, but much
less difficult. Less technical areas, and more smaller
complexes. And at least 4-5 different bathrooms.
What I love about this level, is the attention to detail
in general, the complexes all kinda make sense, both in
what is likely their function (or would be in the real
world) and in terms of how they are build, except for
last quarter I suppose, that stops making any kind of
sense and we are full on back to laser dancing in dusty
airducts and no idea how a normal person might reach
these areas. However, the majority seems to work.
Additionally, this level seems to understand very well
what it wants to be in terms of difficulty, that being
that it is on the easy-medium side. Most puzzles are
simple block pushing sequences or finding a switch /
keycard in an odd spot. Which, like it or not, flows
quite nicely. This level has exactly 3 guns, so the
default guns plus 2 additional ones. And I got to use
each of them plus some spare clips, because the balance
of pickups is very nice. And there is no long stretches
with absolutely no pickups.
What annoyed me a bit were some sections of annoying
backtracking that could have used a few shortcuts as well
as a quite horrible but slow section where you have to
balance a quad bike over a small walkway, around corners
and around flamethrowers. Those vehicle controls just
infuriate me. Also there is only about 3 different
enemies in this level. The museum guards stylized to
Nevada Guards, one type with a pistol and one with a
batton, and dogs. And that is it. And sure, they are
numerous enough and in small enough areas that you get to
use your extra weapons, but I would have liked maybe 1
extra type of elite guard towards the end.
Overall I feel like this level could absolutely be
included in the main game, both in terms of difficulty
but also in theming. Maybe as an easier introduction to
the Nevada theme, before introducing a player to more
difficult areas and elite soldiers. But this definitely
was very enjoyable to play for me, and not just because
it was made in the pre-TR4 engine." - The Snarky Lesbian (07-Jul-2019) |
"Another overall pleasant 40 minute (even titular) adventure by the builder. Gameplaywise this is almost as mediocre as the builder's last level; while progression is decent, the tasks feel a bit uninspired overall. Later on it gets slightly better including a few laser traps (though always the same kind) and a tour with the quad bike, but it's fairly simplistic in general, including no timed runs, no more involved platforming or anything similar as well as no other puzzles except the occasional (and sometimes tedious) block push. The environments do not feel that sterile and blocky anymore, and the atmosphere of this base was rather nice - although there were several shortcomings like wallpapered areas, bad connection of rooms in terms of lighting (it suddenly changes from dark to bright without transition) and a few texturing mistakes. Enemies are decently placed as well as the six secrets, a few are fairly hard to miss perhaps. This game is an improvement all in all but lacking creativity in terms of gameplay design which is the game's largest flaw." - manarch2 (06-Jul-2019) |