Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74039 reviews (20.4/level)
3607 (99.7%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
05-Nov-2019 |
# of downloads: |
298 |
average rating: |
9.11 |
review count: |
28 |
review this level |
file size: |
37.50 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
Egypt |


Reviewer's comments |
"That Bastet statue - and the rooms around it - are worth the entry fee alone for this
adventure. Plenty of really fun and sometimes quite clever platforming to enjoy here in
a raid of up to about 90 minutes, with four secrets (two of which are quite sneaky) and
three scarabs to find to reach the Inner Sanctum. Very nice idea with the Scion visions
and a cute cutscene at the end to wrap up the story. The small maze with the levers and
the hieroglyph puzzle spiced things up nicely in between as well. So, all in all, a very
well rounded and indeed very classic raid. Now, maybe there was a phase were rather too
many boulders followed one another. Maybe a few too many levers overall. And maybe there
were even a few too many annoying (not difficult) enemies placed (panthers, crocs, bats
and a few Atlanteans) - and sadly I did run in to the issue mentioned on the levelinfo
page and could not jump up to that ledge, so I finisihed the remaining parts from the
provided savegame, which worked perfectly fine for me though. Highly recommended, not
only for the nostalgia inducing atmosphere." - MichaelP (21-Jul-2021) |
"Seventh of the Create a Classic 2019 competition that I actually played, this level
was such a breeze.
Despite it being a TR4 Engine level, it manages to recreate almost perfectly the TR1
Mood, and that was pretty amazing to say the least.
I would like to start with the lighting: despite it being simple and not coloured, it
was totally intended, since the goal was to recreate the Tomb Raider 1 feeling. And
honestly the lighting really worked out well!
Texturing is also done nicely. And probably the best area in the game is the main
hub: I fell in love since the first moment. Ah, a close second is also the room with
the mummies, that was iconic.
Analysing the gameplay, it is made mostlty of platforming, inventive puzzles and
exploration, and I am definitely satisfied by it.
One little flaw that I can point out is the fact that some ledges are a bit difficult
to locate, especially in the hub area(in the way towards the sphinx), and another
small one is that when you have to fight mummies, you are often placed in a very
small room with little to no escape, leaving you open to free damage. But honestly
this is more of a nitpick than anything else, so nothing to worry about.
One of the best ideas at example is the mummy room: if you land on the wrong tile,
you will activate a great amount of mummies, and surely there is a zero chance to
survive, since their health points are very high.
The atmosphere is really enhanced by the presence of the diary, that really made the
world feel more alive. Let's not talk about the cutscenes(especially the last). They
were spectacular.
In short, this level is really fun and relaxing, and for sure it is one of the most
interesting levels inside the Create a Classic 2019 competition.
Recommended? Yes, definitely, especially if you are a fan of TR1 or Egypt(or both).
Difficulty? Medium-Hard.
Duration? Approx. 1h20m-2h." - TombExplorer (19-May-2021) |
"(8) Gameplay & Puzzles: This is a medium-difficulty level with a focus on collecting 3 scarabs. There is plenty of interesting exploration, and 2 puzzles (hieroglyphs and block maze) that I really enjoyed. I was particularly fond of the effort that the builder put into the clue diary for the hieroglyphs puzzle. The later stage of the level dragged a bit for me, due to some easy platforming sequences that lasted too long, and associated rolling boulder traps that became too predictable and dull. There is an initial lengthy platforming sequence, above the lake, to grab a scarab, but if that's the last of 3 scarabs you grab, you are then almost immediately after taken to another lengthy platforming sequence around the giant cat statue. This is just too much of one monotonous activity back to back. (9) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: Great enemy selection, and I enjoyed the final fight. It was also very cleverly designed how the ability to access the Uzis (and survive) gets easier and easier as you complete tasks. I think the panthers needed work; they were too passive and I felt bad about mowing them down. There was also an obnoxious 4-mummy fight mid-game, where you are forced to take lots of damage and there's no way you can outmaneuver them strategically. The difficulty of this fight was not in alignment with any of the other fights. Static object decor was stunning, and I just loved the "leap of faith" secret. (10) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The atmosphere is absolutely perfect, and being a TR1 Egypt lover, I was drooling at the visuals and sounds from start to finish. I especially enjoyed the builder's subtle use of TR1 sounds in various places. The flybys were fantastic. One near the beginning of the game did an excellent job of showing an overview of the giant lake area, as well as clearly indicating the player's objective to find 3 scarabs. I also enjoyed the flyby at the end of the game, recapping the unique and memorable areas that the player visited during their adventure. A few hint cameras were glitchy, and didn't last long enough, but I still think this category deserves top marks. (10) Lighting & Textures: This was spot-on as well. I would have preferred if the flares lasted longer, but not a big deal. The builder's use of color was wonderful and each room, big and small, felt balanced visually. I especially enjoyed the texture where, if you look closely, Lara is depicted in ancient Egyptian form. Overall, LotS is a breathtakingly stunning homage to TR1/UB Egypt, and I enjoyed the exploration and puzzle solving aspects immensely. I do feel that the platforming sequences (and associated rolling balls) were too much/too repetitive and prevented me from enjoying the gameplay to the fullest. 8/9/10/10." - nerdfury (15-Dec-2020) |
"Very well made trle, specially for someone who loves classic like me, every thing in
this level was in place, The box puzzle was my best, just amazing, nothing much to say
just Love it!! I love the fake secret too haha, special touch. There's only one thing
bothers me so much which is the flares duration, it was like 20 seconds, so annoying
tbh. I give this level a 10 with no hesitaion, highly recommend it" - p1kaa (13-Sep-2020) |
"I liked a lot the TR1-style nostalgia that is captured
really well with Egypt textures from TR1. Textures and
lighting are used carefully and the game offers several
wide areas that are beautiful looking and fun to explore.
Author has also created couple of great puzzles, the
highlights being the hieroglyph puzzle and the puzzle
that involves switches and changing walls. On the other
hand, gameplay does get slightly tedious at times due to
high amount of basic platforming that has to be done.
This is however, made more interesting with effectively
used rolling balls and enemies that include panthers,
crocodiles, creepy mummies and Atlantean centaurs from
TR1. You have to also pay close attention to all the
details in the environment, since there are several well-
hidden switches and push block that can be easy to miss.
Overall, it's highly nostalgic and well designed
adventure that offers lots of beautiful areas to explore." - Samu (13-Aug-2020) |
"A beautiful level full of creative and challenging puzzles,
traps, and baddies. There were so many rooms to explore at
one's own choice of path. Updated and custom textures made
the level feel like a classic TR game, but more seamless.
The story was creative as well, and I especially loved the
hieroglyphs! Enemies were often the result of triggering a
trap, which was a nice touch. Some enemies were not very
threatening (the cats just sorta stood around and growled
until Lara unloaded a few clips into them). I also loved
the final area where you could hear the cats growling, but
they were no where in sight. It really made me feel nervous
and constantly on the lookout, which was awesome!" - dragooncroft (24-Jul-2020) |
"I'm not a fan of TR1 and I really enjoyed this level, so
that's already saying something. It manages to mix
traditional atmosphere with fresh and creative gameplay.
What I like most about baslakor's work here is the
attention to detail, not only in building the level itself,
but in noticing and keeping the charasteristics of TR1
using a TR4 engine. I found the difficulty really high when
I was beta-testing it, but the best games are difficult;
it's like spicy food, painful but good, ;)
Also it has a good pace with combat action and solitary
exploration in balance.
I found only one secret, sadly." - Perceiver (17-May-2020) |
"I was fan right away when i heard that a fellow dutch
person made this <3 The idea behind it expanding on the
Atlantis lore is absolute perfect!
The gameplay was perfect like the classic TR1 and i
really enjoyed that! Puzzles, very nice, got me stuck on
it a bit with the title puzzle ahha. I have to say i got
a bit confused with the scion flashbacks, but that was
just me being not smart xD
Enemies, objects and secrets were really well done!
Missed a lot of secrets but i find the challange of
finding great!
The atmosphere of the level was really true to TR1, so
great job on that :) So was the lightning and textures, i
really loved the flares that were included <3
Thankyou for the amazing level fellow dutch guy :)" - Dutchyraider (25-Apr-2020) |
"Here we have lots of worldbuilding (via visions that build the story up over time), puzzles, boulders, and cats. I liked the hieroglyphic floor puzzle in particular. The level is quite big, but the layout is structured well so you don't have to backtrack long distances, or scratch your head to remember where things were, unlike other entries from this competition. My one critique is that a pushable block that blends into the wall is used a bit too often for my tastes. The texturing is slightly wallpapered as well, probably due to aiming for TR1 aesthetics. An immersive level with great architecture. 1 hour 22 minutes." - JesseG (13-Mar-2020) |
"Really a masterpiece this huge level with a TR1 taste; one of the best I've played lately. The architecture is impressive, the gameplay with variety of tasks, never too hard and with no much backtracking with some creative puzzles; appropriate sounds and cameras, good care with the texturization... Perhaps some sections deserves a 9, but I've really enjoyed this Egyptian and addictive adventure. Congratulations!" - Jose (16-Jan-2020) |
"From the beginning 'till the end this level kept me
engaged. I loved the design of it (the sphinx, the big
cat, grand entrances, temples etc) and how platforming
was incorporated within it! This level captured the true
essence of classics with fun platforming, traps and
puzzles. Speaking of puzzles, I'm unsure what was the
answer to symbol room, I didn't know the right answer so
it ended up being trial & error for me a bit. There are
few things I didn't like like the last puzzle placement
being a bit lazy, with all the fun before, there could've
been a little bit more to obtain it... and mixture of
different Lara sounds with varied pitch, it wasn't
consistent to complete the TR1 essence this level
certainly had. I wouldn't add anything else, I had a lot
of fun in this level, it truly is a classic and I highly
recommend it!" - Raider99 (29-Dec-2019) |
"This is the only level with a TR1 theme in this year's CaC
competition, and it provides a thoroughly enjoyable romp down
Memory Lane for nearly two hours. You can do some things you
can't do in TR1, and the flares last only for a few seconds,
but you get plenty and don't really need them except in
isolated places. It's a bit cramped in spots, and I found
myself bumping into low walls and ceilings too often to suit
me, but the gameplay is straightforward enough and the classic
environs are true to the original. The music and cameras are
used to good effect, especially when Lara pulls up onto a
scenic vantage point. We need more like this. Recommended." - Phil (26-Dec-2019) |
"What a tribute to the original game this level is. As soon as I loaded this up I knew it was going to be something special and it did not disappoint. The homage to Unfinished Business is grand. From the original Lara skin with the pointy boobs and short braided pony tail to the disabling of the crawl key, it was like going back in time 20 plus years but with better graphics. Game play was wonderful with many areas for platforming and I even managed to get through this without the aid of a walk through. The only section that had me tearing my hair out was the mini puzzle with the switches and the lowering/raising wall sections. I freely admit to being stuck there for some time before finally figuring it out. Sure I did things out of order but the level design is such that it really did not matter and you would come back to an area once the right sequence of events had been established. I did encounter one bug on the large cat building but believe that has been fixed in the more recent release. Unfortunately I found ZERO secrets but that's ok. I will find them when I play this a second time which won't be long. I absolutely loved this and cannot praise it enough." - Torry (14-Dec-2019) |
"This goes for a very classic TR1 style, right down to disabling crawling and sprinting. Despite the classic theme, the design isn't too constrained by that visually, with some vast open spaces and impressive sights. Lighting has limited colour on purpose but it still has depth and captures the TR1 style very well. The only thing I found kind of odd is the lack of proper sky; it's emulating how TR1 Gold did it, but since TR4 doesn't need to fake it the result just looks odd, especially in a couple of rooms where you can nearly touch it. There's also a nice use of diary items for story (though a note the Scion was useable would be nice as it's only later I realised it was how I was supposed to work out a puzzle) and a final cutscene that tries to add to the TR1 plot.
The gameplay has a nice mix of exploration and puzzles, with a lot of relatively challenging platorming and cliff type areas along the lines of Sanctuary of the Scion. There are also multiple traps, including an interesting use of Mummies as a losing state of some puzzles; while they're obviously intended to kill you, it's a nice twist that you can potentially go against the odds to take them out and aren't just killed off right away (although there was one switch puzzle I couldn't find a solution for without trial and error, although it's pretty simple). There's also some great interlinking, with the main hub area in particular being approached from all sorts of angles and heights; there's a Palace Midas type feel to the way one or two seemingly small challenges take you on giant trips across much the map. An excellent map with only minor issues, although I'm not sure things like disabling sprint were fully necessary." - Mman (07-Dec-2019) |
"It may look just like a TR1 styled level, but it is so much
more than that! The areas are so beautifully built while
sticking to TR1's style. One of the most excellent
platforming sections and innovative puzzles in the CaC
competition! What more can you ask for in a TRLE game?" - Klona (05-Dec-2019) |
"The builder does a really good job in recreating the TR 1 atmosphere and bringing it to new dimensions. The level has quite diverse areas but they blend well into each other and there are some very nice views as well. Flybys and fixed cameras are quite well used here, as well as the background audio. Some audios and cameras don't seem to work as they should, and the split-second camera bug makes some opened doors hard to discover. Anyway a visually quite strong level, as the texturing is quite nice (with a few unavoidable and very few avoidable streched/squeezed ones) and the lighting is good throughout. The gameplay is cared of and that quite well, I had a very good time in this level that keeps you on your toes constantly. There are some quite lengthy platforming parts but all of them are inspired and not just tedious to do. I also liked the puzzles like the word puzzle and the raising block maze, and exploration is also very carefully designed so that you never have to run around not knowing what to do, except of the mentioned doors you have to find by yourself. The enemies are also quite well used and it is nice that you can avoid some of those with careful planning. A very satisfying level I spent 40 minutes in, with all four decently hidden secrets found." - manarch2 (01-Dec-2019) |
"What a pleasant treat this was. Classic environment, puzzles and enemies. Lara's moves have been dialed back tremendously; no sprinting or crouching, though she can shimmy around corners, reverse direction mid-air and climb ladders. Pickings are slim with regards to ammunition for the shotgun and uzis, and medipacks aren't the most plentiful either. I enjoyed the use of visions from the Scion to further the plot as I progressed, and I thought the hieroglyph puzzle was nicely done. Figured that the answer had to be either Sekhmet (vicious lion-headed warrior goddess) or Bastet (cat headed goddess). Bast(et)'s temple center was the city of Bubastis, and in later years she and Sekhmet were sort of united in their identities, with Sekhmet representing the fierce desert lioness and Bast being a representation of her gentle, loving side. Much like we think of wild cats and domesticated cats. Luckily a read through the bloodied up journal found nearby clarified which name was needed right away. The platforming around the giant cat was a welcome experience. Have to say though that executing the sometimes tricky series of maneuvers using the old save system would have been a nightmare. Yay for saving at will! There were several nice touches here that evoked memories of the original game; the leap of faith to the medipack secret, the rows of menacing mummy Atlanteans, giant sandstone statues, boulder traps galore and Egyptian temple complexes. The floating temple was nicely done. It was definitely larger inside than outside! Just like that flying saucer in Area 51. Overall, I enjoyed this one. So glad that it was built using the TR4 engine and not the TR1 engine, which is becoming increasingly more of a pain to run on newer OS's and is nearly impossible to massage into functionality on the newer versions of Windows 10... Sometimes it's just nice to relax with a classic raid. No frills or fuss, just old school raiding." - Chel (30-Nov-2019) |
"Very big adventure in this level type tr1. Lara can not sprint or kneel. I had to start the battle against the horsemen again because the ankh was stuck in a chest. Some levers are difficult to see because they mix with textures. That said I liked, especially the part with jumps of platform to platform. The place where we are attacked by 4 mummies is the most delicate place to manage. Recommended." - Drakan (28-Nov-2019) |
"I don't get why the author looped the first notes of Tihocan theme in the finale - it draws attention away from whatever Lara's saying, and that could also be done better: I feel this time Blossom just had not enough time to polish it, so maybe next time begin with the script and build parallel with that. Of gameplay, the lever maze was just unnecessary, and the pad puzzle is confusing because I had no info the person referred was a warrior. Of course I killed all the mummies to see what happens but nothing did so there goes a missed chance for an easter egg. Visually, the floating bridge near the end could be of a bit more complex structure than plain regular, and I would suspend some blocks in the air around, since we never got Egyptian floating islands and there goes another chance missed. As for the big cat statue, I would at least put some eyes or whiskers on it. So yeah this level misses a lot of chances to become absolutely epic, but it's still one of the most defined, organized and cosiest of a kind I remember, there was not a single moment when I lost my interest in playing, and the mid-game climb can be only described as cute. I wish this platforming was a standard in custom levels." - DJ Full (26-Nov-2019) |
"It has been a long time since I had so much fun exploring
a classic tomb. Immersive gameplay, detailed dedication to
TR1 in everything from the sound effects to the
architecture, and some really fun easter eggs. Starting
out small with some tricky jumps and precipitous cliffs,
the level truly opens up after the first fifteen minutes,
revealing a sprawling underground temple complex that
dwarfs even the grandest environments in the original
game. The multiple waterfalls, colorful pillars, and
criss-crossing bridges and rock faces made this a treat to
run, jump, and climb around. Puzzles included some
wonderfully thought out clues, including the use of
hieroglyphics for a memorable floor puzzle and later, far
more subtly, as a way to avoid mummies. I was happy to
avoid combat here, since the one downside of this level
was the difficulty of the enemies and the extremely
limited supply of health packs or ammo. I got through it,
but there were times when I had only one medipack on me.
Learning to wait for certain pickups, and plan ahead for
combat (which was usually signaled by the presence of
sleeping mummies or the growl of panthers around a corner)
made for some combat strategizing not usually necessary in
Tomb Raider. Although I would not have minded slightly
easier enemies, the real problem arose from situations
where there were simply too many at once which would then
take ages to kill. Thankfully this was a relatively small
part of the level, and toward the end the combat scenarios
became slightly easier to overcome. In the course of
exploration, I appreciated that doors would shut behind
me: in such a big level, it was nice to have dedicated
side missions where I knew I hadn't missed something back
in the big cave. I appreciated little touches, like
finding goodies tucked away on rooftops or the guiding
cats letting me know I was heading in the right direction,
which encouraged me to explore even more. I thought the
pillared temple was going to be this level's main event,
but I was wrong: one of the side quests leads to a
gigantic cat statue that rivals TR:UB in scale, but
exceeds it in terms of the traversal across the
surrounding cliffs and waterfalls. I loved this room, and
finally reaching the cat's head was a thrill. I would have
liked to understand more about the "Scion Visions,"
segments of a TR1 FMV clip, since these didn't seem to
have much to do with the plot. The final cutscene,
following a brief floating islands style temple with an
interior made by the same company as Lara's Backpack (WAY
too big for its outside), was a great wrap up and revealed
a nice connection between elements in TR1. I only found 2
secrets but would love to replay for more. 2 hours to
complete." - Cbl (17-Nov-2019) |
"An absolutely fantastic and amazing classic adventure!
Even if the main atmosphere is kept simple like the
original TR1, there is so much improvement with coloured
lighting, which gives an outstanding atmosphere without
being too intense on some colours. It's the perfect way
to keep simple lighting like in TR1 or TR2, but with the
subtle colours it's so much smoother and it still feels
like a true classic.
The huge areas were so fun to explore and there were a
lot of nasty traps, that made me look careful behind
every corner. The music was also well used and I was so
thrilled all the time, because the tension was all
around.. with sleeping mummies, that could be awake every
moment or suddenly appearing and very well hidden
Also the puzzles were interesting, like a corridor
section, where levers had to be pulled to change the
passageways or the huge table of hyroglyphs, where the
correct letters had to be jumped to. There was also a lot
of classic platforming, which was so satisfying, cause
there were no unfair jumps and the gigantic rooms were so
beautiful to look at.
The level took me about 1 hour, but I found 0 of the 4
secrets. I think I could have get one or two at least, if
I would have explored even more of the beautiful
sceneries. The level even had a little storyline with
short FMV sequences, a puzzle related diary and a little
cutscene at the end.
My only real complaint would be, that there were too many
mummies at once sometimes and they were hard to defeat
with the little amount of ammunition for the weapons
beside the pistols. In general I would have suggested a
few more pickups, either medipacks or ammunition.
Highly recommended, not only for TR1 lovers!" - MarlenaCrystal (17-Nov-2019) |
"I guess I will be roasted for this
but this level should be a winner.
This level doesn't get any more
classic then it is. This is that
kind of level and gameplay I prefer.
Switches, keys and push blocks. The
atmosphere is brilliant. It feels so
nostalgic to be playing this level.
I felt like when I was playing tr1
many years ago. In my opinion, that
puzzle with Egypt hieroglyphs was
brilliant. If you love tr1 you
should play this." - Sabatu (16-Nov-2019) |
"I always appreciate seeing those lovely TR1 Egypt blue and gold textures in a modern - cleaned up' format. This is a good raid, with varied gameplay, including some interesting puzzles and occasionally hair raising enemy action. The panthers and crocodiles are easy enough, but the mummies can really gang up and take quite some battling. It's non-linear and there's a lot of exploring to do, but in such beautiful settings I didn't find that at all onerous." - Jay (15-Nov-2019) |
"Among CaC 2019 levels, I played this level first and what a
right choice that was. The atmoshphere, the darkness,
loneliness, eerieness... Every aspect of this level feels
authentic. It's even more entertaining than TR1 Egypt
levels. I also really liked the story, which deepens the
TR1's and makes me wonder who were the other members, what
was the battle like etc. The difficulty is rightly
balanced, not too difficult, not too easy, except in the
uzi room; that was quite challenging. I was able to find
only one secret, haven't even noticed something else that
could lead to a secret. The idea of showing a room with
animated textures for "visions" is quite practical and
creative than setting up a FMV each time. I really really
liked the Bastet-Torso fight depiction and Lara hieroglyphs
at the end. Thanks Baslakor for making this masterpiece." - Croftyboy (14-Nov-2019) |
"I quite enjoyed this level that really succeeds to bring the classic feel of TR and could be an offical TR1 level but more beautiful, for actually the texturing here is better than in
official levels ; the lighting and shaping of the blocks are excellent too ; architecture is not forgotten with some big caves allowing great exploration and good jumps and stunts , this was enjoyable and the statue of the giant cat is well done. Gameplay is quite entertaining and rather varied ; concerning the enemies , i prefered dealing with the panthers than the mummies :] , the crocodiles and the couple of centaurs are more normal enemies. Finally i want to thanks Baslakor for this enjoyable level." - eRIC (10-Nov-2019) |
"A very satisfying raid from beginning to end (in spite of some frustrating enemy encounters here and there as well as a couple of minor proofreading errors in text), with excellent utilization of TR1 assets across all design areas including some deviously-crafted puzzles, nerve-wracking platforming and incredibly immersive exploration as the main highlights.
The plot twist at the end felt a little too contrived for my liking (despite being acted out very well by FatedBlossom). But either way, I recommend this release to anyone desiring a good challenge." - Ceamonks890 (09-Nov-2019) |
"This was definitely a worthwhile first
pick of this competition for me. It
carries off the "Classic" theme (in this
case the seemingly dated TR1 engine)
really nicely while not being a straight
to the point remake. It's a bit of a fine
line to tread: stick too close to the
source material and it starts becoming
unoriginal, deviate too far from the theme
and it turns into a completely different
adventure. Luckily this builder avoids
falling into that trap. Apart from a
couple of odd sound issues, everything is
constructed to a competent degree. The
atmosphere is convincing, the music choice
is imposing but sweet and progression
remains enjoyable throughout thanks to a
couple of neat spins on familiar TR1
puzzle sequences. An action-packed and
entertaining 85 minutes." - Ryan (09-Nov-2019) |
"A great adventure, TR1 themed, bringing the Egyptian vibes. Non-linear and non-dispersive, the level design is balanced and allows you to leave areas with the knowledge of having completed them, dedicating to something else (there are 3 main paths meant to give one scarab to open the last door).
The game progression instead is often unbalanced: some steps are too easy, some are too hard, lacking a bit in coherence. For example, finding the keys to open 2 doors is extremely easy and the doors are just right next to the keys. While other times you've to pull hard-to-see pushable blocks or to manage walls that change the labirynth (which was a great implementation anyway).
Secrets and easter eggs are pretty nice and well hidden, enjoyable to find.
Some too pitched or messed up sounds downgrade a bit the TR1 atmosphere, but it's visible the effort to set it up: flares give a white flat light, as you would expect from a TR1 game; her TR1 voices are added to new moves of TR4 Lara (some moves are anyway disabled); the sky is black and there are no actual light sources, but it's full of innatural lights (white) everywhere exactly like in TR1; most of the oblique squares are not triangulated, like in TR1.
Some stretched or too broken textures occurred, but at the same time we remember that TR1 wasn't that polished either.
A weak point of this adventure are the enemies/combats: panthers don't run much, they mainly walk and are very easy to beat, while mummies are overpowered and often get stuck in a still pose. In one occasion they're 4 together in the same little room and this is quite exaggerated, not really matching with the approach of the panthers. Crocodiles are the enemies that behave in the most regular/expectable way." - dinne (06-Nov-2019) |