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Goliath's Tomb by Marcos

DaroRaider 10 9 10 9
DJ Full 10 10 9 8
Jay 9 9 10 9
JesseG 8 10 9 7
Jorge22 10 10 10 10
Jose 6 9 10 8
Juan Carlos 10 10 10 10
Petaludas 9 9 10 9
Phil 10 10 10 8
requiemsoul 9 9 9 9
Ryan 9 9 10 9
Wolf7 8 10 10 8
release date: 04-Feb-2021
# of downloads: 264

average rating: 9.23
review count: 12
review this level

file size: 152.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: nc

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Reviewer's comments
"Well this was certainly a fitting choice for me to play on Halloween. The creepy atmosphere is the strongest aspect of this level, with the presence of a wide variety of creatures (a majority of which help Kurtis one way or another), and the use of many cutscenes to showcase some entertaining action sequences. I say this in spite of the texturing and lighting, which is okay, but not as strong as it could have been - it comes off as wallpapered in places and the lighting is a bit flat in the first level. Managing your health can be a bit difficult in this levelset, as Kurtis is unarmed and must suffer damage while running past gunfire and other enemies and traps, as well as a few forced health-draining drops. I didn't find any healing items until the second level. One moment that had me stuck was retrieving a diamond from a spike pit - somehow this spike pit becomes safe after a creature gets stabbed by it, which doesn't make much sense. But there were a number of enjoyable moments here as well, with some tricky traps to dodge and a couple of puzzles to solve with the help of several clues left behind by stragglers. The sword puzzle in particular will require careful observation to avoid death. Certainly a unique and memorable level. 1 hour 19 minutes." - JesseG (01-Nov-2022)
"Wow now this is different. Mind you need to think outside of the box or you simply won't enjoy this level, so make sure to reserve a good moment for it. Looks could be better as usual - I wish Marcos paired his excellent ideas with a bit more pleasant scenery, because his levels suffer a lot from lack of immersion. Highly recommended." - DJ Full (22-Aug-2022)
"A short game, but very lovely. Excellent ideas and a beautiful sense of humor. I really enjoyed playing this game. Thank you very much." - Juan Carlos (17-Sep-2021)
"I've never before had to go to such extraordinary lengths to play a custom level. After all else failed, I unplugged my router, disabled my antivirus and cranked up the game so I could play it without any hassles from Avast. It was worth the effort, because Marcos can always be expected to provide the unexpected in his offerings. If there were a category for "creativity and originality," he would earn a 10 from me every time. Of course, a walkthrough is de rigueur if you want to avoid the trial and error that's usually par for the course when you're trying to figure out a Marcos level. He can occasionally go over the edge, however, as witness the urination bit that fails to move the level along and is there only for its tee-hee factor. There are two segments of fairly equal length, and you can expect them to take about an hour each even if you're using Dutchy's walkthrough. Things are made more hazardous by the fact that you have no weapons, but Marcos has managed to provide ways for the player to deal with enemies in other ways. The surroundings are typically dark, but sufficient flares are provided to keep this from becoming too much of a distraction. Well done, and not to be missed." - Phil (28-Mar-2021)
"First game playing from Marcos and i must say i was so satisfied..Good gameplay, good secrets,nice ideas, humorous, good exploration, unique and creepy sometimes environment!Although im not big fan of curtis or no-weapons levels, only good critique i can give..Never understand the cat-rat-radio signal room..looking forward playing previous levels from this big creator" - Petaludas (17-Mar-2021)
"Very creative indeed. You probably do have to get used to Marcos' unique style to truly appreciate the way this game works, but it personally greatly appealed me, particularly the fact that you were required to think out of the box a lot of the time. The stark, desolate atmosphere really works in its favour and I absolutely loved the additions of the little animals (particularly the poor, fatigued tiny harpy who perished in a spike pit and the small skeleton who turned off a steam pipe allowing Lara to progress) and the cutscenes really help in moving the story along. Really well done." - Ryan (01-Mar-2021)
"So well done... This game wins hands down atmosphere wise. Maybe it's quite a mix between watching a movie and playing a game, but I don't see anything wrong in that, it offers a story, and contributes hugely to the gameplay. I thought the settings, lighting, textures, everything that screams atmosphere was faultless. I also loved the objects, speaking in general terms. Kurtis has no guns, but he manages, even when he meets agressive characters (sometimes with a little help from unexpected guests, such as the troll that ends up sinking in the swamp). Speaking of which, there really wasn't much on the other side of the the quicksand, but we're warned about it (of course that entices one's curiosity). Many were the times when I felt lost and had to get back some place, but then the warning to pay great attention makes a lot of sense throughout. Found all four secrets. My only complaint is that I left the torch on the sand at a given moment, and when I reloaded it wasn't there anymore, but I consider that a minor glitch. Undoubtedly a gloomy art work. And fun." - Jorge22 (20-Feb-2021)
"In line with previous levels, you'll recognize the peculiar style from this author in every room. This time it seems that he was more occupied on present a film to be watched than the players enjoy a good gameplay. Of course, there are cool and interesting features to enjoy and a lot of fantastic animations, but this time I think the areas are too big and many essential items are too hidden so if you miss something be prepared to running around like a dizzy duck wasting the time through huge areas. Anyway another good and solid creation from this author. If you liked his previous adventures, you'll like this one too." - Jose (14-Feb-2021)
"Another new release from my old friend Marcos, always true to his style. Very cinematic, much detail as if you were watching a movie rather than playing a game. The tomb is well designed for smart playability. You have to be cautious in some parts and very cautious in inspecting objects. You can see the fine work of the TREP and the level of detail in placing both a sound or an audio track in the right place with the correct frequency and in appreciating even the flies around a cesspool. The first level I did in one day, while the second I took more time to try to do it correctly. You have to be observant and smart. Of all the author's projects, I think this one is in my top three favorites. I encourage you to keep creating more games !!" - DaroRaider (08-Feb-2021)
"What a sweet adventure we got here! This is the first game I play first hand of Marcos as I would have often see it being played but this time around I was captured by his trailer he showed us and I was never happier about having decided to check this out, because this is really an adventure!
Gameplay and puzzles quite put me between effectively loving it and hating it, now I will explain you. The gameplay is good and quite inventive to be honest but I got badly stuck twice and both times it was a key in a spot that was either dark either I genuinely over saw it. Not to mention that floor lever in the second part, I do not know how but it did take me a bit to understand what it did, but that is just me of course hehe :3
Objects only deservers a 10, I have almost never seen so much modification even in the little things since Underworld UB! Man it was a bliss to see and some of the cinematics were actually quite fun! The game does not really have enemies but it does have some that are mostly annoying than anything, luckily the game provides medipacks in the second level, secrets are surprisingly good too, pretty inventive some of them!
The atmosphere was another very big and high point of this game because it was truly incredible! I feel like the crude look of the first level wonderfully depicts a place that has been filled by people foolishly thinking they can survive through this adventure and end up dying (or living in the second level) and the second level has also some pretty good atmosphere, perhaps too dark, but I love seeing so many people who have tried to get this stones and have failed quite miserably, gives a nice and sad touch, flybys are pretty good and the usage of sounds is quite good too, with most of the game spent into total silence for, again, immersion reasons I guess.
Lighting and texturing hehe, I am not fan of that at all to be completely frank, the first level looks deeply crude in look and in color and the second level is way too dark, although this quite works well for the game honestly, in fact I am giving an 8 only to point out the repetition texture sometimes got inside of the first level and the eccessive darkness of the second level, as that hall that brought you to the little cottage was basically pitch black and I got flareless (my bad likely)
Quite an adventure! I absolutely recommend checking it out and this has really gave me will to check out some more from the author, truly refreshing ^w^ Wolfy Regards." - Wolf7 (08-Feb-2021)
"What a thoroughly enjoyable experience. I do love a level that involves really engaging the brain and looking at things in a different way and Marcos is so good at providing exactly that. Plus the usual quirky charm and humour (loved it when Curtis tried to open a gate, gave up and said - no'. There's some very inventive action and animations and you really have to experience it for yourself because it is very different from the average level. Personally, I was sorry when it ended. Don't miss it." - Jay (08-Feb-2021)
"Another level of Marcos with his usual and unique signature. Full of original moments, very cinematic and with a touch of black humor. The geometry is still quite simple, but functional to recreate a dungeon area. Highly recommended." - requiemsoul (04-Feb-2021)