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Inside the Destiny by Franky

DJ Full 7 7 6 6
Jay 7 8 8 8
Jose 6 8 7 9
manarch2 4 6 5 5
Orbit Dream 7 8 7 8
Phil 7 8 7 8
Roberto 9 9 10 10
Ryan 6 7 6 6
release date: 05-May-2021
# of downloads: 93

average rating: 7.19
review count: 8
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file size: 290.00 MB
file type: TR4
class: Alien/Space

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Reviewer's comments
"Here we have another "space" production by this prolific builder. In the line of previous levels with the fmvs and the spaceship ambience, this one is not so confused like the others. Of course, the gameplay is not lineal, and your goal here is to find four keys to open the exit area, but this time there are not obscure tasks and the gameplay is more fluid, except that when you reach the main area with multiple floors/doors; sometimes you choose a way to get only a secret and another times the way leads you to the desired key. As usual, there are enough ammo and medipacks, and the only tricky tasks were the narrow corridors with the moving lasers. Definitely a solid level to take a try, but don't you expect radical changes compared to the previous ones." - Jose (07-Nov-2021)
"According to a notification in the 'Testing tips' folder,the technical aspects of this level cannot be commented upon unless reviewers have a knowledge of NGLE, which I don't. Therefore,in regard to everything but the gameplay category,I shall simply say "more of the same old Franky stuff";and trust that that will suffice. Actually,pretty much the same applies to the gameplay category as well - except that much of the level can be missed if you don't go for the secrets;which I generally didn't. As a result,I perhaps got through it a little quicker than expected;but (in line with this builders previous levels) I still found it difficult to play for more than fifteen minutes straight;as the combination of pounding music,objects with problematic collision,continual enemy attacks,and occasionally unfair gameplay (why are some laser doors needing to be deactivated,while others simply open when you approach them?) kept hampering potential enjoyment. Nonetheless,things move along with greater fluency than in previous Franky levels (it's essentially a 'hunt for four keys' adventure);and I liked the way that you kept being transported back to the main hub room after collecting each key - thus avoiding repetitive backtracking. The poisonous corridors were suspenseful,and enemies were restricted to alien guards (modified SAS). Overall,this offers little you won't have seen before from this builder - but it passes the time." - Orbit Dream (20-Jun-2021)
"Picard may have disappeared, but we’re still firmly in space mode. If you have played and enjoyed Franky’s other space levels, you’ll be in familiar territory with this one. All the usual hallmarks are in place – lots of weird and wonderful enemies to shoot, tons of ammo to do it with, lovely Leo on the load screen etc. As usual, the best thing is the atmosphere, enhanced with good use of music/sound files. So, perhaps not much that we haven’t seen before, but Franky is one of the few builders catering for space level fans so you have to give him brownie points for that." - Jay (28-May-2021)
"This continues Franky's consistent trend of enjoyable enough but not overwhelming offerings. The thematic structure is pretty similar to the other entries in the Stargate series, although the environments are ever so slightly refined this time around, although still rather on the stark and bland side. Gameplay isn't anything too taxing, aside from a couple of timed runs and poisonous gas passages that do require you to be somewhat nimble-fingered to successfully make it through. Enemies are actually quite plentiful, but the revolver is pretty effective against them and comes in mighty handy. A few more puzzles might not go amiss if there's a next installment, but it's fun enough if you're in the mood." - Ryan (21-May-2021)
"When I read the first posted review I was tempted to think we might have a quantum leap in the quality of these now-predictable space levels from Franky. But when I downloaded and played it, I found it to be more of the same: competent, enjoyable and a pleasant diversion for an hour or so, but nothing really innovative or worthy of a standing ovation. As in his other levels, Franky gives us plenty of weaponry and firepower to deal with the enemies (in this case limited to alien soldiers), but this time he even provides three crowbars and two laser sights to make doubly sure the player is properly equipped. Also, consistent with Franky's previous levels, I never had a problem here with the lighting, even in the many "atmospheric" areas. Everything flows in fairly logical order, but I'm still wondering about that elevator that you could activate but never actually had to use. Others have noted that these levels tend to run together in one's mind, but Franky has apparently found his niche and I'm happy to see him keep on building." - Phil (20-May-2021)
"In the rollingball room, if you take a teleport too early, the flame passage reactivates, and while you only lose a secret, things like this should be watched out for because it was surely not meant to work like that, so mind it for the future. I also had a trouble taking the fuse from the room where you drop the guys into the abyss - the trapdoor collision didn't want to let me in, however either saving/loading or pushing the button again (one of two, I don't know which) solved the problem. Another unclear, although solvable thing is Pink Floyd's "On The Run" playing in the conveyor belt room, implying a timed run which then appears to be a shooting puzzle instead. But it's all not really so important - the real issue is that after a quite innovative intro, the game again proceeds to recycle elements from countless episodes before, and also in quite overwhelming way. The chapter with mosaic and ropes was a good sidequest and I appreciate a lot the fact of using teleports to return to the hub room and fuse room quicker, but at that point I had so enough I completely switched off thinking - in the spaceship room, I entered a weird lethargic state when I just refused to try Action even though I knew there might be a jumpswitch above my head - and of course there was, but it still felt easier to give up, check the walkthrough and get out of here. I played all 17 levels of this author. I cannot for the love of Star Trek gods remember which one was which. Now the author threatens... I mean promises there will be an 18th, and why do I feel like, without even looking at it, I know it inside-out already?" - DJ Full (17-May-2021)
"At least there is more of a different gameplay structure instead of the ever so similar "explore x cabins for one or two items" style of the two previous levels of the builder. Some of the laser traps and the like are also not bad but the game is still a bit tedious to play for the 40 minutes it lasts, mainly due to the whole thing generally being not very inspired, the setting is worn out by now and the huge areas textured with a single texture don't do this any favor. It is almost impossible to distinguish the builder's levels and I sincerely hope that he might take the reviews into consideration this time. The constantly low review count says a lot." - manarch2 (16-May-2021)
"We are inside a large spaceship. Already in the first room there was something new and interesting.The clash with the enemies is immediately activated on the left side. Eexcellent weapons equipment. But if you want,you can just use guns and have more fun. The environment has been perfected in detail and it really seems to be aboard the Destiny spaceship belonging to the ANCIENT civilization, which disappeared more than ten thousand years ago.These ships planted the Stargates on new worlds so that the Ancients could begin colonization.The best game play is divided into 4 phases combined with the 4 floors of the central core of the Destiny.There is also an elevator to facilitate exploration.The premises are occupied by another breed that is trying to take over it.Very interesting are some passages in which the perfect background music accompanies the player in solving the puzzles. Beautiful phases in an icy environment in which you have to demonstrate excellent keyboard playing technique. A level therefore that I recommend to all fans of the science fiction series. The finale is a prelude to a sequel perhaps on a planet that Lara will visit thanks to the Stargate network. 9 secrets to find as you play the level." - Roberto (13-May-2021)