Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
20-Nov-2021 |
# of downloads: |
331 |
average rating: |
8.48 |
review count: |
12 |
review this level |
file size: |
197.00 MB |
file type: |
TR3 |
class: |
Venice |


Reviewer's comments |
"This is an attractive and well realised TR3 Venice with all the usual aspects firmly in
place. It sets a lively place and for once I had a decent amount of speedboat riding –
it's my favourite tomb raider vehicle. The action is very exploration based, but of course
Venice would hardly be Venice without a serious amount of henchmen for Lara to slaughter.
She ended up with an impressive head count this time. Most enjoyable." - Jay (26-Apr-2024) |
"Venice in unusual TR3 engine. Quite immersive. Also quite easy. I wish gameplay was more varied, but it also works fine if you're looking for a lightweight, practically unstuckable level without outbox surprises." - DJ Full (23-Feb-2023) |
"Another classic TR3 level from this author. This time is very long with a lot of inner and outside areas to explore. As usual, the texturization is good, and the lighting well worked; there are a lot of helping cameras too, the enemies are well balanced and you'll find enough ammo to deal with them, but there are very few medipacks for a level so long, so try to don't waste them and look for the secrets (not hard to find) to get extra medipacks. There are a couple of pushblocks puzzles but most of the game is based on exploration and gymnastics. Entertaining anyway." - Jose (04-Jul-2022) |
"A nice Venice level in the TR3 engine. Classic gameplay with an easy flow, well placed
enemies (thankfully not as many as in TR2), good atmosphere, rather easy to find secrets
(found all of them), beautiful areas (both outside and indoors), excellent texturing and
very well lit despite the fact that it is night time. Mild traps/timed runs and some nice
puzzles. A very enjoyable raid, especially if you don't want to fry your brain or end up
with twisted fingers. :) Recommended." - billie2001 (24-Jan-2022) |
"A playable level in between another where I've been getting utterly lost, and yet another in
which I've been unable to beat the boss so far. There's nothing really new to it, but
everything is doable, more than doable (the traps and timed runs are so gentle on you, for
instance), and quite entertaining, with all those boat rides, places to explore and enemies
to defeat by carefully using the weapons and medipacks you're given. The atmosphere is
fitting, and I enjoyed it. Now, back to my ordeal-like games." - Jorge22 (21-Jan-2022) |
"StormChaser seems to have found his niche with TR3 levels. Since we don't see many of those
these days, it's always nice to have them available for a nostalgic change of pace. This
latest release is Venice-themed but has a variety of "looks" that makes it even more fun to
play. I used Dutchy's walkthrough to get past the rough spots but still required nearly two
hours to make it all the way through. One feature of TR3 that I wished TR4 had is the
ability to adjust the gamma in-game, making darkness a non-issue. Recommended." - Phil (12-Jan-2022) |
"Storm Chaser has now seemingly found his
niche in the custom level world within the
TR3 engine, and this is another enjoyable
offering. There's nothing really
complicated to accomplish in terms of
puzzles, but I liked the pushblock
sequences, the timed runs and the gameplay
that was set around the museum/mansion
near the end and the gunfights will
certainly get your adrenaline flowing, as
you have to be fairly watchful of your
supplies. The music accentuates the
environments very well (with some familiar
tunes added), the textures are supremely
crafted and the highlights for me in terms
of architecture were the church (some
lovely lighting usage here), the town
squares and the aforementioned church.
Nothing at all difficult, but undoubtedly
an entertaining raid." - Ryan (02-Dec-2021) |
"This is quite clean in terms of texturing and lighting and, despite some rooms feeling a bit boxy I think the builder has captured the Venician atmosphere quite well. Enemies are rather effectively placed here as well as the secrets which were fun to get. Gameplaywise, this is quite okay but once again there is just not enough going on in here to fill almost an hour of playtime. I liked the usage of the boat, some of the (rather easy) timed runs and also the pushable puzzles, it's all fluent and without an overdose of backtracking, but too many areas were exploration for a single key to get on to the next was the only thing to do without a larger variety on puzzles or traps or parts where you just have to stop and think a bit before being able to progress. I'll never get why some builders and also players like this style, but obviously there is a target audience for this. So if you always enjoyed the author's levels, you'll have a good time here, otherwise maybe less so..." - manarch2 (22-Nov-2021) |
"what a fantastic tr2 style venice level! The amount of care and attention used to make this
is very clear to see, i just love the layout and exploration of it all with both inside and
outside areas there is so much fun and variety to be had here with cool and clever
platforming tasks in both small and big areas, and great block puzzles with some traps here
and there to keep you on your toes it was just a joy to play and explore around it you even
get a boat and some waterways to make your way through. The music gives you a sense of
nostalgia even though the level is completely fresh and engaging. i do recommend exploring
as much as you can as there is a lot of enemies as well and you'll need every medi pack you
can find lol. The only thing which i found a bit repetitive was all the switches and keys
you had to find and use but with all the other fun tasks in the wide variety of environments
here that part can be forgiven" - John (22-Nov-2021) |
"This is a TR3 level in the style of Venice. There's a nice variety of settings including gardens, canals and town squares. The level is pretty dark and hard to see in, but thankfully TR3 lets you change the gamma so I cranked it up to 8. The downside of having to combat the darkness this way is that the lighting appears less colorful, but even then there are some areas where it comes through nicely. The use of textures comes off as a bit wallpapered, but also quite ornamental, especially in the church which was the architectural highlight for me. As far as the playing experience goes, Lara will start unarmed, but thankfully she will get a shotgun pretty early on for players who want to be more aggressive on the way to those trusty pistols. The heavy combat reminded me of TR2 a bit, which I suppose is fitting; the action gets pretty intense toward the end, so players will need to manage their inventory wisely (I ended with only 1 small medpack left for health). There is also a couple of timed runs and some nice pushblock puzzles, some boulders to dodge, and naturally there is a motorized boat to zip along the canals. My only complaint is that there is quite a bit of backtracking. Other than that, a very engaging adventure. 1 hour 40 minutes." - JesseG (22-Nov-2021) |
"(8) Gameplay & Puzzles: This is an easy adventure with a heavy focus on exploration, with the secondary aspect being combat. There is also some straight-forward platforming and a couple of timed runs near the end. There are no traps. The exploration is engaging, with a logical flow, and I always wanted to press on forward. I had a great time, and I think the multi-elevation pushblock puzzle is done very well, however I missed more problem-solving areas aside from this. (9) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: The goon + dog engagements are exciting, and it was good fun disposing of them with the MP5. Static decor objects are used beautifully and I never felt like a room was lacking in objects. I found 5/6 secrets; they were a little on the easy side, but still enjoyable. I also liked the fact that the builder rewards you with plenty of extra ammo (not secrets) if you are thorough with exploring the Venetian rooftops. (10) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The atmosphere is excellent. Prior to "Venice at Night", I played 2 other Stormchaser levels, and each time his skill in creating immersive architecture has significantly increased. I would often find myself standing still, marveling at the beautiful building backdrops that aren't part of the gameplay, yet do so much to enhance authenticity and immersion. Even small indoor connector areas are designed with great care. Classic music and sound cues are utilized very well, and the camera guidance is top notch. (10) Lighting & Textures: It's simply a beautiful level, indoors and out. Nighttime levels often make me grumble due to visibility issues, however this is not the case here. Everything is well-lit, and there are many stunning, memorable locations such as the church interior, as well as the ridiculously gaudy mansion. The texturing is perfect, with no misshapen or patchwork textures. Overall, I highly recommend this level to classic enthusiasts, or players who primarily want to focus on exploration. It may not be a very good fit for players who like lots of puzzles and/or traps. I also highly recommend this level to newer builders who are looking to increase their skill regarding man-made/modern architecture. 8/9/10/10. **I beta-tested this level. This did not inflate my rating**" - nerdfury (21-Nov-2021) |
"The Burlington Crystal is the perfect excuse to go back to Venice, at night, to get rid of some goons. I truly loved the level, and recommend it to everyone!
Beginners may find it hard to get rid of all the gun-toting enemies, but should persevere: there are plenty of guns and ammo.
There is a lot to praise in this level: the atmosphere is excellent and the city looks great; there are many fun bits of rumbling action, there is exploration, and there is rhythm and pace to boot. The only minor caveat is lacking innovation or more diverse gameplay. I'm frankly being picky here, though.
The story is another plus, as it plays out very naturally. I'm becoming more and more of a fan of Peter's classic raids, which provide these very welcome new points of view to classic settings. Thank you, Storm Chaser! As I told you before, just keep letting your vision through, more and more. It is a great gift to the community, and helps it endure (this entry would even do well in the classic competitions taking place nowadays). It is your own 25th anniversary silver trophy for everyone to enjoy :) Congratulations on delivering once more!
This night-time raid took me 2 hours the first time, and 1h30m the second time around.
Disclaimer: I was one of the beta-testers, yet my rating was as rigorous as usual." - MigMarado (20-Nov-2021) |