Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
26-Mar-2022 |
# of downloads: |
281 |
average rating: |
1.68 |
review count: |
15 |
review this level |
file size: |
15.80 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
Joke |


Reviewer's comments |
"I know joke levels are almost never actually funny, but the sight of Lara with her head
- tucked underneath her arm' as in the old Stanley Holloway song, did raise a smile.
Otherwise, the best thing to say about this is that it's extremely short!" - Jay (25-Jun-2024) |
"Well, no "Joke" to be found here anywhere. Stay well away from this one..." - MichaelP (06-Feb-2024) |
"Aside from the rope jump that was annoying at best and frustrating at worst the end just
pokes fun at the reviews from other levels. Skip this unless you want to see Carly from
ICarly. Also nice music lmao" - OblivionJaw (05-Dec-2023) |
"Lara running around carrying her head in her left arm? The real nightmare would be if the builder had built in gameplay wanting you to find out whether one of the kazillion same textures would differ from the others, lol. Well, I guess the builder may have had a gripe with how reviewers review and/or some reviewers who turned into builders now, used to review others. I don't think there is a finish trigger so I guess the 'joke' finishes as soon as you have read the wall notes regarding the point the builder makes if ever there is/was one. Before you can read all of that, good luck with the rope swinging. Good one (or not)." - bERT (26-Dec-2022) |
"I don't know what's more damaged, my eyes or my ears. But I love how it throws in a diagonal rope swing just to make sure you'll listen to the music for long enough. Recommended." - DJ Full (28-Aug-2022) |
"Nothing to say because there is nothing to say" - Minox (31-Mar-2022) |
"Yeah... I don't think this builder got the memo that a joke level is supposed to be well... actually funny and filled with well-timed comedic gags which are legitimately earned, alongside being a well-made level in its own right (Sheevah's Simply Purple or EssGee's TR Rude and Crude being good examples of how to do a joke-themed TRLE correctly).
So compared to those two, I'm afraid spamming pictures of Miley Cyrus's face and a snapshot of an old Nickelodeon live-action sitcom named iCarly across two rooms while a grating tune plays on loop as a headless Lara moves about, doesn't quite cut it in unleashing one's true comedic potential by comparison.
Sure, this builder tries to attempt ironic 'humour' by placing 'self-aware' text of how he imagined reviewers would react to this uninspired late April Fools garbage, while essentially bribing others to get undeserved higher scores (Very disappointed with those critics who have chosen to be openly dishonest to unaware players, for the sake of being 'in on the joke'.) But ultimately, this release is no better than your standard internet meme which will become quickly outdated in a matter of weeks.
I hope now that the builder has gotten this mess out of their system, that they'll actually put some proper effort into making a level that they won't regret making upon reflection in the foreseeable future, rather than continue to waste the community's collective time and their own, with continually pumping out soulless shovelware." - Ceamonks890 (30-Mar-2022) |
"We get a look into Lara's psyche in this level and boy is it scary.
There are so many things to discover and the things you see are frightening.
I wish we would see more of these surreal environments with lots of mind-bending tricks." - Raildex (30-Mar-2022) |
"It's almost April 1st,so it seemed appropriate to give this jokey contribution a go; but I mostly
wanted to experience it simply to see what all the fuss is about - a level whose gameplay scores
range from 0 to 10;and which creates opinions that run the gamut,from risible to fulsome.
The reality? It's a little 'quicky' (both in duration,and the speed in which it was
constructed);but it's rather funny,and expresses itself honestly enough. I gave a point for
textures,simply out of gratitude that the builder hadn't selected anything of mine." - Orbit Dream (29-Mar-2022) |
"This actually doesn't deserve a review." - manarch2 (28-Mar-2022) |
"Not too sure about the point of this release. Aside from the textures and packaging of the
whole thing to make the level work, the level design may have required 20
minutes max ?" - eRIC (28-Mar-2022) |
"An absolutely refreshing view on Lara in a box accompanied by some melodic music and beautiful and though-provoking
phrases which are absolutely guaranteed are gonna make your day. But nobody's perfect and there is a flaw with this
trle, and it is the short length and I also don't liked the ropes in the beginning because, no joke, they are the worse
part of TRLE.
Silliness aside, this must be an experiment in seeing how much seriously the Tomb Raider Level Editor community takes
itself, reviewers, angry, disappointed at this mock, will take it way too seriously, but today's wonderful advice Nanaki
will give you is the following: Stop taking everything so seriously and have fun! ^w^ People work hours to complete a
free game that less than 3.000 people are perhaps going to play, and even lesser finish, whatever the result is (yes
even if the result is this game) it is still time someone took their time to create something and somewhat unleash
their creativity (yes even cain and pablo david). Would you now spend hours of your time to build something that you
consider perfect? Like a 10/10 in your book? WIth this said, I recommend this to expert raiders which are well into the
tomb raider community and can take themselves a little less seriously hehe :3 Wolfy Regards ^w^" - Wolf7 (28-Mar-2022) |
"Playing this game at 3:00 AM with headphones, I had this feeling of "suspense and terror"
more and more as I progressed further, although I knew this game had certainly fallen under
"Joke" category. Each moment I was waiting for a sudden cliffhanger, but that didn't happen.
I'd love to consider this as a piece of "abstract art" which gives the player that offbeat
feeling. The reason why I gave 10/10 only to the gameplay is simply because the way the
scenery and the objects have been used, which is something I hadn't spotted in previous TRLE
games. Other review criteria however, failed to indulge me and I'll let them remain
unscored. Thank you!" - Mehrbod (27-Mar-2022) |
"To be honest I am not sure what this author had in mind, though I also understand that it's
an april fools day (which is not here yet but whatever) and supposed to be satirical thing.
The author managed to put some some music and lay out the "text" textures which honestly I
am quite surprised because other people would just leave them stretched. There's also a lot
of portal issues and unnecessary rope jumping when you have dozy on, also no gameplay as
expected. In conclusion I think this should be treated as a joke and not as a serious thing
(it even says at the end and it's others fault if they don't get it imo.) therefore, I want
to give it a 10/10 for satire, and making me laugh. Thank you Mrmoonknighandmando!" - Kubsy (26-Mar-2022) |
"This is horrifyingly bizarre. Think Amanda
Lepore in bizarro-world (even more than
before). I don't actually have the words
to describe what I just experienced, but I
will say that the headless (!) Lara is
disturbing indeed, the textures
excruciating, the music is irritating as
hell, the gameplay is zilch and this
should be avoided like the plague." - Ryan (26-Mar-2022) |