Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74039 reviews (20.4/level)
3607 (99.7%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
10-Jun-2022 |
# of downloads: |
330 |
average rating: |
8.36 |
review count: |
11 |
review this level |
file size: |
212.00 MB |
file type: |
TR4 |
class: |
Egypt |


Reviewer's comments |
"🟩Pros: ◠Impressive visuals ◠Sharp crisp graphics ◠Nice level design and layout ◠New
animations â— Fun puzzles 🟥Cons: â— Limited ammo can lead to softlock â¹Overall: Loved every
aspect of this level, simple and straight forward, no glitchy jumps or mechanic to progress,
pure original skills and exploring, enjoyed every moment, my only note is about the ammo, but
this can be taken both ways, overall, sweet level." - black horse (04-Jan-2024) |
"I haven't played the first version, but having watched bits and pieces on Twitch I must say
that the visuals have improved quite a lot. The gameplay has a good flow, the puzzles are
creative and of the kind you can actually solve without the help of the WT, The lighting is
mostly good, but flat in some areas. What I didn't like, as always, is the limited pistol
ammo, although I never came even near running out of ammo. According to the builder this is
done for realism's sake. As if there is anything else realistic about TR! Anyway, despite
this, I really enjoyed the adventure. Recommended." - billie2001 (13-Mar-2023) |
"Now this is what a good raid is all about. Great graphics, traditional setting, clever puzzles and a fair amount of platforming. I never had to refer to a walk through once and yes, I did get stuck from time to time but a clear reconnoiter of the terrain usually solved the issue. My one complaint was early on continuously running out of ammo for the pistols. Why not unlimited as in the originals? This had me back tracking over previously covered terrain searching for ammo. To be fair though, if I had done a proper job on the first run through I probably would have found the ammo I needed. Found 4 of the 6 secrets." - Torry (20-Sep-2022) |
"This is a two-level adventure where the first part contains mainly exploration and rather
typical platforming. In the second part, the gameplay gets more inventive with a nice use of
traps and a couple of excellent puzzles. The puzzles in this game feature riddles written on
walls that were not too obvious but not too vague either. While the environment looks
somewhat simple including flat lighting in some places, overall, I found level design to be
very good. If you want something short and not too difficult, I can definitely recommend
this custom game." - Samu (28-Jul-2022) |
"Not my preferred style since it tries to be too uniform - I like it a bit more vibrant and contrasting. Also the flow is rather predictable, there are no surprises here, more like "correct things". Secrets were a nice custom touch - I think I need the main course gameplay to be more in such direction also." - DJ Full (27-Jul-2022) |
"The first level is mostly about exploration, backtacking is reduced vs the first version and I found it to be slightly more enjoyable, despite few actual changes and still rather basic gameplay. The second level is significantly better now and the creative puzzles and trap sequences add to the enjoyability. The looks have improved as well with more realistic, if still a bit flat lighting and cleaner texturing. Nothing groundbreaking but competently designed throughout and there's little to nothing to complain about; on the other side, I question if it was really necessary to provide a new version instead of building something entirely new. Found all 6 secrets in 50 minutes." - manarch2 (25-Jun-2022) |
"(8) Gameplay & Puzzles: This is a medium-difficulty adventure that took me 1hr 30min. The gameplay is a huge improvement from the original; well done to the builder. The exploration is engaging in level 1, and both levels mix up combat, traps, interesting puzzles and platforming so that there is never a dull moment. In terms of specific tasks, I especially enjoyed the floor-mirror puzzle and the "death tile" pushable puzzle, both from level 2. I do think the "flow" of level 1 is stronger overall, as you're uncovering different areas, first on foot and later with the bike; level 2 on the other hand is mostly focused on a hub room with challenge side-rooms, with not much to do in terms of exploration. There are 2 specific gameplay moments that seemed a little unpolished to me: 1) The "only the ones that can be seen" puzzle. It's a creative, interesting idea, but where are you supposed to stand in order to determine your view? It's not clear. The player may (logically) think that their starting point is standing on the tile with the small yellow statue in the center of the room, as it looks suspicious. However, this is a red herring. 2) Level 2's first pushblock has a oneshot trigger issue: if you move it onto the correct tile, a flyby, tense music and enemies are triggered. If you then move it off the correct tile (because you're not sure where it's supposed to go), and then move it back onto the correct tile again, the flyby/tense music is triggered again, which is weird. (9) Enemies, Objects & Secrets: The enemy placements and amount is very good. I particularly liked the "surprise!" moment when goons ambush Lara above the crocodile pool in level 1. There's a good variety of traps and objects used for problem-solving, and of course a thrilling bike jump. The 3 easy secrets are a nice nostalgic touch for players who love TR1-3. I do think it's weird that when entering the hub challenge room of level 2, you will see a green room with sandbags that are frozen in mid-air (untriggered). (8) Atmosphere, Sound & Cameras: The atmosphere/architecture is excellent in level 1. It's not bad in level 2, but it's much simpler, and I do wish there were more organic-looking areas, sprinkled in among all of the compartmentalized Egyptian-tomb corridors. I know a lot of people probably won't care about this, but for me it is an immersion breaker: English text on Egyptian tomb walls. I appreciate the builder giving us text hints for puzzles, however I think it would have been much better for immersion if there were either A) Hieroglyphs on the wall, which Lara can read (and have the translated text appear on the screen, or Lara could speak), or B) have dead adventurer objects, with diaries or notes by their bodies, which serve to give players hints. Static camera hints are great. The builder uses a variety of music cues and flybys to set the mood. They're mostly very polished, although there are a few hiccups in my opinion: There is an awkward timed run for a shotgun in level 1 (the flyby commences as the timed run commences, which I don't think is good); a couple of areas have sound issues where there is no background ambience or music; Lara's "Yes!" sound clip seems abruptly cut to me. (7) Lighting & Textures: I disagree with most of the existing reviews which rank visuals higher than gameplay. Firstly, the texturing is very beautiful and of a high-standard. My only suggestion for improvement in texturing is watching out for areas that use repetitive texturing over and over, such as the tall pool room (pic 4 on the level webpage). In other words utilizing more visual variety so that the area doesn't look washed out. I feel quite mixed about the lighting. It's great that the tomb isn't dark at all (the builder also provides plenty of flares), but I think the lighting is often flat, needing more shading to create depth. This is particularly noticeable in most areas of level 1, and rooms with no torches on the walls in level 2. For example, it's a sunny day in level 1. There shouldn't be many shadows in areas that the sun hits, but there are plenty of cavernous areas in level 1 that do not receive sunlight, yet these areas are very lacking in shading. Overall, I had a great time and recommend this adventure to anyone who enjoys Egyptian levels. I think the builder has grown significantly with gameplay design, and I look forward to his next release. 8/9/8/7." - nerdfury (23-Jun-2022) |
"Even if the general layout is quite
similar to the original game, there are
noticeable differences here that make this
a more coherent, well-rounded and
consequently enjoyable experience. The
backtracking has been drastically trimmed
down, for one thing. There is still a bit
of retracing of steps, but in a much more
confined fashion which isn't nearly as
annoying. The gameplay is also fairer to
the player, with less reliance on long
block puzzles and more on varied, lateral-
thinking sequences (I particularly liked
the "only what you can see" sequence and
the tense lava room puzzle requiring quick
dexterity in high temperatures) and the
music choice was very well done. The
secrets were a bit underwhelming,
consisting of the same three trinkets with
no ultimate reward, but still a fairly
nice side-quest. Just good player-friendly
raiding, definitely worth trying out." - Ryan (19-Jun-2022) |
"This was a huge improvement from the original level. I wasn't a huge fan of the first
version, but this one managed to make me smile and appropriately be frustrated with the
difficulty. The added puzzles and rooms were a huge plus, as well as the ad-libs to some of
the puzzles. My only real gripe is the part where you have to make that steep jump with the
motorcycle, that's going to be especially difficult for a lot of players. But other than
that, I absolutely loved it. The theme, the music, the setting, the danger, all copacetic
with one another." - g12STL (16-Jun-2022) |
"I liked this very much. It's a bit easy (and short), but not too easy or simplistic. The first level in particular has good architecture and good use of the third dimension. It feels broad, not too too linear, nor too confusing. It's mostly about finding your path. I think it hits a sweet spot. The second level is more linear, but has slightly more interesting puzzles. I found the need to go back the same way in some obstacle challenges a bit offensive. "Experienced" players might be bored with this, but it's right up my alley. In summary, pretty nice, even if short. I didn't like the limited pistol ammo (which came as a surprise and which I thought was a bug at first), though there's enough ammo if you use it reasonably. There were some areas which were not supposed to be reachable (you can get on top of the pyramid on the way to the scion), which seems a bit unpolished for a "remastered" game. Also, the scion and another item could never be used, from what I remember. I didn't play the original game, so I don't know how much the game was improved." - tuxraider (15-Jun-2022) |
"I somehow missed this two-part raid when it was first released a couple of years ago. I
followed Doggett TV's video while playing the current version to see what changes have been
made, and I must say that the gameplay now flows much more smoothly than it did before. Some
extra puzzles have been added as well, making for a fairly easy but thoroughly enjoyable way
to pass an hour or so. The timed runs are not at all difficult once you know the correct
routes, and even though pistol ammo is limited you get a variety of weapons and plenty of
ammo to go along with them. The only time a flare is really needed is when you have to
navigate a winding row of invisible platforms to get across a lava pit (and back again). The
negative comments outweighed the positive ones in the reviews of the previous edition, but I
have nothing but praise for the remastered version. Suitable for players of all skill
levels." - Phil (15-Jun-2022) |