Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74083 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
30-Jun-2022 |
# of downloads: |
334 |
average rating: |
7.81 |
review count: |
9 |
review this level |
file size: |
198.00 MB |
file type: |
TR3 |
class: |
Oriental |


Reviewer's comments |
"Relatively simple and straight forward TR3 level with an oriental slant. Only got stuck once because of a sneaky lever hidden up on the rooftops that took a while to find. At the start of the level you can access the cliff tops but don't bother as there is nothing there and even the textures on the tiles are missing. The boss fight at the end was tricky but who doesn't love a good boss fight? Only found four of the six secrets." - Torry (19-Sep-2022) |
"The builder continues to deliver very decently designed levels, this time using many BtB 06 materials which work quite well here, also sounds and audio tracks are used aptly and the atmosphere felt quite cozy. While the gameplay is a bit secondary to the looks it was still fluent and occasionally there were some interesting tasks like the timed run, block pushes and traps to keep you on your toes. I liked the used objects and enemies, secrets were rather easy to find though. Overall, a solid 30 minute game but I hope that the builder will consider working more in the gameplay compartment in the future." - manarch2 (23-Jul-2022) |
"Nice TR3, Oriental-themed, level. I liked the added sound of the secrets. In fact, I liked
the entire adventure, even though I thought it was somewhat dark-ish, and I felt lost a few
times throughout (perhaps not for too long though; definitely once because I couldn't, for
the life of me, even start to imagine I could use the levers above the fires without
catching fire myself). The enemies were well placed, and there's a final shoot-out with a
boss whom, I must confess, I was amazed to find I had killed before I killed both his
minions. Everything is correct and varied, on the easy side (a few classic traps included),
and I'll recommend it to everyone who loves that TR3 feeling." - Jorge22 (19-Jul-2022) |
"Oriental themed level on TR3 engine made by StormChaser.
Here we will explore oriental temples and some caves. Gameplay is mostly straight-forward
and pretty simple without anything outstanding or unique. Tasks are pretty basic but still
enjoyable, sometimes repetetive. We will encounter small puzzles consisting switches and
pushables. In the meantime we will fight some enemies. At the end there is nice boss
Design, Atmosphere & Sounds
Look of level was fine. Theme is unusual as for TR3 engine. Architecture is pretty simple
and doesn't really provide any "wow" effect. However it represents oriental architecture
quite good. Some of rooms are quite boxy and have flat walls. Choice of textures is good.
Lighting is done in a good way. It creates nice sunrise/sunset atmosphere. Rooms are
decorated with fancy oriental stuff. However some of them aren't as much decorated as
others which gave feeling of emptiness. Usage of sountracks is good.
Simple and enjoyable level on TR3 engine. As I said it's rare theme for TR3 engine so it's
nice that author decided to build level in those vibes. I can recommend it." - BlackWolfTR (16-Jul-2022) |
"Reliably enjoyable raiding as always from
StormChaser, and it's always pleasant to
have an Oriental-themed raid. The gameplay
won't offer anything too difficult (although
the final boss proved surprisingly tricky
for me), but does provide good entertainment
value in the form of fun trap sequences,
enemy attacks and a fair amount of
exploration. The secrets do only offer a
pretty rose trinket and no other goodies,
but they're nicely hidden nonetheless. Good
atmosphere too. Recommended." - Ryan (12-Jul-2022) |
"A quite enjoyable, classic adventure from StormChaser. The gameplay is straight forward,
mostly basic tasks but because of the variety it's far from boring, some enemies (not a real
threat), a nice timed run, tight enough to make you plan your moves, a nice boss fight, and
all this in an attractive old-style oriental environment. A well-spent 1:30 hrs. Found 5/6
secrets. Recommended." - billie2001 (11-Jul-2022) |
"Nicely looking stuff we have already seen many times, done in a correct way but not really stepping beyond it. I think the best part was the combat, which is quite rare." - DJ Full (06-Jul-2022) |
"I'm not sure why StormChaser's TR3 levels are consistently three or four times the size of a
comparable TR4 download, but no big deal. He can be relied on to provide a competent and
enjoyable raid that's appropriate for players of all skill levels, and this one is no
different. It took me just less than an hour while following José's clear and concise
written walk. The boss fight near the end requires some nimble dancing to avoid those flame
bolts, and be sure you conserve your ammo, because right afterwards you have to deal with a
quartet of baddies. There's nothing particularly new here, although several of the six
secrets (that reward you with nothing more than a pretty rose) were quite deviously hidden.
A fun diversion." - Phil (06-Jul-2022) |
"One more time, another solid TR3 level from this builder. If you've played previous levels from him you'll recognize the classic style. It was not difficult for me write the walkthrough when playing, but sure that you don't need it. This time the secrets are easyer than the normal gameplay, 'cause the well hidden crawlspaces behind the plants and there's a movable block well disguised in a rocky wall. As usual, not hard tasks but this time you'll find a final Boss near the end of the level; some keys and masks to pick up, some blocks to move... I was disoriented in the temple courtyard until I found those movables. Good use of cameras and musics, the lighting is well worked too if you choose the correct gamma settings. Another entertaining level to enjoy. Thank you, Peter." - Jose (05-Jul-2022) |