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Home Attack Remake by Shadoofus

DJ Full 7 9 7 9
John 6 8 6 8
manarch2 4 6 7 7
MedievalMetal 10 9 10 10
MichaelP 7 7 8 7
Ryan 5 6 7 7
Treeble 8 8 9 9
release date: 08-Sep-2023
# of downloads: 326

average rating: 7.54
review count: 7
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file size: 38.50 MB
file type: TR2
class: Home

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Reviewer's comments
"I finished this level without a walkthrough! 😁 This is a rare feat for me, so I feel a strong sense of accomplishment. Lara's home was so enjoyable to navigate, it was fun to explore everywhere, and I loved the new vision of each room. It feels like a friendly cousin of the original Lara's Home level in TR2. There's a room (I won't give spoilers) that felt so cosy to me that I'd want to grab a stack of my favourite books and sit there the whole day. This level is very well done, and I feel so proud of the effort that Shadoofus put into it! I highly recommend it!" - MedievalMetal (29-Dec-2023)
"Despite being TR2 and a Home level, both characteristics that are not high on my wishlist, I have to say that I did enjoy this 45 minute adventure. It actually creates a nice kind of nightly atmosphere and some decent progression through the mansion and surrounding areas and later on a larger section in the sewers. Sure, it is all about the usual buttons, switches and keys to find and use, but the dose of enemies is well balanced and I really had a sense of accomplishment when driving out on the speedboat. Definitely worth a look!" - MichaelP (19-Dec-2023)
"Taking a short break from my 2006 raidlist to help out with the walkthrough backlog, I jumped first into this one having played the original a couple of times many years in the past. I wasn't sure what a remake would offer, but as far as I can tell this was a whole new experience. Sure some of the initial areas had that very early unofficial editor feeling, but it grows into a venetian style brotherhood complete with a boat ride to the end. The first half relies quite a bit on keys scattered about, and even with the branching paths I never found myself roaming aimlessly (which is rather surprising on my end for a blind playthrough). I noticed you could jump off the boat after crossing the exit gate and be pulled by the undertow back inside, no way of leaving then and there was one untextured spot in what might have been an optional platforming sequence in the area you need to flood. Otherwise, this was quite an enjoyable way to decompress after a long day. Time to dive back in to write the walkthrough now. (Also, dog.mp4?) 45 minutes, 2 secrets. 09/23" - Treeble (01-Oct-2023)
"You can finish the level having skipped half of it (luckily I realized and replayed but not everybody will). Some textures were too much messed up. Waterfall were all silent. I don't know what the empty armoury was for, and I even managed to softloctk twice. All signals to give the map one more check in the editor to easily iron things out. Still, overall the game was fine, cute and balanced so I managed to get immersed for the duration. Nice work." - DJ Full (16-Sep-2023)
"An atmospheric reimagination of an older level, sadly the gameplay doesn't really keep up the overall decent looks as most of the time is a not very engaging key hunt and there are only a few other tasks around; also, the timed run is not really required. I liked the ending, though, and the use of objects is also rather interesting. Not really many enemies for a home attack level around, and sadly no secrets. The texturing and lighting are not perfect and sometimes grim but I liked the setting and how the builder combined house and Venice textures. A major jump in the right direction for this builder which I finished in 25 minutes." - manarch2 (13-Sep-2023)
"If there was a review score for setting or environment I would probably give it a 10 as this level combines two of my favourite places to play in: home and Venice! and so while I did enjoy playing through this level unfortunately when it comes to scoring and commenting on the gameplay it's with disappointment. Unlike the very short level it remakes this level is a lot longer so the constant looking for items/keys and using them as the main tasks here becomes very boring indeed despite the in frequent combat with thugs and gangsters. I was wishing for puzzles, traps or timed runs but unfortunately all we got in this department was broken glass, an underwater fan and a tiny semi challenging jump sequence for one of the secret quests but hey at least the ending was fun with the zip line and short boat ride. Overall I did enjoy the level, the night time setting in the home and then Venice setting was just to die for and with very good lighting and nice textures it makes a great environment to explore and climb around in, especially the outside areas which looked lovely! just don't expect too much when it comes to gameplay." - John (12-Sep-2023)
"This is certainly a decent enough reinterpretation of an older TR2 level and it's definitely better built than the original, but unfortunately the gameplay is still fairly limited, mainly involving searching around for a bewildering array of keys and blasting every enemy into oblivion (although there were surprisingly few this time around). You can also, like in Fabio's original, end the level when it suits you: in my case I logged out after half an hour and two secrets found. The choice is yours, really." - Ryan (10-Sep-2023)