Levels listed...
TR5 - 33
TR4 - 3194
TR3 - 183
TR2 - 140
TR1 - 67
74073 reviews (20.4/level)
3611 (99.8%) walkthroughs
458 Hall of Fame levels
1266 levels rated >= 8

release date: |
09-Nov-2023 |
# of downloads: |
418 |
average rating: |
9.79 |
review count: |
12 |
review this level |
file size: |
255.00 MB |
file type: |
TR3 |
class: |
Jungle |


Reviewer's comments |
"This is a four level Tomb Raider 3 set that's a sort of alternative take on the India chapter; the first two levels follow the Jungle and Temple progression of the original, although the Jungle has more of a river-based Ganges layout. Level three is a sort of Indian town or temple, but in an open coastal area made of white textures rather than a dark underground one like TR3 India; it feels like a completely new theme, with the closest comparison coming to mind being the second level of "Reign of Chaos: Cordoba". The final level mixes the new theme with the more surreal horror aspects of the end of Lost Artifact to further twist the style into something else that feels fully natural. As well as the great theme design, object use is interesting, with a lot of the creative use of TR3 assets, as well as some edits to make them fresh but fitting. The lighting is also great throughout and I can't recall it feeling truly lacking anywhere.
The four levels have relatively complex layouts, but it does a great job providing hints (like camera tiles near key-holes to hint at where the key is), and generally guiding you so it rarely becomes an issue. There's also a lot of shortcuts and interlinking so you can get back to most places quickly once the layout comes together, as well as things linking in surprising ways later on. Along with exploration, there are plenty of traps and other obstacles that gradually ramp in difficulty, but overall it's not really any more difficult than TR3 itself, and there are a lot of items lying around to deal with the combat, which also gets a bit more intense as it goes. There's a Lost Artifact style to the secrets here, with them frequently having multiple areas and mini-adventures of their own, or providing unique views, rather than just being some stashed away items, and they also provide rewards for more challenging exploration outside the required path. This is currently the top-ranked TR3 set on TRLE, and it's deserved, as it executes the style it's going for near-perfectly; between the intricate layouts, more playful secrets and surreal aspects it feels like someone has managed to mix the best aspects of TR3 and The Lost Artifact just right to create a masterpiece." - Mman (20-Oct-2024) |
"A visually stunning TR3 jungle, with some outstanding and very memorable areas. Great
architecture that manages not to be overwhelming (for a jungle). The gameplay is also
varied, starts from easy and progressively becomes more demanding but almost never overly
so. My only gripe is the almost pixel perfect distance from a ledge to be able to get out of
the boat, making a timed run among swinging fire baskets and other fires more difficult than
it should. (Do read how to get out of the boat properly at the info page). Most probably an
engine thing, so I won't deduct any points for this. Highly recommended." - billie2001 (08-Feb-2024) |
"Quite lengthy for a TR3 offering and a very
enjoyable and rewarding raid it is too.
Visually, it's undoubtedly up there with the
best custom TR3 adventures and stands up
well against some of the TRNG stuff. The
environments are refreshing, no area looks
neglected and even the simpler rooms and
corridors manage to look somewhat
impressive. Gameplay is nicely pitched at a
medium-to-relatively challenging difficulty
level, nothing too frustrating or
insurmountable and there's a great variety
of traditional TR "stuff" including block
puzzles, challenging trap sequences,
exploration, engaging battles with a wide
range of enemies (although I always find
those Shivas to be a rather clunky opponent
to defeat), even an always enjoyable boat
ride is included. Backtracking isn't too
much of an issue as there's always some
handy shortcuts thoughtfully provided
nearby. There's a nice sense of
interconnectivity too as you revisit
previously explored areas from previously
unreachable areas, always a nice touch. My
only minor complaint is that some of the
swinging flame traps were a bit awkward to
try and jump past from somewhat inconvenient
places, but I eventually managed. Definitely
recommended." - Ryan (07-Dec-2023) |
"I can't think of a single reason to deduct points from any of the rating categories, and as
others have noted, this would surely have sold well as a commercial TR3 Gold release. There
are four loosely connected levels here, each of them being of roughly the same length, and
my total playing time while simultaneously writing a walkthrough was just a few minutes shy
of six hours. Judging from some of the reviews I was expecting a more challenging raid than
I actually experienced, but there are plenty of harrowing moments to entertain the player
along the way. A generous supply of provisions are made available, but I always prefer too
many to not enough. The surroundings and lighting are superlative throughout, and I rarely
found an occasion to light a flare. In recent days I've been sticking to the traditional TR4
levels that my antiquated operating system will handle, but it was well worth booting up
into Windows 10 for this outstanding raid. High recommendations for what in due time will be
a certain Hall of Fame entry." - Phil (06-Dec-2023) |
"Great levelset , with impressive areas to explore , sometimes you reenter these from another
route , and yet the game succeeds to not be overwhelming. The atmosphere is spot on all
along , even if i am not too keen of the background audio loop in the last level. It was
great to see again the textures from Persia , and Jonson did make a good job to mix India
and Persia after the second level, individually each level has great harmony. For once i'd
wish there would be more enemies as we are greatly equipped with weaponry and stuff; i found
only 7 secrets and even those were not easy to get. The game difficulty is not too high ,
there is only a few timed tasks and the timing was perfect, enjoyable jumps and some traps
with interesting ideas. An enjoyable adventure where you are not stuck very often. Bravo." - eRIC (27-Nov-2023) |
"What a beautiful level set! Picturesque with nicely interconnected locations within a level
and good use of height to criss-cross previously visited areas. Immersive gameplay with good
puzzles and traps with excellent ambience and landscaping all around. Pick-ups could
sometimes be hard to see against the textures, but were plentiful and although I got all the
weapons, I actually only needed the pistols, shotgun and revolver as ammo was more than
sufficient. Secrets were challenging, but rewarded you with a little more area to explore as
well as the pick-ups. Enemies were not too hard to dispatch - especially if you were quick
on the draw to take out cult individuals before they activated a Shiva. So overall highly
recommended (should be in the HoF as one of the best TR3 level sets) and hoping for more
from this builder." - Adrian (26-Nov-2023) |
- The layout of each level may be overwhelming to some players, particularly those who do not remember where things like locks were located. Normally these kinds of levels can lead to a lot of backtracking, but thankfully smartly placed shortcuts make this issue next to non-existant, as players are able to open doors or trapdoors to make a quick return route.
- Visually very strong, the second half of the adventure is kept distinct in its texturing from the first half to help keep variety in the adventure. Great use of lighting and other atmospheric effects add to the immersion.
- Great use of traps to create tense moments, including more unique situations such as monkeyswinging past a sliding spiked wall and boating past flaming pots. The traps made up a bulk of the difficulty in my view, but I enjoyed the challenge.
- Combat involves many shiva statues, but also adds some variety with various beasts and a quick but climatic final encounter.
Time: 4 hours 18 minutes | Difficulty: Hard | Rating: 9.75/10" - JesseG (24-Nov-2023) |
"Been some good TR3 engine levels come out recently and I'd say this is right up there with
the best of them! An awesome raid to be found here! Gameplay just flowed, enemies were not
over done with some nice customisations. Secrets must have been well hidden as officially
found none but technically found one that I couldn't figure out how to get out, of so left
it haha! The levels in general looked amazing definitely immersed in the world created by
the builder. I honestly can't recommend this level enough! Get it played if you haven't
already!" - Feats (23-Nov-2023) |
"This level stands out in a way I never thought a TR3 level would, the engine limitations
have been pushed so far that it actually feels like you're playing a very advanced NG TR4
level. There was a time when wide open spaces were impossible to make without some serious
object drawing issues, but now the author exploits tomb3main in a much customized way
(even fish bounds have been drawn correctly) and gives us a large wonderful environment
filled with details and a very complex geometry that interconnects through each entire
level. I've got to say; whenever I enter a large complex room I think "oh boy, I'm already
lost", but the gameplay is so fluid that guides you almost in a straight line so you don't
get lost, opening way back paths to avoid backtracking, and pointing out where the key
items are. Tasks are limited to the engine capabilities but implemented in a very creative
way, like the boulder that breaks the wall, the falling blocks, the re-appearing bridge,
for example. Secrets are the highlight of the game, as the author follows The Lost
Artifact's style and rewards the player with great special places to explore and lots of
pickups, and they are not that hard to find either. I won't complain about the excessive
amount of pickups because it was fun collecting them, and the real challenge was to find
the weapons anyway. To summarize, I can't find anything wrong with this level set, the
author did a great job and you can tell how much effort he put into making it as close to
perfect as a TR3 level can be." - Feder (20-Nov-2023) |
"This is a very, very good TR3 level set for experienced raiders. The first level had many hidden passages that you could easily walk passed without noticing but after a while I discovered the author's penchant for these passages and once you know what to look for the level flowed much better. Levels two and three were much easier with level four returning to challenging with many difficult jumps to negotiate. Secrets were almost impossible to find. I only found one secret in each of levels 1,2 and 4 and none whatsoever in level 3. Hence I never found the rocket launcher OR the Desert Eagle which would have helped immensely in the final battle but I managed to get through with the shotgun and MP5 whilst sucking down health packs. I deducted one point for the difficulty and one point for the secrets that were somewhere other than where I looked. Other than that a grand excursion into TR3 territory. Thanks Jonson." - Torry (19-Nov-2023) |
"I'm very impressed with this TRLE! An incredible adventure in the style of Tomb Raider 3.
Hits the nostalgic spot instantly!
It has some clever level progression, giving the player the feeling of isolation and grand
exploring while always retaining a bit of straightforwardness (allowing for very few moments
of "I'm completely lost and I need a walkthrough!").
I, however, personally felt that the amount of pickups were a tiny bit too much. Some rooms
had 6 or 7 pickups to be picked up one after another.
The ambience music, lights, objects and enemies all fit very well in this multilevel game.
An highly recommended play for any player of any skill level!" - LOTRKingluis (14-Nov-2023) |
"Could be a proper TR3 Gold. Friendly gameplay, beautiful scenery, nice ambience, good music and subtle yet effective customizations make it just work. There were several visual imperfections but everything else makes up for them so everybody should feel good here. Especially if you are into TR3 mood this will be one of the best for you. I once had a problem when the red Infada didn't spawn, that's something for the builder to investigate." - DJ Full (11-Nov-2023) |