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The Secret Chambers by Charles Kane

DJ Full 5 5 5 4
Jose 3 5 5 6
MichaelP 3 6 6 5
Ryan 4 4 4 4
release date: 16-May-2024
# of downloads: 293

average rating: 4.63
review count: 4
review this level

file size: 22.90 MB
file type: TR5
class: Fantasy/Surreal

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Reviewer's comments
"I played v2, but not v1, so cannot compare the two. Not overall bad level, but another rather quick and linear run through fairly blocky rooms which the builder tries to make a little more interesting by throwing in lights of very strong colors. But while this does indeed make it, well, colorful... it does not actually create any kind of coherent atmosphere. The short adventure also suffers from a few technical issues with missing button pressing animation, spike traps places upside down etc and other than a search for three rose secrets, there seems to be very little reason to be in this secret place. A quick one for the lunch break, if you want to experience a TR5 level for a change." - MichaelP (12-Dec-2024)
"Nothing really interesting in this short demo except look for the secrets. The architecture is simple, only with some diagonal walls, monotonous texturization, poor musics, fast gameplay and secrets easy to find. There are a couple of "Bosses" you can avoid if you don't want to fight with them. At the end there's a torch with no use for me. There is still a lot of work remaining to release a solid and entertaining level." - Jose (07-Jun-2024)
"The next effort from this builder, and slightly more improved from his previous solo levels, although admittedly not by much. The environments are a bit more clean this time round (although the random coloured lighting spots were a bit weird) and there is a sense of linear progression as you make your way to the rather abrupt finish trigger, while battling rather bizarre enemies. It is rather buggy in places however, with dodgy trap placement, a couple of weird collision glitches and infinitely dying grasshopper(?) creatures. Again three quite easy secrets to find, plus an apparently unnecessary Lasersight item." - Ryan (19-May-2024)
"Simple and buggy but I'd rather play this than another epic, long, ambitious and profound adventure that I'd need weeks to finish. I wish more than a broad stroke change of ambience in every room was done to lighting here. Objects could be more organized and atmosphere more convincing, as it's nowhere close to the immersion of e.g. Feder's casino. But it looks like the builder is learning... maybe. Optional." - DJ Full (16-May-2024)